Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by M. Woodward
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- Songs
- no. 1. A Sleepy Song (Text: Josephine Dodge Daskam)
- no. 2. The wind (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) CHI
- no. 3. The Lamplighter (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) ITA
- no. 4. Schlummerlied [x]
- no. 5. The Rabbits [x]
- no. 6. Snowdrops (Text: Annie Matheson) [x]
- no. 7. Little beam of rosy light [x]
- no. 8. My heart's in the highlands (Text: Robert Burns) CZE GER GER GER POL
- no. 9. To Blossoms (Text: Robert Herrick)
- no. 10. Daffadils (Text: Robert Herrick) CAT CHI DUT FIN GER
- no. 11. Gather yee rosebuds (Text: Robert Herrick) SPA
- no. 12. The passionate shepherd to his love (Text: Christopher Marlowe) GER GER
- no. 13. O mistress mine (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER GER IRI ITA NOR POL
- no. 14. The flowering orchard [x]
- no. 15. Birds (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- no. 16. A broken song (Text: Agnes Shakespeare Higginson , as Moira O'Neill)
- no. 17. Summer (Text: Christina Georgina Rossetti)
- no. 18. I mind the day (Text: Agnes Shakespeare Higginson , as Moira O'Neill)
- no. 19. A dirge (Text: Christina Georgina Rossetti)
- no. 20. Requiescat (Text: Matthew Arnold)
- no. 21. Life's epitome [x]
- no. 22. The Shropshire lad [x]
- no. 23. Love, sweet love [x]
- no. 24. Father, mother, sister, brother [x]
- no. 25. Tulip flames [x]
- no. 26. Alas, how easily things go wrong! [x]
- no. 27. We grown old [x]
- no. 28. Carpe Diem [x]
- no. 29. Last June [x]
- no. 30. The last hope [x]
- no. 31. The west wind [x]
- no. 32. The night has a thousand eyes (Text: Francis William Bourdillon) GER RUS
- no. 33. To the blackbird (Text: T. E. Brown)
- no. 34. Growing, growing, growing! [x]
- no. 35. A rondeau [x]
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- A broken song (in Songs) (Text: Agnes Shakespeare Higginson , as Moira O'Neill)
- A dirge (in Songs) (Text: Christina Georgina Rossetti)
- Alas, how easily things go wrong! (in Songs) [x]
- A rondeau (in Songs) [x]
- A Sleepy Song (in Songs) (Text: Josephine Dodge Daskam)
- Birds (in Songs) (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Carpe Diem (in Songs) [x]
- Daffadils (in Songs) (Text: Robert Herrick) CAT CHI DUT FIN GER
- Father, mother, sister, brother (in Songs) [x]
- Gather yee rosebuds (in Songs) (Text: Robert Herrick) SPA
- Growing, growing, growing! (in Songs) [x]
- I mind the day (in Songs) (Text: Agnes Shakespeare Higginson , as Moira O'Neill)
- Last June (in Songs) [x]
- Life's epitome (in Songs) [x]
- Little beam of rosy light (in Songs) [x]
- Love, sweet love (in Songs) [x]
- My heart's in the highlands (in Songs) (Text: Robert Burns) CZE GER GER GER POL
- O mistress mine (in Songs) (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER GER IRI ITA NOR POL
- Requiescat (in Songs) (Text: Matthew Arnold)
- Schlummerlied (in Songs) [x]
- Snowdrops (in Songs) (Text: Annie Matheson) [x]
- Summer (in Songs) (Text: Christina Georgina Rossetti)
- The flowering orchard (in Songs) [x]
- The Lamplighter (in Songs) (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) ITA
- The last hope (in Songs) [x]
- The night has a thousand eyes (in Songs) (Text: Francis William Bourdillon) GER RUS
- The passionate shepherd to his love (in Songs) (Text: Christopher Marlowe) GER GER
- The Rabbits (in Songs) [x]
- The Shropshire lad (in Songs) [x]
- The west wind (in Songs) [x]
- The wind (in Songs) (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) CHI
- To Blossoms (in Songs) (Text: Robert Herrick)
- To the blackbird (in Songs) (Text: T. E. Brown)
- Tulip flames (in Songs) [x]
- We grown old (in Songs) [x]
Last update: 2024-10-27 03:42:38