Texts by R. Browning set in Art Songs and Choral Works
Text Collections:
- Asolando: Fancies and Facts
- Bells and Pomegranates
- Dramatis Personæ
- Ferishtah's Fancies
- James Lee's Wife
- Jocoseria
- Men and Women
- Paracelsus
- Pippa Passes
- Strafford
- The Two Poets of Croisic
Texts set in art song or choral works (not necessarily comprehensive):
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Special notes: All titles and first lines are included in this index, including those used by composers.
Titles used by the text author appear in boldface. First lines appear in italics.
A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
- A bean-stripe; also apple-eating (Why from the world," Ferishtah smiled, "should thanks) (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock
- A camel-driver (When I vexed you and you chid me) (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock
- A Cavalier Song (Boot, saddle, to horse, and away!) (from Bells and Pomegranates - Cavalier Tunes) - H. Loomis
- After (Take the cloak from his face, and at first) (from Men and Women) - A. Somervell
- A gondolier's song (I send my heart up to thee, all my heart) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - R. Hughes GER ITA
- A Grammarian's Funeral (Let us begin and carry up this corpse) (from Men and Women) - G. Bantock
- Ah, Love, but a day (Ah, Love, but a day) (from James Lee's Wife) - A. Beach, H. Gilberté, J. Pascal, C. Rogers GER ITA
- Ah, Love, but a day (from James Lee's Wife) GER ITA - A. Beach, H. Gilberté, J. Pascal, C. Rogers, A. Somervell
- All June I bound the rose in sheaves - C. Rogers (One way of love)
- All's right with the world (The year's at the spring) (from Pippa Passes) - T. del Riego GER ITA
- All's right (The year's at the spring) (from Pippa Passes) - A. Behrend GER ITA
- All, that I know of a certain star (from Men and Women) (My star) - E. Atkins, G. Bantock, A. Beach, B. Burrows, H. Clarke, L. Downing, E. Freer, R. Hall, M. Hill, S. Homer, A. Millar, W. Neidlinger, E. Renaud, C. Rogers, L. Smith, A. Somervell, L. True, G. Victory, Weems, T. Whitmer, J. Worth
- All, that I know (from Men and Women) - E. Atkins, G. Bantock, A. Beach, B. Burrows, H. Clarke, L. Downing, E. Freer, R. Hall, M. Hill, S. Homer, A. Millar, W. Neidlinger, E. Renaud, C. Rogers, L. Smith, A. Somervell, L. True, G. Victory, Weems, T. Whitmer, J. Worth (My star)
- All the bloom of the year (All the breath and the bloom of the year in the bag of one bee) (from Asolando: Fancies and Facts) - W. Johnson
- All the breath and the bloom of the year in the bag of one bee (from Asolando: Fancies and Facts) - G. Bantock, W. Bell, F. Davidson, C. Dickinson, I. Fischer, B. Hollander, C. Inches, W. Johnson, R. Loehr, A. Mallinson, C. Rogers, T. Royle, H. Stewart, R. Vaughan Williams (Summum bonum)
- All the breath and the bloom of the year (All the breath and the bloom of the year in the bag of one bee) (from Asolando: Fancies and Facts) - A. Mallinson
- Along with me (Grow old along with me!) (from Dramatis Personæ) - L. Laitman
- A lover's quarrel (Oh, what a dawn of day!) (from Men and Women) - F. Bridge
- Among the rocks (Oh, good gigantic smile o’ the brown old earth) - A. Somervell
- And so you found that poor room dull - C. Rogers (Appearances)
- An Old Story (from Men and Women) - A. Kramer, J. Worth (The patriot)
- A pearl, a girl (A simple ring with a single stone) (from Asolando: Fancies and Facts) - G. Bantock GER
- A pillar at Sebzevah (Ask not one least word of praise !) (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock
- Apparitions (Such a starved bank of moss) (from The Two Poets of Croisic) - A. Bates, H. Clarke, R. Craddock, L. Downing, E. Freer, A. Frey, E. Gregory, F. Lynes, C. Rogers, M. Shillington, F. Tedaldi
- Appearances (And so you found that poor room dull) - C. Rogers
- A query (Ask not one least word of praise !) (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Zuckerman
