Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by V. Thomson
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- Cantata on Poems of Edward Lear
- The Jumblies (Text: Edward Lear)
- The Akond of Swat (Text: Edward Lear)
- Five Shakespeare Songs
- no. 1. Was this fair face the cause (Text: William Shakespeare)
- no. 2. Take, o take those lips away (Text: Anonymous) CAT DUT DUT FIN FRE FRE GER GER GER POL
- no. 3. Tell me where is fancy bred (Text: William Shakespeare) CAT DUT FRE GER ITA
- no. 4. Pardon, goddess of the night (Text: William Shakespeare) FRE FRE
- no. 5. Sigh no more, ladies (Text: William Shakespeare) DUT DUT FIN FIN FRE FRE GER ITA ITA POL
- Five Songs from William Blake
- no. 1. The divine image (Text: William Blake) GER RUS
- no. 2. Tiger! Tiger! (Text: William Blake) CAT CHI FRE GER GER RUS
- no. 3. The land of dreams (Text: William Blake)
- no. 4. The little black boy (Text: William Blake)
- no. 5. And did those feet (Text: William Blake) GER SPA
- Four songs to poems of Thomas Campion
- no. 1. Follow your saint (Text: Thomas Campion)
- no. 2. There is a garden in her face (Text: Thomas Campion) DUT
- no. 3. Rose cheek'd Laura, come (Text: Thomas Campion)
- no. 4. Follow thy fair sun (Text: Thomas Campion)
- La belle en dormant
- no. 1. Pour chercher sur la carte des mers (Text: George Hugnet) *
- no. 2. La première de toutes (Text: George Hugnet) *
- no. 3. Mon amour est bon à dire (Text: George Hugnet) *
- no. 4. Partis les vaisseaux (Text: George Hugnet) *
- La valse grégorienne - quatre poèmes de G. Hugnet
- no. 1. Les écrevisses (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- no. 2. Grenadine (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- no. 3. La rosée (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- no. 4. Le wagon immobile (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- Le Berceau de Gertrude Stein ou Le mystère de la Rue de Fleurus: Huit Poêmes de Georges Hugnet
- no. 1. Rose is a rose par vaux et par monts (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- no. 2. Voici que vient le jour (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- no. 3. Souvent quand on s'endort (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- no. 4. Nous ne savons plus danser (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- no. 5. Vous lisez dans les lignes de la main (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- no. 6. Qu'on ouvre la porte et Gertrude Stein apparait (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- no. 7. Le soir, avant de se coucher, Gertrude Stein dessine (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- no. 8. Chère Gertrude, vous m'avez caché (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- Mostly about love
- no. 1. Love song (Text: Kenneth Koch) *
- no. 2. Down at the docks (Text: Kenneth Koch) *
- no. 3. Let's take a walk (Text: Kenneth Koch) *
- no. 4. A prayer to Saint Catherine (Text: Kenneth Koch) *
- Praises and Prayers
- no. 2. My Master hath a garden (Text: Anonymous)
- Praises and Prayers
- From the Canticle of the Sun (Text: Matthew Arnold after Francis of Assisi, Saint ) GER SPA
- Tres Estampas de Niñez
- no. 1. Todas las horas (Text: Reyna Rivas) *
- no. 2. Son amigos de todos (Text: Reyna Rivas) *
- no. 3. Nadie lo oye como ellos (Text: Reyna Rivas) *
- Trois Poèmes de la Duchesse de Rohan
- no. 1. À son Altesse la Princesse Antoinette Murat (Text: Marie de Rohan, Duchesse; Herminie, Madame la Duchesse de Rohan) [x]
- no. 2. Jour de chaleur aux bains de mer (Text: Marie de Rohan, Duchesse; Herminie, Madame la Duchesse de Rohan) [x]
- no. 3. La Seine (Text: Marie de Rohan, Duchesse; Herminie, Madame la Duchesse de Rohan) [x]
- Two By Marianne Moore
- no. 1. English Usage (Text: Marianne Moore) *
- no. 2. My crow Pluto (Text: Marianne Moore) *
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- And did those feet (in Five Songs from William Blake) (Text: William Blake) GER SPA
- A prayer to Saint Catherine (in Mostly about love) (Text: Kenneth Koch) *
- À son Altesse la Princesse Antoinette Murat (in Trois Poèmes de la Duchesse de Rohan) (Text: Marie de Rohan, Duchesse; Herminie, Madame la Duchesse de Rohan) [x]
- At the Spring (Text: Jasper Fisher)
- Chère Gertrude, vous m'avez caché (in Le Berceau de Gertrude Stein ou Le mystère de la Rue de Fleurus: Huit Poêmes de Georges Hugnet) (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- Crossing Brooklyn Ferry (Text: Walt Whitman)
- De profundis clamavi (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts after Bible or other Sacred Texts) DUT ENG ENG ENG FRE FRE FRE FRE GER GER GER GER
- Down at the docks (in Mostly about love) (Text: Kenneth Koch) *
- English Usage (in Two By Marianne Moore) (Text: Marianne Moore) *
- Follow thy fair sun (in Four songs to poems of Thomas Campion) (Text: Thomas Campion)
