Texts by W. Henley set in Art Songs and Choral Works
Text Collections:
- A Book of Verses
- For England's Sake
- Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses
- Poems
- Rhymes and Rhythms
- The Song of Swords and Other Verses
Texts set in art song or choral works (not necessarily comprehensive):
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Special notes: All titles and first lines are included in this index, including those used by composers.
Titles used by the text author appear in boldface. First lines appear in italics.
A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
- A bowl of roses (It was a bowl of roses) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - R. Clarke, F. Scott
- A dainty thing's the Villanelle - R. Stöhr (Villanelle)
- After the grim daylight (After the grim daylight) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - C. Willeby
- After the grim daylight (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - C. Willeby
- A last year's rose (From the brake the Nightingale) (from A Book of Verses) - R. Quilter
- A late lark twitters from the quiet skies - M. Blower, F. Delius, J. Horne, J. Raynor, A. Shepherd, E. Sweeting (Margaritæ Sorori)
- A late lark (A late lark twitters from the quiet skies) - F. Delius, J. Horne, J. Raynor
- All in a garden green (Of a gray ancestor, Tom Heywood hight) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - C. Lidgey, B. Whelply, C. Willeby
- All in a garden green (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender)
- All in garden green (Of a gray ancestor, Tom Heywood hight) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - G. Peel
- A sigh sent wrong (A sigh sent wrong) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - C. Lidgey
- A sigh sent wrong (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - C. Lidgey (Finale)
- A sombre, sagging sky (from A Book of Verses) - C. Willeby (Of rain)
- Auf aus der Nachtmahr dumpfer Qual (from Die Fähre, Englische Lyrik aus fünf Jahrhunderten) (Der Herr und Meister) -
- A wink from Hesper, falling (A wink from Hesper, falling) (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart
- A wink from Hesper, falling (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart
- A world of leafage murmurous and a-twinkle (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - C. Willeby
- A world of leafage (A world of leafage murmurous and a-twinkle) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - C. Willeby
- Bluebells from the clearings (Sleeping down the golden hours!) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - E. Walker
- Bring her again, o western wind (Bring her again, O western wind) (from A Book of Verses) - C. Forsyth, L. Ronald CHI
- Bring her again, O western wind (from A Book of Verses) CHI - A. Beach, C. Forsyth, F. Hart, F. Hastings, J. Hathaway, W. Johnson, F. Korbay, A. Mallinson, H. Parker, L. Ronald, M. Wald, W. Watts
- Bring her again to me (Bring her again, O western wind) (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hastings, W. Watts CHI
- Bring her again (Bring her again, O western wind) (from A Book of Verses) - J. Hathaway, F. Korbay, H. Parker CHI
- Chiming a dream by the way (from A Book of Verses) - E. Allen (To my mother)
- Come where my Lady lies (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender)
- Dark is the night (The sea is full of wandering foam) (from A Book of Verses) - A. Beach
- Dearest, when I am dead (Dearest, when I am dead) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - I. Gurney, F. Lambert, C. Lidgey
- Dearest, when I am dead (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - C. Diton, I. Gurney, S. Homer, F. Lambert, C. Lidgey
- Dearest (Dearest, when I am dead) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - S. Homer
- Dear hands, so many times so much (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - F. Lambert
- Dear hands (Dear hands, so many times so much) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - F. Lambert
- Dedication - to my wife (Take, dear, my little sheaf of songs) (from A Book of Verses)
- Dedication (Take, dear, my little sheaf of songs) (from A Book of Verses) - H. Riesenfeld, L. Ronald
- Der Herr und Meister (Auf aus der Nachtmahr dumpfer Qual) (from Die Fähre, Englische Lyrik aus fünf Jahrhunderten)
- Die Nachtigall spielt auf goldener Leier - F. Delius
- Die Nachtigall (Die Nachtigall spielt auf goldener Leier) - F. Delius
- Echoes (Chiming a dream by the way) (from A Book of Verses) - E. Allen
- England, my England (What have I done for you) (from The Song of Swords and Other Verses) - F. Allitsen, M. Shaw, R. Vaughan Williams, H. Willan
