69 song texts, 269 settings, 118 placeholders, and 53 translations (with modifications to 376 texts and 365 settings) have been added as follows:
- Translation: アデライーデ JPN (after Friedrich von Matthisson: Adelaide (Einsam wandelt dein Freund im Frühlingsgarten))
- A total of 1 setting was added.
- A total of 1 text or placeholder was added.
- A total of 2 texts were modified.
- A total of 1 setting was modified.
- Ach wie leer und nichtig ist (Karl Heinrich August Siemers) (Text: Friedrich Heinrich Oser)
- Translation: Ah, how empty and futile ENG (after Friedrich Heinrich Oser: Ach wie leer und nichtig ist)
- Stiller Segen (Anton Häring) (Text: Friedrich Heinrich Oser)
- Gott grüße dich, verlorner Strahl (Karl Heinrich August Siemers) (Text: Friedrich Heinrich Oser)
- A total of 10 settings were added.
- A total of 4 texts, translations, and placeholders were added.
- A total of 46 texts were modified.
- A total of 13 settings were modified.
- Von den Großen dieser Erde (Hanns Eisler) (Text: Bertolt Brecht)
- Translation: The trenches ENG (after Kurt Tucholsky: Der Graben (Mutter, wozu hast du deinen aufgezogen?))
- Translation: Tidings of the great ones of this earth ENG (after Bertolt Brecht: Das Lied vom Wasserrad (Von den Großen dieser Erde))
- Translation: Gentlemen, at the age of seventeen ENG (after Bertolt Brecht: Nannas Lied (Meine Herren, mit siebzehn Jahren))
- Der Graben (Hanns Eisler) (Text: Kurt Tucholsky)
- Les Libellules (Émile Trépard) (Text: Marie Anne Béatrix, Baronne de Baye) [x]
- Toi seule ! (Augusta de Kabath) (Text: Joël de Kerlor) [x]
- Au Bruit des violons (Augusta de Kabath) (Text: Cyprien Tardif) [x]
- Chant d'ivresse (Christophe Loiseleur des Longchamps) (Text: Getser Faustin) [x]*
- La Feuille de Rose (Eugène Biaggini) [x]
- Domina (Eugène Biaggini) (Text: Louis Gustave Fortune Ratisbonne)
- À Toi (Eugène Biaggini) [x]
- La Valse des Libellules (Helen Rhodes, as Guy d'Hardelot) (Text: Paul Bilhaud) [x]
- Valse d'un soir (Georges Menier) (Text: Michel Antoine Carré) [x]
- L'Eau vive (Guy Béart) (Text: Guy Béart) [x]*
- La Chocola (Guy Lafarge) (Text: Jean Edmond Lucien Roland , as Jean Valmy; Guy Lafarge) [x]*
- Grands Boulevards (Norbert Glanzberg) (Text: Jacques Plante) [x]*
- Le Bateau-Lavoir (Guy Lafarge) (Text: Henri Pierre Cami) [x]
- La Pendule (André Popp) (Text: Raymond Queneau) [x]*
- Le Gamin d'Paris (Adrien Jules Marès) (Text: Paulette Jeanne Renée Michey , as Mick Micheyl) [x]*
- Le Jeu des nombres (Joseph Kosma) (Text: Henri Bassis) [x]*
- L'Ange des premiers amours (François Adrien Boïeldieu) (Text: Ambroise Bétourné) [x]
- Le Chant du muletier (Édouard Bruguière) (Text: Ambroise Bétourné) [x]
- The Stars Looked Down (Haydn Wood) (Text: Lillian Glanville) [x]
- Memories of Yesterday (Haydn Wood) (Text: Lillian Glanville) [x]
- Wonderful World of Romance (Haydn Wood) (Text: Harold Simpson)
- Kukułka II (Stanisław Moniuszko) (Text: Jan Czeczot)
- Do pączka (Stanisław Moniuszko) (Text: Szymon Konopacki)
- Zosia (Stanisław Moniuszko) (Text: Adam Mickiewicz)
- Wybór (Stanisław Moniuszko) (Text: Jan Czeczot)
- Niedźwiadek (Stanisław Moniuszko) (Text: Jan Czeczot)
- Słoneczko (Stanisław Moniuszko) (Text: Jan Czeczot)
- Tęsknota (Stanisław Moniuszko) (Text: Piotr Maszyński)
- Śpiewak w obcej stronie (Stanisław Moniuszko) (Text: Bohdan Zaleski)
- Cztery pory roku (Stanisław Moniuszko) (Text: Aleksander Michaux)
- Chorągiewka (Stanisław Moniuszko) (Text: Kazimierz Brodziński)
- Słowiczek (Stanisław Moniuszko) (Text: Jan Czeczot)
- Gdybym miał twój dar (Stanisław Moniuszko) (Text: Placyd Jankowski , as John of Dycalp)
- 池あらば飛んで芭蕉にきかせたい (Richard Wernick) (Text: Sengai)
- 古池や蛙飛びこむ水の音 (Richard Wernick) (Text: Matsuo Bashō)
- Invocation (Helen Rhodes, as Guy d'Hardelot) (Text: Jules Barbier after Heinrich Heine)
- A total of 47 settings were added.
