Wild with passion, sorrow beladen
Language: English
Our translations: CAT GER
Wild with passion, sorrow beladen,
Bend the thought of thy stormy soul
On its home, on its heaven, the loved maiden;
And peace shall come at her eyes' control.
Even so night's starry rest possesses
With its gentle spirit these tamed waters,
And bids the wave with weedy tresses
Embower the ocean's pavement stilly
Where the sea-girls lie, the mermaid-daughters,
Whose eyes, not born to weep,
More palely-lidded sleep
Than in our fields the lily;
And sighing in their rest
More sweet than is [its]1 breath;
And quiet as its death
Upon a lady's breast.
Available sung texts: (what is this?)
• B. Britten
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1 Britten: "their"
Text Authorship:
Musical settings (art songs, Lieder, mélodies, (etc.), choral pieces, and other vocal works set to this text), listed by composer (not necessarily exhaustive):
Available translations, adaptations or excerpts, and transliterations (if applicable):
- CAT Catalan (Català) (Salvador Pila) , "Boig de passió", copyright © 2024, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- GER German (Deutsch) (Sharon Krebs) , "Vor Leidenschaft wild", copyright © 2013, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
Researcher for this page: Ted Perry
This text was added to the website between May 1995 and September 2003.
Line count: 16
Word count: 95
Boig de passió
Language: Catalan (Català)  after the English
Boig de passió, carregat de pena,
vincla els pensaments de la teva turbulenta ànima
a la seva llar, al seu cel, la donzella estimada;
i la pau arribarà al domini dels seus ulls.
Àdhuc el repòs de la nit estelada posseeix,
amb el seu gentil esperit, aquestes aigües manses,
i demana a l’ona trenada d’algues
d’enramar pausadament el fons de l’oceà
on resten les ondines, les filles de les sirenes,
els ulls de les quals, no fets per plorar,
dormen amb parpelles més pàl·lides
que els lliris dels nostres camps;
i, sospirant en llur repòs,
més dolç que llur alè;
i silent com llur mort
al pit d’una dama.
Text Authorship:
- Translation from English to Catalan (Català) copyright © 2024 by Salvador Pila, (re)printed on this website with kind permission. To reprint and distribute this author's work for concert programs, CD booklets, etc., you may ask the copyright-holder(s) directly or ask us; we are authorized to grant permission on their behalf. Please provide the translator's name when contacting us.
Contact: licenses@email.lieder.example.net
Based on:
This text was added to the website: 2024-10-25
Line count: 16
Word count: 110