Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by J. Mitchell
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Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- Cantata: Four Passages (Excerpts from Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot), op. 109
- no. 1. Time present and time past (Text: T. S. Eliot) *
- no. 2. At the still point (Text: T. S. Eliot) *
- no. 3. Shall I say it again? (Text: T. S. Eliot) *
- no. 4. Where is there an end of it? (Text: T. S. Eliot) *
- no. 5. We shall not cease from exploration (Text: T. S. Eliot) *
- Five Poems by Robert Frost, op. 48
- no. 1. To the thawing wind (Text: Robert Frost)
- no. 2. Nightscene (Text: Robert Frost)
- no. 3. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (Text: Robert Frost) GER
- no. 4. Acquainted with the night (Text: Robert Frost) GER
- no. 5. Riders (Text: Robert Frost)
- Five Sonnets by Edna St. Vincent Millay, op. 50
- no. 1. Night is my sister (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- no. 2. Columbine (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- no. 3. Time does not bring relief (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- no. 4. You'll be sorry (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- no. 5. Beauty (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- Four Poems by Sylvia Plath, op. 104
- no. 1. Morning Song (Text: Sylvia Plath)
- no. 2. The Couriers (Text: Sylvia Plath)
- no. 3. Sheep in Fog (Text: Sylvia Plath)
- no. 4. The Applicant (Text: Sylvia Plath)
- Four Sacred Songs, op. 96
- no. 1. A Daily Offering (Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins)
- no. 2. Pied Beauty (Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins) FIN
- no. 3. Thee God, I come from (Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins)
- no. 4. The windhover (Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins) FIN
- Four Songs in Spanish, op. 95
- no. 1. Muerte (Text: Federico García Lorca)
- no. 4. La United Fruit Co. (Text: Pablo Neruda) *
- Fourteen Poems by Anne Sexton, op. 114
- no. 1. The starry night (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- no. 2. The balance wheel (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- no. 3. I Remember (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- no. 4. Her kind (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- no. 5. With mercy for the Greedy (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- no. 6. Music swims back to me (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- no. 7. O Mary, fragile mother (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- no. 8. Frenzy (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- no. 9. Housewife (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- no. 10. Small wire (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- no. 11. Mr. Mine (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- no. 12. Where it was at back then (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- no. 13. Just once (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- no. 14. In Excelsis (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- La Corona, op. 89
- no. 1. Deign at my hands (introduction) (Text: John Donne)
- no. 2. Salvation to all (annunciation) (Text: John Donne)
- no. 3. Immensity cloistered (nativity) (Text: John Donne)
- no. 4. With his kind mother (temple) (Text: John Donne)
- no. 5. By miracles exceeding (crucifixion) (Text: John Donne)
- no. 6. Moist with one drop (resurrection) (Text: John Donne)
- no. 7. Salute the last (ascension) (Text: John Donne)
- Seven Songs from William Blake, op. 1
- no. 1. To Morning (Text: William Blake) CZE
- no. 2. Love and harmony combine (Text: William Blake)
- no. 3. My silks and fine array (Text: William Blake)
- no. 4. Memory, hither come (Text: William Blake)
- no. 5. How sweet I roam'd (Text: William Blake)
- no. 6. The wild winds weep (Text: William Blake) CAT
- no. 7. I love the merry dance (Text: William Blake)
- Six Sonnets by Michelangelo, op. 72
- no. 1. From heaven his spirit came (Text: John Addington Symonds after Michelangelo Buonarroti) CAT FRE GER LIT RUS
- no. 2. A heart of flaming sulphur (Text: John Addington Symonds after Michelangelo Buonarroti) GER
- no. 3. Blest spirit (Text: John Addington Symonds after Michelangelo Buonarroti) CZE GER
- no. 4. He who ordained (Text: John Addington Symonds after Michelangelo Buonarroti) GER GER
- no. 5. Choice soul (Text: John Addington Symonds after Michelangelo Buonarroti) FRE LIT SPA
- no. 6. When divine Art (Text: John Addington Symonds after Michelangelo Buonarroti) GER
- The Earth, the Wind, and the Sky, op. 24
