Submissions by Stam, Rianne ( 1 text and 27 translations )
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- With her walking stick; title: "Fate" [translation]
- She stood before the holy icon; title: "Before the icon" [translation]
- I am no prophet, I am no soldier; title: "I am no prophet" [translation]
- I am alone again and again that same night; title: "By a fresh grave" [translation]
- Dear Konstantin Sergevich; title: "Letter to K.S. Stanislavsky from S.V. Rachmaninov" [translation]
- My child, you are beautiful as a flower; title: "My child, you are beautiful as a flower" [translation]
- The days pass ... the nights pass; title: "Brooding" [translation]
- Greater love hath no one, than who; title: "From Evangelia to John" [translation]
- Yesterday we met: she halted; title: "Yesterday we met" [translation]
- Did you think of me, Natasha; title: "Did you think of me, Natasha" [translation]
- Do not sing, my beauty, to me; title: "Do not sing, my beauty, to me" [translation]
- In the morning, at daybreak; title: "Lilacs" [translation]
- Die!" - the day keeps telling me; title: "Song of a disillusioned man" [translation]
- I am in loneliness no longer alone; title: "I am in loneliness no longer alone" [translation]
- I saw in the fathomless blue; title: "May night" [translation]
- The bright day, that laughs beautifully and glowingly; title: "The bright day" [translation]
- Ты помнишь ли вечер, как море шумело
- I will say nothing to you; title: "I will say nothing to you" [translation]
- Do you remember the evening, as the sea was turbulent; title: "Do you remember the evening" [translation]
- I was with her; she said to me; title: "I was with her" [translation]
- Sea wind rushes over dune's edge; title: "Belfry" [translation]
- At the gates of the holy cloister; title: "At the gates of the holy cloister" [translation]
- O more fragrant every flower rises; title: "Moonlight" [translation]
- O, no, I beg you, do not leave!; title: "O, no, I beg you, do not leave!" [translation]
- Grant, o God, at his prayer; title: "Simeon's ode" [translation]
- The gentle south wind sighs through black branches; title: "Evensong" [translation]
- I love you!"; title: "Morning" [translation]
- She lounges on the soft moss, and holds curved; title: "She slumbers" [translation]