Texts by R. Bridges set in Art Songs and Choral Works
Text Collections:
- Achilles in Scyros
- A Hymn of Nature
- Invocation to Music
- New Poems
- New Verses
- Poems
- Poetical Works of Robert Bridges
- The Growth of Love
- The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges
- Through Human Eyes
Texts set in art song or choral works (not necessarily comprehensive):
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Special notes: All titles and first lines are included in this index, including those used by composers.
Titles used by the text author appear in boldface. First lines appear in italics.
A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
- Absence (When my love was away) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges)
- A child's hymn (The first spring morning) (Look! Look! The spring is come) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges - 5. Book V)
- A frosty Christmas Eve when the stars were shining (Noël: Christmas Eve 1913) - G. Finzi, R. Milford
- A frosty Christmas Eve (A frosty Christmas eve) - R. Milford
- A frosty Christmas eve - R. Milford (Noël: Christmas Eve 1913)
- All women born are so perverse (from Poems) - F. Bridge (Triolet)
- A love lyric (Why art thou sad, my dearest?) (from Poetical Works of Robert Bridges) - I. Gurney
- Among the meadows/ lightly going (from Through Human Eyes) (A vignette) - C. Rootham
- Among the meadows (from Through Human Eyes) - C. Rootham (A vignette)
- Angel spirits of sleep (Angel spirits of sleep) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - E. Bainton, J. Gayfer, F. Hart, G. Holst, H. MacCunn, C. Rootham, H. Willan
- Angel spirits of sleep (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - E. Bainton, R. Clarke, J. Gayfer, F. Hart, G. Holst, H. MacCunn, C. Rootham, H. Willan
- A passer-by (Whither, O splendid ship, thy white sails crowding) (from Poems) - R. Robbins
- A poppy grows upon the shore (from Poems) - I. Gurney
- April, 1885 (Wanton with long delay the gay Spring leaping comet) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - R. Milford
- April (Wanton with long delay the gay Spring leaping comet) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - F. May, J. Raynor
- Assemble, all ye maidens, at the door (from Poems) - G. Holst (Elegy on a lady, whom grief for the death of her betrothed killed)
- Assemble all ye maidens (Assemble, all ye maidens, at the door) (from Poems) - G. Holst
- Autumn song (The birds that sing on autumn eves) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - G. Holst
- A vignette (Among the meadows) (from Through Human Eyes) - C. Rootham
- Awake, my heart, to be loved, awake, awake! (from Poems) - W. Harris, G. Holst, J. Raynor, W. Wordsworth
- Awake, my heart, to be loved, awake, awake! (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges - 3. Book III) - F. Allitsen
- Awake, my heart, to be loved (Awake, my heart, to be loved, awake, awake!) (from Poems) - W. Harris, J. Raynor
- Awake, my heart (Awake, my heart, to be loved, awake, awake!) (from Poems) - G. Holst, W. Wordsworth
- Beautiful must be the mountains whence ye come (Beautiful must be the mountains whence ye come) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges - 5. Book V) - D. Dorward
- Beautiful must be the mountains whence ye come (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges - 5. Book V) - E. Cone, P. Crossley-Holland, D. Dorward, G. Finzi, F. Hart, K. Jones, E. Mattila, J. Raynor, R. Robbins, L. Saar, J. Sacco, H. Swanson, J. Weir (Nightingales)
- Clear and gentle stream (Clear and gentle stream!) - G. Finzi, M. Horder
- Clear and gentle stream! - G. Finzi, M. Horder, R. Milford (Elegy)
- Crown Winter with green (Crown Winter with green) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - F. Hart, H. MacCunn
- Crown Winter with green (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - F. Hart, H. MacCunn, G. Tomlins
- Dear lady, when thou frownest (from Poems) - I. Gurney
- Dear lady (Dear lady, when thou frownest) (from Poems) - I. Gurney
- Dejection (Wherefore to-night so full of care) (from Poems)
- Dirge (To me, to me, fair-hearted Goddess, come!) (from Invocation to Music) - C. Parry
- Elegy on a lady, whom grief for the death of her betrothed killed (Assemble, all ye maidens, at the door) (from Poems)
