Ich wollt, meine [Schmerzen ergössen]1 Sich all in ein [einziges]2 Wort, Das gäb ich den [lustigen]3 Winden, Die trügen es lustig fort. Sie tragen zu dir, Geliebte, Das [schmerzerfüllte]4 Wort; Du hörst es zu jeder Stunde, Du hörst es an jedem Ort. Und hast du zum nächtlichen Schlummer Geschlossen die Augen kaum, So wird [dich mein Wort]5 verfolgen Bis in den tiefsten Traum.
About the headline (FAQ)
View original text (without footnotes)Note: in Zenger's score, the first time we reach stanza 1, line 2, word 5, it is "einzig", and "einziges" in the repetition.
1 Mendelssohn: "Lieb' ergösse" (love would flow)2 Mendelssohn: "einzig"
3 Mendelssohn: "lust'gen"; Zenger: "luftigen" (airy)
4 Mendelssohn: "lieb-erfüllte" (love-filled)
5 Mendelssohn: "mein Bild dich"; Zenger: "dich mein Auge"
Text Authorship:
- by Heinrich Heine (1797 - 1856), no title, appears in Buch der Lieder, in Die Heimkehr, no. 61 [author's text checked 1 time against a primary source]
Musical settings (art songs, Lieder, mélodies, (etc.), choral pieces, and other vocal works set to this text), listed by composer (not necessarily exhaustive):
- by György Bánffy , "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen sich", from Lieder, no. 2 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Ignaz Brüll (1846 - 1907), "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen", op. 5 (Zwölf Gesänge), Heft 1 (Sechs Gesänge nach Dichtungen von Heinrich Heine) no. 5, published 1870 [ voice and piano ], Wien, Gotthard; reprinted later in Sechs Lieder nach Gedichten von Heinrich Heine [sung text not yet checked]
- by Franz Aloys Theodor Commer (1813 - 1887), "Lied", op. 33 (Sechs Lieder) no. 5, published 1844 [ voice and piano ], Berlin, Krigar [sung text not yet checked]
- by Karen De Pastel (b. 1949), "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen sich", 1974, from Sieben Lieder nach Texten von Heinrich Heine, no. 7 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Alexander Fesca (1820 - 1849), "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen", op. 32 (Sechs Lieder für Sopran oder Tenor mit Piano) no. 5, published 1844 [ soprano or tenor and piano ], Braunschweig, Meyer [sung text checked 1 time]
- by Don Forsythe (1932 - 2015), "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen", published c2004-5 [ low voice and piano ], from Eine Dichtererzählung - Sommerzyklus, no. 13 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Boleslav Viktorovich Grodzky (1865 - 1923), "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen sich" [sung text not yet checked]
- by Ferdinand Gumbert (1818 - 1896), "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen sich", op. 23 (Fünf Lieder) no. 1, published 1848 [ voice and piano ], Berlin, Schlesinger [sung text not yet checked]
- by William Gardiner Hammond (1874 - 1945), "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen sich", published 1903-9, from Heine Songs, no. 10, also set in English [sung text not yet checked]
- by J. Heinemann , "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen sich", from Lieder, no. 4 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Heinrich Huber , "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen sich", from Dichter unbekannt, no. 7 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Peter Janssens (b. 1934), "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen : aus Die Heimkehr", published 1976, from Heinrich Heine Song Buch, no. 7 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Paul Kuczynski (1846 - 1897), "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen", published 18--?, from Vierzehn Lieder nach Gedichten von Heinrich Heine, no. 7 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Heinrich August Marschner (1795 - 1861), "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen", op. 176 (Vier Lieder) no. 1, published 1856 [ voice and piano ], Payne [sung text not yet checked]
- by Felix Mendelssohn (1809 - 1847), "Ich wollt meine Lieb ergösse sich", op. 63 (Sechs Duette) no. 1 [ duet ] [sung text checked 1 time]
- by Richard Metzdorff (1844 - 1919), "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen sich", op. 9 (Drei Lieder) no. 2 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Charles Mikuli (1819 - 1897), "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen sich", op. 27 (Sieben Lieder für 1 Singstimme mit Pianoforte) no. 2, published 1880 [ voice and piano ], Leipzig, Kistner [sung text not yet checked]
- by Oliver P. H. Smith , "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen sich", published 1895 [ voice and piano ], from Neun Lieder und Gesänge für 1 Singstimme mit Pianoforte, no. 7, Berlin, Ries & Erler [sung text not yet checked]
- by Nikolay Aleksandrovich Sokolov (1859 - 1922), "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen sich" [sung text not yet checked]
- by Hans August Friedrich Zincke genannt Sommer (1837 - 1922), "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen sich", op. 1 (Fünf Lieder) no. 5 (1872/3?), published [1875] [ voice and piano ], Braunschweig, H. Litolff [sung text not yet checked]
