Texts by Wang Wei set in Art Songs and Choral Works
Texts set in art song or choral works (not necessarily comprehensive):
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Special notes: All titles and first lines are included in this index, including those used by composers.
Titles used by the text author appear in boldface. First lines appear in italics.
A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
- Abschied () - A. Doráti ENG ENG FRE ENG (Text: Anonymous after Wang Wei) [x]
- A peine plongé entre les lotus rouges * - P. Hersant
- Beneath the bamboo grove, alone (from Chinese Poetry in English Verse) CZE GER GER FRE (Overlooked) -
- Bound home to Mount Song (The limpid river, past its bushes) (from The Jade Mountain) UKR RUS
- Cold Mountains () - D. Healey (Text: Anonymous after Wang Wei) [x]
- Der Abschied des Freundes (Ich stieg vom Pferd und reichte ihm den Trunk) - H. Altmann, F. Valen ENG ENG FRE ENG
- Du vallon broussailleux des rochers blancs émergent (from Anthologie de la poésie chinoise classique, sous la direction de Paul Demiéville - Poèmes des T'ang) [x] * - B. Gousset (En Montagne)
- 独坐幽篁里,/ 弹琴复长啸。 CZE ENG ENG GER GER (竹里馆) -
- 独坐幽篁里 CZE ENG ENG GER GER (竹里馆) -
- En Montagne (Du vallon broussailleux des rochers blancs émergent) (from Anthologie de la poésie chinoise classique, sous la direction de Paul Demiéville - Poèmes des T'ang) - B. Gousset [x] *
- En se séparant d'un voyageur (Je descendis de cheval; je lui offris le vin de l'adieu) ENG ENG GER ENG GER
- Farewell () - A. Doráti FRE GER (Text: Anonymous after Wang Wei) [x]
- Green Creek () - D. Healey (Text: Anonymous after Wang Wei) [x]
- Green Willows () - D. Healey (Text: Anonymous after Wang Wei) [x]
- 歸嵩山作 (清川帶長薄, / 車馬去閑閑。) ENG UKR RUS
- I bambusnåret (Tillbakalutad i det täta bambusnåret) (from Jadeberget, kinesisk lyrik från Tangdynastin 618-906 ) - A. Haquinius, H. Rosenberg CZE ENG ENG GER GER
- Ich stieg vom Pferd und reichte ihm den Trunk ENG ENG FRE ENG - H. Altmann, F. Valen (Der Abschied des Freundes)
- Im Bambus gibt es keine Menschen, im Bambus sitze ich allein CZE ENG ENG (Text: Anonymous after Wang Wei) - P. Haas
- Im Bambushain (Im Bambus gibt es keine Menschen, im Bambus sitze ich allein) - P. Haas CZE ENG ENG (Text: Anonymous after Wang Wei)
- In a retreat among bamboos (Leaning alone in the close bamboos) (from The Jade Mountain) CZE GER GER SWE
- Je descendis de cheval; je lui offris le vin de l'adieu ENG ENG GER ENG GER (En se séparant d'un voyageur) -
- Laßt uns gesellig niedersitzen und Wein her! - S. Koch, L. Michielsen
- Leaning alone in the close bamboos (from The Jade Mountain) CZE GER GER SWE (In a retreat among bamboos) -
- Le cormoran (A peine plongé entre les lotus rouges) - P. Hersant *
- Nad strumkom bentezhno kliknuv ptakh = Над струмком бентежно кликнув птах (Zhivu ja na volі sama = Живу я на волі сама) - B. Lyatoshynsky ENG RUS
- Old Home () - D. Healey (Text: Anonymous after Wang Wei) [x]
- Overlooked (Beneath the bamboo grove, alone) (from Chinese Poetry in English Verse) CZE GER GER FRE
- Potok, gde pojet ptica = Поток, где поет птица (Potok, gde pojet ptica = Поток, где поет птица) - B. Lyatoshynsky ENG UKR (Text: Anonymous after Wang Wei) [x]
- Potok, gde pojet ptica = Поток, где поет птица ENG UKR (Text: Anonymous after Wang Wei) [x] - B. Lyatoshynsky
- 清川帶長薄, / 車馬去閑閑。 ENG UKR RUS (歸嵩山作) -
- 清川帶長薄 ENG UKR RUS (歸嵩山作) -
- 送别 (下马饮君酒,/ 问君何所之。) ENG ENG FRE ENG GER
- Sous la touffe de bambous, seul, je prends mon luth et je chante CZE ENG ENG GER GER [x] - G. Auric
- Sous la touffe de bambous, seul (Sous la touffe de bambous, seul, je prends mon luth et je chante) - G. Auric CZE ENG ENG GER GER [x]
- The Autumn Moon () - D. Healey (Text: Anonymous after Wang Wei) [x]
- The Empty Mountain () - D. Healey (Text: Anonymous after Wang Wei) [x]
- The Grove of Dark Bamboo () - D. Healey (Text: Anonymous after Wang Wei) [x]
- The Hunt () - D. Healey (Text: Anonymous after Wang Wei) [x]
- The limpid river, past its bushes (from The Jade Mountain) UKR RUS - J. Beckwith (Bound home to Mount Song)
- The limpid river (The limpid river, past its bushes) (from The Jade Mountain) - J. Beckwith UKR RUS
- The Ravine () - D. Healey (Text: Anonymous after Wang Wei) [x]
- The triple refrain at Yang-Kwan Pass () - A. Cirone [x] *
- Tillbakalutad i det täta bambusnåret (from Jadeberget, kinesisk lyrik från Tangdynastin 618-906 ) CZE ENG ENG GER GER - A. Haquinius, H. Rosenberg (I bambusnåret)
- Trinken um zu vergessen (Laßt uns gesellig niedersitzen und Wein her!) - S. Koch, L. Michielsen
- V bambusech nejsou lidé, v bambusech sedím sám ENG ENG GER GER - P. Haas
- V bambusovém háji (V bambusech nejsou lidé, v bambusech sedím sám) - P. Haas ENG ENG GER GER
- 下马饮君酒,/ 问君何所之。 ENG ENG FRE ENG GER (送别) -
- Zhivu ja na volі sama = Живу я на волі сама ENG RUS - B. Lyatoshynsky
- 竹里馆 (独坐幽篁里,/ 弹琴复长啸。) CZE ENG ENG GER GER
Last update: 2023-10-15 20:31:35