by Kathleen Mary Easmon (1891 - 1924)
Sweet baby butterfly Matches base text
Language: English
Sweet baby butterfly, I love to see you flutter by High o'er my head, With soft white wings outspread. I love to chase you round about, Which is great fun, without a doubt, And I know you do not mind, For I am just a Baby too, And so you see 'twould never do For me to be unkind. And shall I whisper this to you, The laughing wind doth chase me too, To make me run, While flow'rs enjoy the fun.
- Set to music by Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (1875 - 1912), "Sweet baby butterfly", published 1909, copyright © 1909 [ voice and piano ], from Five Fairy Ballads, no. 1, London: Boosey & Co.
Text Authorship:
- by Kathleen Mary Easmon (1891 - 1924)
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Researcher for this page: Garrett Medlock [Guest Editor]
This text was added to the website: 2021-01-15
Line count: 14
Word count: 82