- Follow your saint (in Four songs to poems of Thomas Campion) (Text: Thomas Campion)
- From the Canticle of the Sun (in Praises and Prayers) (Text: Matthew Arnold after Francis of Assisi, Saint ) GER SPA
- Grenadine (in La valse grégorienne - quatre poèmes de G. Hugnet) (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- If thou a reason dost desire to know (Text: Francis Kynaston, Sir)
- John Peel (Text: John Woodcock Graves)
- Jour de chaleur aux bains de mer (in Trois Poèmes de la Duchesse de Rohan) (Text: Marie de Rohan, Duchesse; Herminie, Madame la Duchesse de Rohan) [x]
- La première de toutes (in La belle en dormant) (Text: George Hugnet) *
- La rosée (in La valse grégorienne - quatre poèmes de G. Hugnet) (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- La Seine (in Trois Poèmes de la Duchesse de Rohan) (Text: Marie de Rohan, Duchesse; Herminie, Madame la Duchesse de Rohan) [x]
- Les écrevisses (in La valse grégorienne - quatre poèmes de G. Hugnet) (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- Le soir, avant de se coucher, Gertrude Stein dessine (in Le Berceau de Gertrude Stein ou Le mystère de la Rue de Fleurus: Huit Poêmes de Georges Hugnet) (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- Let's take a walk (in Mostly about love) (Text: Kenneth Koch) *
- Le wagon immobile (in La valse grégorienne - quatre poèmes de G. Hugnet) (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- Look, how the floor of heaven (Text: William Shakespeare) FRE FRE
- Love song (in Mostly about love) (Text: Kenneth Koch) *
- Mon amour est bon à dire (in La belle en dormant) (Text: George Hugnet) *
- My crow Pluto (in Two By Marianne Moore) (Text: Marianne Moore) *
- My Master hath a garden (in Praises and Prayers) (Text: Anonymous)
- Nadie lo oye como ellos (in Tres Estampas de Niñez) (Text: Reyna Rivas) *
- Nous ne savons plus danser (in Le Berceau de Gertrude Stein ou Le mystère de la Rue de Fleurus: Huit Poêmes de Georges Hugnet) (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- Pardon, goddess of the night (in Five Shakespeare Songs) (Text: William Shakespeare) FRE FRE
- Partis les vaisseaux (in La belle en dormant) (Text: George Hugnet) *
- Portrait of F. B. (Frances Blood) (Text: Gertrude Stein)
- Pour chercher sur la carte des mers (in La belle en dormant) (Text: George Hugnet) *
- Preciosilla (Text: Gertrude Stein)
- Qu'on ouvre la porte et Gertrude Stein apparait (in Le Berceau de Gertrude Stein ou Le mystère de la Rue de Fleurus: Huit Poêmes de Georges Hugnet) (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- Remember Adam's Fall
- Rose cheek'd Laura, come (in Four songs to poems of Thomas Campion) (Text: Thomas Campion)
- Rose is a rose par vaux et par monts (in Le Berceau de Gertrude Stein ou Le mystère de la Rue de Fleurus: Huit Poêmes de Georges Hugnet) (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- Sigh no more, ladies (in Five Shakespeare Songs) (Text: William Shakespeare) DUT DUT FIN FIN FRE FRE GER ITA ITA POL
- Son amigos de todos (in Tres Estampas de Niñez) (Text: Reyna Rivas) *
- Souvent quand on s'endort (in Le Berceau de Gertrude Stein ou Le mystère de la Rue de Fleurus: Huit Poêmes de Georges Hugnet) (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- Stabat Mater (Text: Max Jacob) ENG
- Strike till the iron is hot (in Two By Marianne Moore) (Text: Marianne Moore) *
- Susie Asado (Text: Gertrude Stein)
- Take, o take those lips away (in Five Shakespeare Songs) (Text: Anonymous) CAT DUT DUT FIN FRE FRE GER GER GER POL
- Tell me where is fancy bred (in Five Shakespeare Songs) (Text: William Shakespeare) CAT DUT FRE GER ITA
- The Akond of Swat (in Cantata on Poems of Edward Lear) (Text: Edward Lear)
- The divine image (in Five Songs from William Blake) (Text: William Blake) GER RUS
- The Jumblies (in Cantata on Poems of Edward Lear) (Text: Edward Lear)
- The land of dreams (in Five Songs from William Blake) (Text: William Blake)
- The little black boy (in Five Songs from William Blake) (Text: William Blake)
- There is a garden in her face (in Four songs to poems of Thomas Campion) (Text: Thomas Campion) DUT
- The sunflower (Text: William Blake) CAT FRE SPA
- The Tiger (Text: William Blake) CAT CHI FRE GER GER RUS
- Tiger! Tiger! (in Five Songs from William Blake) (Text: William Blake) CAT CHI FRE GER GER RUS
- Todas las horas (in Tres Estampas de Niñez) (Text: Reyna Rivas) *
- Voici que vient le jour (in Le Berceau de Gertrude Stein ou Le mystère de la Rue de Fleurus: Huit Poêmes de Georges Hugnet) (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- Vous lisez dans les lignes de la main (in Le Berceau de Gertrude Stein ou Le mystère de la Rue de Fleurus: Huit Poêmes de Georges Hugnet) (Text: George Hugnet) [x]*
- Was this fair face the cause (in Five Shakespeare Songs) (Text: William Shakespeare)
Last update: 2025-01-24 04:35:24