- possibly by Wilhelm Wenzel Steinhardt (1819 - 1899), "Mein Wort", from Vier Lieder, no. 1, note: source gives composer's name as W. W. Steinhardt [sung text not yet checked]
- by Korstiaan Stougie (1908 - 1988), "Ich wollt'", op. 1 (124 liederen : 1925-1969) no. 113 (1948), published 1972, from Elf Heine-liederen, no. 11 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Aleksey Vladimirovich Taskin (1871 - 1942), "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen sich", also set in Russian (Русский) [sung text not yet checked]
- by Carl Thern (1817 - 1886), "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen sich", op. 46 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Nikolai Alexeyevich Titov (1800 - 1875), "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen sich" [sung text not yet checked]
- by Th. Trendelenburg , "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen sich", op. 1 (Sechs Lieder von H. Heine) no. 5, published 1835 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Heinrich Triest (1808 - 1885), "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen sich", op. 3 (Lieder) no. 3 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Wenzel Heinrich Veit (1806 - 1864), "Ich wollt meine Schmerzen ergössen sich all'", op. 12 (Sechs Gesänge für vier Männerstimmen) no. 2, published 1840 [ vocal quartet for male voices ], Leipzig, Hofmeister [sung text not yet checked]
- by Johann Vesque von Püttlingen (1803 - 1883), "Das Eine Wort", op. 21 (Liebesleiden : Gedichte von H. Heine) no. 3, published 1840 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Johann Vesque von Püttlingen (1803 - 1883), "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen sich", published 1851, from Die Heimkehr : 88 Gedichte aus H. Heine's Reisebildern, no. 61 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Max Zenger (1837 - 1911), "Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen sich", op. 1 (Sechs Lieder für Sopran mit Begleitung des Pianoforte) no. 4 [ soprano and piano ] [sung text checked 1 time]
Settings in other languages, adaptations, or excerpts:
- Also set in English, a translation by Emma Lazarus (1849 - 1887) , appears in Poems and Ballads of Heinrich Heine ; composed by William Gardiner Hammond.
- Also set in Russian (Русский), a translation by Lev Aleksandrovich Mey (1822 - 1862) , no title, first published 1859 ; composed by Modest Petrovich Musorgsky, Yakiv Stepanovich Stepovyi, Aleksey Vladimirovich Taskin, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
Other available translations, adaptations or excerpts, and transliterations (if applicable):
- CAT Catalan (Català) (Salvador Pila) , copyright © 2022, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- DUT Dutch (Nederlands) [singable] (Lau Kanen) , "Ik wou dat mijn smart zich tezamen", copyright © 2014, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- ENG English (Siân Goldthorpe) (Christian Stein) , "I wish my pain would flow into a single word", copyright ©, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- FRE French (Français) (Pierre Mathé) , "Je voudrais que mes peines s'écoulent", copyright © 2009, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- GRE Greek (Ελληνικά) [singable] (Christakis Poumbouris) , copyright © 2018, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- GRE Greek (Ελληνικά) [singable] (Christakis Poumbouris) , copyright © 2018, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- HEB Hebrew (עברית) [singable] (Hamutal Atariah) , copyright © 2024, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
Research team for this page: Siân Goldthorpe , Johann Winkler
This text was added to the website between May 1995 and September 2003.
Line count: 12
Word count: 63
I fain would outpour all my sorrows In a single word to-day. To the merry winds I would trust it, They would merrily bear it away. They would bear it to thee, my darling, The word of sorrowful grace. Thou should'st hear it at ever hour, Thous shouldst hear it in every place. And scarce in the midnight darkness Shouldst thou close thine eyes in sleep, Ere my whispered word, it would follow, Though thy dream were ever so deep.
Text Authorship:
- by Emma Lazarus (1849 - 1887), appears in Poems and Ballads of Heinrich Heine [author's text checked 1 time against a primary source]
Based on:
- a text in German (Deutsch) by Heinrich Heine (1797 - 1856), no title, appears in Buch der Lieder, in Die Heimkehr, no. 61
Musical settings (art songs, Lieder, mélodies, (etc.), choral pieces, and other vocal works set to this text), listed by composer (not necessarily exhaustive):
- by William Gardiner Hammond (1874 - 1945), "I fain would outpour all my sorrows", published 1903-9, from Heine Songs, no. 10, also set in German (Deutsch) [sung text not yet checked]
Researcher for this text: Emily Ezust [Administrator]
This text was added to the website: 2008-02-28
Line count: 12
Word count: 80