Texts by L. Untermeyer set in Art Songs and Choral Works
Text Collections:
Texts set in art song or choral works (not necessarily comprehensive):
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Special notes: All titles and first lines are included in this index, including those used by composers.
Titles used by the text author appear in boldface. First lines appear in italics.
A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
- And thus, as I wasted so many a day (from Poems of Heinrich Heine) FRE FRE RUS
- A prayer for this house (May nothing evil cross this door) (from This Singing World) - G. Young
- A winter lyric (The winter winds were swift and stinging) (from These Times) - W. Rothwell
- Back she came through the trembling dusk (from Challenge) - A. Kramer, W. Rothwell (Folk-Song)
- Caliban in the Coal Mines (God, we don't like to complain) (from Challenge) - L. Raymond
- Come back. Let me give up this climb, these searches - T. Hoekman
- Eleven o'clock, and the curtain falls - G. Bachlund (End of the Comedy)
- End of the Comedy (Eleven o'clock, and the curtain falls) - G. Bachlund
- Folk-Song (Back she came through the trembling dusk) (from Challenge) - W. Rothwell
- From "The Swimmers" (Then the swift plunge into the cool green dark) - C. Ives
- God, though this life is but a wraith (from Challenge) - M. Baron (Prayer)
- God, we don't like to complain (from Challenge) - L. Raymond (Caliban in the Coal Mines)
- Good fortune is a giddy maid (Good fortune is a giddy maid) - C. Olmstead [x] *
- Good fortune is a giddy maid [x] * - C. Olmstead
- If I could go with you up there (If I could go with you) -
- If I could go with you (If I could go with you up there)
- Like some young flower, cool and white - G. Bachlund (With a Volume of Heine)
- Matinée (The poet stood reciting) - G. Bachlund
- May nothing evil cross this door (from This Singing World) - G. McKay, V. Persichetti, R. Quaile, G. Young (Prayer for this house)
- Mend the World (Come back. Let me give up this climb, these searches) - T. Hoekman
- Only of thee and me the night wind sings (from First Love) ITA - M. Bauer, G. Becker, T. Hart, J. Spencer, G. Wiley (Only of thee and me)
- Only of thee and me (Only of thee and me the night wind sings) (from First Love) - M. Bauer, G. Becker, T. Hart, J. Spencer, G. Wiley ITA
- Out of my tears and sorrows (Out of my tears and sorrows) (from Poems of Heinrich Heine) CAT DUT DUT DUT FIN FRE FRE FRE FRE FRE GRE HEB IRI ITA POL RUS RUS SPA SPA UKR FRE FRE FRE ROM
- Prayer for this house (May nothing evil cross this door) (from This Singing World) - G. McKay, V. Persichetti, R. Quaile
- Prayer (God, though this life is but a wraith) (from Challenge) - M. Baron
- Storm (The storm rages now) - D. Kidwell FRE FRE
- The faltering dusk (Back she came through the trembling dusk) (from Challenge) - A. Kramer
- The linnet is tuning her flute (from First Love)
- Then the swift plunge into the cool green dark - C. Ives
- The poet stood reciting - G. Bachlund (Matinée)
- There once was a knight full of sorrow and doubt (from Poems of Heinrich Heine) FRE FRE FRE (There once was a knight) -
- There once was a knight (There once was a knight full of sorrow and doubt) (from Poems of Heinrich Heine) FRE FRE FRE
- The storm rages now and whips the waves FRE FRE
- The storm rages now FRE FRE - D. Kidwell
- The winter winds were swift and stinging (from These Times) - W. Rothwell (A winter lyric)
- They have told you many stories (from Poems of Heinrich Heine) FRE FRE
- With a Volume of Heine (Like some young flower, cool and white) - G. Bachlund
Last update: 2023-05-11 13:30:50