- A total of 41 texts, translations, and placeholders were added.
- A total of 60 texts were modified.
- A total of 55 settings were modified.
- Translation: What are you singing in the branches ENG (after (Carl Friedrich) Julius Altmann: Vogelgesang (Was singst du in den Zweigen))
- Gesang der Sterne (Oswald Lorenz) (Text: Christian Reinhold)
- Translation: Song of the stars ENG (after Christian Reinhold: Gesang der Sterne (Ruhig umkreisen wir))
- L'Hirondelle perdue (François Masini) (Text: Victor Michal) [x]
- Vous ! (François Masini) (Text: Émile Barateau) [x]
- La petite Chanteuse (François Masini) [x]
- Une Fleur pour réponse (François Masini) (Text: Émile Barateau) [x]
- Quinze ans (Adolphe Ledhuy, François Masini) (Text: Sabine-Casimire-Amable Tastu) [x]
- Sympathie (François Masini, Joseph Henri Hippolyte Vimeux) (Text: Sabine-Casimire-Amable Tastu) [x]
- Celle que j'ai rêvée (François Masini) (Text: Sabine-Casimire-Amable Tastu) [x]
- Prière du matin à l'asile (Albert Louis André Thiriet, as André Thiriet) (Text: Albert Louis André Thiriet , as André Thiriet) [x]*
- Cloches assourdies (Albert Louis André Thiriet, as André Thiriet) (Text: Albert Louis André Thiriet , as André Thiriet) [x]*
- Le Vent de mer (Albert Louis André Thiriet, as André Thiriet) (Text: Marthe Revellin-Ott) [x]*
- Le ciel ce soir est en étain pâle (Albert Louis André Thiriet, as André Thiriet) (Text: Marthe Revellin-Ott) [x]*
- Les Poules (Albert Louis André Thiriet, as André Thiriet) (Text: Marthe Revellin-Ott) [x]*
- Les oies en file (Albert Louis André Thiriet, as André Thiriet) (Text: Marthe Revellin-Ott) [x]*
- Sur un étang (Albert Louis André Thiriet, as André Thiriet) (Text: Marthe Revellin-Ott) [x]*
- Le Jardin de Monsieur le Curé (Albert Louis André Thiriet, as André Thiriet) (Text: Albert Louis André Thiriet , as André Thiriet) [x]*
- Bulletin météorologique (Albert Louis André Thiriet, as André Thiriet) (Text: Albert Louis André Thiriet , as André Thiriet) [x]*
- Cloches du soir (Albert Louis André Thiriet, as André Thiriet) (Text: Jean Sarment) [x]*
- Des pas sous la pluie (Albert Louis André Thiriet, as André Thiriet) (Text: Jean Sarment) [x]*
- Le Feu (Albert Louis André Thiriet, as André Thiriet) (Text: Gabriel Boissy) [x]
- Nocturne (Albert Louis André Thiriet, as André Thiriet) (Text: Gabriel Boissy) [x]
- Soir d'idumée (Albert Louis André Thiriet, as André Thiriet) (Text: Gabriel Boissy) [x]
- La dernière cigale (Albert Louis André Thiriet, as André Thiriet) (Text: Gabriel Boissy) [x]
- L'Abandonnée (Albert Louis André Thiriet, as André Thiriet) (Text: Gabriel Boissy) [x]
- Funérailles en Bohème (Albert Louis André Thiriet, as André Thiriet) (Text: Gabriel Boissy) [x]
- Cyclades (Albert Louis André Thiriet, as André Thiriet) (Text: Gabriel Boissy) [x]
- Lu sur une stèle (Albert Louis André Thiriet, as André Thiriet) (Text: Gabriel Boissy) [x]
- Les Roses (Olivier Métra) (Text: Marc Constantin) [x]
- Sous les tilleuls (François Masini, as Francesco Masini, Antoine Meissonnier) (Text: Marc Constantin) [x]
- La Jalouse (François Masini, as Francesco Masini) (Text: Marceline Desbordes-Valmore)
- Règle (Didier Schein) (Text: Samuel Rosenstock , as Tristan Tzara) [x]
- Démarrage (Didier Schein) (Text: Samuel Rosenstock , as Tristan Tzara) [x]
- Accès (Didier Schein) (Text: Samuel Rosenstock , as Tristan Tzara) [x]
- Bifurcation (Didier Schein) (Text: Samuel Rosenstock , as Tristan Tzara) [x]
- Ma Patrie (Marie Prestat) (Text: Ernest Lourdelet) [x]
- Adieu du Soldat (Marie Prestat) (Text: Ernest Lourdelet) [x]
