Authors starting with the letter V
- Vaa -- Aslaug Vaa (1889 - 1965) (17 texts; 17 settings)
- Vaád -- Ferenc Vaád (1908 - 1984) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vaage -- Ragnvald Vaage (1889 - 1966) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vaara -- Elina Vaara (see Sirén -- Kerttu Elin Sirén (1903 - 1980))
- Vaarandi -- Debora Vaarandi (1916 - 2007) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vaaskivi -- Elina Vaaskivi (see Sirén -- Kerttu Elin Sirén (1903 - 1980))
- Vacano -- Emile Mario Vacano (1840 - 1892) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vacaresco -- Hélène Vacaresco (see Vacarescu -- Elena Vacarescu (1864 - 1947))
- Vacaresco -- Melle Vacaresco (see Vacarescu -- Elena Vacarescu (1864 - 1947))
- Vacarescu -- Elena Vacarescu (1864 - 1947) (37 texts; 47 settings)
- Vacek-Kamenický -- František Jaroslav Vacek-Kamenický (1806 - 1869) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vacquerie -- Auguste Vacquerie (1819 - 1895) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Vada -- Vada (see Armory-Berens -- E. Armory-Berens)
- Vadé -- Jean-Joseph Vadé (1720 - 1757) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vaës -- Gustave Vaës (1812 - 1862) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vaèz -- Gustave Vaèz (see van Nieuvenhuysen -- Jean-Nicolas van Nieuvenhuysen (1812 - 1862))
- Vaillant -- Eugène Vaillant (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vaillant -- Louis Vaillant (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vaillant-Couturier -- Paul Vaillant-Couturier (1892 - 1937) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Väisänen -- Armas Otto Aapo Väisänen (1890 - 1969) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vajda -- János Vajda (1827 - 1897) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Ваксмахер -- Морис Николаевич Ваксмахер (see Vaksmakher -- Moris Nikolayevich Vaksmakher (1926 - 1994))
- Vaksmakher -- Moris Nikolayevich Vaksmakher (1926 - 1994) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vala -- Katri Vala (1901 - 1944) (36 texts; 36 settings)
- Valade -- Léon Valade (1841 - 1884) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Valance -- Nikos Valance ( flourished 1999 ) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Valandré -- Marie de Valandré (1 text; 1 setting)
- Valangin -- Aline Valangin (1889 - 1986) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Valaoritis -- Aristote Valaoritis (1824 - 1879) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Valdelomar Pinto -- Pedro Abraham Valdelomar Pinto (1888 - 1919) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Valdemar -- A. Valdemar (1 text; 1 setting)
- Valdès -- André Valdès (1 text; 1 setting)
- Valdés -- Ferná Silva Valdés (see Silva Valdés -- Fernán Silva Valdés (1887 - 1975))
- Valdés -- Juan Meléndez Valdés (1754 - 1817) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Valdimarsson -- Þorsteinn Valdimarsson (see Þorsteinn Valdimarsson -- Þorsteinn Valdimarsson (1918 - 1977))
- Valdivielso -- José de Valdivielso (1560 - 1638) (2 texts; 1 setting)
- Valdor -- Mélanie Valdor (see Waldor -- Mélanie Waldor (1796 - 1871))
- Valencia -- Guillermo Valencia (1873 - 1943) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Valenta -- Alois Valenta (1830 - 1918) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Valente -- Nicolo Valente (1 text; 1 setting)
- Valentin -- Albert Valentin (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Valentin -- C. T. Valentin (1 text; 1 setting)
- Valentin -- Karl Valentin (1853 - 1918) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Valentine -- Edward Abram Uffington Valentine (1870 - ?) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Valeri -- Diego Valeri (1887 - 1976) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Valeri -- Lluís Valeri (1891 - 1971) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Valeriani -- Belisario Valeriani (1 text; 1 setting)
- Valerie -- Marie Valerie Mathilde Amalie von Österreich, Erzherzogin (see Marie Valerie von Österreich -- Marie Valerie von Österreich, Erzherzogin (1868 - 1924))
- Valerius -- Johan David Valerius (1776 - 1852) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Valéry -- Ambroise-Paul-Touissaint-Jules Valéry (1871 - 1945) (22 texts; 44 settings)
- Valéry -- Paul Valéry (see Valéry -- Ambroise-Paul-Touissaint-Jules Valéry (1871 - 1945))
- Valette -- Charles Valette (1 text; 1 setting)
- Valetty -- Valbar Valetty (1 text; 1 setting)
- Valgarður Egilsson -- Valgarður Egilsson (1 text; 1 setting)
- Valgimigli -- Manara Valgimigli (1876 - 1965) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Valladares -- Armand Valladares (b. 1937) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Valladares -- Leda Valladares (1919 - 2012) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Valladier -- Romain Valladier (1823 - 1887) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vallarta -- Elías Nandino Vallarta (see Nandino Vallarta -- Elías Nandino Vallarta (1900 - 1993))
