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Слыхали ль вы за рощей глас ночной Певца любви, певца своей печали? Когда поля в час утренний молчали, Свирели звук [унылый]1 и простой Слыхали ль вы, слыхали ль вы? Встречали ль вы в пустынной тьме лесной Певца любви, певца своей печали? [Прискорбную ль улыбку замечали]2, Иль тихий взор, исполненный тоской, Встречали вы, встречали вы? Вздохнули ль вы, внимая [тихой]3 глас Певца любви, певца своей печали? Когда в лесах вы юношу видали, Встречая взор его потухших глаз, Вздохнули ль вы, вздохнули ль вы?
1 N. S. Titov: "унылой" ("unyloj")
2 N. S. Titov, Medtner: "Следы ли слёз, улыбку ль замечали" ("Sledy li sljoz, ulybku l' zamechali")
3 Levina, N. S. Titov: "тихий" ("tikhij")
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Note on TransliterationsText Authorship:
- by Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin (1799 - 1837), "Певец", first published 1816 [author's text checked 1 time against a primary source]
Musical settings (art songs, Lieder, mélodies, (etc.), choral pieces, and other vocal works set to this text), listed by composer (not necessarily exhaustive):
- by Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Aliabev (1787 - 1851), "Певец" [ voice and piano ] [sung text not yet checked]
- by Konstantin Nikolayevich Bozhanovsky , "Певец" [sung text not yet checked]
- by Nikolay Filippovich Khristianovich (1828 - 1890), "Певец" [sung text not yet checked]
- by Zara Aleksandrovna Levina (1906 - 1976), "Певец" [sung text not yet checked]
- by Zara Aleksandrovna Levina (1906 - 1976), "Певец" [sung text checked 1 time]
- by Aleksandr Borisovich Matyukhin (b. 1947), "Певец" [sung text not yet checked]
- by Nikolai Karlovich Medtner (1880 - 1951), "Певец", op. 29 (Семь стихотворений А. Пушкина (Sem' stikhotvorenij A. Pushkina)) no. 2 [ voice and piano ] [sung text checked 1 time]
- by Anton Grigoryevich Rubinstein (1829 - 1894), "Певец", op. 36 (Zwölf Lieder aus dem Russischem von F. Bodenstedt) no. 7 (1849-51) [ voice and piano ], Wien, Spina, also set in German (Deutsch) [sung text not yet checked]
- by Ivan Petrovich Shishov (1888 - 1947), "Певец" [sung text not yet checked]
- by Dmitri Nikolaevich Smirnov (1948 - 2020), "Певец", op. 20 no. 3, published 1976 [ voice, flute, percussion, violin, and cello ], from Pechal' minuvshikh dnej, no. 3 [sung text checked 1 time]
- by Nikolay Nikolayevich Sokolovsky (1865 - 1921), "Певец" [ voice and piano ] [sung text not yet checked]
- by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840 - 1893), "Певец", op. 24, first performed 1879, from opera Евгений Онегин (Eugene Onegin) [sung text checked 1 time]
- by Nikolai Alexeyevich Titov (1800 - 1875), "Певец" [sung text not yet checked]
- by Nikolai Sergeyevich Titov (1798 - 1843), "Певец", published 1829 [sung text checked 1 time]
- by Aleksei Nikolayevich Verstovsky (1799 - 1862), "Певец" [sung text not yet checked]
Settings in other languages, adaptations, or excerpts:
- Also set in German (Deutsch), [adaptation] ; composed by Anton Grigoryevich Rubinstein.
Other available translations, adaptations or excerpts, and transliterations (if applicable):
- ENG English (Dmitri Smirnov) , "The singer", copyright © 2008, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- ENG English (Jacob Wilde) , "The Singer", copyright © 2024, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- FRE French (Français) (Guy Laffaille) , "Le chanteur", copyright © 2013, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- GER German (Deutsch) (Friedrich Martin von Bodenstedt) , "Der Sänger", appears in Lieder aus der Fremde: In Beiträgen von Friedrich Bodenstedt, Adolf Elissen, Ferdinand Freiligrath, usw., first published 1857
Researcher for this text: Emily Ezust [Administrator]
This text was added to the website between May 1995 and September 2003.
Line count: 15
Word count: 82
Avez-vous entendu derrière le bosquet la voix de la nuit Du chanteur de l'amour, du chanteur de la tristesse ? Quand les champs à l'heure de l'aube font silence, Le son du pipeau mélancolique et simple L'avez-vous entendu, l'avez-vous entendu ? Avez-vous rencontré dans la forêt déserte et sombre Le chanteur de l'amour, le chanteur de la tristesse ? Avez-vous remarqué des larmes ou un sourire, Un regard doux, plein de tristesse, L'avez-vous rencontré, l'avez-vous rencontré ? Avez-vous soupiré en écoutant la douce voix Du chanteur de l'amour, du chanteur de la tristesse ? Quand dans les bois vous avez vu un jeune homme, Croisant le regard de ses yeux tristes Avez-vous soupiré, avez-vous soupiré ?
Text Authorship:
- Translation from Russian (Русский) to French (Français) copyright © 2013 by Guy Laffaille, (re)printed on this website with kind permission. To reprint and distribute this author's work for concert programs, CD booklets, etc., you may ask the copyright-holder(s) directly or ask us; we are authorized to grant permission on their behalf. Please provide the translator's name when contacting us.
Based on:
- a text in Russian (Русский) by Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin (1799 - 1837), "Певец", first published 1816
This text was added to the website: 2013-03-28
Line count: 15
Word count: 111