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Ich blick' in mein Herz und ich blick' in die Welt, Bis [vom Auge die brennende]1 [Thräne mir fällt]2, Wohl leuchtet die Ferne [mit goldenem]3 Licht, Doch hält mich der Nord -- ich erreiche sie nicht -- O die Schranken so eng, und die Welt so weit, Und so flüchtig die Zeit! Ich weiß ein Land, wo [aus]4 sonnigem Grün Um versunkene Tempel die Trauben [glühn]5, Wo die purpurne Woge das Ufer beschäumt, [Und]6 von kommenden Sängern der Lorbeer träumt; Fern lockt es und winkt dem verlangenden Sinn, Und ich kann nicht hin. [Und]7 hätt' ich Flügel, durch's Blau der Luft Wie wollt' ich baden im Sonnenduft! Doch umsonst! Und Stunde auf Stunde entflieht -- Vertraure die Jugend -- begrabe das Lied -- O die Schranken so eng, und die Welt so weit, Und so flüchtig die Zeit!
Available sung texts: (what is this?)
• M. Schnorr von Carolsfeld • R. Schumann • L. Spohr • A. WalterAbout the headline (FAQ)
View original text (without footnotes)Confirmed with Gedichte von Emanuel Geibel, Neununddreißigste Auflage, Berlin, Verlag von Alexander Duncker, 1855, page 26. Note: modern German spelling would change "Thräne" to "Träne"
1 Schumann, Spohr: "von schwimmenden Auge die"; Walter: "vom schwimmenden Auge die"2 Schnorr von Carolsfeld: "Träne fällt"
3 Schnorr von Carolsfeld: "im goldenen"
4 Schnorr von Carolsfeld: "in"
5 Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Walter: "blüh'n"
6 Schnorr von Carolsfeld: "Wo"
7 Schumann, Spohr, Walter: "O"
Text Authorship:
- by Emanuel von Geibel (1815 - 1884), "Sehnsucht" [author's text checked 1 time against a primary source]
Musical settings (art songs, Lieder, mélodies, (etc.), choral pieces, and other vocal works set to this text), listed by composer (not necessarily exhaustive):
- by (Adolf) Emil Büchner (1826 - 1908), "Sehnsucht", op. 18 (Fünf Lieder für Mezzo-Sopran (oder Bariton) mit Pianoforte) no. 1, published 1858 [ mezzo-soprano or baritone and piano ], Nürnberg, Schmid [sung text not yet checked]
- by Heinrich Esser (1818 - 1872), "Sehnsucht", op. 39b (3 Lieder) no. 1, published 1853 [ voice and piano ], Offenbach, André; note: this opus number was used earlier by another publisher so we have added the letter 'b' to it [sung text not yet checked]
- by Gustav Adolf Heinze (1820 - 1904), "Sehnsucht", op. 25 (Vier Lieder für Tenor (oder Mezzo-Sopran) mit Pianofortebegleitung) no. 2, published 1887 [ tenor or mezzo-soprano and piano ], Amsterdam, Wahlberg [sung text not yet checked]
- by Hans Huber (1852 - 1921), "Sehnsucht ", op. 38 no. 1, published 1878 [ low voice and piano ], from Lieder der Sehnsucht, no. 1, Leipzig, Kistner [sung text not yet checked]
- by Johanna Kinkel (1810 - 1858), "Sehnsucht nach Griechenland", op. 6 (Sechs Lieder) no. 1 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Halfdan Kjerulf (1815 - 1868), "Sehnsucht", op. 20 (Acht Lieder und Gesänge für Alt mit Pianoforte) no. 4, HK. 74 (1852), published 1869, rev. 1856 [ voice and piano ] [sung text not yet checked]
- by Hans Kretzschmer , "Sehnsucht", published 1893 [ voice and piano ], from Zwei Lieder, no. 1, Naumburg a./S., Max Schmidt [sung text not yet checked]
- by A. de Lisicka , "Sehnsucht ", op. 2 (Zwei Lieder für Sopran mit Pianoforte) no. 1, published 1875 [ soprano and piano ], Wien, Haslinger [sung text not yet checked]
- by Adolph Bernhard Marx (1795 - 1866), "Sehnsucht", op. 22 (Spanische Lieder), Heft 1 no. 1, published 1847 [ voice and piano ] [sung text not yet checked]
- by (Wilhelm) Bernhard Molique (1802 - 1869), "Sehnsucht ", op. 25 (Sechs Lieder) no. 2, published 1845 [ voice and piano ], Stuttgart, Allgemeine Musikhandlung [sung text not yet checked]
- by Friedrich August Naubert (1839 - 1897), "Sehnsucht", op. 1 no. 4, published 1875 [ voice and piano ], from Wonne und Weh in Wort und Weise. Liederreihe aus Dichtungen verschiedener Dichter, für 1 Singstimme mit Pianoforte, no. 4, Leipzig, Eulenburg [sung text not yet checked]
- by Fredrik Pacius (1809 - 1891), "Sehnsucht II", 1839 [ voice and piano ] [sung text not yet checked]
- by Peter Martin Cornelius Rübner (1853 - 1929), "Sehnsucht", op. 37 (Drei Lieder für 1 Singstimme mit Pianoforte) no. 1, published 1904 [ voice and piano ], New York City, Luckhardt & Belder [sung text not yet checked]