- Valldejulí -- Juan-Manuel Casademunt Valldejulí (see Casademunt Valldejulí -- Juan-Manuel Casademunt Valldejulí (1851 - 1937))
- Valle -- Gerson Valle (5 texts; 5 settings)
- della Valle -- Giuseppe della Valle (see Della Valle -- Giuseppe Della Valle)
- do Valle -- Henrique do Valle (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Valle -- José de Freitas Valle (see de Freitas Valle -- José de Freitas Valle (1870 - 1958))
- Valle -- Rafael Heliodoro Valle (see Heliodoro Valle -- Rafael Heliodoro Valle (1891 - 1959))
- Valle -- Vincenzo Valle (1 text; 1 setting)
- del Valle-Inclán y de la Peña -- Ramón María del Valle-Inclán y de la Peña (1866 - 1936) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vallejo -- César Vallejo (1892 - 1938) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Valleriestra -- Julián Marchena Valleriestra (see Marchena Valleriestra -- Julián Marchena Valleriestra (1897 - 1985))
- Vallery-Radot -- Robert Vallery-Radot (1885 - 1970) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Valles -- Alissa Valles (see Leigh -- Alissa Leigh)
- Vallet -- G. Vallet (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vallner -- Richard Vallner (flourished c1875) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Valmonca -- Émile de Valmonca (1 text; 1 setting)
- Valmy -- Jean Valmy (see Roland -- Jean Edmond Lucien Roland (1901 - 1989))
- Valmy-Baisse -- Jean Valmy-Baisse (1874 - 1962) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Valogne -- Marcel Valogne (see Robine -- René Robine (1881 - 1930))
- Valois -- Marguerite de Valois (Marguerite d'Angoulême), Queen of Navarre (1492 - 1549) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Valon -- Marie-Charles-Ferdinand (dit Alexis) de Valon, Vicomte (2 texts; 4 settings)
- Valverde -- R. Valverde (1 text; 2 settings)
- Valverde Villena -- Diego Valverde Villena (b. 1967) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Van Arenbergh -- Emile Van Arenbergh (1854 - 1934) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Van Beers -- Jan Van Beers (1821 - 1888) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vancalys -- Marie Vancalys (see Bertin -- Marcelle Bertin)
- Vance -- Alfred Glenville Vance (see Stevens -- Alfred Peck Stevens (1840 - 1888))
- Van Daele -- Renaat Van Daele (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Vandelbourg -- Robert H. de Vandelbourg (b. 1870) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Van Delft -- Antonius Henricus Joseph Van Delft (1876 - 1956) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vandeloo -- Jos Vandeloo (b. 1925) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Van den Berch van Heemstede -- Marie Zubli Van den Berch van Heemstede (see Zubli van den Berch van Heemstede -- Marie Zubli van den Berch van Heemstede)
- Vanden Camp -- Alphonse Vanden Camp (1833 - 1901) (20 texts; 21 settings)
- Van der Auwera -- Sim Van der Auwera (1923 - 2006) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vandercammen -- Edmond Vandercammen (1901 - 1980) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de la Vandère -- J. de la Vandère (1 text; 1 setting)
- Van der Gheynst -- Benoni Van der Gheynst (1876 - 1946) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vanderhaeghe -- René Vanderhaeghe (1887 - 1957) (7 texts; 8 settings)
- Vanderpyl -- Fritz-René Vanderpyl (1876 - 1965) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vandersee -- Leon Vandersee (see Tiedemann -- Helene Tiedemann (18?? - 1907))
- Van der Straeten -- Clemens Van der Straeten (1887 - 1961) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vanderstucken -- Frank Valentin Vanderstucken (see Van der Stucken -- Frank Valentin Van der Stucken (1858 - 1929))
- Van der Stucken -- Frank Valentin Van der Stucken (1858 - 1929) (9 texts; 4 settings)
- Van der Zant -- Johan Wilhelm Van der Zant (1926 - 1977) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Van de Vijver -- Jos. Van de Vijver (10 texts; 0 settings)
- Van de Voorde -- Theo Van de Voorde (1 text; 1 setting)
- Van de Wall -- Constant Johan Arnold Van de Wall (1871 - 1945) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Van de Winde -- Jules Van de Winde (1 text; 1 setting)
- Van Driem -- Adriaan Van Driem (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Van Dyk -- Harry Stoe Van Dyk (1797 - 1828) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Vanenko -- I. Vanenko (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vangeon -- Henri Vangeon (1875 - 1944) (25 texts; 31 settings)
- Van Hasselt -- André Henri Constant Van Hasselt (see van Hasselt -- André Henri Constant van Hasselt (1806 - 1874))
