Submissions by Evans, Anne ( 89 items: 37 texts and 52 translations )
To reprint and distribute this author's work for concert programs, CD booklets, etc., you may ask the copyright-holder(s) directly or ask us; we are authorized to grant permission on their behalf. Please provide the translator's name when contacting us. Contact: licenses@email.lieder.example.netTranslations of entire song cycles (alphabetic order):
- Quarto Canciones en Ladino : Four Spanish-Hebrew Songs
- Семь Стихотворений А. Блока: вокально-инструментальная сюита = Sem' stikhotvorenij A. Bloka: Seven Poems by Alexander Blok
Texts and Translations
- The sea seems still; title: "The moon's sea" [translation]
- Beyond my window, fierce and wild [translation]
- Gloom enwraps the sleeping city [translation]
- We were together, I recall; title: "We were together" [translation]
- On endless waters' smooth expanse; title: "Gamayun, the prophet bird" [translation]
- I'm not from this region; title: "Song of the trail" [translation]
- Before my window a cherry tree flowers; title: "Before my window" [translation]
- O crescent of a waning moon; title: "O crescent of a waning moon" [translation]
- I'm going to go away; title: "I'm going to go away" [translation]
- I was born in San Pedro, you know; title: "The herdsman" [translation]
- El día que me besaste; title: "Besos en mis sueños"
- The day you kissed me; title: "Kisses in my dreams" [translation]
- Pretty ladies, you ask me; title: "Pulcinella is dead!" [translation]
- On my old guitar with just one string; title: "On my old guitar" [translation]
- Chiu'luntana me staie; title: "Passione "
- A la una yo nací; title: "A la una yo nací"
- The further you are from me; title: "Passion" [translation]
- A sigh born of the soul; title: "Soul's breath" [translation]
- Open your locked door; title: "Open your locked door" [translation]
- Avre tu puerta cerrada; title: "Avre tu puerta cerrada"
- Here comes the captive; title: "Here comes the captive" [translation]
- Ya viene el cativo; title: "Ya viene el cativo"
- All around my bed; title: "All around my bed" [translation]
- Al deredor de la mi cama; title: "Al deredor de la mi cama "
- I was born at one; title: "I was born at one" [translation]
- Op my ou ramkiekie met nog net een snaar; title: "Op my ou ramkiekie"
- Tiho suzu oko spušta; title: "Suzi"
- Ispod jedne krasne palme; title: "San"
- Kad u veče noći tajne; title: "Serenada"
- Domovino, domovino; title: "Domovini i ljubavi"
- When through life unblessed we rove; title: "When through life unblessed we rove"
- To my sorrow; title: "To my sorrow I have grown to love" [translation]
- When you left me, my dear friend; title: "Ophelia's song" [translation]
- The secret signs appear [translation]
- When the night brings peace; title: "Music" [translation]
- There was a wise old woman and her story I will tell; title: "Tigaree Torum Orum "
- In this world I have no comfort and it's here I can't remain; title: "In this world I have no comfort"
- I know where I'm goin'; title: "I know where I'm goin'"
- I walked down thro' Dublin city; title: "The Spanish Lady"
- They say we don't love each other; title: "Jota" [translation]
- Because your eyes are traitors; title: "Song" [translation]
- Ogge stó' tanto allero ca, quase quase; title: "O paese d' 'o sole"
- Do you know where I got to, yesterday evening?; title: "Funiculi, funicula" [translation]
- Aieressera, oì nè, me ne sagliette, tu saie addò?; title: "Funiculì, funiculà"
- Today I'm so happy [translation]
- If still with more sweetness your smile; title: "To die" [translation]
- Look, far in the distance; title: "Sadness" [translation]
- On the day that your entrancing eyes first shone on me; title: "Come" [translation]
- Dal giorno che indistinto per le vene; title: "Vieni"
- If I must always yearn in vain; title: "If" [translation]
- Se un tuo pietoso accento; title: "Se"
- Oh, if only you were with me; title: "Desire" [translation]
- Ah che nel dirti addio; title: "Ah che nel dirti addio"
- Ah, in saying goodbye to you; title: "Ah, in saying goodbye to you" [translation]
- Bella mia fiamma, addio!; title: "Bella mia fiamma, addio!"
- Light of my life, farewell!; title: "Light of my life, farewell!" [translation]
- Infin che'l tempo è belo; title: "Infin che'l tempo e' belo"
- Lu suli è già spuntatu 'ntra lu mari
- The sun is already rising in the middle of the sea; title: "And you still sleep" [translation]
- Diseme pur balordo; title: "Diseme pur balordo"
- Tell me that I am stupid; title: "Tell me that I am stupid" [translation]
- Quei oci me fa guera; title: "Quei oci me fa guera"
- Those eyes they strike; title: "Those eyes they strike" [translation]
- Quele rane via lassè; title: "Quele rane via lassé"
- Leave behind your bad moods; title: "Leave behind your bad moods" [translation]
- Sento che el cuor me manca; title: "Sento che el cuor"
- I feel that my heart is broken; title: "I feel that my heart is broken" [translation]
- Finally the weather is beautiful; title: "Finally the weather is beautiful" [translation]
- A estrelinha d'alva; title: "Canção do Berço"
- Ai que linda moça; title: "Ai que linda moça"
- Addio Brunetta, son già lontano; title: "Addio Brunetta"
- Farewell, Brunetta, I'm already far away; title: "Farewell, Brunetta" [translation]
- ¡Oh excelso muro, oh torres coronadas; title: "Soneto a Córdoba"
- Oh lofty wall, oh towers crowned; title: "Cordoba Sonnet" [translation]
- Give me a handful of roses and lilies; title: "Give me a handful of roses and lilies" [translation]
- The moon slowly weeps; title: "Contrast" [translation]
- March: a little rain; title: "Catarì" [translation]
- The poplars, bent by the wind; title: "Land and sea" [translation]
- Oh! Quant'io t'amo!; title: "A te"
- Oh! How very much I love you!; title: "To you" [translation]
- Just tell her that her admirer; title: "Just tell her" [translation]
- Marzo: nu poco chiove; title: "Catarì"
- She was as beautiful as an angel in heaven; title: "The seduction" [translation]
- O beautiful fairy eyes; title: "Fairy eyes" [translation]
- Fly, / bluebird; title: "Bluebird" [translation]
- Wieviel Sonnenstrahlen fielen goldenschwer; title: "Meeresleuchten"
- Bangt dir, mein Lieb? -- Ich bin ja bei dir!; title: "Im Sturme"
- Mein Herz, o schließ dich ein! Es nahn die Weihestunden!; title: "Heimlichkeit"
- O sweet springtimes of old verdant seasons; title: "Elegy" [translation]