- Elegy (Clear and gentle stream!) - R. Milford
- Eternal Father, who didst all create (from The Growth of Love) - G. Holst, C. Stanford
- Eternal Father (Eternal Father, who didst all create) (from The Growth of Love) - G. Holst, C. Stanford
- Eton Memorial Ode (Resound ! Resound ! To jubilant music ring !) (from Poetical Works of Robert Bridges) - C. Parry
- Evening Hymn (O gladsome Light) - R. Vaughan Williams SPA
- Fire of heaven, whose starry arrow (Fire of heaven, whose starry arrow) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - H. MacCunn
- Fire of heaven, whose starry arrow (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - H. MacCunn
- First Choral Symphony (PRELUDE: INVOCATION TO PAN) - G. Holst
- First spring morning (Look! Look! The spring is come) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges - 5. Book V) - M. Blower, H. Brook, M. Eagles, R. Milford, B. Schlotel
- Gay Marigold is frolic (Gay Marigold is frolic) - E. Bullock
- Gay Marigold is frolic - E. Bullock, C. Rootham (Spring's children)
- Gay Marigold (Gay Marigold is frolic) - C. Rootham
- Gay Robin is seen no more (Gay Robin is seen no more) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - M. Raphael, J. Ritchie, B. Schlotel
- Gay Robin is seen no more (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - M. Raphael, J. Ritchie, B. Schlotel
- Gird on thy sword, O man, thy strength endue (Gird on thy sword, O man, thy strength endue) (from A Hymn of Nature) - J. Ireland
- Gird on thy sword, O man, thy strength endue (from A Hymn of Nature) - M. Blower, E. Bullock, G. Holst, J. Ireland
- Gird on thy sword, o man (Gird on thy sword, O man, thy strength endue) (from A Hymn of Nature) - M. Blower
- Gird on thy sword (Gird on thy sword, O man, thy strength endue) (from A Hymn of Nature) - E. Bullock, G. Holst
- Gloom and the night are thine (Gloom and the night are thine) (from A Hymn of Nature) - J. Ireland
- Gloom and the night are thine (from A Hymn of Nature) - J. Ireland
- Go not, go not, Achilles; is all in vain? (from Achilles in Scyros) - C. Rootham
- Go not, go not, Achilles (Go not, go not, Achilles; is all in vain?) (from Achilles in Scyros) - C. Rootham
- Hark to the merry birds, hark how they sing (Hark to the merry birds, hark how they sing !) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - M. Eagles, J. Ritchie
- Hark to the merry birds, hark how they sing ! (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - M. Eagles, J. Ritchie
- Hark ! What spirit doth entreat (Hark ! What spirit doth entreat) (from A Hymn of Nature) - J. Ireland
- Hark ! What spirit doth entreat (from A Hymn of Nature) - J. Ireland
- Haste on, my joys! your treasure lies (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - D. Dorward, G. Finzi (Song)
- Haste on, my joys! (Haste on, my joys! your treasure lies) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - D. Dorward, G. Finzi
- Hurricane (The summer trees are tempest-torn) - H. Gál
- If Death to either shall come (from New Poems)
- I found to-day out walking (from Poems) - I. Gurney
- I have loved flowers that fade (I have loved flowers that fade) (from Poems) - M. Boyd, D. Dorward, G. Finzi, I. Gurney, D. Ratcliffe
- I have loved flowers that fade (from Poems) - M. Boyd, D. Dorward, G. Finzi, I. Gurney, D. Ratcliffe
- I heard a linnet courting (I heard a linnet courting) (from Poems) - S. Barab, D. Edge, V. Galway, H. Noble, H. Parrott, D. Steele
- I heard a linnet courting (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - C. Stanford
- I heard a linnet courting (from Poems) - S. Barab, H. Brook, B. Dale, D. Edge, V. Galway, I. Herbert, H. Noble, H. Parrott, D. Steele, D. Stone, J. Turner
- I heard a linnet (I heard a linnet courting) (from Poems) - H. Brook, B. Dale
- I love all beauteous things (I love all beauteous things) (from Poems) - M. Carmichael, M. Chandler, J. Clements, W. Davies, M. Eagles, I. Gurney, F. Hart, M. Horder, C. Le Fleming, J. Raynor, L. Russell
- I love all beauteous things (from Poems) - M. Carmichael, M. Chandler, J. Clements, W. Davies, M. Eagles, I. Gurney, F. Hart, M. Horder, C. Le Fleming, J. Raynor, L. Russell
- I love my lady's eyes (I love my lady's eyes) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - F. Bullard
