Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by L. Bruno-Videla
See Opus Order
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- Tres canciones, op. 1
- no. 1. Fin del mundo (Text: Anonymous after Else Lasker-Schüler) [x] ENG FRE
- no. 2. Remansos (Text: Federico García Lorca) [x]
- no. 3. La canción de mi vida (Text: Anonymous after Else Lasker-Schüler) [x]
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- A note of loss (Text: V. Gattringer) [x]
- Coplas (Text: J. Calvetti) [x]
- El carpintero (Text: Leopoldo Lugones Argüello)
- Epitafio (Text: J. Calvetti) [x]
- Es el alba una sombra (Text: Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer) ENG
- Fin del mundo, op. 1 no. 1 (in Tres canciones) (Text: Anonymous after Else Lasker-Schüler) [x] ENG FRE
- Laberintos (Text: M. E. Etcheverry de Herrman) [x]*
- La canción de mi vida, op. 1 no. 3 (in Tres canciones) (Text: Anonymous after Else Lasker-Schüler) [x]
- Los suspiros (Text: Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer) ENG
- Mar (Text: M. E. Etcheverry de Herrman) [x]*
- Oído en un cementerio (Text: J. Calvetti) [x]
- Por los caminitos (Text: Juana de Ibarbourou) [x]*
- Quiero morirme en mi tierra (Text: M. E. Etcheverry de Herrman) [x]*
- Remansos, op. 1 no. 2 (in Tres canciones) (Text: Federico García Lorca) [x]
- Ronda de la vida (Text: M. E. Etcheverry de Herrman) [x]*
- Soñé que tú me llevabas (Text: António Machado)
- The love (Text: V. Gattringer) [x]
Last update: 2023-05-11 12:20:28