- A simple ring with a single stone (from Asolando: Fancies and Facts) GER - G. Bantock, G. Stebbins (A pearl, a girl)
- As I ride, as I ride - G. Bantock (Through the Metidja to Abd-El-Kadr)
- As I ride through the Metidja to Abd-el-Kadr (As I ride, as I ride) - G. Bantock
- Ask not one least word of praise ! (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock, H. Clarke, G. Zuckerman (A pillar at Sebzevah)
- A song of seasons (The year's at the spring) (from Pippa Passes) - J. Berger GER ITA
- A woman's last word (Let's contend no more, Love) - G. Bantock, B. Burrows, S. Homer, C. Rogers, R. Schonthal
- Be love your light (You groped your way across my room i' the dear dark dead of night) (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - A. Borton
- Best of all (All the breath and the bloom of the year in the bag of one bee) (from Asolando: Fancies and Facts) - H. Stewart
- Boat-Song (Past we glide, and past, and past!) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - A. Barnett
- Boot and saddle (Boot, saddle, to horse, and away!) (from Bells and Pomegranates - Cavalier Tunes) - G. Bantock, G. Branscombe, R. Dansie, B. Daubney, N. Demuth, L. Drakeford, C. Hand, D. Hollins, J. Rogers, A. Wills
- Boot, saddle, to horse, and away! (from Bells and Pomegranates - Cavalier Tunes) - G. Bantock, G. Branscombe, R. Dansie, B. Daubney, N. Demuth, L. Drakeford, G. Dyson, J. Easson, C. Hand, J. Harrison, D. Hollins, G. Kobbé, H. Loomis, G. Peel, C. Reed, J. Rogers, H. Sarson, C. Stanford, G. Stratton, A. Wills (Boot and Saddle)
- Boot, saddle, to horse and away! (Boot, saddle, to horse, and away!) (from Bells and Pomegranates - Cavalier Tunes) - G. Dyson, J. Easson, J. Harrison, C. Stanford, G. Stratton
- Boot, saddle, to horse (Boot, saddle, to horse, and away!) (from Bells and Pomegranates - Cavalier Tunes) - G. Peel
- But give them me, the mouth, the eyes, the brow! - J. Franco, H. Mollicone, R. Wigglesworth (Orpheus and Eurydice)
- But Love (There is no good of life but love -- but love!) (from Men and Women) - E. Cowley
- By the fire-side (How well I know what I mean to do) (from Men and Women)
- By the fireside (Is all our fire of shipwreck wood) - A. Somervell
- By the fire-side (We two stood there with never a third) (from Men and Women) - G. Bantock
- Cavalier Song (Boot, saddle, to horse, and away!) (from Bells and Pomegranates - Cavalier Tunes) - C. Reed, H. Sarson
- Cherries (Verse-making was least of my virtues : I viewed with despair) (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock
- Dear and great Angel, wouldst thou only leave (from Men and Women) - G. Bantock (The guardian-angel)
- Devotion (Nay but you, who do not love her) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - J. Forrester
- Dip your arm o'er the boat-side, elbow-deep (from Bells and Pomegranates) - A. Barnett
- Dip your arm o'er the boatside (Dip your arm o'er the boat-side, elbow-deep) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - A. Barnett
- Droben die Wipfel winken und grüßen – (from Die Fähre, Englische Lyrik aus fünf Jahrhunderten) (Lied der Pippa) -
- Earth fades! Heaven breaks on me: I shall stand next (from Strafford) - S. Coleridge-Taylor
- Earth fades! Heaven breaks on me (Earth fades! Heaven breaks on me: I shall stand next) (from Strafford) - S. Coleridge-Taylor
- Easter-Day (How very hard it is to be)
- Ein simpler Ring, ein einfacher Stein (from Die Fähre, Englische Lyrik aus fünf Jahrhunderten) (Zauberkraft) -
- Epilogue: Oh! love -- no, love! (Oh, Love no, Love ! All the noise below, Love) (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock
- Epilogue (Oh, Love no, Love ! All the noise below, Love) (from Ferishtah's Fancies)
- Epithalamium (Such a starved bank of moss) (from The Two Poets of Croisic) - A. Berdahl
- Escape me? Never - Beloved! (from Men and Women) GER (Life in a love) - G. Bantock, Bruguière, J. Machardy, N. Rorem
- Escape me? (from Men and Women) GER - G. Bantock, Bruguière, J. Machardy, N. Rorem (Life in a love)