- Van Hille-Gaerthé -- Catharina Magdalena Van Hille-Gaerthé (1881 - 1958) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vanistendael -- August Vanistendael (1917 - 2003) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vanloo -- Albert Vanloo (1846 - 1920) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Van Mechelen -- Kundry Van Mechelen (b. 1989) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vannah -- Kate Vannah (1855 - 1933) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vannault -- Alfred Vannault (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vannier -- Angèle Vannier (1917 - 1980) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Van Nijlen -- Jan Van Nijlen (1884 - 1965) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Vanor -- George Vanor (see Ormelingen -- Georges Richard van Ormelingen (1865 - 1906))
- Van Oye -- Eugeen Van Oye (1840 - 1926) (21 texts; 22 settings)
- Van Parys -- George Van Parys (1902 - 1971) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Van Rensselaer -- Peyton Van Rensselaer (1 text; 1 setting)
- Van Roosbroeck -- Gust L. Van Roosbroeck (1 text; 1 setting)
- Van Santen -- Rient Van Santen (1882 - 1943) (12 texts; 12 settings)
- Vanselow -- Ludwig Karl Vanselow (1877 - 1959) (5 texts; 8 settings)
- Van Tung -- Tran Van Tung (b. 1915) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Van Vleuten -- Carl Ferdinand Van Vleuten (1874 - 1945) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Van Weddingen -- Aloïs Van Weddingen (1841 - 1890) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Van Wesemael -- Honoré Van Wesemael (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vapcarov -- Nikola J̌onkov Vapcarov (see Vaptsarov -- Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov (1909 - 1942))
- Вапцаров -- Никола Йонков Вапцаров (see Vaptsarov -- Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov (1909 - 1942))
- Vaptsarov -- Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov (1909 - 1942) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Váradi -- Antal Váradi (1854 - 1923) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Varcollier -- Michel Augustin Varcollier (1795 - 1883) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Vardon -- D. Vardon (1 text; 1 setting)
- Varela -- Antonio Noriega Varela (1867 - 1947) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Varela -- Juan de la Cruz Varela (see de la Cruz Varela -- Juan de la Cruz Varela)
- Varela -- Luís Nicolau Fagundes Varela (see Fagundes Varela -- Luís Nicolau Fagundes Varela (1841 - 1875))
- Varela -- Xesús Manuel Lorenzo Varela (1917 - 1978) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Varella -- Alfred Varella (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Varenne -- Marc Varenne (1877 - 1968) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Varenne -- Pierre Varenne (see Battendier -- Pierre-Georges Battendier (1893 - 1961))
- Varesco -- Gianbattista Varesco (1735 - 1805) (13 texts; 13 settings)
- Varesco -- H. Varesco (1 text; 1 setting)
- Varèse -- Edgard Varèse (1883 - 1965) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vargas -- Jorge Luis Acevedo Vargas (see Acevedo Vargas -- Jorge Luis Acevedo Vargas (b. 1943))
- Vargas -- Léon Vargas (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vargas -- R. Vargas (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vargas Neto -- Manuel do Nascimento Vargas Neto (b. 1903) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Vargha -- Gyula Vargha (1853 - 1929) (3 texts; 0 settings)
- Vargha -- Károly Vargha (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Varian -- John Osborne Varian (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Varin -- Victor Varin (1 text; 0 settings)
- Varisa -- Julius Varisa (1 text; 1 setting)
- Várkonyi -- Zoltán Várkonyi (1 text; 1 setting)
- Varlamov -- Aleksandr Yegorovich Varlamov (1801 - 1848) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Варламов -- Александр Егорович Варламов (see Varlamov -- Aleksandr Yegorovich Varlamov (1801 - 1848))
- Varna -- Henri Varna (1887 - 1969) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Varnhagen von Ense -- Karl August Varnhagen von Ense (1785 - 1858) (2 texts; 1 setting)
- Varró -- Dezső Varró (1907? - 1982) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Varro -- Marcus Terentius Varro (116 BCE - 27/8 BCE) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vartore-Néoumivakine -- Gabriel Vartore-Néoumivakine (b. 1939) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Варженевская -- Елизавета Алексеевна Варженевская (see Varzhenevskaya -- Elizaveta Alekseyevna Varzhenevskaya)
- Varzhenevskaya -- Elizaveta Alekseyevna Varzhenevskaya (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Vasalis -- M. Vasalis (see Drooglever-Fortuyn-Leenmans -- Margaretha Drooglever-Fortuyn-Leenmans (1909 - 1998))