- Blés sanglants (Marie Prestat) (Text: Ernest Lourdelet) [x]
- Taratata, la soupe est prête ! (Marie Prestat) (Text: Ernest Lourdelet) [x]
- Mets ta cocarde, Alsace ! (Marie Prestat) (Text: Ernest Lourdelet) [x]
- La France est votre vrai pays (Marie Prestat) (Text: Ernest Lourdelet) [x]
- Les Permissionnaires (Marie Prestat) (Text: Ernest Lourdelet) [x]
- D'Sternschnuppen (Ernst Krähmer) (Text: Anton, Freiherr von Klesheim)
- Translation: A real pity ENG (after Franz von Kobell: An Unglück (A lusti jungs Diendl))
- An Unglück (Ernst Krähmer) (Text: Franz von Kobell)
- Unter den Palmenzweigen (Giuseppe Concone) (Text: Johann Daniel Anton after Édouard Plouvier)
- Sous les palmiers (Giuseppe Concone) (Text: Édouard Plouvier)
- Saa fast mit Hjerte banker (Peter Arnold Heise) (Text: Christian Winther)
- Müllerlied (Sigmund Kerling) (Text: Anonymous)
- Einst hab' ich ihr gestanden (George Henschel) (Text: G. H. von Oder)
- O dürft' ich doch nur einen Kuss (George Henschel) (Text: G. H. von Oder)
- A total of 57 settings were added.
- A total of 52 texts, translations, and placeholders were added.
- A total of 87 texts were modified.
- A total of 77 settings were modified.
- Translation: Semblances CAT (after Hermann Hesse: Gleichnisse (Meine Liebe ist ein stilles Boot))
- Translation: Homes cruels CAT (after Hermann Hesse: Harte Menschen (Wie ist euer Blick so hart))
- Translation: Góndola CAT (after Hermann Hesse: Gondel (Bläue über dir und Sonnenglut))
- Translation: Jo també he estat a Ravenna CAT (after Hermann Hesse: Ich bin auch in Ravenna gewesen)
- Translation: Canícula CAT (after Hermann Hesse: Hundstage (Wie nun am dürren Ginsterhang))
- Translation: Et vaig preguntar perquè els teus ulls CAT (after Hermann Hesse: Ich fragte dich (Ich fragte dich, warum dein Auge gern))
- Translation: Camí de retorn de la festa CAT (after Hermann Hesse: Heimweg vom Fest (Wieder klirrt ein Fest in Scherben))
- Translation: El bosc deixa caure les fulles CAT (after Hermann Hesse: November 1914 (Wald läßt die Blätter sinken))
- Translation: Tempesta al juny CAT (after Hermann Hesse: Gewitter im Juni (Sonne krankt, Gebirge kauert))
- Translation: Homenatge CAT (after Hermann Hesse: Huldigung (Schöne, Liebe, die du alle Klagen))
- Translation: Lliurament CAT (after Hermann Hesse: Hingabe (Dunkle du, Urmutter aller Lust))
- Translation: La becaina dels menestrals CAT (after Hermann Hesse: Handwerksburschenpenne (Das Geld ist aus, die Flasche leer))
- Translation: Cauen gotes, l’aire és inquiet CAT (after Hermann Hesse: Gewitterregen in der Sommernacht (in Unterwegs) (Tropfen sinken, die Luft ist bang))
- Translation: La tardor escampa boires blanquinoses CAT (after Hermann Hesse: Herbstbeginn (Der Herbst streut weiße Nebel aus))
- Translation: Grindelwald CAT (after Hermann Hesse: Grindelwald (Schon manche selige Nacht hat über mir geblaut))
- Translation: Camí de retorn de la taverna CAT (after Hermann Hesse: Heimweg vom Wirtshaus (Wunderliches Wehgefühl))
- Translation: Que estrany i curiós és CAT (after Hermann Hesse: Landstreicherherberge (Wie fremd und wunderlich das ist))
- Translation: La bona hora CAT (after Hermann Hesse: Gute Stunde (Erdbeeren glühn im Garten))
- Translation: Dia de tardor CAT (after Hermann Hesse: Herbsttag (Waldränder glühen golden))
- Translation: Tornada a casa CAT (after Hermann Hesse: Heimkehr (Nun bin ich lang gewesen))
- A total of 8 settings were added.
- A total of 20 texts, translations, and placeholders were added.
- A total of 12 texts were modified.
- A total of 8 settings were modified.