- Eurydice to Orpheus (But give them me, the mouth, the eyes, the brow!) - H. Mollicone, R. Wigglesworth
- Fear death? -- to feel the fog in my throat - W. Davies, S. Homer, C. Stanford, R. Vaughan Williams (Prospice)
- Fire is in the flint : true, once a spark escapes (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock (The sun)
- For God is glorified in man (from Paracelsus) - C. Ives
- For my resting-place is found
- From Easter-Day (How very hard it is to be) - A. Somervell
- From "Paracelsus" (For God is glorified in man) (from Paracelsus) - C. Ives
- Give a Rouse (Who gave me the goods that went since?) (from Bells and Pomegranates - Cavalier Tunes)
- God's own smile (Such a starved bank of moss) (from The Two Poets of Croisic) - R. Farley
- Good to forgive (Good to forgive) - C. Rogers
- Grau ist die See und schwarz das Land – (from Die Fähre, Englische Lyrik aus fünf Jahrhunderten) (Nächtliche Fahrt) -
- Grow old along with me (Grow old along with me!) (from Dramatis Personæ) - J. Heggie, M. Lewis, C. Mueller, G. Schuyler, L. True, J. Weiss, G. Zuckerman
- Grow old along with me! (from Dramatis Personæ) - B. Ackert, G. Branscombe, P. Curran, C. Effinger, H. Hadley, J. Heggie, C. Keep, L. Laitman, M. Lewis, D. Madsen, C. Mueller, F. Ralston, G. Schuyler, L. True, J. Weiss, G. Zuckerman (Rabbi Ben Ezra)
- Heap Cassia, sandal-buds and stripes (from Paracelsus) - G. Bantock
- Heap Cassia (Heap Cassia, sandal-buds and stripes) (from Paracelsus) - G. Bantock
- He Muses - Drifting (What if the Three should catch at last) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - A. Barnett
- Heroes (Oh, Love no, Love ! All the noise below, Love) (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - J. Farmer
- Her tresses (Nay but you, who do not love her) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - H. Ellingham
- Home-thoughts, from abroad (Oh, to be in England) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - G. Allen, F. Austin, R. Clarke, J. Crawford, D. Hinkle, G. White, M. White
- Home-thoughts (Oh, to be in England) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - G. Bantock
- How very hard it is to be - A. Somervell (Easter-Day)
- How well I know what I mean to do (from Men and Women) (By the fire-side) - G. Bantock
- I dream of a red-rose tree (from Men and Women) - C. Lidgey (Women and roses)
- If I stoop into a dark tremendous sea of cloud (from Paracelsus) - R. De Lacy
- I go to prove my soul (I go to prove my soul!) (from Paracelsus) - G. Bantock, R. Harraden, F. Krull, J. Rogers
- I go to prove my soul! (from Paracelsus) - G. Bantock, R. Harraden, F. Krull, J. Rogers
- I leaned on the turf - A. Somervell
- In a gondola (The moth's kiss, first!) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - A. Hartmann, J. Komter, N. Rorem, B. Treharne
- In a year (Never any more) (from Men and Women) - G. Bantock, C. Reinagle
- In the doorway (The swallow has set her six young on the rail) - A. Somervell
- Is all our fire of shipwreck wood - A. Somervell
- I send my heart up to thee, all my heart (from Bells and Pomegranates) GER ITA - H. Ayres, A. Barnett, A. Beach, G. Branscombe, R. Hughes, D. Protheroe, L. True
- I send my heart up to thee (I send my heart up to thee, all my heart) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - A. Beach, G. Branscombe, D. Protheroe, L. True GER ITA
- I send my heart (I send my heart up to thee, all my heart) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - H. Ayres GER ITA
- Is she not pure gold, my mistress? (Nay but you, who do not love her) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - M. Lawson
- Is she not pure gold (Nay but you, who do not love her) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - J. Beach
- I stoop into a dark tremendous sea of cloud (If I stoop into a dark tremendous sea of cloud) (from Paracelsus) - R. De Lacy
- It was ordained to be so, sweet! -- and best (from Bells and Pomegranates) - A. Barnett
- It was ordained to be so, sweet (It was ordained to be so, sweet! -- and best) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - A. Barnett
