Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by T. Hoekman
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Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- American Lyrics
- no. 1. When June is Here (Text: James Withcomb Riley)
- no. 2. The Philosopher (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- no. 3. Mend the World (Text: Louis Untermeyer)
- no. 4. Come slowly, Eden (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER ITA
- no. 5. i am so glad and very (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- Bless this new marriage: Three wedding songs
- no. 1. Lord, today bless this new marriage: a wedding prayer (Text: Marie J. Post) *
- no. 2. Lord, today bless this new marriage: a wedding duet (Text: Marie J. Post) *
- no. 3. Wedding Alleluia (Text: Carla Connors)
- Drei Legenden
- no. 1. Das Grab im Busento (Text: August von Platen-Hallermünde) ENG
- no. 2. Legende (Text: Wolfgang Borchert)
- no. 3. Der Werwolf Rag (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG FRE
- Five Poems of Edna St. Vincent Millay
- no. 1. The Road to Avrillé (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- no. 2. Song of a Second April (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- no. 3. The return from town (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- no. 4. The concert (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- no. 5. Afternoon on a hill (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- Margarets
- no. 1. To a young child (Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins)
- no. 2. Merry Margaret (Text: John Skelton)
- Seven Housman Songs
- no. 1. Loveliest of trees (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- no. 2. When I was one-and-twenty (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE GER HEB
- no. 3. There pass the careless people (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- no. 4. Oh, when I was in love with you (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) GER
- no. 5. The lent lily (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- no. 6. Look not in my eyes (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- no. 7. From far, from eve and morning (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not
- no. 1. The lover praises his lady's bright beauty (Text: Shaemas O'Sheel)
- no. 2. When she came not (Text: Shaemas O'Sheel)
- no. 3. The lover scorns all women but his lady (Text: Shaemas O'Sheel)
- no. 4. Her way with my dreams (Text: Shaemas O'Sheel)
- Suite italiana
- no. 1. Preludio
- no. 2. Allemanda ENG FRE
- no. 3. Corrente (Text: Giovanni Battista Guarini) ENG
- no. 4. Sarabanda (Text: Giovanni Battista Guarini) ENG ENG
- no. 5. Gavotta ENG
- no. 6. Passamezzo (Text: Giovanni Battista Guarini) ENG
- no. 7. Saltarello ENG
- no. 8. Giga (Text: Giovanni Battista Guarini) ENG
- The Nash Menagerie
- no. 1. The Wombat (Text: Ogden Nash) *
- no. 2. The Turkey (Text: Ogden Nash) *
- no. 3. The Hippopotamus (Text: Ogden Nash) *
- no. 4. The Kangaroo (Text: Ogden Nash) *
- no. 5. The Fly (Text: Ogden Nash) *
- no. 6. The Caterpillar (Text: Ogden Nash) *
- no. 7. The Germ (Text: Ogden Nash) *
- Three Irish Folksongs
- no. 1. Shule Agra (Text: Volkslieder , as Traditional)
- no. 2. The pretty girl milking her cow (Text: Volkslieder , as Traditional)
- no. 3. Quick! We have but a second (Text: Thomas Moore)
- Three Poems of William Butler Yeats
- no. 1. The Wild Swans at Coole (Text: William Butler Yeats) FRE
- no. 2. The Lake Isle of Innisfree (Text: William Butler Yeats) CHI FRE HUN ITA
- no. 3. The Cat and the Moon (Text: William Butler Yeats) FRE
- To Make a Prairie
- no. 1. To make a prairie (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- no. 2. She sweeps with many-colored brooms (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- no. 3. It sifts from leaden sieves (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- no. 4. Two butterflies went out at noon (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- A frog went a-courtin' (Text: Volkslieder , as Traditional)
- Afternoon on a hill (in Five Poems of Edna St. Vincent Millay) (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- Allemanda (in Suite italiana) ENG FRE
- Come slowly, Eden (in American Lyrics) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER ITA
- Corrente (in Suite italiana) (Text: Giovanni Battista Guarini) ENG