- Entreaty (Dearest, when I am dead) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - C. Diton
- Evening (A late lark twitters from the quiet skies) - E. Sweeting
- Evensong (A late lark twitters from the quiet skies) - M. Blower
- Falmouth is a fine town (O, Falmouth is a fine town with ships in the bay) (from A Book of Verses) - R. Francillon
- Falmouth Town (O, Falmouth is a fine town with ships in the bay) (from A Book of Verses) - W. Watts
- Fill a glass with golden wine (Fill a glass with golden wine) (from A Book of Verses) - H. Hadley, R. Quilter
- Fill a glass with golden wine (from A Book of Verses) - G. Butterworth, H. Hadley, R. Quilter
- Finale (A sigh sent wrong) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender)
- Flown (You played and sang a snatch of song) (from Rhymes and Rhythms) - F. Hart
- Fresh from his fastnesses - C. Parry
- From the brake the nightingale (From the brake the Nightingale) (from A Book of Verses) - S. Homer
- From the brake the Nightingale (from A Book of Verses) - S. Homer, R. Quilter, W. Watts
- Geraldine (Why, my heart, do we love her so?) (from The Song of Swords and Other Verses) - R. Clarke
- God with us (June, and a warm, sweet rain) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - M. White
- Gray hills, gray skies, gray lights (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - C. Lidgey
- Gray hills (Gray hills, gray skies, gray lights) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - C. Lidgey
- Gulls in an aery morrice (Gulls in an aery morrice) (from The Song of Swords and Other Verses) - I. Gurney
- Gulls in an aery morrice (from The Song of Swords and Other Verses) - I. Gurney, M. Rogers
- Gulls (Gulls in an aery morrice) (from The Song of Swords and Other Verses) - M. Rogers
- I am beauty and love - P. Zimmerli
- I am the Reaper (I am the Reaper) (from A Book of Verses) - J. Elkus, F. Hart
- I am the Reaper (from A Book of Verses) - J. Elkus, F. Hart
- I gave my heart to a woman (I gave my heart to a woman) (from Poems) - F. Hart
- I gave my heart to a woman (from Poems) - F. Hart
- In the placid summer midnight - G. Peel (In the placid summer midnight)
- In the red April dawn (In the red April dawn) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - R. Raybould, C. Willeby
- In the red April dawn (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - R. Raybould, C. Willeby
- In the year that's come and gone, love, his flying feather (from A Book of Verses) - G. Butterworth, F. Hart
- In the year that's come and gone (In the year that's come and gone, love, his flying feather) (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart
- Invictus (Out of the night that covers me) (from A Book of Verses) - V. Fine, B. Huhn, C. Mueller, M. Shaw GER GER
- I send you roses -- red, like love (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - C. Willeby
- I send you roses (I send you roses -- red, like love) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - C. Willeby
- It was a bowl of roses (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - R. Clarke, F. Scott
- I was a King in Babylon (Or ever the knightly years were gone) (from A Book of Verses) - C. Forsyth
- June, and a warm, sweet rain (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - M. White, P. Zulueta
- Kate-a-Whimsies, John-a-Dreams (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart (Kate-a-Whimsies, John-a-Dreams)
- Kate-a-Whimsies (Kate-a-Whimsies, John-a-Dreams) (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart
- Last year (The spring, my dear) (from A Book of Verses) - C. Palmer, M. White
- Let me sleep (Life is bitter. All the faces of the years) (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart
- Life in her creaking shoes (from A Book of Verses) - G. Butterworth
- Life is bitter. All the faces of the years (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart (To my mother II)
- Lived on one's back (from A Book of Verses) - T. Chanler (Vigil)
- Look down, dear eyes, look down (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - C. Lambert, C. Willeby
- Look down, dear eyes (Look down, dear eyes, look down) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - C. Lambert, C. Willeby
- Madam Life's a piece in bloom (Madam Life's a piece in bloom) (from Poems) - F. Hart
- Madam Life's a piece in bloom (from Poems) - F. Hart
- Margaritæ Sorori (A late lark twitters from the quiet skies)
- Of a gray ancestor, Tom Heywood hight (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - C. Lidgey, G. Peel, B. Whelply, C. Willeby
- O, Falmouth is a fine town with ships in the bay (from A Book of Verses) - A. Duckworth, R. Francillon, M. Shaw, W. Watts (To D. H.)