- no. 1. For the Moors (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 2. Winter Reflection (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 3. Tell me, tell me, smiling child (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 4. The darkened woods (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 5. Celebration (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 6. Evening landscape (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 7. I'm happiest when most away (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 8. In summer moonlight (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 9. The Old Hall (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 10. The harp (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 11. The traveler (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 12. A spell (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 13. The caged bird (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 14. The pessimist (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 15. No coward soul is mine (Text: Emily Brontë)
- Three Songs for Vicky, op. 90
- no. 1. To Dorothy (Text: Marvin Bell) *
- no. 2. Echo (Text: Lawrence Durrell) *
- Three Songs in Spanish, op. 103
- no. 2. Sátira filosófica (Text: Juana Inés de Asbaje y Ramírez de Santillana , as Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz)
- no. 3. Último árbol (Text: Lucila de María del Perpetuo Socorro Godoy Alcayaga , as Gabriela Mistral)
- Visions from the Earth, op. 17
- no. 1. A vision (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 2. Cold in the earth (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 3. To Imagination (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 4. Come, walk with me (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 5. Shall Earth no more inspire thee (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 6. Child of Delight! (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 7. Stars
- no. 8. The Night Wind (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 9. How Clear She Shines (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 10. The Messenger (Text: Emily Brontë)
- Visions from the Flame, op. 25
- no. 1. The voice of the Bard (Text: William Blake)
- no. 2. The lamb (Text: William Blake) CAT GER GER RUS
- no. 3. The divine image (Text: William Blake) GER RUS
- no. 4. Ah! Sunflower (Text: William Blake) CAT FRE SPA
- no. 5. I asked a Thief (Text: William Blake)
- no. 6. The Garden of Love (Text: William Blake) GER
- no. 7. The smile (Text: William Blake)
- no. 8. Mock on, mock on (Text: William Blake)
- no. 9. The Tyger (Text: William Blake) CAT CHI FRE GER GER RUS
- no. 10. Eternity (Text: William Blake)
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- Acquainted with the night, op. 48 no. 4 (in Five Poems by Robert Frost) (Text: Robert Frost) GER
- A Daily Offering, op. 96 no. 1 (in Four Sacred Songs) (Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins)
- A heart of flaming sulphur, op. 72 no. 2 (in Six Sonnets by Michelangelo) (Text: John Addington Symonds after Michelangelo Buonarroti) GER
- Ah! Sunflower, op. 25 no. 4 (in Visions from the Flame) (Text: William Blake) CAT FRE SPA
- A spell, op. 24 no. 12 (in The Earth, the Wind, and the Sky) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- At the still point, op. 109 no. 2 (in Cantata: Four Passages (Excerpts from Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot)) (Text: T. S. Eliot) *
- A vision, op. 17 no. 1 (in Visions from the Earth) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- Beauty, op. 50 no. 5 (in Five Sonnets by Edna St. Vincent Millay) (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- Blest spirit, op. 72 no. 3 (in Six Sonnets by Michelangelo) (Text: John Addington Symonds after Michelangelo Buonarroti) CZE GER
- Bright or cloudy, op. 71 (Seven Journeys to Earth), Heft 1 no. 4 (Text: Emily Brontë)
- By miracles exceeding (crucifixion), op. 89 no. 5 (in La Corona) (Text: John Donne)
- Celebration, op. 24 no. 5 (in The Earth, the Wind, and the Sky) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- Child of Delight!, op. 17 no. 6 (in Visions from the Earth) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- Choice soul, op. 72 no. 5 (in Six Sonnets by Michelangelo) (Text: John Addington Symonds after Michelangelo Buonarroti) FRE LIT SPA
- Cold in the earth, op. 17 no. 2 (in Visions from the Earth) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- Columbine, op. 50 no. 2 (in Five Sonnets by Edna St. Vincent Millay) (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- Come, walk with me, op. 17 no. 4 (in Visions from the Earth) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- Death, op. 71 (Seven Journeys to Earth), Heft 1 no. 3 (Text: Emily Brontë)
- Deign at my hands (introduction), op. 89 no. 1 (in La Corona) (Text: John Donne)
- Douglas' ride, op. 71 (Seven Journeys to Earth), Heft 1 no. 5 (Text: Emily Brontë)