- de Vasconcelos -- Carmen Sylvia Alves de Vasconcelos (b. 1965) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vasconcellos -- Dora Alencar Vasconcellos (1910 - 1973) (8 texts; 8 settings)
- de Vasconcelos -- Joaquim Pereira Teixeira de Vasconcelos (see Teixeira de Vasconcelos -- Joaquim Pereira Teixeira de Vasconcelos (1877 - 1952))
- de Vasconcelos -- José Mauro de Vasconcelos (see Mauro de Vasconcelos -- José Mauro de Vasconcelos (1920 - 1984))
- de Vasconcelos Rodrigues -- Papiniano Manuel Carlos de Vasconcelos Rodrigues (see Carlos de Vasconcelos Rodrigues -- Papiniano Manuel Carlos de Vasconcelos Rodrigues (1918 - 2012))
- Vasconcelos e Sá -- João Vasconcelos e Sá (1 text; 1 setting)
- Василенко -- Сергей Никифорович Василенко (see Vasilenko -- Sergey Nikiforovich Vasilenko (1872 - 1956))
- Vasilenko -- Sergey Nikiforovich Vasilenko (1872 - 1956) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Vasilev -- ? Vasilev (1 text; 1 setting)
- Василевська-Березіна -- Людмила Олексіївна Василевська-Березіна (see Vasylevska-Berezina -- Lyudmyla Oleksivna Vasylevska-Berezina (1861 - 1927))
- Василевский -- Лев Маркович Василевский (see Vasilyevsky -- Lev Markovich Vasilyevsky (1876 - 1936))
- Vasilyev -- A. Vasilyev (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vasilyev -- G. Vasilyev (1 text; 2 settings)
- Vasilyev -- K. Vasilyev (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vasilyev -- N. Vasilyev (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vasilyevsky -- Lev Markovich Vasilyevsky (1876 - 1936) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Vasin-Makarov -- Aleksandr Vasin-Makarov (b. 1945) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Vasquez -- H. Vasquez (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vassalo -- Luigi Arnaldo Vassalo (Gandolin) (1852 - 1906) (1 text; 1 setting)
- del Vasto -- Lanza del Vasto (see Lanza di Trabia-Branciforte -- Giuseppe Giovanni Luigi Enrico Lanza di Trabia-Branciforte (1901 - 1981))
- Vasylevska-Berezina -- Lyudmyla Oleksivna Vasylevska-Berezina (1861 - 1927) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Vater -- W. Vater (1 text; 2 settings)
- Ватсон -- Мария Валентиновна Ватсон (see Vatson -- Mariya Valentinovna Vatson (1848 - 1932))
- Vatson -- Mariya Valentinovna Vatson (1848 - 1932) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vatter -- Julius Vatter (1846 - 1920) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vaucaire -- Maurice Vaucaire (1864 - 1918) (32 texts; 42 settings)
- Vaucaire -- Michel Vaucaire (1904 - 1980) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vaucelle -- Auguste de Vaucelle (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vaudin -- Jean-François Vaudin (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vaughan -- Ernest Vaughan (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vaughan -- Henry Vaughan (1622 - 1695) (13 texts; 19 settings)
- Vaughan Williams -- Ursula Vaughan Williams, née Joan Ursula Penton Lock (1911 - 2007) (27 texts; 34 settings)
- de Vaulx -- André Foulon de Vaulx (see Foulon de Vaulx -- André Foulon de Vaulx (1873 - 1951))
- Vauquelin de la Fresnaye -- Jean Vauquelin de la Fresnaye (see de la Fresnaye -- Jean Vauquelin de la Fresnaye (1536 - 1608))
- Vautor -- Thomas Vautor (1590 - 1625) (1 text; 6 settings)
- de Vaux -- Charles-Maurice de Vaux (b. 1845) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vaux -- Thomas, Lord Vaux (1509 - 1556) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Vaz -- Nelson Vaz (1903 - ?) (3 texts; 6 settings)
- Vaz de Camargo -- Milton Vaz de Camargo (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Vaz Pereira -- Hamilton Vaz Pereira (see Pereira -- Hamilton Vaz Pereira (b. 1951))
- Vazeh -- Mirzə Şəfi Vazeh (1794 - 1852) (78 texts; 0 settings)
- Vazov -- Ivan Minchov Vazov (1850 - 1921) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Вазов -- Иван Минчов Вазов (see Vazov -- Ivan Minchov Vazov (1850 - 1921))
- Vázquez Cey -- Arturo Vázquez Cey (1888 - 1958) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Veber -- Michel Veber (1896 - 1965) (19 texts; 19 settings)
- Veber -- Pierre Veber (1869 - 1942) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vecchi -- Orazio Vecchi (1550 - 1605) (0 texts; 0 settings)
- Veeman -- D. Veeman (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vég -- Mihály Vég (flourished 16th century) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vega -- Aurelio de la Vega (b. 1925) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Vega -- Garcilaso de la Vega (1503 - 1536) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- de la Vega -- Íñigo López de Mendoza y de la Vega, Marquis of Santillana (see López de Mendoza y de la Vega -- Íñigo López de Mendoza y de la Vega, Marquis of Santillana (1398 - 1458))
- Véga -- José Luis Véga (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vega Carpio -- Lope Felix de Vega Carpio (1562 - 1635) (23 texts; 25 settings)
