Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by G. Butterworth
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Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- Bredon Hill and other songs
- no. 1. Bredon Hill (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- no. 2. Oh fair enough are sky and plain (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- no. 3. When the lad for longing sighs (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- no. 4. On the idle hill of summer (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- no. 5. With rue my heart is laden (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Folk Songs from Sussex
- no. 1. Yonder stands a lovely creature (Text: Volkslieder )
- no. 2. A blacksmith courted me (Text: Volkslieder ) IRI
- no. 3. Sowing the seeds of love (Text: Volkslieder )
- no. 4. A lawyer he went out (Text: Volkslieder )
- no. 5. Come my own one (Text: Volkslieder )
- no. 6. The cuckoo (Text: Volkslieder )
- no. 7. A brisk young sailor courted me (Text: Volkslieder )
- no. 8. Seventeen come Sunday (Text: Volkslieder )
- no. 9. Roving in the dew (Text: Volkslieder )
- no. 10. The true lover's farewell (Text: Volkslieder )
- no. 11. Tarry trowsers (Text: Volkslieder )
- Love blows as the wind blows
- no. 1. In the year that's come and gone, love, his flying feather (Text: William Ernest Henley)
- no. 2. Life in her creaking shoes (Text: William Ernest Henley)
- no. 3. Fill a glass with golden wine (Text: William Ernest Henley)
- no. 4. On the way to Kew (Text: William Ernest Henley)
- Six Songs from A Shropshire Lad (נער משרופשיר, translated by Max Mader) (Un gars de Shropshire, translated by Patricia Dillard Eguchi) HEB FRE
- no. 1. Loveliest of trees (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- no. 2. When I was one-and-twenty (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE GER HEB
- no. 3. Look not in my eyes (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- no. 4. Think no more, lad (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- no. 5. The lads in their hundreds (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- no. 6. Is my team ploughing (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- Two Songs
- no. 1. I fear thy kisses (Text: Percy Bysshe Shelley) CZE FRE RUS
- no. 2. Requiescat (Text: Oscar Wilde) GER GER RUS
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- A blacksmith courted me (in Folk Songs from Sussex) (Text: Volkslieder ) IRI
- A brisk young sailor courted me (in Folk Songs from Sussex) (Text: Volkslieder )
- A lawyer he went out (in Folk Songs from Sussex) (Text: Volkslieder )
- Bredon Hill (in Bredon Hill and other songs) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Come my own one (in Folk Songs from Sussex) (Text: Volkslieder )
- Fill a glass with golden wine (in Love blows as the wind blows) (Text: William Ernest Henley)
- I fear thy kisses (in Two Songs) (Text: Percy Bysshe Shelley) CZE FRE RUS
- In the highlands, in the country places (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson)
- In the year that's come and gone, love, his flying feather (in Love blows as the wind blows) (Text: William Ernest Henley)
- Is my team ploughing (in Six Songs from A Shropshire Lad) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- I will make you brooches (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) CAT GER ITA LIT
- Life in her creaking shoes (in Love blows as the wind blows) (Text: William Ernest Henley)
- Look not in my eyes (in Six Songs from A Shropshire Lad) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- Loveliest of trees (in Six Songs from A Shropshire Lad) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- Oh fair enough are sky and plain (in Bredon Hill and other songs) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- On the idle hill of summer (in Bredon Hill and other songs) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- On the way to Kew (in Love blows as the wind blows) (Text: William Ernest Henley)
- Requiescat (in Two Songs) (Text: Oscar Wilde) GER GER RUS
- Roving in the dew (in Folk Songs from Sussex) (Text: Volkslieder )
- Seventeen come Sunday (in Folk Songs from Sussex) (Text: Volkslieder )
- Sowing the seeds of love (in Folk Songs from Sussex) (Text: Volkslieder )
- Tarry trowsers (in Folk Songs from Sussex) (Text: Volkslieder )
- The cuckoo (in Folk Songs from Sussex) (Text: Volkslieder )
- The lads in their hundreds (in Six Songs from A Shropshire Lad) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- The true lover's farewell (in Folk Songs from Sussex) (Text: Volkslieder )
- Think no more, lad (in Six Songs from A Shropshire Lad) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- When I was one-and-twenty (in Six Songs from A Shropshire Lad) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE GER HEB
- When the lad for longing sighs (in Bredon Hill and other songs) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- With rue my heart is laden (in Bredon Hill and other songs) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Yonder stands a lovely creature (in Folk Songs from Sussex) (Text: Volkslieder )
Last update: 2024-07-25 21:30:23