- by Siegfried Saloman (1816 - 1899), "Sehnsucht", op. 26 (6 Lieder für 1 Singstimme mit Pianoforte) no. 1, published 1850 [ voice and piano ], Leipzig, Peters [sung text not yet checked]
- by Malvina Schnorr von Carolsfeld (1825 - 1904), "Sehnsucht" [ voice and piano ] [sung text checked 1 time]
- by Karl Schröder (1848 - 1935), "Sehnsucht ", published 1886 [ voice and piano ], from Acht Lieder für 1 Singstimme mit Pianoforte, no. 5, Leipzig, Gründel [sung text not yet checked]
- by Edwin Schultz (1827 - 1907), "Sehnsucht", op. 7 no. 1, published 1855 [ mezzo-soprano or baritone and piano ], Berlin, Schlesinger [sung text not yet checked]
- by Robert Schumann (1810 - 1856), "Sehnsucht", op. 51 (Lieder und Gesänge für Singstimme und Klavier (Heft 2)) no. 1 (1840), published 1850 [ voice and piano ], Leipzig, Whistling [sung text checked 1 time]
- by Ferdinand Sieber (1822 - 1895), "Sehnsucht", op. 40 (Vier Lieder für Sopran oder Tenor mit Pianoforte) no. 4, published 1856 [ tenor or soprano and piano ], Magdeburg, Heinrichshofen [sung text not yet checked]
- by Louis [Ludwig] Spohr (1784 - 1859), "Sehnsucht", op. 103 no. 3 [ voice, clarinet, and piano ], from Sechs deutsche Lieder für eine Singstimme, Klarinette und Klavier, no. 3 [sung text checked 1 time]
- by Johann Hugo Christian Ludwig Herkules Staehle (1826 - 1848), "Sehnsucht", op. 5 no. 3, published 1849 [ bass or baritone and piano ], from Sechs Lieder für Bariton (oder Bass) mit Pianoforte, no. 3, Cassel, Luckhardt [sung text not yet checked]
- by August Walter (1821 - 1896), "Sehnsucht", op. 6 (Sechs Lieder) no. 1, published 1849 [ voice and piano ], Leipzig, Kistner [sung text checked 1 time]
- by Heinrich Zöllner (1854 - 1941), "Sehnsucht", op. 7 (Vier Lieder für 1 Singstimme mit Pianoforte) no. 3, published 1880 [ voice and piano ], Leipzig, Kistner [sung text not yet checked]
Available translations, adaptations or excerpts, and transliterations (if applicable):
- CAT Catalan (Català) (Salvador Pila) , "Nostàlgia", copyright © 2013, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- DUT Dutch (Nederlands) [singable] (Lau Kanen) , "Hunkering", copyright © 2012, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- ENG English (Allen Shearer) , "I look in my heart and I look at the world", copyright © 2002, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- FRE French (Français) (Guy Laffaille) , "Nostalgie", copyright © 2010, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- ITA Italian (Italiano) (Amelia Maria Imbarrato) , "Nostalgia", copyright © 2005, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- POR Portuguese (Português) (Elke Beatriz Riedel) , "Saudade", copyright © 2011, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
Research team for this page: Emily Ezust [Administrator] , Johann Winkler
This text was added to the website between May 1995 and September 2003.
Line count: 18
Word count: 133
I look in my heart and I look at the world Till out of my [burning]1 eyes a tear falls. Though the distance glows with golden light, The north wind tells me I shall not reach it. Ah! How narrow our confines, how wide the world, And how fleeting is time! I know a land where in sun-filled greenery Grapes gleam among sunken temples, Where the purple wave covers the shore with foam And laurels dream of singers to come. It lures from afar and beckons my longing soul, And I cannot go there! If I had wings to fly through the blue How I would wish to bathe in sun's fragrance! But in vain! Hour flees upon hour; Pass your youth in mourning, bury your song. Ah! How narrow our confines, how wide the world And how fleeting is time!
1 Schumann and Spohr versions: "clouded"
Text Authorship:
- Translation from German (Deutsch) to English copyright © 2002 by Allen Shearer, (re)printed on this website with kind permission. To reprint and distribute this author's work for concert programs, CD booklets, etc., you may ask the copyright-holder(s) directly or ask us; we are authorized to grant permission on their behalf. Please provide the translator's name when contacting us.
Based on:
- a text in German (Deutsch) by Emanuel von Geibel (1815 - 1884), "Sehnsucht"
This text was added to the website between May 1995 and September 2003.
Line count: 18
Word count: 141