- von Vegesack -- Siegfried von Vegesack (1888 - 1974) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vegio -- Maffeo Vegio (1407 - 1458) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vegius -- Mapheus Vegius (see Vegio -- Maffeo Vegio (1407 - 1458))
- de Vegueta -- Luis García de Vegueta (see García de Vegueta -- Luis García de Vegueta)
- Vehmas -- Elina Vehmas (see Sirén -- Kerttu Elin Sirén (1903 - 1980))
- Veijola -- Yrjö Veijola (1875 - 1930) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Veinberg -- Pyotr Isayevich Veinberg (1831 - 1908) (17 texts; 22 settings)
- Veisberg -- Iuliia Veisberg (see Weissberg -- Julia Weissberg (1878 - 1942))
- Veit -- Ernst Veit (see Schellenberg -- Ernst Viktor Schellenberg (1827 - 1896))
- Veit -- Moritz Veit (1808 - 1864) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Veith -- Augustin Veith, Edler von Schittlersberg (1751 - 1811) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Veith -- Johann Emanuel Veith (1788 - 1876) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vejlø -- A. Vejlø (1 text; 1 setting)
- Вейнберг -- Пётр Исаевич Вейнберг (see Veinberg -- Pyotr Isayevich Veinberg (1831 - 1908))
- Вейс -- Ольга Платоновна Вейс (see Weiss -- Olga Platonovna Weiss (1865 - 1935))
- Вейсберг -- Юлия Лазаревна Вейсберг (see Weissberg -- Julia Weissberg (1878 - 1942))
- Vela -- Rubén A. Vela (1 text; 1 setting)
- Velarde -- Ramón López Velarde (see López Velarde -- Ramón López Velarde (1888 - 1921))
- Velasco -- Juan Carlos de Gortázar y Manso de Velasco (see Gortázar -- Juan Carlos de Gortázar y Manso de Velasco (1864 - 1926))
- Velasco -- Juan Carlos de Gortázar y Manso de Velasco (see Gortázar -- Juan Carlos de Gortázar y Manso de Velasco (1864 - 1926))
- Velasco -- María Luz Regas Velasco (see Regas Velasco -- María Luz Regas Velasco)
- Velasco -- Ricardo Velasco (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Veldeke -- Heinrich von Veldeke (c1150 - c1184+) (6 texts; 4 settings)
- Velestinlis -- Antonios Rigas Velestinlis (see Feraios -- Rigas Feraios (1757 - 1798))
- Velestinlis -- Rigas Velestinlis (see Feraios -- Rigas Feraios (1757 - 1798))
- Velichkin -- N. Velichkin (1 text; 1 setting)
- Величко -- Василий Львович Величко (see Velichko -- Vasily Lvovich Velichko (1860 - 1904))
- Velichko -- Vasily Lvovich Velichko (1860 - 1904) (9 texts; 11 settings)
- Velkoborský -- Fráňa Velkoborský (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vellay -- Charles Vellay (1876 - 1953) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vellones -- Pierre Vellones (see Rousseau -- Pierre-E.-L. Rousseau (1889 - 1939))
- Velloso -- Enrique García Velloso (see García Velloso -- Enrique García Velloso (1880 - 1938))
- Velmont -- Charles Velmont (1 text; 1 setting)
- Velnac -- Velnac (see Lecanu -- Alphonse Lecanu)
- Vel'tman -- Aleksandr Fomich Vel'tman (1800 - 1870) (10 texts; 19 settings)
- Velutini -- Juan Liscano Velutini (see Liscano Velutini -- Juan Liscano Velutini (1914 - 2001))
- Venance -- Père Venance (see Dougados -- Jean-François Dougados (1762 - 1794))
- Venantius Fortunatus -- Venantius Fortunatus, Saint (c530 - c609) (2 texts; 11 settings)
- Venevitinov -- Dmitry Vladimirovich Venevitinov (1805 - 1827) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Веневитинов -- Дмитрий Владимирович Веневитинов (see Venevitinov -- Dmitry Vladimirovich Venevitinov (1805 - 1827))
- Vennberg -- Vilhelm Vennberg (1799 - 1881) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ventadorn -- Bernart de Ventadorn (see von Ventadour -- Bernart von Ventadour (c1125 - c1195))
- von Ventadour -- Bernart von Ventadour (c1125 - c1195) (2 texts; 1 setting)
- Venth -- Carl Venth (1860 - 1938) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Vento -- Ivo (or Yvo) de Vento (1543?5 - 1575) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Ventura de la Vega -- Domingo Ventura de la Vega (1807 - 1865) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Venture -- Michèle Venture (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Venzano -- Luigi Venzano (1814 - 1878) (0 texts; 0 settings)
- Verbitsky -- F. Verbitsky (1 text; 1 setting)
- Verbov -- A. M. Verbov (1 text; 1 setting)
- Verbraeken -- Carl Verbraeken (b. 1950) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vercors -- Vercors (see Bruller -- Jean Bruller (1902 - 1991))
- Verdaguer -- Cinto Verdaguer, Mossèn (see Verdaguer i Santaló -- Jacint Verdaguer i Santaló (1845 - 1902))
- Verdaguer i Santaló -- Jacint Verdaguer i Santaló (1845 - 1902) (22 texts; 22 settings)
- Verdelot -- Philippe Verdelot (d. c1565) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Вердеревский -- Евграф Александрович Вердеревский (see Verderevsky -- Yevgraf Aleksandrovich Verderevsky (1825 - 1867))
- Verderevsky -- A. Verderevsky (2 texts; 4 settings)