- Das Grab im Busento (in Drei Legenden) (Text: August von Platen-Hallermünde) ENG
- Der Werwolf Rag (in Drei Legenden) (Text: Christian Morgenstern) ENG FRE
- From far, from eve and morning (in Seven Housman Songs) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Gavotta (in Suite italiana) ENG
- Giga (in Suite italiana) (Text: Giovanni Battista Guarini) ENG
- Her way with my dreams (in She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not) (Text: Shaemas O'Sheel)
- i am so glad and very (in American Lyrics) (Text: E. E. Cummings) *
- It sifts from leaden sieves (in To Make a Prairie) (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- Legende (in Drei Legenden) (Text: Wolfgang Borchert)
- Look not in my eyes (in Seven Housman Songs) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- Lord, today bless this new marriage: a wedding duet (in Bless this new marriage: Three wedding songs) (Text: Marie J. Post) *
- Lord, today bless this new marriage: a wedding prayer (in Bless this new marriage: Three wedding songs) (Text: Marie J. Post) *
- Loveliest of trees (in Seven Housman Songs) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- Mend the World (in American Lyrics) (Text: Louis Untermeyer)
- Merry Margaret (in Margarets) (Text: John Skelton)
- Oh, when I was in love with you (in Seven Housman Songs) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) GER
- Passamezzo (in Suite italiana) (Text: Giovanni Battista Guarini) ENG
- Preludio (in Suite italiana)
- Quick! We have but a second (in Three Irish Folksongs) (Text: Thomas Moore)
- Saltarello (in Suite italiana) ENG
- Sarabanda (in Suite italiana) (Text: Giovanni Battista Guarini) ENG ENG
- She sweeps with many-colored brooms (in To Make a Prairie) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Shule Agra (in Three Irish Folksongs) (Text: Volkslieder , as Traditional)
- Song of a Second April (in Five Poems of Edna St. Vincent Millay) (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- The Cat and the Moon (in Three Poems of William Butler Yeats) (Text: William Butler Yeats) FRE
- The Caterpillar (in The Nash Menagerie) (Text: Ogden Nash) *
- The concert (in Five Poems of Edna St. Vincent Millay) (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- The Fly (in The Nash Menagerie) (Text: Ogden Nash) *
- The Germ (in The Nash Menagerie) (Text: Ogden Nash) *
- The Hippopotamus (in The Nash Menagerie) (Text: Ogden Nash) *
- The Kangaroo (in The Nash Menagerie) (Text: Ogden Nash) *
- The Lake Isle of Innisfree (in Three Poems of William Butler Yeats) (Text: William Butler Yeats) CHI FRE HUN ITA
- The last invocation (Text: Walt Whitman)
- The lent lily (in Seven Housman Songs) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- The lover praises his lady's bright beauty (in She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not) (Text: Shaemas O'Sheel)
- The lover scorns all women but his lady (in She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not) (Text: Shaemas O'Sheel)
- The Philosopher (in American Lyrics) (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- The pretty girl milking her cow (in Three Irish Folksongs) (Text: Volkslieder , as Traditional)
- There pass the careless people (in Seven Housman Songs) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- The return from town (in Five Poems of Edna St. Vincent Millay) (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- The Road to Avrillé (in Five Poems of Edna St. Vincent Millay) (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- The Turkey (in The Nash Menagerie) (Text: Ogden Nash) *
- The Wild Swans at Coole (in Three Poems of William Butler Yeats) (Text: William Butler Yeats) FRE
- The Wombat (in The Nash Menagerie) (Text: Ogden Nash) *
- To a young child (in Margarets) (Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins)
- To make a prairie (in To Make a Prairie) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- Two butterflies went out at noon (in To Make a Prairie) (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- Wedding Alleluia (in Bless this new marriage: Three wedding songs) (Text: Carla Connors)
- When I was one-and-twenty (in Seven Housman Songs) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE GER HEB
- When June is Here (in American Lyrics) (Text: James Withcomb Riley)
- When she came not (in She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not) (Text: Shaemas O'Sheel)
Last update: 2024-04-22 05:00:03