- O Falmouth is a fine town (O, Falmouth is a fine town with ships in the bay) (from A Book of Verses) - A. Duckworth, M. Shaw
- Of rain (A sombre, sagging sky) (from A Book of Verses)
- O gather me the rose, the rose (O gather me the rose, the rose) (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart
- O gather me the rose, the rose (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart, J. Raynor
- O Gather Me The Rose (O gather me the rose, the rose) (from A Book of Verses) - J. Raynor
- Oh to be heart on heart (June, and a warm, sweet rain) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - P. Zulueta
- Only and forever (While the west is paling) (from A Book of Verses) - W. Watts
- On the way to Kew (On the way to Kew) (from A Book of Verses) - R. Clarke, A. Foote, A. Mallinson
- On the way to Kew (from A Book of Verses) - G. Butterworth, R. Clarke, A. Foote, A. Mallinson
- Onward (Thick is the darkness) (from A Book of Verses) - S. Liddle
- Or ever the knightly years were gone (from A Book of Verses) - C. Forsyth
- Out of the night that covers me (from A Book of Verses) GER GER - V. Fine, B. Huhn, M. Kernochan, F. Korbay, C. Lidgey, C. Mueller, M. Shaw (Invictus)
- Out of the night (Out of the night that covers me) (from A Book of Verses) - F. Korbay, C. Lidgey GER GER
- Over the hills (Where forlorn sunsets flare and fade) (from The Song of Swords and Other Verses) - D. Blosdale
- Over the western sea (Bring her again, O western wind) (from A Book of Verses) - A. Mallinson CHI
- Praise the generous gods for giving (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart
- Praise the generous gods (Praise the generous gods for giving) (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart
- Rondeau () - N. O'Neill [x]
- Sang in my glass, and I listened (from A Book of Verses) - H. Waller
- Sea grave () - R. Boughton [x]
- Shepherd, see thy horse's foaming mane (Shepherd, see thy horse's foaming mane) - F. Korbay
- Shepherd, see thy horse's foaming mane - F. Korbay
- She sauntered by the swinging seas (She sauntered by the swinging seas) (from A Book of Verses) - H. Foss, F. Hart, E. Hill, L. Issacs
- She sauntered by the swinging seas (from A Book of Verses) - H. Foss, F. Hart, E. Hill, L. Issacs
- Sing to me, sing, and sing again (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - S. Homer, C. Johns, C. Lidgey
- Sing to me, sing (Sing to me, sing, and sing again) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - S. Homer, C. Johns
- Sing to me (Sing to me, sing, and sing again) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - C. Lidgey
- Sleeping down the golden hours! (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - E. Walker
- Song of the blackbird (The nightingale has a lyre of gold) (from A Book of Verses) - R. Quilter GER
- Summer midnight (In the placid summer midnight) - G. Peel
- Summer rain (A sombre, sagging sky) (from A Book of Verses) - C. Willeby
- Sundown (A late lark twitters from the quiet skies) - A. Shepherd
- Take, dear, my little sheaf of songs (from A Book of Verses) - H. Riesenfeld, L. Ronald (Dedication - to my wife)
- The blackbird (The nightingale has a lyre of gold) (from A Book of Verses) - A. Beach, H. Brainard, R. Faith, V. Harris, F. Hart, H. Loomis, H. Parker GER
- The blessing (The surges gushed and sounded) (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart
- The day's high work is over and done (from For England's Sake) - C. Stanford (The last post)
- The Fifes of June (The ways are green with the gladdening sheen) (from A Book of Verses) - M. White
- The full sea rolls and thunders (The full sea rolls and thunders) (from A Book of Verses) - F. Brinkworth, I. Gurney, F. Korbay ITA
- The full sea rolls and thunders (from A Book of Verses) ITA - F. Brinkworth, I. Gurney, F. Korbay
- The last post (The day's high work is over and done) (from For England's Sake) - C. Stanford
- The moon of roses (This is the moon of roses) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - K. Bassett, C. Johns
- The nightingale and the rose (From the brake the Nightingale) (from A Book of Verses) - W. Watts
- The nightingale has a lyre of gold (The nightingale has a lyre of gold) (from A Book of Verses) - F. Allitsen, F. Delius, A. Foote, A. Lambert, C. McKinley, M. Rogers, L. Ronald, B. Whelply GER
- The nightingale has a lyre of gold (from A Book of Verses) GER - F. Allitsen, A. Beach, H. Brainard, F. Delius, J. Densmore, R. Faith, A. Foote, V. Harris, F. Hart, A. Lambert, H. Loomis, C. McKinley, H. Parker, R. Quilter, M. Rogers, L. Ronald, B. Whelply
- The nightingale (The nightingale has a lyre of gold) (from A Book of Verses) - J. Densmore GER
- The night is dark and loud (The sea is full of wandering foam) (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart
- The North Wind (Fresh from his fastnesses) - C. Parry
- The patient sleeps (Lived on one's back) (from A Book of Verses) - T. Chanler
- The patient sleeps () - T. Chanler [x]
- The pretty washermaiden (The pretty washermaiden) (from A Book of Verses) - W. Webber
- The pretty washermaiden (from A Book of Verses) - W. Webber
- There is a wheel inside my head (There is a wheel inside my head) (from A Book of Verses) - P. Coppola
- There is a wheel inside my head (from A Book of Verses) - P. Coppola
- The sea is full of wandering foam (The sea is full of wandering foam) (from A Book of Verses) - I. Gurney, F. Hart
