Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by D. Thomas
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- Blessings: Five Poems of James Wright
- no. 1. Beginning (Text: James Wright) [x]*
- no. 2. The jewel (Text: James Wright) [x]*
- no. 3. This and that (Text: James Wright) [x]*
- no. 4. A blessing (Text: James Wright) [x]*
- no. 5. To a hostess saying Good Night (Text: James Wright) [x]*
- By Heart
- no. 2. Train tune (Text: Louise Bogan) [x]
- no. 2. Musician (Text: Louise Bogan) [x]
- no. 3. Roman fountain (Text: Louise Bogan) [x]
- no. 4. M., singing (Text: Louise Bogan) [x]
- no. 5. I saw Eternity (Text: Louise Bogan)
- no. 6. Song for the Last Act (Text: Louise Bogan) [x]
- Children of the Night
- no. 1. Dear Friends (Text: Edwin Arlington Robinson)
- no. 2. The Torrent (Text: Edwin Arlington Robinson)
- no. 3. Reuben Bright (Text: Edwin Arlington Robinson)
- no. 4. The Dark Hills (Text: Edwin Arlington Robinson) GER
- no. 5. John Evereldown (Text: Edwin Arlington Robinson)
- no. 6. The Pilot (Text: Edwin Arlington Robinson)
- no. 7. L'Envoi (Text: Edwin Arlington Robinson)
- Earthly Delights
- no. 1. The ghosts (Text: Thomas Love Peacock)
- no. 2. 'Tis the voice of the Lobster (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll) FRE
- no. 3. To a goose (Text: Robert Southey)
- no. 4. If all the world were paper (Text: Anonymous)
- Grace and Stir: Three Poems of A. D. Hope
- no. 1. As well as they can (Text: A. D. Hope) [x]*
- no. 2. With Thee conversing... (Text: A. D. Hope) [x]*
- no. 3. The gateway (Text: A. D. Hope) [x]*
- Green Thoughts in a Green Shade
- no. 1. The Mower's Song (Text: Andrew Marvell)
- no. 2. The Mower to the Glow-Worms (Text: Andrew Marvell)
- no. 3. Wondrous life (Text: Andrew Marvell)
- Heard in a Violent Ward
- no. 1. In a Madhouse (Text: John Clare)
- no. 2. There is a charm in solitude that cheers (Text: John Clare)
- no. 3. Byron's Funeral (Text: John Clare)
- no. 4. Enquiry (Text: John Clare)
- no. 6. I am (Text: John Clare) GER
- no. 7. Conclusion (Text: John Clare)
- In the Country of Baseball
- no. 1. Home (Text: 18th century)
- no. 2. In the country of baseball (Text: Donald Hall) [x]*
- no. 3. Pitches
- no. 4. Fielding (Text: Donald Hall) [x]*
- no. 5. Fathers and Sons (Text: Donald Hall) [x]*
- In the Mad Moonlight: Four Poems of Louis Jenkins
- no. 1. Oklahoma (Text: Louis Jenkins) *
- no. 2. Water (Text: Louis Jenkins) *
- no. 3. Chekhov and Heisenberg (Text: Louis Jenkins) *
- no. 4. Hey Diddle Diddle (Text: Louis Jenkins) *
- Lonely Hearts
- no. 1. A simple wish (Text: Wendy Cope) [x]*
- no. 2. The expense of spirits (Text: Wendy Cope) [x]*
- no. 3. The uncertainty of the poet (Text: Wendy Cope) [x]*
- no. 4. A serious person (Text: Wendy Cope) [x]*
- no. 5. Reading scheme (Text: Wendy Cope) [x]*
- no. 6. Advertisement (Text: Wendy Cope) [x]*
- no. 7. Giving up smoking (Text: Wendy Cope) [x]*
- no. 8. The reading (Text: Wendy Cope) [x]*
- no. 9. The orange (Text: Wendy Cope) [x]*
- Moonlight on a Midnight Stream
- no. 4. A Ghost Story (Text: Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley)
- no. 7. Mutability (Text: Percy Bysshe Shelley) CZE ITA
- no. 10. Valediction (Text: Percy Bysshe Shelley)
- Petals fallen from the moon
- no. 1. The kind moon (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- no. 2. Full Moon (Santa Barbara) (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- no. 3. Old tunes (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- no. 4. At night (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- no. 5. Moon's ending (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- no. 6. The wine (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- Songs of the Trobairitz
- no. 1. I thrive on youth and joy (Text: Meg Bogen after Beatriz de Dia, Contessa) [x]*
- no. 2. Of things I'd rather keep in silence I must sing (Text: Meg Bogen after Beatriz de Dia, Contessa) *
- no. 3. God knows I should have had my fill of song (Text: Meg Bogen after Castelloza) [x]*
- no. 4. Now we are come to the cold time (Text: Meg Bogen after Azalais de Porcairages) [x]*
