Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by R. Schonthal
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- Acht Lieder
- no. 1. Weisse Seelen (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) ENG
- no. 2. Arme Heilige (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) ENG
- no. 3. Ihr Mädchen seid wie die Kähne (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) ENG
- no. 4. Liebeslied (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) CAT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG FRE ITA ITA
- no. 5. Noch ahnst du nichts (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) ENG FRE
- no. 6. Ich will ein Garten sein (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) ENG
- no. 7. Erste Rosen erwachen (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) ENG
- no. 8. Meine frühverliehnen Lieder (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) ENG
- By the Roadside: Six Songs to Poems by Walt Whitman
- no. 1. Mother and Babe (Text: Walt Whitman)
- no. 2. Thought (Text: Walt Whitman)
- no. 3. Visor'd (Text: Walt Whitman)
- no. 4. To old age (Text: Walt Whitman)
- no. 5. A farm picture (Text: Walt Whitman)
- no. 6. A child's amaze (Text: Walt Whitman)
- Collagen
- no. 1. Ich weiß nicht, was soll es bedeuten (Text: Heinrich Heine) DUT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG FIN FRE GRE HUN ITA POL POR RUS SPA
- Drei Liebeslieder
- no. 1. Endziel (Text: Lotte Kottek) [x]*
- no. 2. Die Stimme deines Wesens (Text: Lotte Kottek) [x]*
- no. 3. Erinnerung (Text: Lotte Kottek) [x]*
- Homage à Garcia Lorca
- no. 1. Cancion de jinete (Text: Federico García Lorca) FRE
- no. 2. ¡Ay qué camino tan largo! (Text: Federico García Lorca) FRE GER IRI
- no. 3. La Señorita del Albanico (Text: Federico García Lorca) ENG FRE
- Nine Lyric Dramatic Songs
- no. 1. I will arise now (Text: William Butler Yeats) CHI FRE HUN ITA
- no. 2. A pity beyond all telling (Text: William Butler Yeats) FRE IRI
- no. 3. The everlasting voices (Text: William Butler Yeats)
- no. 4. To a Child dancing in the Wind (Text: William Butler Yeats)
- no. 5. He tells of a valley full of lovers (Text: William Butler Yeats)
- no. 6. I made my song a coat (Text: William Butler Yeats) FRE
- no. 7. The travail of passion (Text: William Butler Yeats)
- no. 8. That the night come (Text: William Butler Yeats)
- no. 9. The Second Coming (Text: William Butler Yeats) GER
- Seven Songs of Love and Sorrow
- no. 1. These are the days (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- no. 2. Wild nights (Text: Emily Dickinson) CHI FRE GER GER ITA
- no. 3. Poor bit of a wench (Text: D. H. Lawrence)
- no. 4. The dove descending (Text: T. S. Eliot) *
- no. 5. A woman's last word (Text: Robert Browning)
- no. 6. With rue my heart is laden (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- no. 7. Go from me (Text: Elizabeth Barrett Browning) GER GER
- Totengesänge
- no. 1. Totenglocken (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- no. 2. Die ewige Liebe (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- no. 3. Wiegenlied an ein krankes Kind (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- no. 4. Tod einer Jungfrau (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- no. 5. Totentanz (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- no. 6. Totenreigen (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- no. 7. Hurenlied (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- no. 8. Die Spanierin (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- Trompetengesänge
- no. 1. Immer, wenn ich eine Trompete höre (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- no. 2. Es ist noch gar nicht so lange her (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- no. 3. Cantata (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- no. 4. Kurz vor Mitternacht (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- Wildunger Liederzyklus
- no. 1. Eine rote Rose (Text: Ingrid Olbricht) [x]*
- no. 2. Von einer weißen Rose (Text: Ingrid Olbricht) [x]*
- no. 3. Arme Erde (Text: Ingrid Olbricht) [x]*
- no. 4. Ich sah den Tod von Ferne (Text: Ingrid Olbricht) [x]*
- no. 5. Zerstörte Stadt (Text: Ingrid Olbricht) [x]*
- no. 6. Manchmal (Text: Ingrid Olbricht) [x]*
- no. 7. Der Mondbaum (Text: Ingrid Olbricht) [x]*
- no. 8. Angst der Verwandlung (Text: Lotte Kottek) [x]*
- no. 9. Frühjahrsschatten (Text: Lotte Kottek) [x]*
- Zwei Lieder
- no. 1. Der müde Soldat (Text: Alfred Henschke after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist)
- no. 2. Das rote Zimmer (Text: Alfred Henschke after Li-Tai-Po)
- Zwei Lieder
- no. 1. El Cazador (Text: Federico García Lorca) ENG
- no. 2. Mi niña se fue a la mar (Text: Federico García Lorca)
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- A child's amaze (in By the Roadside: Six Songs to Poems by Walt Whitman) (Text: Walt Whitman)
- A farm picture (in By the Roadside: Six Songs to Poems by Walt Whitman) (Text: Walt Whitman)
- Angst der Verwandlung (in Wildunger Liederzyklus) (Text: Lotte Kottek) [x]*
- A pity beyond all telling (in Nine Lyric Dramatic Songs) (Text: William Butler Yeats) FRE IRI
- Arme Erde (in Wildunger Liederzyklus) (Text: Ingrid Olbricht) [x]*