- The sea is full of wandering foam (from A Book of Verses) - A. Beach, I. Gurney, F. Hart
- The sea is full of wand'ring foam (from A Book of Verses)
- The skies are strown with stars (The skies are strown with stars) (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart
- The skies are strown with stars (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart
- The Spirit of Wine sang in my glass (from A Book of Verses)
- The Spirit of Wine (I am beauty and love) - P. Zimmerli
- The Spirit of Wine (Sang in my glass, and I listened) (from A Book of Verses) - H. Waller
- The spring, my dear, is no longer spring (The spring, my dear) (from A Book of Verses) - H. Burleigh, F. Hart
- The spring, my dear (The spring, my dear) (from A Book of Verses) - F. Allitsen, L. Ronald
- The spring, my dear (from A Book of Verses) - F. Allitsen, H. Burleigh, F. Hart, C. Palmer, L. Ronald, M. White
- The surges gushed and sounded (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart
- The ways are green with the gladdening sheen (from A Book of Verses) - M. White
- The western sea (Bring her again, O western wind) (from A Book of Verses) - M. Wald CHI
- The western wind (Bring her again, O western wind) (from A Book of Verses) - A. Beach CHI
- The wind on the wold (The wind on the wold) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - C. Lidgey, E. Walker, H. Willan
- The wind on the wold (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - C. Lidgey, E. Walker, H. Willan
- Thick is the darkness (Thick is the darkness) (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart, W. Johnson, F. Korbay
- Thick is the darkness (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart, W. Johnson, F. Korbay, S. Liddle
- This is the moon of roses (This is the moon of roses) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - B. Crist
- This is the moon of roses (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - K. Bassett, B. Crist, C. Johns
- To D. H. (O, Falmouth is a fine town with ships in the bay) (from A Book of Verses)
- To me at my fifth-floor window (To me at my fifth-floor window) (from A Book of Verses) - A. Mallinson
- To me at my fifth-floor window (from A Book of Verses) - A. Mallinson
- To my mother II (Life is bitter. All the faces of the years) (from A Book of Verses)
- To my mother (Chiming a dream by the way) (from A Book of Verses)
- 'Twas in a world of living leaves ('Twas in a world of living leaves) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - J. Beach
- 'Twas in a world of living leaves (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - J. Beach
- Unconquered (Out of the night that covers me) (from A Book of Verses) - M. Kernochan GER GER
- Vigil (Lived on one's back) (from A Book of Verses)
- Villanelle (A dainty thing's the Villanelle) - R. Stöhr
- Villanelle (Where's the use of sighing?)
- We flash across the level (from A Book of Verses) - A. Mallinson
- We'll go no more a-roving by the light of the moon (from A Book of Verses) - L. Ronald
- We'll go no more a-roving (We'll go no more a-roving by the light of the moon) (from A Book of Verses) - L. Ronald
- We'll to the woods and gather May (We'll to the woods, and gather May) (from A Book of Verses) - C. Griffes
- We'll to the woods, and gather May (from A Book of Verses) - H. Fletcher, C. Griffes
- We'll to the Woods (We'll to the woods, and gather May) (from A Book of Verses) - H. Fletcher
- We shall surely die (We shall surely die) (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart
- We shall surely die (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart
- Western wind (Bring her again, O western wind) (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart CHI
- We sway along (We flash across the level) (from A Book of Verses) - A. Mallinson
- What have I done for you (from The Song of Swords and Other Verses) - F. Allitsen, M. Shaw, R. Vaughan Williams, H. Willan
- Where forlorn sunsets flare and fade (from The Song of Swords and Other Verses) - D. Blosdale
- Where's the use of sighing? - M. Carmichael (Villanelle)
- Where's the use of sighing? (Where's the use of sighing?) - M. Carmichael
- While the west is paling (While the west is paling) (from A Book of Verses) - H. Gaul, F. Hart, F. Korbay
- While the west is paling (from A Book of Verses) - H. Gaul, F. Hart, F. Korbay, W. Watts
- Why, my heart, do we love her so? (from The Song of Swords and Other Verses) - R. Clarke
- Wind of the western sea (Bring her again, O western wind) (from A Book of Verses) - W. Johnson CHI
- With strawberries we filled a tray (With strawberries we filled a tray) (from A Book of Verses) - L. Sowerby
- With strawberries we filled a tray (from A Book of Verses) - N. O'Neill, L. Sowerby
- With strawberries (With strawberries we filled a tray) (from A Book of Verses) - N. O'Neill
- You played and sang a snatch of song (from Rhymes and Rhythms) - F. Hart
- Your feet as glad and light (Your feet as glad) (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - C. Willeby
- Your feet as glad (from Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses - Hawthorn and Lavender) - C. Willeby
- Your heart has trembled to my tongue (Your heart has trembled to my tongue) (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart
- Your heart has trembled to my tongue (from A Book of Verses) - F. Hart, L. Ronald
- Your heart has trembled (Your heart has trembled to my tongue) (from A Book of Verses) - L. Ronald
Last update: 2024-12-15 05:05:05