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O köstlicher Tokayer! O königlicher Wein! Du stimmest meine Leyer Zu seltnen Raimerey'n. Mit lang' entbehrter Wonne Und [neu erwachtem]1 Scherz Erwärmst du, gleich der Sonne, Mein [halb erstorbnes]2 Herz: Du stimmest meine Leyer Zu seltnen Reimerey'n O köstlicher Tokayer! O königlicher Wein! O köstlicher Tokayer! O königlicher Wein! Du gießest Kraft und Feuer [Durch Mark und durch]3 Gebein. Ich fühle neues Leben Durch meine Adern sprühn, Und deine Nektarreben In meinem Busen glühn. Du gießest Kraft und Feuer [Durch Mark und durch]3 Gebein, O köstlicher Tokayer! O königlicher Wein! O köstlicher Tokayer! O königlicher Wein! Dir soll, als Gramzerstreuer, Dieß Lied geweihet seyn! In Schwermuthsvollen Launen Beflügelst du das Blut; Bey Blonden und bey Braunen Giebst du dem Blödsinn Muth. Dir soll, als Gramzerstreuer, Dies Lied geweihet seyn, O köstlicher Tokayer! O königlicher Wein!
Confirmed with Sämmtliche Gedichte Gabrielens von Baumberg. Wien, gedruckt bey Joh. Thom. Edl. v. Trattnern, k.k. Hofbuchdrucker und Buchhändler, 1800, pages 245-246; and with Wiener Musenalmanach für das Jahr 1796. Herausgegeben von Gottfried Leon. Wien, bey Jos. Camesina & Comp., pages 109-110.
1 Schubert: "neuerwachtem"2 First edition: "halberstorbnes"
3 First edition: "In's Mark und in's"
Note: First published in the Wiener Musenalmanach under the pseudonym v. Traubenberg; Schubert used the 1800 edition of Baumberg's collected poems.
Text Authorship:
- by Gabriele von Baumberg (1766 - 1839), "Lob des Tokayers", first published 1796 [author's text checked 1 time against a primary source]
Musical settings (art songs, Lieder, mélodies, (etc.), choral pieces, and other vocal works set to this text), listed by composer (not necessarily exhaustive):
- by Franz Peter Schubert (1797 - 1828), "Lob des Tokayers", op. posth. 118 (Sechs Lieder) no. 4, D 248 (1815), published 1829 [sung text checked 1 time]
Available translations, adaptations or excerpts, and transliterations (if applicable):
- CAT Catalan (Català) (Salvador Pila) , "Elogi del vi de Tokay", copyright © 2018, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- DUT Dutch (Nederlands) [singable] (Lau Kanen) , "Lof van de Tokayer", copyright © 2010, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- ENG English (Malcolm Wren) , "In praise of Tokay wine", copyright © 2016, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- FRE French (Français) (Guy Laffaille) , "Louange du Tokay", copyright © 2011, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
Research team for this page: Emily Ezust [Administrator] , Malcolm Wren [Guest Editor] , Peter Rastl [Guest Editor]
This text was added to the website between May 1995 and September 2003.
Line count: 36
Word count: 135
Oh valuable Tokay, oh royal wine, You give voice to my lyre, causing rare versifying. With a delight missing for so long And a newly awakened sense of fun, Like the sun, you warm up My half-frozen heart. You give voice to my lyre, causing rare versifying, Oh valuable Tokay, oh royal wine! Oh valuable Tokay, oh royal wine, You pour power and fire through my marrow and limbs. I feel a new life Sparkling through my veins And your nectar grapes Glow in my breast. You pour power and fire through my marrow and limbs. Oh valuable Tokay, oh royal wine! Oh valuable Tokay, oh royal wine, As destroyer of sorrow, we should dedicate this song to you! In the grief-laden mood You give wings to our blood, To blondes and brunettes You give the courage to mess about. As destroyer of sorrow, we should dedicate this song to you, Oh valuable Tokay, oh royal wine!
Text Authorship:
- Translation from German (Deutsch) to English copyright © 2016 by Malcolm Wren, (re)printed on this website with kind permission. To reprint and distribute this author's work for concert programs, CD booklets, etc., you may ask the copyright-holder(s) directly or ask us; we are authorized to grant permission on their behalf. Please provide the translator's name when contacting us.
Based on:
- a text in German (Deutsch) by Gabriele von Baumberg (1766 - 1839), "Lob des Tokayers", first published 1796
This text was added to the website: 2016-08-29
Line count: 24
Word count: 157