Ein [Fichtenbaum]1 steht einsam Im Norden auf kahler Höh'; Ihn schläfert; mit weißer Decke Umhüllen ihn Eis und Schnee. Er träumt von einer Palme, Die fern im Morgenland, Einsam und [schweigend]2 trauert Auf brennender Felsenwand.
Vier Lieder für 1 Singstimme mit Pianoforte und V. resp. Vcello. , opus 2
by Felix von Woyrsch (1860 - 1944)
Translations available for the entire opus: CAT ENG FRE
1. Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam  [sung text not yet checked]
Text Authorship:
- by Heinrich Heine (1797 - 1856), no title, appears in Buch der Lieder, in Lyrisches Intermezzo, no. 33
See other settings of this text.
Available translations, adaptations or excerpts, and transliterations (if applicable):
- CAT Catalan (Català) (Salvador Pila) , copyright © 2015, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- CHI Chinese (中文) [singable] (Dr Huaixing Wang) , copyright © 2024, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- DUT Dutch (Nederlands) [singable] (Lau Kanen) , copyright © 2017, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- ENG English (Emily Ezust) , "A spruce-tree stands alone", copyright ©
- ENG English [singable] (Bertram Kottmann) , "A fir-tree standing lonesome", copyright © 2005, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- ENG English (Edgar Alfred Bowring) , appears in The Poems of Heine Complete, first published 1861
- ENG English (Emma Lazarus) , "Song", appears in Poems and Ballads of Heinrich Heine, first published 1881
- ENG English [singable] (Arthur Westbrook) , "In northern land a pine-tree"
- ESP Esperanto (Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof) , "En nord' unu pino"
- FRE French (Français) (Charles Beltjens) , no title, appears in Intermezzo lyrique, no. 33, first published 1827
- FRE French (Français) (Pierre Mathé) , copyright © 2016, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- HEB Hebrew (עברית) (Hamutal Atariah) , copyright © 2024, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- ITA Italian (Italiano) (Ferdinando Albeggiani) , "Sta un abete solitario", copyright © 2004, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- RUS Russian (Русский) (Apollon Nikolayevich Maykov) , no title, appears in Роман в пяти стихотворениях = Roman v pjati stikhotvorenijakh (A novel in five poems), no. 1 [an adaptation]
Confirmed with Heinrich Heine, Buch der Lieder, Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg, 1827, page 137.
1 Biegeleben: "Tannenbaum"; further changes may exist not shown above.2 Marx: "schweigsam"
2. Die Lotosblume ängstigt sich  [sung text not yet checked]
Die Lotosblume ängstigt Sich vor der Sonne Pracht Und mit gesenktem Haupte Erwartet sie träumend die Nacht. Der Mond, [der]1 ist ihr Buhle Er weckt sie mit seinem Licht, Und ihm entschleiert sie freundlich Ihr [frommes]2 Blumengesicht, Sie blüht und glüht und leuchtet Und starret stumm in die Höh'; Sie duftet und weinet und zittert Vor Liebe und Liebesweh.
Text Authorship:
- by Heinrich Heine (1797 - 1856), no title, appears in Buch der Lieder, in Lyrisches Intermezzo, no. 10
See other settings of this text.
Available translations, adaptations or excerpts, and transliterations (if applicable):
- CAT Catalan (Català) (Marta Garcia Cadena) , "La flor de lotus", copyright © 2011, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- DUT Dutch (Nederlands) [singable] (Lau Kanen) , "De lotusbloem is angstig", copyright © 2012, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- ENG English (Lawrence Snyder) , no title, copyright ©, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- ENG English (Emma Lazarus) , "Lotus blossom", appears in Poems and translations, first published 1867
- FRE French (Français) (Pierre Mathé) , "La fleur de lotus", copyright © 2008, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- FRE French (Français) (Charles Beltjens) , no title, appears in Intermezzo lyrique, no. 10, first published 1827
- GER German (Deutsch) (Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) , "Die Lotosblume" [an adaptation]
- ITA Italian (Italiano) (Amelia Maria Imbarrato) , "Il fiore di loto", copyright © 2006, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- POR Portuguese (Português) (Margarida Moreno) , "A flor de lótus", copyright © 2011, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- SPA Spanish (Español) (Elisa Rapado) , copyright © 2018, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
Confirmed with Heinrich Heine, Buch der Lieder, Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg, 1827, page 119.
1 Loewe: "das"2 Franz: "holdes"
3. Die schlanke Wasserlilie  [sung text not yet checked]
Die schlanke Wasserlilie Schaut träumend empor aus dem See; Da grüßt der Mond herunter Mit lichtem Liebesweh. Verschämt senkt sie [das]1 Köpfchen Wieder [hinab]2 zu den Welln -- Da sieht sie zu ihren Füßen Den armen [blassen]3 Geselln.
Text Authorship:
- by Heinrich Heine (1797 - 1856), no title, appears in Neue Gedichte, in Neuer Frühling, no. 15
See other settings of this text.
Available translations, adaptations or excerpts, and transliterations (if applicable):
- CAT Catalan (Català) (Salvador Pila) , "L'esvelt nenúfar", copyright © 2013, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- ENG English (Lawrence Snyder) , "The slender waterlily", copyright ©, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- ENG English (Sharon Krebs) , copyright © 2018, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- FRE French (Français) (Pierre Mathé) , "Quand l'élégante fleur de nénuphar", copyright © 2011, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- ITA Italian (Italiano) (Amelia Maria Imbarrato) , "Lo snello giglio d'acqua", copyright © 2006, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
Confirmed with: Heinrich Heine’s sämtliche Werke in vier Bänden, herausgegeben von Otto F. Lachmann, Erster Band, Leipzig: Druck und Verlag von Philipp Reclam jun, [1887], page 244
1 Pfitzner: "ihr"2 Pfitzner: "zurück"
3 omitted by Pfitzner
4. Weil' auf mir, du dunkles Auge  [sung text not yet checked]
Weil' auf mir, du dunkles Auge, Übe deine ganze Macht, Ernste, milde, [träumerische]1, Unergründlich süße Nacht! Nimm mit deinem Zauberdunkel Diese Welt von hinnen mir, Daß du über meinem Leben Einsam schwebest für und für.
Text Authorship:
- by Nikolaus Lenau (1802 - 1850), "Bitte", appears in Gedichte, in 1. Erstes Buch, in Sehnsucht
See other settings of this text.
Available translations, adaptations or excerpts, and transliterations (if applicable):
- CAT Catalan (Català) (Salvador Pila) , copyright © 2015, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- DUT Dutch (Nederlands) [singable] (Lau Kanen) , copyright © 2017, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- ENG English (Emily Ezust) , "Linger on me, dark eyes", copyright ©
- ENG English [singable] (Walter A. Aue) , "Stay with me, endarkened vision", copyright © 2008, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- ENG English (Sharon Krebs) , copyright © 2022, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- FRE French (Français) (Pierre Mathé) , "S'il te plait", copyright © 2009, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
Confirmed with Nicolaus Lenau's sämtliche Werke, herausgegeben von G. Emil Barthel, Leipzig: Druck und Verlag von Philipp Reclam jun., [1883], page 11.
1 Bolko von Hochberg: "zauberische"; Sjögren: "träumereiche"