Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by P. Glanville-Hicks
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Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird (13 façons de regarder un merle, translated by Guy Laffaille) (Dreizehn Weisen eine Amsel zu betrachten, translated by Bertram Kottmann) FRE GER
- no. 1. Among twenty snowy mountains (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- no. 2. I was of three minds (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- no. 3. The blackbird whirled in the autumn winds (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- no. 4. A man and a woman (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- no. 5. I do not know which to prefer (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- no. 6. Icicles filled the long window (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- no. 7. O thin men of Haddam (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- no. 8. I know noble accents (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- no. 9. When the blackbird flew out of sight (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- no. 10. At the sight of blackbirds (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- no. 11. He rode over Connecticut (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- no. 12. The river is moving (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- no. 13. It was evening all afternoon (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- Five Songs
- no. 1. Mimic heaven (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- no. 2. He would not stay (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- no. 3. Stars (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- no. 4. Unlucky love (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- no. 5. Homespun collars (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Profiles from China
- no. 1. Poetics (Text: Eunice Tietjens, née Hammond)
- no. 2. A Lament of Scarlet Cloud (Text: Eunice Tietjens, née Hammond)
- no. 3. The dream (Text: Eunice Tietjens, née Hammond)
- no. 4. Crepuscule (Text: Eunice Tietjens, née Hammond)
- no. 5. The Son of Heaven (Text: Eunice Tietjens, née Hammond)
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- A Lament of Scarlet Cloud (in Profiles from China) (Text: Eunice Tietjens, née Hammond)
- A man and a woman (in 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird) (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- Among twenty snowy mountains (in 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird) (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- At the sight of blackbirds (in 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird) (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- A widow bird (Text: Percy Bysshe Shelley) CZE ITA RUS
- Be still, you little leaves (Text: Mary Gladys Meredith Webb)
- Come sleep (Text: John Fletcher) FRE GER SPA
- Crepuscule (in Profiles from China) (Text: Eunice Tietjens, née Hammond)
- Frolic (Text: George William Russell)
- He reproves the curlew (Text: William Butler Yeats) FRE ITA
- He rode over Connecticut (in 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird) (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- He would not stay (in Five Songs) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Homespun collars (in Five Songs) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Icicles filled the long window (in 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird) (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- I do not know which to prefer (in 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird) (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- I know noble accents (in 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird) (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- It was evening all afternoon (in 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird) (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- I was of three minds (in 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird) (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- Mimic heaven (in Five Songs) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- O thin men of Haddam (in 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird) (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- Poetics (in Profiles from China) (Text: Eunice Tietjens, née Hammond)
- Rest (Text: George William Russell)
- Sheiling song (Text: William Sharp , as Fiona Macleod)
- Stars (in Five Songs) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- The blackbird whirled in the autumn winds (in 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird) (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- The dream (in Profiles from China) (Text: Eunice Tietjens, née Hammond)
- The river is moving (in 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird) (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
- The Son of Heaven (in Profiles from China) (Text: Eunice Tietjens, née Hammond)
- They are not long (Text: Ernest Christopher Dowson)
- To the moon (Text: Percy Bysshe Shelley) CZE
- Unlucky love (in Five Songs) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- When the blackbird flew out of sight (in 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird) (Text: Wallace Stevens) FRE GER
Last update: 2023-06-21 15:19:17