Submissions by Giuliano, Antonio ( 19 items: 6 texts and 13 translations )
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- The dawn divides the darkness from the light; title: "The dawn divides the darkness from the light" [translation]
- The dawn, dressed in white; title: "Morning" [translation]
- Yes, like a little flower; title: "A sweet mouth" [translation]
- Come sei bella; title: "Parlami d'amore Mariù"
- Pietà, Signore; title: "Pietà, Signore"
- How beautiful you are; title: "Speak to me of love, Mariù" [translation]
- Have mercy, Lord; title: "Have mercy, Lord" [translation]
- What was there in that flower you gave me?; title: "Enchantment" [translation]
- Lovely moon, you who shed silver light; title: "Lovely moon, you who shed silver light" [translation]
- Era la notte, e presso di Colei; title: "La ricordanza"
- Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi; title: "Agnus Dei"
- It was night, and beside Her; title: "Recollection" [translation]
- They told me that tomorrow; title: "The last song" [translation]
- Melancholy, gentle nymph [translation]
- Catarì, Catarì; title: "Core 'ngrato"
- Ogni sera di sotto al mio balcone; title: "Musica proibita"
- Catarì, Catarì; title: "Ungrateful heart" [translation]
- Underneath my balcony every evening; title: "Prohibited music" [translation]
- To my confused mind; title: "Prayer" [translation]