It’s now easier than ever to see both the author's and the composer's versions of a text!
After more than a year in development, I'm thrilled to announce that we've finally implemented the
ability to view "sung texts"
with all the modifications by a given composer already applied. Over 10,000
pages will benefit from this improvement. It should especially benefit those of you who need accurate texts for concert programs and CD booklets.
I'm excited to share this new feature with all of you and hope that it enhances your experience on the
LiederNet Archive. Take some time to explore and enjoy! — Emily
no. 14. Ô mes lettres d'amour (Max Arham, Victor Emanuel Bendix, Paul-Charles-Marie Curet, as Paul Puget)
no. 20. Dans l'alcôve sombre (Hector Berlioz, François Adrien Boïeldieu, René de Boisdeffre, Charlotte Devéria, née Thomas, Léon Charles François Kreutzer, Laura Constance Netzel, as Lago, Albert Périlhou, Mathilde, Baroness Willy de Rothschild, Fernand de la Tombelle) CZEENG
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