Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by S. Protopopov
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- Gornye vershiny = Горные вершины (Text: Mikhail Yur'yevich Lermontov after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) AFR CAT CHI CZE DUT DUT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG FIN FRE FRE FRE FRE GRE HUN IRI ITA ITA SPA SPA
- Iz-pod tainstvennoj kholodnoj polumaski = Из-под таинственной холодной полумаски (Text: Mikhail Yur'yevich Lermontov)
- Ja vas ljubil = Я вас любил (Text: Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin) CHI CZE ENG ENG FRE ITA POL UKR
- Kak nebesa tvoj vzor blistajet = Как небеса твой взор блистает (Text: Mikhail Yur'yevich Lermontov) ENG
- Kinzhal = Кинжал (Text: Mikhail Yur'yevich Lermontov) ENG GER
- Kolybel'naja (Cherkesskaja) = Колыбельная (Черкесская) [x]
- Na severe dikom = На севере диком (Text: Mikhail Yur'yevich Lermontov after Heinrich Heine) CAT CHI DUT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ESP FRE FRE FRE HEB ITA NOR NOR UKR
- Nishchij = Нищий (Text: Mikhail Yur'yevich Lermontov) ENG
- Ona pojot, i zvuki tajut = Она поёт, и звуки тают (Text: Mikhail Yur'yevich Lermontov)
- Smert' po`eta = Смерть поэта (Text: Mikhail Yur'yevich Lermontov)
- Utjos = Утёс (Text: Mikhail Yur'yevich Lermontov) CHI DUT ENG FRE GER GER
- Venecija = Венеция (Text: Mikhail Yur'yevich Lermontov)
Last update: 2024-12-03 01:23:01