Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by J. Jarrett
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The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- Choral Symphony on American Poems
- The Statue of Old Andrew Jackson (Text: Vachel Lindsay)
- Love's Counsel
- Go seek her out all courteously (Text: James Joyce) FRE
- My dove, my beautiful one (Text: James Joyce) FRE POL
- What counsel has the hooded moon (Text: James Joyce) FRE
- Lightly come or lightly go (Text: James Joyce) FRE
- Songs about the end of love
- Dear heart, why will you use me so? (Text: James Joyce) DUT FRE
- Rain has fallen all the day (Text: James Joyce) FRE GER POL SPA
- Love came to us in time gone by (Text: James Joyce) FRE GER
- Gentle lady, do not sing (Text: James Joyce) FRE POL
- Now, O now, in this brown land (Text: James Joyce) FRE
- The Unquiet Heart
- Alone (Text: James Joyce) FRE GER
- Sleep now, O sleep now (Text: James Joyce) FRE GER POL
- On the beach at Fontana (Text: James Joyce) CHI FRE GER
- Tutto è sciolto (Text: James Joyce) FRE GER
- I hear an army (Text: James Joyce) FRE GER
- She weeps over Rahoon (Text: James Joyce) FRE GER
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- Alone (in The Unquiet Heart) (Text: James Joyce) FRE GER
- Bright cap and streamers (Text: James Joyce) FRE
- Concord Hymn (Text: Ralph Waldo Emerson)
- Dear heart, why will you use me so? (in Songs about the end of love) (Text: James Joyce) DUT FRE
- Dover Beach (Text: Matthew Arnold) GER LIT
- Gentle lady, do not sing (in Songs about the end of love) (Text: James Joyce) FRE POL
- Go seek her out all courteously (in Love's Counsel) (Text: James Joyce) FRE
- I hear an army (in The Unquiet Heart) (Text: James Joyce) FRE GER
- Lean out of the window (Text: James Joyce) FRE IRI POL
- Lightly come or lightly go (in Love's Counsel) (Text: James Joyce) FRE
- Love came to us in time gone by (in Songs about the end of love) (Text: James Joyce) FRE GER
- My dove, my beautiful one (in Love's Counsel) (Text: James Joyce) FRE POL
- Now, O now, in this brown land (in Songs about the end of love) (Text: James Joyce) FRE
- Ode on a Grecian Urn (Text: John Keats)
- On the beach at Fontana (in The Unquiet Heart) (Text: James Joyce) CHI FRE GER
- Rain has fallen all the day (in Songs about the end of love) (Text: James Joyce) FRE GER POL SPA
- She weeps over Rahoon (in The Unquiet Heart) (Text: James Joyce) FRE GER
- Sleep now, O sleep now (in The Unquiet Heart) (Text: James Joyce) FRE GER POL
- Strings in the earth (Text: James Joyce) FRE POL
- The Statue of Old Andrew Jackson (in Choral Symphony on American Poems) (Text: Vachel Lindsay)
- Tutto è sciolto (in The Unquiet Heart) (Text: James Joyce) FRE GER
- What counsel has the hooded moon (in Love's Counsel) (Text: James Joyce) FRE
Last update: 2024-12-12 19:26:59