With two white roses on her breasts, White candles at head and feet, Dark Madonna of the grave she rests; Lord Death has found her sweet. Her mother pawned her wedding ring To lay her out in white; She'd be so proud she'd dance and sing to see herself tonight.
Text Authorship:
- by Countee Cullen (1903 - 1946), "A brown girl dead" [author's text checked 1 time against a primary source]
Musical settings (art songs, Lieder, mélodies, (etc.), choral pieces, and other vocal works set to this text), listed by composer (not necessarily exhaustive):
- [ None yet in the database ]
Settings in other languages, adaptations, or excerpts:
- Also set in German (Deutsch), a translation by Josef Luitpold Stern (1886 - 1966) ; composed by Alexander Zemlinsky.
Researcher for this text: Emily Ezust [Administrator]
This text was added to the website: 2009-10-13
Line count: 8
Word count: 51
Schwarzbraunes Mädel hat sterben gemusst, Tod hat sie geraubt, hat sie geraubt. Zwei Rosen auf der Brust, Weisse Kerzen zu Fuss und Haupt. Deine Mutter hat ihren Ring verstezt, Dich zu kleiden so weiss und schön, Was das für ein Singen und tanzen wär' Könntest du dich sehn.
Please note: this text, provided here for educational and research use, is in the public domain in Canada, but it may still be copyright in other legal jurisdictions. The LiederNet Archive makes no guarantee that the above text is public domain in your country. Please consult your country's copyright statutes or a qualified IP attorney to verify whether a certain text is in the public domain in your country or if downloading or distributing a copy constitutes fair use. The LiederNet Archive assumes no legal responsibility or liability for the copyright compliance of third parties.
Text Authorship:
- by Josef Luitpold Stern (1886 - 1966), as Josef Luitpold [author's text not yet checked against a primary source]
Based on:
- a text in English by Countee Cullen (1903 - 1946), "A brown girl dead"
Musical settings (art songs, Lieder, mélodies, (etc.), choral pieces, and other vocal works set to this text), listed by composer (not necessarily exhaustive):
- by Alexander Zemlinsky (1871 - 1942), "Totes braunes Mädel ", op. 20 no. 3 [ mezzo-soprano or baritone and orchestra ], from Symphonische Gesänge, no. 3 [sung text checked 1 time]
Researcher for this page: Anne Ozorio
This text was added to the website: 2009-10-13
Line count: 8
Word count: 48