- It was roses, roses, all the way (from Men and Women) (The patriot) - A. Kramer, J. Worth
- I wish that when you died last May - R. Boughton (May and Death)
- James Lee's wife speaks at the window (Ah, Love, but a day) (from James Lee's Wife) - A. Somervell GER ITA
- Johannes Agricola in Meditation (There's heaven above, and night by night)
- Kentish Sir Byng stood for his King (from Bells and Pomegranates - Cavalier Tunes) (Marching Along) -
- King Charles (Who gave me the goods that went since?) (from Bells and Pomegranates - Cavalier Tunes) - M. White
- Let's contend no more, Love - G. Bantock, B. Burrows, S. Homer, C. Rogers, R. Schonthal (A woman's last word)
- Let us begin and carry up this corpse (from Men and Women) - G. Bantock (A Grammarian's Funeral)
- Liebesringen () - Bruguière [x]
- Lied der Pippa (Droben die Wipfel winken und grüßen –) (from Die Fähre, Englische Lyrik aus fünf Jahrhunderten)
- Life in a love (Escape me?) (from Men and Women) - G. Bantock, Bruguière, J. Machardy, N. Rorem GER
- Love, if you knew the light (from Men and Women) (A lovers' quarrel) - G. Allen, F. Bridge, L. Lehmann
- Love, if you knew the light (Oh, what a dawn of day!) (from Men and Women) - L. Lehmann
- Love in a Life (Room after room) (from Men and Women) - D. Hagen, N. Rorem
- Love me forever (So, the year's done with) (from Bells and Pomegranates - Earth's Immortalities) - E. Renaud
- Lovers' quarrel (Oh, what a dawn of day!) (from Men and Women) - G. Allen
- Love (So, the year's done with) (from Bells and Pomegranates - Earth's Immortalities) - P. Gelrud, J. Karai, C. Rogers, Weems
- Manhood (Oh, our manhood's prime vigour! No spirit feels waste) (from Men and Women) - W. Davies
- Man I am and man would be, Love merest man and nothing more (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock, A. Borton (The family)
- Man I am and man would be, Love (Man I am and man would be, Love merest man and nothing more) (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - A. Borton
- Marching Along (Kentish Sir Byng stood for his King) (from Bells and Pomegranates - Cavalier Tunes)
- May and Death (I wish that when you died last May) - R. Boughton
- Meeting at Night (The gray sea and the long black land) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - N. Armes, R. Cohen, N. Dello Joio, C. Fisher, D. Frederick, W. Hawley, C. Reed, W. Rettich, M. Ryan, F. Schwartz, C. Sharman, A. Somervell, L. Van Antwerp, G. White, M. Whitney, J. Worth GER
- Meeting (The gray sea and the long black land) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - G. Stebbins GER
- Mihrab Shah (So, the head aches and the limbs are faint!) (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock
- Morning (Round the cape of a sudden came the sea) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - G. White
- My mistress (Nay but you, who do not love her) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - H. Jervis-Read
- My star (All, that I know) (from Men and Women) - E. Atkins, G. Bantock, A. Beach, B. Burrows, H. Clarke, L. Downing, E. Freer, R. Hall, M. Hill, S. Homer, A. Millar, W. Neidlinger, E. Renaud, C. Rogers, L. Smith, A. Somervell, L. True, G. Victory, Weems, T. Whitmer, J. Worth
- Nächtliche Fahrt (Grau ist die See und schwarz das Land –) (from Die Fähre, Englische Lyrik aus fünf Jahrhunderten)
- Nay, but do you not love her (Nay but you, who do not love her) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - E. Iles
- Nay! but you do not love her (Nay but you, who do not love her) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - E. Freer
- Nay, but you, who do not love her (Nay but you, who do not love her) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - W. Bell, W. Pickard-Cambridge, F. Toye
- Nay but you, who do not love her (from Bells and Pomegranates) - J. Beach, W. Bell, H. Ellingham, J. Forrester, E. Freer, E. Gregory, E. Iles, H. Jervis-Read, M. Lawson, G. Oldroyd, W. Pickard-Cambridge, A. Somervell, A. Thayer, F. Toye (Song)