- I love my lady's eyes (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - F. Bullard, C. Stanford (Song)
- I made another song (I made another song) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - E. Maconchy
- I made another song (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - E. Maconchy
- In ways of beauty and peace (In ways of beauty and peace) (from A Hymn of Nature) - J. Ireland
- In ways of beauty and peace (from A Hymn of Nature) - J. Ireland
- I praise the tender flower (I praise the tender flower) (from Poems) - F. Bridge, G. Finzi, I. Gurney, L. Lehmann, C. Parry, C. Stanford, C. Stewart DUT
- I praise the tender flower (from Poems) DUT - F. Bridge, G. Finzi, I. Gurney, L. Lehmann, C. Parry, C. Stanford, C. Stewart
- I will not let thee go (I will not let thee go) (from Poems) - G. Holst, R. Milford
- I will not let thee go (from Poems) - G. Holst, R. Milford
- Johannes Milton, Senex (Since I believe in God the Father Almighty)
- Larks (What voice of gladness, hark !) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges - 5. Book V) - P. Marshall, C. Rootham
- Laus Deo (Let praise devote thy work, and skill employ) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - R. Milford, J. Ritchie
- Let praise devote thy work, and skill employ (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - R. Milford, C. Peach, J. Ritchie, J. Whitfield (Laus Deo)
- Let praise devote thy work (Let praise devote thy work, and skill employ) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - C. Peach, J. Whitfield
- Look! Look! The spring is come (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges - 5. Book V) - M. Blower, H. Brook, M. Eagles, R. Milford, B. Schlotel (A child's hymn (The first spring morning))
- Love on my heart from heaven fell (Love on my heart from heaven fell) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - C. Carey, F. Hart, G. Holst, M. Raphael
- Love on my heart from heaven fell (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - C. Carey, F. Hart, G. Holst, R. Milford, M. Raphael
- Love on my heart (Love on my heart from heaven fell) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - R. Milford
- Love's victory (Awake, my heart, to be loved, awake, awake!) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges - 3. Book III) - F. Allitsen
- Love to Love calleth (Love to Love calleth) (from Invocation to Music) - C. Parry
- Love to Love calleth (from Invocation to Music) - C. Parry
- Man, born of desire (Man, born of desire) (from Invocation to Music) - G. Holst, C. Parry
- Man, born of desire (from Invocation to Music) - G. Holst, C. Parry
- Man, born to toil, in his labour rejoiceth (Man, born to toil, in his labour rejoiceth) (from A Hymn of Nature) - J. Ireland
- Man, born to toil, in his labour rejoiceth (from A Hymn of Nature) - G. Holst, J. Ireland
- Man born to toil (Man, born to toil, in his labour rejoiceth) (from A Hymn of Nature) - G. Holst
- My bed and pillow are cold (My bed and pillow are cold) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - H. MacCunn
- My bed and pillow are cold (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - H. MacCunn
- My delight and thy delight (My delight and thy delight) (from Poetical Works of Robert Bridges) - M. Horder, C. Parry, A. Whiting
- My delight and thy delight (from Poetical Works of Robert Bridges) - M. Horder, C. Parry, A. Whiting
- My eyes for beauty pine (My eyes for beauty pine) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - A. Bax, H. Howells
- My eyes for beauty pine (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - A. Bax, H. Howells
- My joy (My spirit sang all day) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - G. Holst DUT
- Myriad voicèd Queen! Enchantress of the air! (from Invocation to Music) - C. Parry
- Myriad voicèd Queen! (Myriad voicèd Queen! Enchantress of the air!) (from Invocation to Music) - C. Parry
- My spirit kisseth thine (My spirit kisseth thine) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - I. Gurney
- My spirit kisseth thine (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - I. Gurney
- My spirit sang all day (My spirit sang all day) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - G. Finzi, J. Ritchie DUT
- My spirit sang all day (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) DUT - G. Finzi, G. Holst, J. Ritchie
