by Friedrich Heinrich Oser (1820 - 1891)
Von der Allerliebsten scheiden tut in...
Language: German (Deutsch)
Von der Allerliebsten scheiden tut in tiefster Seele weh
. . . . . . . . . .
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currently in the database but will be
added as soon as we obtain it. —
About the headline (FAQ)
Text Authorship:
- by Friedrich Heinrich Oser (1820 - 1891), appears in Liederbuch, in 2. Liebeslieder, no. 206
Musical settings (art songs, Lieder, mélodies, (etc.), choral pieces, and other vocal works set to this text), listed by composer (not necessarily exhaustive):
- by Franz Wilhelm Abt (1819 - 1885), "Scheidelied", op. 405 (6 Lieder für eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte), Heft 1 no. 1, published 1871 [ voice and piano ], Hamburg, Hagel
- by Carl Isenmann (1839 - 1889), "Zum Scheiden", op. 96 (Fünf volksthümliche Lieder für gemischten Chor) no. 3, published 1888 [ mixed chorus ], Berlin, Luckhardt
- by Eduard Kremser (1838 - 1914), "Beim Scheiden", published 1892 [ ttbb chorus or ttbb quartet ], from Männerchöre und Quartette. A. Ohne Begleitung, no. 2, Leipzig: F.E.C. Leuckart
This page was added to the website: 2011-06-07