- Verderevsky -- Yevgraf Aleksandrovich Verderevsky (1825 - 1867) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Verdet -- André Verdet (1913 - 2004) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Verdizotti -- Giovanni Mario Verdizotti (1525 - c1600) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Verdun -- Philippe-Laurent Pons de Verdun (see Pons de Verdun -- Philippe-Laurent Pons de Verdun (1749 - 1844))
- de Vere -- Henry de Vere Stacpoole (see Stacpoole -- Henry de Vere Stacpoole (1863 - 1951))
- Верещагин -- Василий Васильевич Верещагин (see Vereshchagin -- Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin (1842 - 1904))
- Vereshchagin -- Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin (1842 - 1904) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Vergil -- Vergil (Publius Vergilius Maro) (70 BCE - 19 BCE) (10 texts; 14 settings)
- Verhaeren -- Émile Verhaeren (1855 - 1916) (68 texts; 99 settings)
- Verhagen -- Balthazar Verhagen (1881 - 1950) (3 texts; 4 settings)
- Verhoeven -- Bernardus Johannes (Bernhard) Verhoeven (1897 - 1965) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Verhulst -- Raf Verhulst (1866 - 1941) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Verier -- Poul Verier (1 text; 1 setting)
- Verin -- B. Verin (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vérité -- Marcelle Vérité (see Vigneron -- Marcelle Vigneron (b. 1904))
- Verlaine -- Paul Verlaine (1844 - 1896) (234 texts; 1786 settings)
- Vermehren -- Henriette Vermehren, née (Elisabetha) Henrietta (Johanna) von Eckardt (1765 - 1842) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vermeil -- Henri Vermeil (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vermenouze -- Arsène Vermenouze (1850 - 1910) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vernaëlde -- Albert Vernaëlde (1859 - 1928) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Verne -- Jules Verne (1828 - 1905) (15 texts; 17 settings)
- Vernes -- Jacob Vernes (1728 - 1791) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vernet -- Marie Vernet (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vernon -- Maud Vernon (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Vernoy -- Jules-Henri Vernoy, marquis de Saint-Georges (1801? - 1875) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Véron -- Pierre Véron (1833 - 1900) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Verrier -- Paul Verrier (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Verriest -- Adolf Verriest (1830 - 1891) (3 texts; 1 setting)
- Verriest -- Hugo Nestor Verriest (1840 - 1922) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Verroen -- Rudolf Johan (Dolf) Verroen (b. 1928) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Verrycken -- Géo Verrycken (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Verrycken -- Georges Verrycken (1 text; 1 setting)
- Versnaeyen -- Karel Versnaeyen (1836 - 1910) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Verstegan -- Richard Verstegan (c1550 - 1640) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vert -- Pierre Vert (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Verteillac -- Herminie de la Brousse de Verteillac (see de Rohan -- Herminie, Madame la Duchesse de Rohan (1853 - 1926))
- Вертинский -- Александр Николаевич Вертинский (see Vertinsky -- Aleksandr Nikolayevich Vertinsky (1889 - 1957))
- Vertinsky -- Aleksandr Nikolayevich Vertinsky (1889 - 1957) (13 texts; 13 settings)
- Verweij -- Albert Verweij (see Verwey -- Albert Verwey (1865 - 1937))
- Verwey -- Albert Verwey (1865 - 1937) (41 texts; 64 settings)
- Very -- Jones Very (1813 - 1880) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Vesaas -- Halldis Moren Vesaas (1907 - 1995) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Vesala -- V. Vesala (1 text; 1 setting)
- Веселкова-Кильштет -- Мария Григорьевна Веселкова-Кильштет (see Veselkova-Kilshtet -- Mariya Grigoryevna Veselkova-Kilshtet)
- Veselkova-Kilshtet -- Mariya Grigoryevna Veselkova-Kilshtet (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Веселовский -- Юрий Алексеевич Веселовский (see Veselovsky -- Yury Alekseyevich Veselovsky (1872 - 1919))
- Veselovsky -- Yury Alekseyevich Veselovsky (1872 - 1919) (11 texts; 11 settings)
- de Vesme -- Gemma de Vesme (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Vesnina -- N. Vesnina (1 text; 2 settings)
- Vesper -- Will Vesper (1882 - 1962) (23 texts; 34 settings)
- Vessal -- Houshang Vessal (4 texts; 1 setting)
- Vestdijk -- S. Vestdijk (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vetter -- Ferdinand Vetter (1847 - 1924) (1 text; 4 settings)
- Vetter -- Ivan Vetter (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Vetterlund -- Fredrik Mauritz Vetterlund (1865 - 1960) (9 texts; 9 settings)
- Veuillot -- Louis Veuillot (1813 - 1883) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Veyrassac -- Jean Veyrassac (1 text; 1 setting)