- no. 5. If you knew my mind, sweet handsome friend (Text: Meg Bogen after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) [x]*
- To Live in This World
- no. 1. The swan (Text: Mary Oliver) [x]*
- no. 2. Oh Tiger (Text: Mary Oliver) [x]*
- no. 3. In Blackwater Woods (Text: Mary Oliver) *
- While All the World Made Merry: 3 Poems by Charles Causley
- no. 1. On the Thirteenth Day of Christmas (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- no. 2. Innocent's song (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- no. 3. Sailor's carol (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- A blessing (in Blessings: Five Poems of James Wright) (Text: James Wright) [x]*
- Advertisement (in Lonely Hearts) (Text: Wendy Cope) [x]*
- A Ghost Story (in Moonlight on a Midnight Stream) (Text: Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley)
- An echoing song (Text: David Evan Thomas after Rainer Maria Rilke) * FRE
- A serious person (in Lonely Hearts) (Text: Wendy Cope) [x]*
- A simple wish (in Lonely Hearts) (Text: Wendy Cope) [x]*
- A Song for Saint Cecilia's Day (Text: John Dryden) FRE GER SPA
- As well as they can (in Grace and Stir: Three Poems of A. D. Hope) (Text: A. D. Hope) [x]*
- At night (in Petals fallen from the moon) (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- A wreath (Text: George Herbert)
- Beginning (in Blessings: Five Poems of James Wright) (Text: James Wright) [x]*
- Byron's Funeral (in Heard in a Violent Ward) (Text: John Clare)
- Canticle of the Sun (Text: Anonymous after Francis of Assisi, Saint ) GER SPA
- Chekhov and Heisenberg (in In the Mad Moonlight: Four Poems of Louis Jenkins) (Text: Louis Jenkins) *
- Clarissa Graceful (Text: Alexander Pope)
- Come to the Waters (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- Conclusion (in Heard in a Violent Ward) (Text: John Clare)
- Dear Friends (in Children of the Night) (Text: Edwin Arlington Robinson)
- Du bist die Ruh (Text: David Evan Thomas after Friedrich Rückert) CAT DUT DUT FRE FRI HEB IRI ITA POR SPA
- Du bist die Zukunft (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke)
- Ein Gebet (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) FRE
- Enquiry (in Heard in a Violent Ward) (Text: John Clare)
- Esau Wood (Text: Volkslieder )
- Fathers and Sons (in In the Country of Baseball) (Text: Donald Hall) [x]*
- Fielding (in In the Country of Baseball) (Text: Donald Hall) [x]*
- Forever Toward You (Text: David Evan Thomas after Rainer Maria Rilke) *
- Full Moon (Santa Barbara) (in Petals fallen from the moon) (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- Giving up smoking (in Lonely Hearts) (Text: Wendy Cope) [x]*
- God knows I should have had my fill of song (in Songs of the Trobairitz) (Text: Meg Bogen after Castelloza) [x]*
- Great Blue (Text: Carolyn Kizer) [x]*
- Hey Diddle Diddle (in In the Mad Moonlight: Four Poems of Louis Jenkins) (Text: Louis Jenkins) *
- Holy Spirit, bestowing Life (Text: Norma Gentile after Hildegard von Bingen) *
- Home (in In the Country of Baseball) (Text: 18th century)
- I am (in Heard in a Violent Ward) (Text: John Clare) GER
- If all the world were paper (in Earthly Delights) (Text: Anonymous)
- If you knew my mind, sweet handsome friend (in Songs of the Trobairitz) (Text: Meg Bogen after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) [x]*
- In a Madhouse (in Heard in a Violent Ward) (Text: John Clare)
- In Blackwater Woods (in To Live in This World) (Text: Mary Oliver) *
- Infant Joy (Text: William Blake) RUS
- Innocent's song (in While All the World Made Merry: 3 Poems by Charles Causley) (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- In the country of baseball (in In the Country of Baseball) (Text: Donald Hall) [x]*
- I saw Eternity (in By Heart) (Text: Louise Bogan)
- I thrive on youth and joy (in Songs of the Trobairitz) (Text: Meg Bogen after Beatriz de Dia, Contessa) [x]*
- John Evereldown (in Children of the Night) (Text: Edwin Arlington Robinson)
- Laughing song (Text: William Blake) CHI RUS
- L'Envoi (in Children of the Night) (Text: Edwin Arlington Robinson)
- Little boy lost (Text: William Blake)