- Nay, but you (Nay but you, who do not love her) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - A. Thayer
- Never any more (from Men and Women) - G. Bantock, C. Reinagle (In a year)
- Never the time and the place (Never the time and the place) (from Jocoseria) - G. Bantock
- Not with my Soul, Love ! bid no Soul like mine (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock (Plot-Culture)
- Now that April's there (Oh, to be in England) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - A. Goatley
- Now (Out of your whole life give but a moment!) (from Asolando: Fancies and Facts) - G. Bantock
- Oh, good gigantic smile o’ the brown old earth - A. Somervell
- Oh, Love no, Love ! All the noise below, Love (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock, J. Farmer (Epilogue)
- Oh, our manhood's prime vigour! No spirit feels waste (from Men and Women) - W. Davies (Saul)
- Oh, to be in England (from Bells and Pomegranates) - G. Allen, F. Austin, G. Bantock, M. Brahe, R. Clarke, G. Cooke, J. Crawford, A. Goatley, M. Head, D. Hinkle, P. Kerby, A. Rowley, B. Shapleigh, G. White, M. White, F. Wickins, A. Wilson (Home-thoughts, from abroad)
- Oh to be in England (Oh, to be in England) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - M. Brahe, G. Cooke, M. Head, P. Kerby, A. Rowley, B. Shapleigh, F. Wickins, A. Wilson
- Oh, what a dawn of day! (from Men and Women) - G. Allen, F. Bridge, L. Lehmann (A lovers' quarrel)
- Once I saw a chemist take a pinch of powder (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock (Two camels)
- One way of love (All June I bound the rose in sheaves) - C. Rogers
- On the cliff (I leaned on the turf) - A. Somervell
- Orpheus and Eurydice (But give them me, the mouth, the eyes, the brow!) - J. Franco
- Out of your whole life give but a moment! (from Asolando: Fancies and Facts) - G. Bantock (Now)
- Overhead the treetops meet (from "Pippa Passes") (Overhead the tree-tops meet) (from Pippa Passes) - C. Rogers GER
- Overhead the tree-tops meet (from Pippa Passes) GER - C. Rogers
- Parting at morning (Round the cape of a sudden came the sea) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - A. Miller, C. Reed, W. Rettich, J. Worth
- Past we glide, and past, and past! (from Bells and Pomegranates) - A. Barnett
- Pippa Passes (The year's at the spring) (from Pippa Passes) - G. Bantock, M. Herz GER ITA
- Pippa's song (The year's at the spring) (from Pippa Passes) - K. Black, J. Dalhousie, N. Rorem GER ITA
- Pippa's spring song (The year's at the spring) (from Pippa Passes) - J. Caruthers GER ITA
- Plot-Culture (Not with my Soul, Love ! bid no Soul like mine) (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock
- Portrait (Such a starved bank of moss) (from The Two Poets of Croisic) - C. Dougherty
- Prospice (Fear death? -- to feel the fog in my throat) - W. Davies, S. Homer, C. Stanford, R. Vaughan Williams
- Rabbi Ben Ezra (Grow old along with me!) (from Dramatis Personæ) - B. Ackert, H. Hadley, C. Keep, D. Madsen, F. Ralston
- Room after room (from Men and Women) - D. Hagen, N. Rorem
- Round the cape of a sudden came the sea (from Bells and Pomegranates) - A. Miller, C. Reed, W. Rettich, G. White, J. Worth (Morning)
- Round us the wild creatures, overhead the trees (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock, A. Borton, H. Clarke, M. Kernochan, F. Krull, Staat (The eagle)
- Round us the wild creatures (Round us the wild creatures, overhead the trees) (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - H. Clarke, M. Kernochan, F. Krull, Staat
- Said Abner, "At last thou art come! Ere I tell, ere thou speak (from Men and Women) (Saul) - W. Davies
- Saul (Said Abner, "At last thou art come! Ere I tell, ere thou speak) (from Men and Women)
- Serenade (I send my heart up to thee, all my heart) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - A. Barnett, G. Branscombe GER ITA
