Gottlieb von Leon (1757 - 1830)
Die Liebe
Language: German (Deutsch)  after the Alemannic
Our translations: DUT ENG FRE
Wo weht der Liebe hoher Geist? ...
Er weht in Blum' und Baum,
Im weiten Erdenraum;
Er weht, wo sich die Knospen spalten,
Und wo die Blümlein sich entfalten.
Wo weht der Liebe hoher Geist? ...
Er weht im Abendglanz,
Er weht im Sternenkranz;
Wo Bien' und Mayenkäfer schwirren,
Und zart die Turteltauben girren.
Wo weht der Liebe hoher Geist? ...
Er weht, bey Freud' und Schmerz,
In aller Mütter Herz;
Er weht in jungen Nachtigallen,
Wenn lieblich ihre Lieder schallen.
Wo weht der Liebe hoher Geist? ...
In Wasser, Feuer, Luft,
Und in des Morgens Duft;
Er weht, wo sich ein Leben reget,
Und wo sich nur ein Herz beweget.
Confirmed with Selam. Ein Almanach für Freunde des Mannigfaltigen auf das Jahr 1813. Herausgegeben von I.F.Castelli. Wien, gedruckt und im Verlage bey Anton Strauß, page 240.
Text Authorship:
Based on:
- a text in Alemannic by Ignaz Felner (1754 - 1825), "Die Liebe", first published 1803
Musical settings (art songs, Lieder, mélodies, (etc.), choral pieces, and other vocal works set to this text), listed by composer (not necessarily exhaustive):
Available translations, adaptations or excerpts, and transliterations (if applicable):
- DUT Dutch (Nederlands) [singable] (Lau Kanen) , "De liefde", copyright © 2008, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- ENG English (Emily Ezust) , "Love", copyright ©
- FRE French (Français) (Guy Laffaille) , "L'amour", copyright © 2012, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
Research team for this page: Emily Ezust
[Administrator] , Peter Rastl
[Guest Editor] This text was added to the website between May 1995 and September 2003.
Line count: 20
Word count: 107
Language: English  after the German (Deutsch)
Where does the lofty spirit of love waft?
It wafts in the flowers and trees,
in the wide world's space;
it wafts where the buds split open
and where the little flowers unfold their petals.
Where does the lofty spirit of love waft?
It wafts in the glow of evening,
it wafts in the halo of stars,
where bees and ladybirds buzz
and where the turtledoves tenderly coo.
Where does the lofty spirit of love waft?
It wafts with joy and sorrow,
In every mother's heart;
It wafts among the young nightingales,
when they sing their mellifluous songs.
Where does the lofty spirit of love waft?
In water, fire, air,
and in the scent of morning;
it wafts where life stirs,
and where even just one heart is moved.
Text Authorship:
- Translation from German (Deutsch) to English copyright © by Emily Ezust
Emily Ezust permits her translations to be reproduced without prior permission for printed (not online) programs to free-admission concerts only, provided the following credit is given:
Translation copyright © by Emily Ezust,
from the LiederNet Archive --
For any other purpose, please write to the e-mail address below to request permission and discuss possible fees.
Based on:
Based on:
- a text in Alemannic by Ignaz Felner (1754 - 1825), "Die Liebe", first published 1803
This text was added to the website between May 1995 and September 2003.
Line count: 20
Word count: 129