- Veysberg -- Julia Veysberg (see Weissberg -- Julia Weissberg (1878 - 1942))
- Vezin -- Ida Vezin (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Viada i Lluc -- Lluís-Carles Viada i Lluc (1863 - 1938) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vial -- Eugène Vial (1863 - 1942) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Vialle -- Fernand Vialle (1873 - 1940) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vialon -- Antoine Vialon (1814 - 1866) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Vian -- Boris Vian (1920 - 1959) (35 texts; 35 settings)
- Viana -- Esther Ferreira Viana (1 text; 1 setting)
- Viana -- Sodré Viana (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vianna -- Oduvaldo Vianna (1892 - 1982) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Viard -- Jules Viard (1803 - 1858) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Viardot -- Louis Viardot (1800 - 1883) (3 texts; 0 settings)
- Viardot-García -- Pauline Viardot-García (1821 - 1910) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Viau -- Théophile de Viau (1590 - 1626) (5 texts; 9 settings)
- Viaud -- André Viaud (1 text; 1 setting)
- Viaud -- Louis Marie Julien Viaud (1850 - 1923) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Vibert -- Andrée Vibert (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vicaire -- Gabriel Vicaire (1849 - 1900) (39 texts; 45 settings)
- Vicens -- Nimia Vicens (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Vicente -- Gil Vicente (c1470 - c1536) (10 texts; 6 settings)
- Vicente Garcia -- A. Vicente Garcia (see Garcia -- Alberto Vicente Garcia)
- Victorino -- Virgínia Victorino (1898 - 1967) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Vidalie -- Albert Vidalie (1913 - 1971) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Vidigal -- Geraldo Vidigal (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vidigal -- Manuel José Vidigal (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Viedert -- August von Viedert (9 texts; 9 settings)
- Viegen -- Joseph Viegen (1915 - 2002) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Vieillard de Boismartin -- Pierre-Ange Vieillard de Boismartin (1778 - 1862) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Vieira -- Adelina Amelia Lopes Vieira (see Lopes Vieira -- Adelina Amelia Lopes Vieira (1850 - ?))
- Vieira -- Afonso Lopes Vieira (1878 - 1946) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Vieira -- António Vieira, Padre (1608 - 1697) (2 texts; 1 setting)
- Vieira -- Gastão Vieira (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vieira -- José Augusto Leonel Vieira (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Vieira -- Sônia Maria Vieira (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Vieira Brandão -- José Vieira Brandão (see Brandão -- José Vieira Brandão (1911 - 2002))
- Vieira Carneiro -- Alcides Vieira Carneiro (see Carneiro -- Alcides Vieira Carneiro (1906 - 1976))
- Vieira da Cunha -- Ciro Vieira da Cunha (see da Ilha -- João da Ilha (1897 - 1976))
- Vieira de Serpa e Paiva -- Isabel Vieira de Serpa e Paiva (see de Serpa e Paiva -- Isabel Vieira de Serpa e Paiva)
- Vielé -- Herman Knickerbocker Vielé (1856 - 1908) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vielé-Griffin -- Francis Vielé-Griffin (1864 - 1937) (7 texts; 9 settings)
- Vielhomme -- P. Vielhomme (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vienet -- Eugène Vienet (d. 1910) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Viereck -- Peter Robert Edwin Viereck (1916 - 2006) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Vierodt -- Heinrich Vierodt (see Vierordt -- Heinrich Wilhelm Vierordt (1855 - 1945))
- Vierordt -- Heinrich Wilhelm Vierordt (1855 - 1945) (13 texts; 16 settings)
- Viers -- Louis Viers (1 text; 1 setting)
- Viertel -- Berthold Viertel (1885 - 1953) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Vieting -- Mathias Vieting (1795 - 1861) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vieux -- Damoclès Vieux (1876 - 1936) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vig -- Ole Vig (1824 - 1857) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Viganò-Mombelli -- Vincenza Viganò-Mombelli (1760 - 1814) (0 texts; 0 settings)
- Vigay -- Fred J. Vigay (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Vighi -- Francisco Vighi (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vigil -- Constancio Cecilio Vigil (1876 - 1954) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vignale -- Pedro Juan Vignale (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Vignaud -- Jean Vignaud (1875 - 1962) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vigneau -- André Vigneau (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vigneron -- Marcelle Vigneron (b. 1904) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- de Vignerot Du Plessis -- Louis-François-Armand de Vignerot Du Plessis, Duc de Richelieu (see de Richelieu -- Louis-François-Armand de Vignerot Du Plessis, Duc de Richelieu (1696 - 1788))
