Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by L. Liebermann
See Opus Order
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- A Poet to His Beloved, op. 40
- no. 1. A poet to his beloved (Text: William Butler Yeats) FRE
- no. 2. He Remembers Forgotten Beauty (Text: William Butler Yeats)
- no. 3. He Hears The Cry Of The Sedge (Text: William Butler Yeats) FRE
- no. 4. He Thinks Of His Past Greatness When A Part Of The Constellations Of Heaven (Text: William Butler Yeats)
- no. 5. He Wishes His Beloved Were Dead (Text: William Butler Yeats)
- no. 6. He Wishes For The Cloths Of Heaven (Text: William Butler Yeats) FRE GER HUN
- Final Songs, op. 21
- no. 1. When death comes and whispers to me (Text: Rabindranath Tagore)
- no. 2. Many red devils ran from my heart (Text: Stephen Crane)
- no. 3. Death by Drums (Text: Robert Graves) *
- no. 4. Listening to Comrade Shostakovich on the Day of His Death (Text: Rod Jellema) [x]*
- no. 5. Farewell Symphony (Text: Randall Jarrell) [x]*
- no. 6. There was a man with tongue of wood (Text: Stephen Crane)
- Five Songs on Poems of Jean Starr Untermeyer, op. 135
- no. 1. Lake-Song (Text: Jean Starr Untermeyer) *
- no. 2. Berkshire Twilight (Text: Jean Starr Untermeyer) *
- no. 3. New Tributes (Text: Jean Starr Untermeyer) *
- no. 4. Mist (Text: Jean Starr Untermeyer) *
- no. 5. Forget-Me-Nots (Text: Jean Starr Untermeyer) *
- Four Seasons, op. 123
- no. 1. Spring (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- no. 2. Summer (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay) [x]
- no. 3. The Death of Autumn I (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- no. 4. The Death of Autumn II (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- no. 5. Winter (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay) [x]
- no. 6. Mindful of You (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- Night Songs, op. 22
- no. 1. Good Night (Text: Mark van Doren) [x]*
- no. 2. She tells her love while half asleep (Text: Robert Graves) *
- no. 3. A Variation on 'To Say To Go To Sleep' (Text: Randall Jarrell after Rainer Maria Rilke)
- Six Songs on Poems by Henry W. Longfellow, op. 57
- no. 1. Hymn to the Night (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
- no. 2. Mezzo Cammin (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
- no. 3. Snow-Flakes (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) CHI
- no. 4. The Haunted Chamber (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
- no. 5. Delia (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) ITA
- no. 6. The Arrow And The Song (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) GER
- Six Songs on Poems of Raymond Carver, op. 80
- no. 1. Your Dog Dies (Text: Raymond Clevie Carver, jr.) *
- no. 2. Music (Text: Raymond Clevie Carver, jr.) [x]*
- no. 3. Venice (Text: Raymond Clevie Carver, jr.) [x]*
- no. 4. Afghanistan (Text: Raymond Clevie Carver, jr.) *
- no. 5. My Wife (Text: Raymond Clevie Carver, jr.) [x]*
- no. 6. Two Worlds (Text: Raymond Clevie Carver, jr.) *
- Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening, op. 104
- no. 1. Into My Own (Text: Robert Frost)
- no. 2. Blue-Butterfly Day (Text: Robert Frost)
- no. 3. Now Close The Windows (Text: Robert Frost)
- no. 4. Dust Of Snow (Text: Robert Frost)
- no. 5. Stars (Text: Robert Frost)
- no. 6. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (Text: Robert Frost) GER
- Three Dream Songs, op. 53
- no. 1. Ardella (Text: Langston Hughes)
- no. 2. Dreams (Text: Langston Hughes)
- no. 3. I dream a world (Text: Langston Hughes)
- Three Poems of Stephen Crane, op. 11
- no. 1. Places Among the Stars (Text: Stephen Crane)
- no. 2. Friend, your white beard sweeps the ground (Text: Stephen Crane)
- no. 3. A row of thick pillars (Text: Stephen Crane)
- Two Songs on Poems of Anthony Hecht, op. 86
- no. 1. The Darkness and the Light Are Both Alike to Thee (Text: Anthony Evan Hecht) *
- no. 2. Tarantula, or The Dance of Death (Text: Anthony Evan Hecht) *
- War Songs, op. 7
- no. 1. The Portent (Text: Herman Melville)
- no. 2. Misgivings (Text: Herman Melville)
- no. 3. Ball's Bluff (Text: Herman Melville)
- no. 4. Shiloh (Text: Herman Melville)
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- Afghanistan, op. 80 no. 4 (in Six Songs on Poems of Raymond Carver) (Text: Raymond Clevie Carver, jr.) *
- An Opera House, op. 120 (Text: Amy Lowell)
- A poet to his beloved, op. 40 no. 1 (in A Poet to His Beloved) (Text: William Butler Yeats) FRE
- Ardella, op. 53 no. 1 (in Three Dream Songs) (Text: Langston Hughes)
- A row of thick pillars, op. 11 no. 3 (in Three Poems of Stephen Crane) (Text: Stephen Crane)
- A Variation on 'To Say To Go To Sleep', op. 22 no. 3 (in Night Songs) (Text: Randall Jarrell after Rainer Maria Rilke)
- Ball's Bluff, op. 7 no. 3 (in War Songs) (Text: Herman Melville)
- Berkshire Twilight, op. 135 no. 2 (in Five Songs on Poems of Jean Starr Untermeyer) (Text: Jean Starr Untermeyer) *
- Blue-Butterfly Day, op. 104 no. 2 (in Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening) (Text: Robert Frost)
- Death by Drums, op. 21 no. 3 (in Final Songs) (Text: Robert Graves) *