- Arme Heilige (in Acht Lieder) (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) ENG
- A woman's last word (in Seven Songs of Love and Sorrow) (Text: Robert Browning)
- ¡Ay qué camino tan largo! (in Homage à Garcia Lorca) (Text: Federico García Lorca) FRE GER IRI
- Cancion de jinete (in Homage à Garcia Lorca) (Text: Federico García Lorca) FRE
- Cantata (in Trompetengesänge) (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- Das rote Zimmer (in Zwei Lieder) (Text: Alfred Henschke after Li-Tai-Po)
- Der Mondbaum (in Wildunger Liederzyklus) (Text: Ingrid Olbricht) [x]*
- Der müde Soldat (in Zwei Lieder) (Text: Alfred Henschke after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist)
- Die ewige Liebe (in Totengesänge) (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- Die Spanierin (in Totengesänge) (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- Die Stimme deines Wesens (in Drei Liebeslieder) (Text: Lotte Kottek) [x]*
- Eine rote Rose (in Wildunger Liederzyklus) (Text: Ingrid Olbricht) [x]*
- El Cazador (in Zwei Lieder) (Text: Federico García Lorca) ENG
- Endziel (in Drei Liebeslieder) (Text: Lotte Kottek) [x]*
- Erinnerung (in Drei Liebeslieder) (Text: Lotte Kottek) [x]*
- Erste Rosen erwachen (in Acht Lieder) (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) ENG
- Es ist noch gar nicht so lange her (in Trompetengesänge) (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- Frühjahrsschatten (in Wildunger Liederzyklus) (Text: Lotte Kottek) [x]*
- Go from me (in Seven Songs of Love and Sorrow) (Text: Elizabeth Barrett Browning) GER GER
- He tells of a valley full of lovers (in Nine Lyric Dramatic Songs) (Text: William Butler Yeats)
- Hurenlied (in Totengesänge) (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- Ich sah den Tod von Ferne (in Wildunger Liederzyklus) (Text: Ingrid Olbricht) [x]*
- Ich weiß nicht, was soll es bedeuten (in Collagen) (Text: Heinrich Heine) DUT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG FIN FRE GRE HUN ITA POL POR RUS SPA
- Ich will ein Garten sein (in Acht Lieder) (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) ENG
- Ihr Mädchen seid wie die Kähne (in Acht Lieder) (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) ENG
- I made my song a coat (in Nine Lyric Dramatic Songs) (Text: William Butler Yeats) FRE
- Immer, wenn ich eine Trompete höre (in Trompetengesänge) (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- I will arise now (in Nine Lyric Dramatic Songs) (Text: William Butler Yeats) CHI FRE HUN ITA
- Kurz vor Mitternacht (in Trompetengesänge) (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- La Señorita del Albanico (in Homage à Garcia Lorca) (Text: Federico García Lorca) ENG FRE
- Liebeslied (in Acht Lieder) (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) CAT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG FRE ITA ITA
- Manchmal (in Wildunger Liederzyklus) (Text: Ingrid Olbricht) [x]*
- Meine frühverliehnen Lieder (in Acht Lieder) (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) ENG
- Mi niña se fue a la mar (in Zwei Lieder) (Text: Federico García Lorca)
- Mother and Babe (in By the Roadside: Six Songs to Poems by Walt Whitman) (Text: Walt Whitman)
- Noch ahnst du nichts (in Acht Lieder) (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) ENG FRE
- Poor bit of a wench (in Seven Songs of Love and Sorrow) (Text: D. H. Lawrence)
- Six Times solitude (Text: Alan Alexander Milne)
- That the night come (in Nine Lyric Dramatic Songs) (Text: William Butler Yeats)
- The dove descending (in Seven Songs of Love and Sorrow) (Text: T. S. Eliot) *
- The everlasting voices (in Nine Lyric Dramatic Songs) (Text: William Butler Yeats)
- These are the days (in Seven Songs of Love and Sorrow) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- The Second Coming (in Nine Lyric Dramatic Songs) (Text: William Butler Yeats) GER
- The solitary reaper (Text: William Wordsworth) CZE
- The travail of passion (in Nine Lyric Dramatic Songs) (Text: William Butler Yeats)
- Thought (in By the Roadside: Six Songs to Poems by Walt Whitman) (Text: Walt Whitman)
- To a Child dancing in the Wind (in Nine Lyric Dramatic Songs) (Text: William Butler Yeats)
- Tod einer Jungfrau (in Totengesänge) (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- To old age (in By the Roadside: Six Songs to Poems by Walt Whitman) (Text: Walt Whitman)
- Totenglocken (in Totengesänge) (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- Totenreigen (in Totengesänge) (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- Totentanz (in Totengesänge) (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- Visor'd (in By the Roadside: Six Songs to Poems by Walt Whitman) (Text: Walt Whitman)
- Von einer weißen Rose (in Wildunger Liederzyklus) (Text: Ingrid Olbricht) [x]*
- Weisse Seelen (in Acht Lieder) (Text: Rainer Maria Rilke) ENG
- Wiegenlied an ein krankes Kind (in Totengesänge) (Text: Ruth Schonthal) [x]*
- Wild nights (in Seven Songs of Love and Sorrow) (Text: Emily Dickinson) CHI FRE GER GER ITA
- With rue my heart is laden (in Seven Songs of Love and Sorrow) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Zerstörte Stadt (in Wildunger Liederzyklus) (Text: Ingrid Olbricht) [x]*
Last update: 2024-10-16 06:36:02