- Shah Abbas (You groped your way across my room i' the dear dark dead of night) (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock
- Song: Ask not one least word of praise (Ask not one least word of praise !) (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - H. Clarke
- Song from Pippa Passes (The year's at the spring) (from Pippa Passes) - N. Curtis GER ITA
- Song (Nay but you, who do not love her) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - E. Gregory, A. Somervell
- Song (Such a starved bank of moss) (from The Two Poets of Croisic) - A. Somervell
- So, the head aches and the limbs are faint! (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock (Mihrab Shah)
- So, the year's done with (from Bells and Pomegranates - Earth's Immortalities) - E. Bryson, P. Gelrud, J. Karai, E. Renaud, C. Rogers, Weems (Love)
- So, the year's done with! (So, the year's done with) (from Bells and Pomegranates - Earth's Immortalities) - E. Bryson
- Spring song (The year's at the spring) (from Pippa Passes) - F. Ayres GER ITA
- Such a starved bank of moss (from The Two Poets of Croisic) - A. Bates, A. Berdahl, M. Blanchard, P. Bliss, H. Clarke, C. Coombs, R. Craddock, C. Dougherty, L. Downing, R. Farley, E. Freer, A. Frey, E. Gregory, M. Hoberg, R. Housman, F. Krull, F. Lynes, C. Manney, M. Molineux, W. Neidlinger, M. Nicholson, C. Rogers, M. Shillington, A. Somervell, F. Tedaldi (Apparitions)
- Such a starved bank of moss (Such a starved bank of moss) (from The Two Poets of Croisic) - E. Freer, M. Hoberg, R. Housman, F. Krull
- Summum bonum (All the breath and the bloom of the year in the bag of one bee) (from Asolando: Fancies and Facts) - G. Bantock, W. Bell, F. Davidson, C. Dickinson, I. Fischer, B. Hollander, C. Inches, R. Loehr, C. Rogers, T. Royle, R. Vaughan Williams
- Symphonic Prelude in D Major (Grow old along with me!) (from Dramatis Personæ) - C. Effinger
- Take the cloak from his face, and at first (from Men and Women) - A. Somervell (After)
- That greenwood life of ours (Round us the wild creatures, overhead the trees) (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - A. Borton
- That May morn (Such a starved bank of moss) (from The Two Poets of Croisic) - M. Nicholson
- The best is yet to be (Grow old along with me!) (from Dramatis Personæ) - G. Branscombe, P. Curran
- The children () - E. Hugh-Jones [x]
- The eagle (Round us the wild creatures, overhead the trees) (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock
- The family (Man I am and man would be, Love merest man and nothing more) (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock
- The gray sea and the long black land (from Bells and Pomegranates) GER - N. Armes, R. Cohen, N. Dello Joio, C. Fisher, D. Frederick, W. Hawley, C. Reed, W. Rettich, M. Ryan, F. Schwartz, C. Sharman, A. Somervell, G. Stebbins, L. Van Antwerp, G. White, M. Whitney, J. Worth (Meeting at Night)
- The guardian angel (Dear and great Angel, wouldst thou only leave) (from Men and Women) - G. Bantock
- The heart of a pearl (A simple ring with a single stone) (from Asolando: Fancies and Facts) - G. Stebbins GER
- The melon-seller (Wish no word unspoken, want no look away!) (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock
- The moth's kiss and the bee's kiss (The moth's kiss, first!) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - L. True
- The moth's kiss, first! (from Bells and Pomegranates) - A. Barnett, A. Hartmann, J. Komter, N. Rorem, B. Treharne, L. True
- The moth's kiss (The moth's kiss, first!) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - A. Barnett
- The patriot (An Old Story) (from Men and Women) - A. Kramer, J. Worth
- There is no good of life but love -- but love! (from Men and Women) - E. Cowley
- There's heaven above, and night by night - S. Homer (Johannes Agricola in Meditation)
- There's Heaven Above (There's heaven above, and night by night) - S. Homer
- The sun (Fire is in the flint : true, once a spark escapes) (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock
- The swallow has set her six young on the rail - A. Somervell