- Moon's ending (in Petals fallen from the moon) (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- M., singing (in By Heart) (Text: Louise Bogan) [x]
- Musician (in By Heart) (Text: Louise Bogan) [x]
- Music Speaks (Text: Gordon Bottomley)
- Mutability (in Moonlight on a Midnight Stream) (Text: Percy Bysshe Shelley) CZE ITA
- Now we are come to the cold time (in Songs of the Trobairitz) (Text: Meg Bogen after Azalais de Porcairages) [x]*
- Of things I'd rather keep in silence I must sing (in Songs of the Trobairitz) (Text: Meg Bogen after Beatriz de Dia, Contessa) *
- Oh Tiger (in To Live in This World) (Text: Mary Oliver) [x]*
- Oklahoma (in In the Mad Moonlight: Four Poems of Louis Jenkins) (Text: Louis Jenkins) *
- Old tunes (in Petals fallen from the moon) (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- On another's sorrow (Text: William Blake)
- On the Thirteenth Day of Christmas (in While All the World Made Merry: 3 Poems by Charles Causley) (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- O, Waly Waly (Text: Volkslieder ) CAT FRE ITA
- Piping down the valleys wild (Text: William Blake) RUS
- Pitches (in In the Country of Baseball)
- Reading scheme (in Lonely Hearts) (Text: Wendy Cope) [x]*
- Reuben Bright (in Children of the Night) (Text: Edwin Arlington Robinson)
- Roman fountain (in By Heart) (Text: Louise Bogan) [x]
- Sailor's carol (in While All the World Made Merry: 3 Poems by Charles Causley) (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- Song for the Last Act (in By Heart) (Text: Louise Bogan) [x]
- Sweet dreams, form a shade (Text: William Blake)
- The Dark Hills (in Children of the Night) (Text: Edwin Arlington Robinson) GER
- The dawning (Text: George Herbert)
- The divine image (Text: William Blake) GER RUS
- The expense of spirits (in Lonely Hearts) (Text: Wendy Cope) [x]*
- The fly (Text: William Blake) CAT FRE RUS
- The gateway (in Grace and Stir: Three Poems of A. D. Hope) (Text: A. D. Hope) [x]*
- The ghosts (in Earthly Delights) (Text: Thomas Love Peacock)
- The jewel (in Blessings: Five Poems of James Wright) (Text: James Wright) [x]*
- The kind moon (in Petals fallen from the moon) (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- The King of Love (Text: Henry Williams Baker, Sir) FRE
- The lamb (Text: William Blake) CAT GER GER RUS
- The Mower's Song (in Green Thoughts in a Green Shade) (Text: Andrew Marvell)
- The Mower to the Glow-Worms (in Green Thoughts in a Green Shade) (Text: Andrew Marvell)
- The orange (in Lonely Hearts) (Text: Wendy Cope) [x]*
- The Pilot (in Children of the Night) (Text: Edwin Arlington Robinson)
- The reading (in Lonely Hearts) (Text: Wendy Cope) [x]*
- There is a charm in solitude that cheers (in Heard in a Violent Ward) (Text: John Clare)
- The swan (in To Live in This World) (Text: Mary Oliver) [x]*
- The Torrent (in Children of the Night) (Text: Edwin Arlington Robinson)
- The uncertainty of the poet (in Lonely Hearts) (Text: Wendy Cope) [x]*
- The wine (in Petals fallen from the moon) (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- The wings of the morning (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts) GER
- This and that (in Blessings: Five Poems of James Wright) (Text: James Wright) [x]*
- 'Tis the voice of the Lobster (in Earthly Delights) (Text: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson , as Lewis Carroll) FRE
- To a goose (in Earthly Delights) (Text: Robert Southey)
- To a hostess saying Good Night (in Blessings: Five Poems of James Wright) (Text: James Wright) [x]*
- Train tune (in By Heart) (Text: Louise Bogan) [x]
- Two Spirituals [multi-text setting] (Text: Volkslieder (Folksongs))
- Valediction (in Moonlight on a Midnight Stream) (Text: Percy Bysshe Shelley)
- Water (in In the Mad Moonlight: Four Poems of Louis Jenkins) (Text: Louis Jenkins) *
- We Will (Text: Masha Devidtovna after Anton Pavlovich Chekhov) *
- When thou, my music, music play'st (Text: William Shakespeare) FRE GER ITA
- With a glorious eye (Text: John Clare)
- With Thee conversing... (in Grace and Stir: Three Poems of A. D. Hope) (Text: A. D. Hope) [x]*
- Wondrous life (in Green Thoughts in a Green Shade) (Text: Andrew Marvell)
Last update: 2024-11-27 06:58:39