Submissions by Smythe, David K. ( 69 items: 46 texts and 23 translations )
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- Dors bébé,/ Dors bébé; title: "La chanson de la nourisse" [translation of: The Nurse's Song | Lullaby baby]
- O chut! Mon doux petit Donald [translation of: The Highland Balou | Hee Balou, my sweet wee Donald]
- O hush! My sweet little Donald; title: "The Highland lullaby" [translation of: The Highland Balou | Hee Balou, my sweet wee Donald]
- Ye Hielands and ye Lawlands; title: "The bonnie Earl of Murray"
- Qué me importa que florezca; title: "El desdichado (Boléro)"
- Often, to amuse themselves, the crewmen; title: "The albatross" [translation of: L'albatros | Souvent, pour s'amuser, les hommes d'équipage]
- Vulcan provide me such a cup; title: "To wine and beauty"
- And are you sleeping, my girl?; title: "And are you sleeping, my girl?" [translation of: Und schläfst du, mein Mädchen | Und schläfst du, mein Mädchen]
- From the rosebush, O mother; title: "From the rosebush, o Mother" [translation of: Erste Begegnung | Von dem Rosenbusch, o Mutter]
- One day, one day; title: "One day, o my mind" [translation of: Dereinst, Gedanke mein | Dereinst, dereinst]
- Sent as a present from Annam
- The rustling nightfall strews my gown with roses; title: "Along the stream"
- As I was walking all alane; title: "The twa corbies"
- In a slumber which held your image spellbound; title: "After a dream" [translation of: Après un rêve | Dans un sommeil que charmait ton image]
- A nice shepherd girl; title: "Song of Christmas Day" [translation of: Chanson vingtcinquiesme du jour de Noël | Pour le jour de Noël | Une pastourelle gentille]
- In a garden so green in a May morning; title: "Eloré Lo"
- Mira la bianca luna; title: "La serenata"
- Love is a rose bush; title: "Love's Garden" [translation of: Liebesgarten | Die Liebe ist ein Rosenstrauch]
- I went outside; title: "Sweet flower" [translation of: Schön Blümelein | Ich bin hinausgegangen]
- Larmes aux fleurs suspendues
- Tears hanging from the flowers; title: "Tears of gold" [translation of: Larmes | Larmes aux fleurs suspendues]
- Come un sogno d'or; title: "Rimpianto"
- It was on the fifth of August; title: "Brigg Fair"
- I'll sing you a song about two lovers
- In Scotland I was bred adden born; title: "Hard hearted Barb'ra (H)Ellen"
- O what if the fowler my blackbird has taken?; title: "The fuchsia tree"
- If I were a little bird; title: "If I were a little bird" [translation of: Der Flug der Liebe | Wenn ich ein Vöglein wär | Wenn ich ein Vöglein wär']
- My dear mistress has a heart
- O, curlew, cry no more in the air
- Pale brows, still hands and dim hair
- I cried when the moon was murmuring to the birds; title: "The withering of the boughs"
- I wander by the edge
- O sweet everlasting Voices, be still
- Saper vorrei se m'ami; title: "Saper vorrei se m'ami"
- Violets and leaves of vine; title: "A Coronal"
- The Lily floated white and red; title: "The water lily"
- I know a place in London where the country comes to town; title: "Covent Garden"
- Not even summer yet
- Slow spreads the gloom my soul desires; title: "Evan Banks"
- Hee Balou, my sweet wee Donald; title: "The Highland Balou"
- When Death to either shall come
- If the voice of a child can reach You; title: "In prayer" [translation of: En Prière | Si la voix d'un enfant peut monter jusqu'à Vous]
- Here morning in the ploughman's songs is met; title: "Ploughman singing"
- Guarda qui che lo vedrai; title: "Guarda qui che lo vedrai"
- Some say that Love's a little boy
- O the valley in the summer where I and my John
- Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone
- When you're feeling like expressing your affection; title: "When you're feeling like expressing your affection"
- Driver, drive faster and make a good run; title: "Calypso"
- I am a poor tiler in simple array; title: "Tom Tyler"
- A lake and a fairy boat
- Già la notte s'avvicina
- The foliage falls from the trees; title: "Autumn Song" [translation of: Herbstlied | Das Laub fällt von den Bäumen]
- Non Nobis, Domine!; title: "Non Nobis, Domine!"
- I look into the still valley; title: "He and she" [translation of: Er und Sie | Er./ Seh' ich in das stille Thal]
- In summer, when day is done, from the flower-covered; title: "June nights" [translation of: Nuits de juin | L'été, lorsque le jour a fui, de fleurs couverte]
- The child was singing, the mother, stretched out on the bed; title: "Childhood" [translation of: L'Enfance | L'enfant chantait; la mère au lit, exténuée]
- The Spring is at the door
- See how the trees and the osiers lithe; title: "In spring"
- When I lie on the bed; title: "When I lie on the bed" [translation of: Wenn ich auf dem Lager liege | Wenn ich auf dem Lager liege]
- Sleep, little child, sleep!; title: "Cradle-song at the bed-side of a sick child" [translation of: Wiegenlied | Schlaf, mein Knäblein, schlaf!]
- O, Cranham ways are steep and green; title: "Walking Song"
- Grandfather and grandmother; title: "Portrait of a family" [translation of: Familien-Gemälde | Großvater und Großmutter]
- See how the sun; title: "Birthday song for Erwin"
- What land of Silence
- They are not long, the weeping and the laughter
- Who is at my bedroom door? [translation of: Der kecke Finlay | Unterm Fenster | Wer ist vor meiner Kammerthür?]
- Vulcan contrive me such a Cup; title: "Upon his drinking a bowl"
- As I was walking all alone; title: "The two ravens" [translation of: The twa corbies | As I was walking all alane]