- The wedding morn (The year's at the spring) (from Pippa Passes) - E. Nevin GER ITA
- The Worst of It (Would it were I had been false, not you!) (from Dramatis Personæ) - A. Somervell
- The year's at the spring (The year's at the spring) (from Pippa Passes) - M. Alsop, I. Atkins, A. Beach, W. Blair, A. Bode, M. Brahe, N. Cain, E. Carter, R. Clark, H. Clarke, A. Cripps, K. David, W. Duncan, H. Hadley, C. Rogers, A. Somervell GER ITA
- The year's at the spring (from Pippa Passes) GER ITA - M. Alsop, I. Atkins, F. Ayres, G. Bantock, A. Beach, A. Behrend, J. Berger, K. Black, W. Blair, A. Bode, M. Brahe, N. Cain, M. Caldwell, E. Carter, J. Caruthers, R. Clark, H. Clarke, A. Cripps, N. Curtis, J. Dalhousie, K. David, W. Duncan, H. Hadley, M. Herz, E. Nevin, T. del Riego, C. Rogers, N. Rorem, A. Somervell
- Thronging through the cloud-rift, whose are they, the faces (from Ferishtah's Fancies) (Epilogue) - G. Bantock, J. Farmer
- Through the Metidja to Abd-El-Kadr (As I ride, as I ride)
- Thy face (Such a starved bank of moss) (from The Two Poets of Croisic) - M. Blanchard, P. Bliss, C. Coombs, M. Molineux, W. Neidlinger
- To horse! (Boot, saddle, to horse, and away!) (from Bells and Pomegranates - Cavalier Tunes) - G. Kobbé
- Tomorrow, if a harp-string, say (To-morrow, if a harp-string, say) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - A. Barnett
- To-morrow, if a harp-string, say (from Bells and Pomegranates) - A. Barnett
- To perfect the summer (Wanting is -- what?) (from Jocoseria) - M. Halley
- Transformations (Such a starved bank of moss) (from The Two Poets of Croisic) - C. Manney
- Tresses (Nay but you, who do not love her) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - G. Oldroyd
- Two camels (Once I saw a chemist take a pinch of powder) (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock
- Verse-making was least of my virtues : I viewed with despair (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock (Cherries)
- Wanting is -- what? (Wanting is -- what?) (from Jocoseria) - G. Bantock, A. Bax, B. Forster, E. Gerschefski, M. Kernochan
- Wanting is -- what? (from Jocoseria) - G. Bantock, A. Bax, B. Forster, E. Gerschefski, M. Halley, M. Kernochan
- We two stood there with never a third (from Men and Women) - G. Bantock (By the fire-side)
- What are we two? I am a Jew (from Bells and Pomegranates)
- What are we two? (What are we two?) (from Bells and Pomegranates) - A. Barnett
- What are we two? (from Bells and Pomegranates) - A. Barnett
- What if the Three should catch at last (from Bells and Pomegranates) - A. Barnett
- When I vexed you and you chid me (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock (A camel-driver)
- Who gave me the goods that went since? (from Bells and Pomegranates - Cavalier Tunes) - M. White (Give a Rouse)
- Why from the world," Ferishtah smiled, "should thanks (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock (A bean-stripe; also apple-eating)
- Wish no word unspoken, want no look away! (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock, A. Borton (The melon-seller)
- Wish no word unspoken (Wish no word unspoken, want no look away!) (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - A. Borton
- Women and roses (I dream of a red-rose tree) (from Men and Women) - C. Lidgey
- Would it were I had been false, not you! (from Dramatis Personæ) - A. Somervell (The Worst of It)
- Would that the structure brave, the manifold music I build
- Year's at the spring (The year's at the spring) (from Pippa Passes) - M. Caldwell GER ITA
- You groped your way across my room i' the dear dark dead of night (from Ferishtah's Fancies) - G. Bantock, A. Borton (Shah Abbas)
- You'll love me yet! — and I can tarry - S. Coleridge-Taylor (You'll love me yet!)
- You'll love me yet (You'll love me yet! — and I can tarry) - S. Coleridge-Taylor
- Zauberkraft (Ein simpler Ring, ein einfacher Stein) (from Die Fähre, Englische Lyrik aus fünf Jahrhunderten)
Last update: 2024-07-10 04:41:17