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In Grün will ich mich kleiden, In grüne Thränenweiden, Mein Schatz hat's Grün so gern. Will suchen einen Zypressenhain, Eine Haide [voll]1 grünem Rosmarein: Mein Schatz hat's Grün so gern. Wohlauf zum fröhlichen Jagen! Wohlauf durch Haid' und Hagen! Mein Schatz hat's Jagen so gern. Das Wild, das ich jage, das ist der Tod, Die Haide, die heiß' ich die Liebesnoth: Mein Schatz hat's Jagen so gern. Grabt mir ein Grab im Wasen, Deckt mich mit grünem Rasen, Mein Schatz hat's Grün so gern. Kein Kreuzlein schwarz, kein Blümlein bunt, Grün, Alles grün so rings [und rund]2! Mein Schatz hat's Grün so gern.
About the headline (FAQ)
View original text (without footnotes)Confirmed with Gedichte aus den hinterlassenen Papieren eines reisenden Waldhornisten. Herausgegeben von Wilhelm Müller. Erstes Bändchen. Zweite Auflage. Deßau 1826. Bei Christian Georg Ackermann, page 36; and with Sieben und siebzig Gedichte aus den hinterlassenen Papieren eines reisenden Waldhornisten. Herausgegeben von Wilhelm Müller. Dessau, 1821. Bei Christian Georg Ackermann, pages 37-38.
First published in a different version with the title Das liebe Grün in Der Gesellschafter oder Blätter für Geist und Herz. Herausgegeben von F. W. Gubitz. Zweiter Jahrgang. Berlin, 1818. In der Maurerschen Buchhandlung. Mittwoch den 3. Juni. 88stes Blatt, page 349.
1 Müller (1821 edition), and Schubert: "von"2 Schubert (Neue Gesamtausgabe): "umher"
Text Authorship:
- by Wilhelm Müller (1794 - 1827), "Die liebe Farbe", appears in Gedichte aus den hinterlassenen Papieren eines reisenden Waldhornisten 1, in Die schöne Müllerin, no. 19, first published 1818 [author's text checked 2 times against a primary source]
Musical settings (art songs, Lieder, mélodies, (etc.), choral pieces, and other vocal works set to this text), listed by composer (not necessarily exhaustive):
- by Fanny Hensel (1805 - 1847), "Die liebe Farbe", 1823 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Marie Henriette König (1831 - 1850), "In Grün will ich mich kleiden", op. 11 (Vier Lieder) no. 3, published 1852 [ voice and piano ], Dresden: Brauer [sung text not yet checked]
- by Karl Gottlieb Reissiger (1798 - 1859), "Die liebe Farbe", op. 76 (Sechs deutsche Lieder und Gesänge für Tenor oder Sopran mit Pianoforte) no. 3, published 1832 [ tenor or soprano and piano ], Bonn, Simrock [sung text not yet checked]
- by Franz Peter Schubert (1797 - 1828), "Die liebe Farbe", op. 25 no. 16, D 795 no. 16 (1823), from Die schöne Müllerin, no. 16 [sung text checked 1 time]
Available translations, adaptations or excerpts, and transliterations (if applicable):
- CAT Catalan (Català) (Salvador Pila) , "El color favorit", copyright © 2010, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- DUT Dutch (Nederlands) [singable] (Lau Kanen) , "De goede kleur", copyright © 2005, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- ENG English (Emily Ezust) , "The favorite color", copyright ©
- FIN Finnish (Suomi) (Erkki Pullinen) , "Lempiväri", copyright © 2011, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- FRE French (Français) (Guy Laffaille) , "La couleur chérie", copyright © 2008, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- GRE Greek (Ελληνικά) (Athanasios Papaisiou) , "Το αγαπημένο χρώμα", copyright © 2014, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- IRI Irish (Gaelic) [singable] (Gabriel Rosenstock) , "An dath is rogha le mo ghrá", copyright © 2014, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- ITA Italian (Italiano) (Amelia Maria Imbarrato) , "Il bel colore", copyright © 2005, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- KOR Korean (한국어/조선말) [singable] (곽명규 Myung-Kew Kwack) , "사랑의 색", copyright © 2011, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- POR Portuguese (Português) (Caê Vieira) , copyright © 2019, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
Research team for this page: Emily Ezust [Administrator] , Peter Rastl [Guest Editor]
This text was added to the website between May 1995 and September 2003.
Line count: 18
Word count: 103
녹색 옷을 입으리 푸른 버들잎처럼 그녀의 녹색을. 푸른 숲을 찾아서 가리 푸른 나무가 있는 벌판을, 그녀의 녹색을. 즐겁게 사냥 떠나리! 숲으로 벌판으로! 그녀처럼 사냥을. 죽음의 사냥을 하려하네, 고통의 벌판을 누비면서 그녀처럼 사냥을. 풀밭에 묻어주오, 녹색 풀로 덮어서 그녀의 색으로. 십자가도 꽃도 없이 꼭 녹색 풀잎만으로! 그녀의 색으로.
Text Authorship:
- Singable translation from German (Deutsch) to Korean (한국어/조선말) copyright © 2011 by 곽명규 Myung-Kew Kwack, (re)printed on this website with kind permission. To reprint and distribute this author's work for concert programs, CD booklets, etc., you must ask the copyright-holder(s) directly for permission. If you receive no response, you must consider it a refusal.
곽명규 Myung-Kew Kwack.  Contact: autumnguy (AT) gmail (DOT) com
If you wish to commission a new translation, please contact:
Based on:
- a text in German (Deutsch) by Wilhelm Müller (1794 - 1827), "Die liebe Farbe", appears in Gedichte aus den hinterlassenen Papieren eines reisenden Waldhornisten 1, in Die schöne Müllerin, no. 19, first published 1818
This text was added to the website: 2011-03-04
Line count: 18
Word count: 47