- Nightingales (Beautiful must be the mountains whence ye come) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges - 5. Book V) - E. Cone, G. Finzi, F. Hart, K. Jones, E. Mattila, J. Raynor, R. Robbins, J. Sacco
- Noël: Christmas Eve 1913 (A frosty Christmas eve)
- Now the glorious sun is sunk in the west (from Achilles in Scyros) - C. Rootham
- Now the glorious sun (Now the glorious sun is sunk in the west) (from Achilles in Scyros) - C. Rootham
- October (On frosty morns with the woods aflame, down, down) (from Poetical Works of Robert Bridges - Eclogue I: The Months)
- O daughter of Nereus old (O daughter of Nereus old) (from Achilles in Scyros) - C. Rootham
- O daughter of Nereus old (from Achilles in Scyros) - C. Rootham
- O enter with me the gates of delight (O enter with me the gates of delight) (from Invocation to Music) - C. Parry
- O enter with me the gates of delight (from Invocation to Music) - C. Parry
- O gladsome Light, O Grace Of God the Father's face SPA
- O gladsome Light SPA - R. Vaughan Williams
- O Love, I complain (O Love, I complain) (from Poetical Works of Robert Bridges) - F. Hart, G. Holst
- O Love, I complain (from Poetical Works of Robert Bridges) - F. Hart, G. Holst
- On frosty morns with the woods aflame, down, down (from Poetical Works of Robert Bridges - Eclogue I: The Months) - G. Tomlins (October)
- On frosty morns (On frosty morns with the woods aflame, down, down) (from Poetical Works of Robert Bridges - Eclogue I: The Months) - G. Tomlins
- O Thou, whose mighty palace roof doth hang
- Over the warring waters, beneath the wandering skies - C. Parry (The chivalry of the sea)
- O Youth whose hope is high (O Youth whose hope is high) (from Poems) - H. Darke, J. Ritchie
- O Youth whose hope is high (from Poems) - H. Darke, J. Ritchie
- Power eternal, power unknown, uncreate (Power eternal, power unknown, uncreate) (from A Hymn of Nature) - J. Ireland
- Power eternal, power unknown, uncreate (from A Hymn of Nature) - J. Ireland
- Rejoice, ye dead, where'er your spirits dwell (Rejoice, ye dead, where'er your spirits dwell) (from Invocation to Music) - C. Parry
- Rejoice, ye dead, where'er your spirits dwell (from Invocation to Music) - G. Holst, C. Parry
- Rejoice, ye dead (Rejoice, ye dead, where'er your spirits dwell) (from Invocation to Music) - G. Holst
- Resound ! Resound ! To jubilant music ring ! (from Poetical Works of Robert Bridges) - C. Parry (Eton Memorial Ode)
- Say, O say! saith the music (I love my lady's eyes) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - C. Stanford
- Say who is this with silvered hair (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - F. Hart, G. Holst
- Say who is this? (Say who is this with silvered hair) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - F. Hart, G. Holst
- Since I believe in God the Father Almighty - R. Holloway (Johannes Milton, Senex)
- Since I believe (Since I believe in God the Father Almighty) - R. Holloway
- Since thou, O fondest and truest (Since thou, O fondest and truest) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - C. Carey, I. Gurney, B. Naylor, C. Orr, C. Parry, C. Stanford, H. Willan
- Since thou, O fondest and truest (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - C. Carey, I. Gurney, S. Liddle, B. Naylor, C. Orr, C. Parry, C. Stanford, H. Willan
- Since thou, O fondest (Since thou, O fondest and truest) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - S. Liddle
- Since to be loved endures (Since to be loved endures) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges - 5. Book V) - I. Gurney
- Since to be loved endures (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges - 5. Book V) - I. Gurney
- Since we loved, - (the earth that shook (from Poetical Works of Robert Bridges) - G. Finzi
- Since we loved (Since we loved, - (the earth that shook) (from Poetical Works of Robert Bridges) - G. Finzi
- Song (Haste on, my joys! your treasure lies) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges)
- Song (I love my lady's eyes) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges)
- So perverse (All women born are so perverse) (from Poems) - F. Bridge
- Sorrow and joy, two sisters coy (from New Verses) - F. Hart, G. Holst