- Echo, op. 90 no. 2 (in Three Songs for Vicky) (Text: Lawrence Durrell) *
- Eternity, op. 25 no. 10 (in Visions from the Flame) (Text: William Blake)
- Evening landscape, op. 24 no. 6 (in The Earth, the Wind, and the Sky) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- For the Moors, op. 24 no. 1 (in The Earth, the Wind, and the Sky) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- Frenzy, op. 114 no. 8 (in Fourteen Poems by Anne Sexton) (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- From heaven his spirit came, op. 72 no. 1 (in Six Sonnets by Michelangelo) (Text: John Addington Symonds after Michelangelo Buonarroti) CAT FRE GER LIT RUS
- Her kind, op. 114 no. 4 (in Fourteen Poems by Anne Sexton) (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- He who ordained, op. 72 no. 4 (in Six Sonnets by Michelangelo) (Text: John Addington Symonds after Michelangelo Buonarroti) GER GER
- Hope, op. 71 (Seven Journeys to Earth), Heft 1 no. 2 (Text: Emily Brontë)
- Housewife, op. 114 no. 9 (in Fourteen Poems by Anne Sexton) (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- How Clear She Shines, op. 17 no. 9 (in Visions from the Earth) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- How sweet I roam'd, op. 1 no. 5 (in Seven Songs from William Blake) (Text: William Blake)
- I asked a Thief, op. 25 no. 5 (in Visions from the Flame) (Text: William Blake)
- I love the merry dance, op. 1 no. 7 (in Seven Songs from William Blake) (Text: William Blake)
- I'm happiest when most away, op. 24 no. 7 (in The Earth, the Wind, and the Sky) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- Immensity cloistered (nativity), op. 89 no. 3 (in La Corona) (Text: John Donne)
- In Excelsis, op. 114 no. 14 (in Fourteen Poems by Anne Sexton) (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- In summer moonlight, op. 24 no. 8 (in The Earth, the Wind, and the Sky) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- I Remember, op. 114 no. 3 (in Fourteen Poems by Anne Sexton) (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- Just once, op. 114 no. 13 (in Fourteen Poems by Anne Sexton) (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- La United Fruit Co., op. 95 no. 4 (in Four Songs in Spanish) (Text: Pablo Neruda) *
- Love and harmony combine, op. 1 no. 2 (in Seven Songs from William Blake) (Text: William Blake)
- Lullaby, op. 71 (Seven Journeys to Earth), Heft 3 no. 3 (Text: Emily Brontë)
- Memory, hither come, op. 1 no. 4 (in Seven Songs from William Blake) (Text: William Blake)
- Mock on, mock on, op. 25 no. 8 (in Visions from the Flame) (Text: William Blake)
- Moist with one drop (resurrection), op. 89 no. 6 (in La Corona) (Text: John Donne)
- Morning Song, op. 104 no. 1 (in Four Poems by Sylvia Plath) (Text: Sylvia Plath)
- Mr. Mine, op. 114 no. 11 (in Fourteen Poems by Anne Sexton) (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- Muerte, op. 95 no. 1 (in Four Songs in Spanish) (Text: Federico García Lorca)
- Music swims back to me, op. 114 no. 6 (in Fourteen Poems by Anne Sexton) (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- My lady dreams, op. 71 (Seven Journeys to Earth), Heft 1 no. 1 (Text: Emily Brontë)
- My silks and fine array, op. 1 no. 3 (in Seven Songs from William Blake) (Text: William Blake)
- Night is my sister, op. 50 no. 1 (in Five Sonnets by Edna St. Vincent Millay) (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- Nightscene, op. 48 no. 2 (in Five Poems by Robert Frost) (Text: Robert Frost)
- No coward soul is mine, op. 24 no. 15 (in The Earth, the Wind, and the Sky) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- Ode On A Grecian Urn, op. 94 (Text: John Keats)
- O Mary, fragile mother, op. 114 no. 7 (in Fourteen Poems by Anne Sexton) (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- Pied Beauty, op. 96 no. 2 (in Four Sacred Songs) (Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins) FIN
- Riders, op. 48 no. 5 (in Five Poems by Robert Frost) (Text: Robert Frost)
- Salute the last (ascension), op. 89 no. 7 (in La Corona) (Text: John Donne)
- Salvation to all (annunciation), op. 89 no. 2 (in La Corona) (Text: John Donne)
- Sátira filosófica, op. 103 no. 2 (in Three Songs in Spanish) (Text: Juana Inés de Asbaje y Ramírez de Santillana , as Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz)
- Shall Earth no more inspire thee, op. 17 no. 5 (in Visions from the Earth) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- Shall I say it again?, op. 109 no. 3 (in Cantata: Four Passages (Excerpts from Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot)) (Text: T. S. Eliot) *
- Sheep in Fog, op. 104 no. 3 (in Four Poems by Sylvia Plath) (Text: Sylvia Plath)
- Small wire, op. 114 no. 10 (in Fourteen Poems by Anne Sexton) (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- Stars, op. 17 no. 7 (in Visions from the Earth)
- Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, op. 48 no. 3 (in Five Poems by Robert Frost) (Text: Robert Frost) GER
- Tell me, tell me, smiling child, op. 24 no. 3 (in The Earth, the Wind, and the Sky) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- The Applicant, op. 104 no. 4 (in Four Poems by Sylvia Plath) (Text: Sylvia Plath)
- The balance wheel, op. 114 no. 2 (in Fourteen Poems by Anne Sexton) (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- The caged bird, op. 24 no. 13 (in The Earth, the Wind, and the Sky) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- The Couriers, op. 104 no. 2 (in Four Poems by Sylvia Plath) (Text: Sylvia Plath)
- The darkened woods, op. 24 no. 4 (in The Earth, the Wind, and the Sky) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- The divine image, op. 25 no. 3 (in Visions from the Flame) (Text: William Blake) GER RUS
- The Dream, op. 51 (Five Lyrics by Edna St. Vincent Millay) no. 4 (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- Thee God, I come from, op. 96 no. 3 (in Four Sacred Songs) (Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins)
- The Garden of Love, op. 25 no. 6 (in Visions from the Flame) (Text: William Blake) GER
- The harp, op. 24 no. 10 (in The Earth, the Wind, and the Sky) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- The lamb, op. 25 no. 2 (in Visions from the Flame) (Text: William Blake) CAT GER GER RUS
- The Messenger, op. 17 no. 10 (in Visions from the Earth) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- The Night Wind, op. 17 no. 8 (in Visions from the Earth) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- The Old Hall, op. 24 no. 9 (in The Earth, the Wind, and the Sky) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- The pessimist, op. 24 no. 14 (in The Earth, the Wind, and the Sky) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- The return from town, op. 51 (Five Lyrics by Edna St. Vincent Millay) no. 5 (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- The smile, op. 25 no. 7 (in Visions from the Flame) (Text: William Blake)
- The starry night, op. 114 no. 1 (in Fourteen Poems by Anne Sexton) (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- The traveler, op. 24 no. 11 (in The Earth, the Wind, and the Sky) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- The Tyger, op. 25 no. 9 (in Visions from the Flame) (Text: William Blake) CAT CHI FRE GER GER RUS
- The voice of the Bard, op. 25 no. 1 (in Visions from the Flame) (Text: William Blake)
- The wild swans, op. 51 (Five Lyrics by Edna St. Vincent Millay) no. 2 (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- The wild winds weep, op. 1 no. 6 (in Seven Songs from William Blake) (Text: William Blake) CAT
- The windhover, op. 96 no. 4 (in Four Sacred Songs) (Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins) FIN
- Time does not bring relief, op. 50 no. 3 (in Five Sonnets by Edna St. Vincent Millay) (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- Time present and time past, op. 109 no. 1 (in Cantata: Four Passages (Excerpts from Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot)) (Text: T. S. Eliot) *
- To Dorothy, op. 90 no. 1 (in Three Songs for Vicky) (Text: Marvin Bell) *
- To Imagination, op. 17 no. 3 (in Visions from the Earth) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- To Morning, op. 1 no. 1 (in Seven Songs from William Blake) (Text: William Blake) CZE
- To the thawing wind, op. 48 no. 1 (in Five Poems by Robert Frost) (Text: Robert Frost)
- Travel, op. 51 (Five Lyrics by Edna St. Vincent Millay) no. 3 (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- Último árbol, op. 103 no. 3 (in Three Songs in Spanish) (Text: Lucila de María del Perpetuo Socorro Godoy Alcayaga , as Gabriela Mistral)
- We shall not cease from exploration, op. 109 no. 5 (in Cantata: Four Passages (Excerpts from Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot)) (Text: T. S. Eliot) *
- When divine Art, op. 72 no. 6 (in Six Sonnets by Michelangelo) (Text: John Addington Symonds after Michelangelo Buonarroti) GER
- Where is there an end of it?, op. 109 no. 4 (in Cantata: Four Passages (Excerpts from Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot)) (Text: T. S. Eliot) *
- Where it was at back then, op. 114 no. 12 (in Fourteen Poems by Anne Sexton) (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- Winter Reflection, op. 24 no. 2 (in The Earth, the Wind, and the Sky) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- With his kind mother (temple), op. 89 no. 4 (in La Corona) (Text: John Donne)
- With mercy for the Greedy, op. 114 no. 5 (in Fourteen Poems by Anne Sexton) (Text: Anne Sexton) *
- You'll be sorry, op. 50 no. 4 (in Five Sonnets by Edna St. Vincent Millay) (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
Last update: 2024-12-16 04:01:25