We do lie beneath the grass In the moonlight, in the shade Of the yew-tree. They that pass Hear us not. We are afraid They would envy our delight, In our graves by glow-worm night. Come follow us, and smile as we; We sail to the rock in the ancient waves, Where the snow falls by thousands into the sea, And the drown'd and the shipwreck'd have happy graves.
Beautiful Lie the Dead
Song Cycle by Jeremy Dale Roberts (b. 1934)
1. Song  [sung text not yet checked]
Text Authorship:
- by Thomas Lovell Beddoes (1803 - 1849), no title, appears in Death's Jest Book or The Fool's Tragedy, IV.
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Researcher for this text: Emily Ezust [Administrator]2. The mourner
— This text is not currently
in the database but will be added
as soon as we obtain it. —
3. Beautiful lie the dead  [sung text not yet checked]
Beautiful lie the dead; Clear comes each feature; Satisfied not to be, Strangely contented. Like ships, the anchor dropped, Furled every sail is; Mirrored with all their masts In a deep water.
Text Authorship:
- by Stephen Phillips (1868 - 1915), "Beautiful lie the dead"
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Researcher for this text: Emily Ezust [Administrator]