- Sorrow and joy (Sorrow and joy, two sisters coy) (from New Verses) - F. Hart, G. Holst
- So sweet love seemed that April morn (So sweet love seemed that April morn) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges - 5. Book V) - D. Piggott
- So sweet love seemed that April morn (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges - 5. Book V) - R. Milford, D. Piggott
- So sweet love seemed (So sweet love seemed that April morn) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges - 5. Book V) - R. Milford
- Spirits (Angel spirits of sleep) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - R. Clarke
- Spring goeth all in white (Spring goeth all in white) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - L. Berkeley, K. Bissell, J. Clements, R. Elkin, F. Hart, G. Jacob, J. Loots, R. Milford, E. Moeran, R. Osborne, J. Ritchie, E. Thiman, G. Tomlins
- Spring goeth all in white (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - L. Berkeley, K. Bissell, J. Clements, R. Elkin, F. Hart, G. Jacob, J. Loots, R. Milford, E. Moeran, R. Osborne, J. Ritchie, M. Rosser, L. Russell, E. Thiman, G. Tomlins, W. Whittaker
- Spring's children (Gay Marigold is frolic)
- Spring (Spring goeth all in white) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - L. Russell, W. Whittaker
- Summer (When June is come, then all the day) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - G. Cockshott
- Sunset (The storm is over, the land hushes to rest) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - H. Gál
- Sweet compassionate tears (Sweet compassionate tears) (from A Hymn of Nature) - J. Ireland
- Sweet compassionate tears (from A Hymn of Nature) - J. Ireland
- The birds that sing on autumn eves (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - G. Holst, R. Milford
- The birds that sing on autumn eyes (The birds that sing on autumn eves) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - R. Milford
- The birds that sing on autumn eyes (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges)
- The chivalry of the sea (Over the warring waters, beneath the wandering skies) - C. Parry
- The clouds have left the sky (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - F. Swain
- The earth loveth the spring (The earth loveth the spring) (from Achilles in Scyros) - P. Edmonds, C. Rootham
- The earth loveth the spring (from Achilles in Scyros) - P. Edmonds, C. Rootham
- Thee, fair Poetry oft hath sought (Thee, fair Poetry oft hath sought) (from Invocation to Music) - C. Parry
- Thee, fair Poetry oft hath sought (from Invocation to Music) - C. Parry
- The green corn waving in the dale (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - W. Whittaker (The windmill)
- The heart's prevention (I found to-day out walking) (from Poems) - I. Gurney
- The hill pines were sighing (The hill pines were sighing) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - I. Gurney, M. Jacobson
- The hill pines were sighing (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - I. Gurney, M. Jacobson
- The idle life I lead (The idle life I lead) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - F. Hart, H. MacCunn, C. Osmond
- The idle life I lead (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - F. Hart, H. MacCunn, C. Osmond
- The Linnet (I heard a linnet courting) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - C. Stanford
- The linnet (I heard a linnet courting) (from Poems) - I. Herbert, D. Stone, J. Turner
- The monstrous sea, with melancholy war (from Invocation to Music) - C. Parry
- The monstrous sea (The monstrous sea, with melancholy war) (from Invocation to Music) - C. Parry
- The nightingales (Beautiful must be the mountains whence ye come) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges - 5. Book V) - P. Crossley-Holland, L. Saar, H. Swanson
- The sea poppy (A poppy grows upon the shore) (from Poems) - I. Gurney
- The storm is over, the land hushes to rest (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - H. Gál, D. Maves, R. Milford
- The storm is over (The storm is over, the land hushes to rest) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - D. Maves, R. Milford
- The summer trees are tempest-torn - H. Gál
- The twilight shore (The clouds have left the sky) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - F. Swain