- Delia, op. 57 no. 5 (in Six Songs on Poems by Henry W. Longfellow) (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) ITA
- Dreams, op. 53 no. 2 (in Three Dream Songs) (Text: Langston Hughes)
- Dust Of Snow, op. 104 no. 4 (in Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening) (Text: Robert Frost)
- Farewell Symphony, op. 21 no. 5 (in Final Songs) (Text: Randall Jarrell) [x]*
- Forget-Me-Nots, op. 135 no. 5 (in Five Songs on Poems of Jean Starr Untermeyer) (Text: Jean Starr Untermeyer) *
- Friend, your white beard sweeps the ground, op. 11 no. 2 (in Three Poems of Stephen Crane) (Text: Stephen Crane)
- Good Night, op. 22 no. 1 (in Night Songs) (Text: Mark van Doren) [x]*
- He Hears The Cry Of The Sedge, op. 40 no. 3 (in A Poet to His Beloved) (Text: William Butler Yeats) FRE
- He Remembers Forgotten Beauty, op. 40 no. 2 (in A Poet to His Beloved) (Text: William Butler Yeats)
- He Thinks Of His Past Greatness When A Part Of The Constellations Of Heaven, op. 40 no. 4 (in A Poet to His Beloved) (Text: William Butler Yeats)
- He Wishes For The Cloths Of Heaven, op. 40 no. 6 (in A Poet to His Beloved) (Text: William Butler Yeats) FRE GER HUN
- He Wishes His Beloved Were Dead, op. 40 no. 5 (in A Poet to His Beloved) (Text: William Butler Yeats)
- Hymn to the Night, op. 57 no. 1 (in Six Songs on Poems by Henry W. Longfellow) (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
- I dream a world, op. 53 no. 3 (in Three Dream Songs) (Text: Langston Hughes)
- Into My Own, op. 104 no. 1 (in Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening) (Text: Robert Frost)
- Lake-Song, op. 135 no. 1 (in Five Songs on Poems of Jean Starr Untermeyer) (Text: Jean Starr Untermeyer) *
- Listening to Comrade Shostakovich on the Day of His Death, op. 21 no. 4 (in Final Songs) (Text: Rod Jellema) [x]*
- Many red devils ran from my heart, op. 21 no. 2 (in Final Songs) (Text: Stephen Crane)
- Mezzo Cammin, op. 57 no. 2 (in Six Songs on Poems by Henry W. Longfellow) (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
- Mindful of You, op. 123 no. 6 (in Four Seasons) (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- Misgivings, op. 7 no. 2 (in War Songs) (Text: Herman Melville)
- Mist, op. 135 no. 4 (in Five Songs on Poems of Jean Starr Untermeyer) (Text: Jean Starr Untermeyer) *
- Music, op. 80 no. 2 (in Six Songs on Poems of Raymond Carver) (Text: Raymond Clevie Carver, jr.) [x]*
- My Wife, op. 80 no. 5 (in Six Songs on Poems of Raymond Carver) (Text: Raymond Clevie Carver, jr.) [x]*
- New Tributes, op. 135 no. 3 (in Five Songs on Poems of Jean Starr Untermeyer) (Text: Jean Starr Untermeyer) *
- Now Close The Windows, op. 104 no. 3 (in Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening) (Text: Robert Frost)
- On the Beach at Night, op. 78 (Text: Walt Whitman)
- Places Among the Stars, op. 11 no. 1 (in Three Poems of Stephen Crane) (Text: Stephen Crane)
- She tells her love while half asleep, op. 22 no. 2 (in Night Songs) (Text: Robert Graves) *
- Shiloh, op. 7 no. 4 (in War Songs) (Text: Herman Melville)
- Snow-Flakes, op. 57 no. 3 (in Six Songs on Poems by Henry W. Longfellow) (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) CHI
- Spring, op. 123 no. 1 (in Four Seasons) (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- Stars, op. 104 no. 5 (in Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening) (Text: Robert Frost)
- Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, op. 104 no. 6 (in Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening) (Text: Robert Frost) GER
- Summer, op. 123 no. 2 (in Four Seasons) (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay) [x]
- Tarantula, or The Dance of Death, op. 86 no. 2 (in Two Songs on Poems of Anthony Hecht) (Text: Anthony Evan Hecht) *
- The Arrow And The Song, op. 57 no. 6 (in Six Songs on Poems by Henry W. Longfellow) (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) GER
- The Darkness and the Light Are Both Alike to Thee, op. 86 no. 1 (in Two Songs on Poems of Anthony Hecht) (Text: Anthony Evan Hecht) *
- The Death of Autumn I, op. 123 no. 3 (in Four Seasons) (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- The Death of Autumn II, op. 123 no. 4 (in Four Seasons) (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- The Haunted Chamber, op. 57 no. 4 (in Six Songs on Poems by Henry W. Longfellow) (Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
- The Next Time, op. 73 (Text: Mark Strand) *
- The Portent, op. 7 no. 1 (in War Songs) (Text: Herman Melville)
- There was a man with tongue of wood, op. 21 no. 6 (in Final Songs) (Text: Stephen Crane)
- Two Worlds, op. 80 no. 6 (in Six Songs on Poems of Raymond Carver) (Text: Raymond Clevie Carver, jr.) *
- Venice, op. 80 no. 3 (in Six Songs on Poems of Raymond Carver) (Text: Raymond Clevie Carver, jr.) [x]*
- When death comes and whispers to me, op. 21 no. 1 (in Final Songs) (Text: Rabindranath Tagore)
- Winter, op. 123 no. 5 (in Four Seasons) (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay) [x]
- Your Dog Dies, op. 80 no. 1 (in Six Songs on Poems of Raymond Carver) (Text: Raymond Clevie Carver, jr.) *
Last update: 2024-12-01 04:31:44