Submissions by Burton, Athony ( 19 texts )
- How have I strayed, my God, where have I been; title: "How have I stray'd, my God?"
- The earth trembled; and heav'n's clos'd eye; title: "The earth trembled"
- My song shall be alway of the loving-kindness of the Lord; title: "My song shall be alway"
- The night is come, like to the day; title: "The night is come"
- My opening eyes are purg'd, and lo!; title: "My op'ning eyes are purg'd"
- Great God, and just! how can'st thou see; title: "Great God, and just (A penitential hymn)"
- With sick and famished eyes; title: "With sick and famish'd eyes"
- Let the night perish; cursed be the morn
- Thou wakeful shepherd, that does Israel keep
- Fear no more the heat of the sun; title: "Fear no more the heat of the sun (The Dirge in Cymbeline) "
- Raise, raise the voice! All instruments obey
- If ever I more riches did desire; title: "If ever I more riches did desire"
- See where she sits, and in what comely wise
- Hark, Damon, hark! what music's this I hear?; title: "Hark, Damon, hark!"
- Oh! what a scene does entertain my sight!; title: "Oh! what a scene does entertain my sight"
- Hark how the wild musicians sing; title: "Hark how the wild musicians sing"
- As on his death-bed gasping Strephon lay; title: "A pastoral elegy"
- No, Lesbia no, you ask in vain; title: "The Queen's Epicedium"
- Tell me, some pitying angel, quickly say