- The upper skies are palest blue (The upper skies are palest blue) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - F. Hart
- The upper skies are palest blue (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - F. Hart
- The voice of desire (Beautiful must be the mountains whence ye come) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges - 5. Book V) - J. Weir
- The windmill (The green corn waving in the dale) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - W. Whittaker
- This good Yuletide (Crown Winter with green) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - G. Tomlins
- Thou didst delight mine eyes (Thou didst delight my eyes) (from Poems) - G. Holst
- Thou didst delight my eyes (Thou didst delight my eyes) (from Poems) - F. Bridge, C. Duncan, G. Finzi, I. Gurney, G. Holst
- Thou, O Queen of sinless grace (Thou, O Queen of sinless grace) (from Invocation to Music) - C. Parry
- Thou, O Queen of sinless grace (from Invocation to Music) - C. Parry
- To me, to me, fair-hearted Goddess, come! (from Invocation to Music) - C. Parry (Dirge)
- Triolet (All women born are so perverse) (from Poems)
- Triolet (When first we met, we did not guess) (from Poems)
- Turn, O return! In merry England (from Invocation to Music) - C. Parry
- Turn, O return! (Turn, O return! In merry England) (from Invocation to Music) - C. Parry
- Vivamus (When thou didst give thy love to me) (from Poetical Works of Robert Bridges)
- Wanton with long delay the gay Spring leaping comet (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - F. May, R. Milford, J. Raynor (April, 1885)
- Wanton with long delay (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) (April, 1885) - F. May, R. Milford, J. Raynor
- We live well-ruled by an honoured king (We live well-ruled by an honoured king) (from Achilles in Scyros) - C. Rootham
- We live well-ruled by an honoured king (from Achilles in Scyros) - C. Rootham
- What voice of gladness, hark ! (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges - 5. Book V) - P. Marshall, C. Parry, C. Rootham (Larks)
- What voice of gladness (What voice of gladness, hark !) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges - 5. Book V) - C. Parry
- When Death to either shall come (When Death to either shall come) (from New Poems) - I. Gurney, M. Herbert, S. Homer, M. Young
- When Death to either shall come (from New Poems) - I. Gurney, M. Herbert, S. Homer, M. Young
- When first we met, we did not guess (from Poems) - G. Holst (Triolet)
- When first we met we did not guess (When first we met, we did not guess) (from Poems) - G. Holst
- When June is come, then all the day (When June is come, then all the day) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - G. Tomlins
- When June is come, then all the day (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - G. Cockshott, R. Drever, I. Gurney, F. Hart, C. Hazelhurst, E. Moeran, R. Osborne, J. Raynor, G. Tomlins
- When June is come (When June is come, then all the day) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - R. Drever, I. Gurney, F. Hart, C. Hazelhurst, E. Moeran, R. Osborne, J. Raynor
- When my love was away (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - I. Gurney (Absence)
- When my love was away (When my love was away) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - I. Gurney
- When thou didst give thy love to me (from Poetical Works of Robert Bridges) - W. Busch (Vivamus)
- When thou didst give thy love to me (When thou didst give thy love to me) (from Poetical Works of Robert Bridges) - W. Busch
- Wherefore to-night so full of care (from Poems) - G. Finzi (Dejection)
- Wherefore to-night so full of care (Wherefore to-night so full of care) (from Poems) - G. Finzi
- White spring (Spring goeth all in white) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - M. Rosser
- Whither, O splendid ship, thy white sails crowding (from Poems) - R. Robbins (A passer-by)
- Why art thou sad, my dearest? (from Poetical Works of Robert Bridges) - I. Gurney (A love lyric)
- Ye thrilled me once, ye mournful strains (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - C. Parry
- Ye thrilled me once (Ye thrilled me once, ye mournful strains) (from The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges) - C. Parry
Last update: 2025-01-11 04:03:49