Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by D. Leisner
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- Confiding
- no. 1. Savior! I've no one else to tell (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- no. 2. Ample make this Bed (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER ITA
- no. 3. Wild Nights (Text: Emily Dickinson) CHI FRE GER GER ITA
- no. 4. Signal (Text: Gene Scaramellino) *
- no. 5. Star-Crossed (Text: Elissa Ely) *
- no. 6. The Lady to her Guitar (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 7. Love and Friendship (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 8. To Imagination (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 9. Faith (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 10. This is my letter to the World (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- Heaven's River
- no. 1. The Boat (Text: Rabindranath Tagore after Rabindranath Tagore) FRE FRE GER IRI
- no. 2. Light (Text: Rabindranath Tagore after Rabindranath Tagore) FRE GER GER ITA
- no. 3. To the Stream (Text: Rabindranath Tagore after Rabindranath Tagore) FRE FRE GER GER ITA
- Outdoor Shadows
- no. 1. Slow (Text: Robert Francis) *
- no. 2. Homeward (Text: Robert Francis) *
- no. 3. Yes, What? (Text: Robert Francis) *
- no. 4. Seagulls (Text: Robert Francis) *
- no. 5. Sing a Song of Juniper (Text: Robert Francis) *
- Three James Tate Songs
- no. 1. I Can't Speak for the Wind (Text: James Vincent Tate) *
- no. 2. Never Again the Same (Text: James Vincent Tate) *
- no. 3. From an Island (Text: James Vincent Tate) *
- West Wind
- no. 1. Come with me (Text: Mary Oliver) *
- no. 2. Row for your life (Text: Mary Oliver) *
- no. 3. Dark is as dark does (Text: Mary Oliver) *
- no. 4. Wild Needle (Text: Mary Oliver) *
- no. 5. Night birds (Text: Mary Oliver) *
- no. 6. West Wind (Text: Mary Oliver) *
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- Ample make this Bed (in Confiding) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER ITA
- Come with me (in West Wind) (Text: Mary Oliver) *
- Dark is as dark does (in West Wind) (Text: Mary Oliver) *
- Faith (in Confiding) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- From an Island (in Three James Tate Songs) (Text: James Vincent Tate) *
- Homeward (in Outdoor Shadows) (Text: Robert Francis) *
- I Can't Speak for the Wind (in Three James Tate Songs) (Text: James Vincent Tate) *
- Light (in Heaven's River) (Text: Rabindranath Tagore after Rabindranath Tagore) FRE GER GER ITA
- Love and Friendship (in Confiding) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- Never Again the Same (in Three James Tate Songs) (Text: James Vincent Tate) *
- Night birds (in West Wind) (Text: Mary Oliver) *
- Row for your life (in West Wind) (Text: Mary Oliver) *
- Savior! I've no one else to tell (in Confiding) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Seagulls (in Outdoor Shadows) (Text: Robert Francis) *
- Signal (in Confiding) (Text: Gene Scaramellino) *
- Sing a Song of Juniper (in Outdoor Shadows) (Text: Robert Francis) *
- Slow (in Outdoor Shadows) (Text: Robert Francis) *
- Star-Crossed (in Confiding) (Text: Elissa Ely) *
- The Boat (in Heaven's River) (Text: Rabindranath Tagore after Rabindranath Tagore) FRE FRE GER IRI
- The Lady to her Guitar (in Confiding) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- This is my letter to the World (in Confiding) (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- To Imagination (in Confiding) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- To the Stream (in Heaven's River) (Text: Rabindranath Tagore after Rabindranath Tagore) FRE FRE GER GER ITA
- West Wind (in West Wind) (Text: Mary Oliver) *
- Wild Needle (in West Wind) (Text: Mary Oliver) *
- Wild Nights (in Confiding) (Text: Emily Dickinson) CHI FRE GER GER ITA
- Yes, What? (in Outdoor Shadows) (Text: Robert Francis) *
Last update: 2023-07-06 14:17:52