Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by R. Rabey
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- Mélodies pour chant
- no. 1. Chanson des rames (Text: Louis Hyacinthe Bouilhet)
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- Apaisement (Text: Charles Honoré Batilliot)
- Chanson des rames (in Mélodies pour chant) (Text: Louis Hyacinthe Bouilhet)
- Les Roses de Saadi (Text: Marceline Desbordes-Valmore) ENG
- Si je ne dois jamais ... (Text: Vincent des Loÿs) [x]
- Tes yeux! (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Toi (Text: René Rabey) [x]
- Un grand sommeil noir (Text: Paul Verlaine) CZE ENG ENG GER GER GER HUN RUS RUS RUS RUS RUS
- Vous m'aimiez, je vous aimais (Text: Sylvain Royé) [x]
Last update: 2025-01-28 00:35:09