- Vignier -- Marie Vignier (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Vigny -- Alfred Victor de Vigny, Comte (1797 - 1863) (11 texts; 11 settings)
- Vihervaara -- Lempi Vihervaara (1895 - 1955) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Vikár -- Béla Vikár (1859 - 1945) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vikaṭanitambā -- Vikaṭanitambā (1 text; 0 settings)
- Vikhrova -- K. Vikhrova (1 text; 1 setting)
- Viktorov -- V. Viktorov (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Vila -- Raúl Vila (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Viladecans -- Felícia Fuster i Viladecans (see Fuster i Viladecans -- Felícia Fuster i Viladecans (1921 - 2012))
- Vilalba -- Epaminondas Vilalba Filho (see Villa-Lobos -- Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887 - 1959))
- Vilar -- Virgínia Nuno Vilar (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Вильде -- Николай Николаевич Вильде (see Vilde -- Nikolay Nikolayevich Vilde (1860 - 1918))
- Vilde -- Nikolay Nikolayevich Vilde (1860 - 1918) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Вильде фон Вильденау -- Карл Густавович Вильде фон Вильденау (see Wilde von Wildenau -- Karl Wilde von Wildenau (1832 - 1896))
- Vildrac -- Charles Vildrac (see Messager -- Charles Messager (1882 - 1971))
- Vilenkin -- Nikolai Maksimovich Vilenkin (1855 - 1937) (21 texts; 31 settings)
- Виленкин -- Николай Максимович Виленкин (see Vilenkin -- Nikolai Maksimovich Vilenkin (1855 - 1937))
- Vilensky -- S. Vilensky (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Viljanen -- Elina Viljanen (see Sirén -- Kerttu Elin Sirén (1903 - 1980))
- Villa -- Aleardo Villa (1865 - 1906) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Villa -- José Garcia Villa (1908 - 1997) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Villa -- José Moreno Villa (see Moreno Villa -- José Moreno Villa (1887 - 1955))
- Villa -- "Pancho" Villa (see Arango Arámbula -- José Doroteo Arango Arámbula (1878 - 1923))
- Villa -- Paul Villa (1 text; 1 setting)
- Villaespesa Martín -- Francisco Villaespesa Martín (1877 - 1936) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Villafañe -- Carlos María Villafañe (1881 - 1959) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Villafañe -- Javier Villafañe (1909 - 1996) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Villalba -- Epaminondas Villalba Filho (see Villa-Lobos -- Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887 - 1959))
- Villalobos -- Héctor Guillermo Villalobos (1911 - 1986) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Villa-Lobos -- Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887 - 1959) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Villalón -- Fernando Villalón Daoíz y Halcón, conde de Miraflores de los Ángeles (1881 - 1930) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Villamov -- Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Villamov (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Вилламов -- Александр Александрович Вилламов (see Villamov -- Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Villamov)
- Villani-Côrtes -- Edmundo Villani-Côrtes (b. 1930) (24 texts; 24 settings)
- Villar -- Amado Villar (1899 - 1954) (9 texts; 9 settings)
- Villar Otero -- S. Villar Otero (1 text; 1 setting)
- Villard -- Henri Villard (1 text; 1 setting)
- Villarraga -- Andrés Villarraga (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Villarreal -- José Javier Villarreal (b. 1959) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- de Villasandino -- Alfonso Álvarez de Villasandino (c1345 - c1424) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Villati -- Leopoldo de Villati (1701 - 1752) (0 texts; 0 settings)
- Villaurrutia -- Xavier Villaurrutia (1903 - 1950) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Ville -- Georges Ville (flourished c1930) (3 texts; 5 settings)
- Ville -- Léon Ville (1854 - 1940) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Villegas -- Antonio de Villegas (c1522 - c1551) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Villegas -- Francisco Gómez de Quevedo y Santibáñez Villegas (see de Quevedo y Santibáñez Villegas -- Francisco Gómez de Quevedo y Santibáñez Villegas (1580 - 1645))
- de la Villehervé -- Robert de la Villehervé (1849 - 1919) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- de la Villemarqué -- Théodore Hersart, vicomte de la Villemarqué (see Hersart -- Théodore Hersart, vicomte de La Villemarqué (1815 - 1895 ))
- Villemer -- Gaston Villemer (1840 - 1892) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Villena -- Diego Valverde Villena (see Valverde Villena -- Diego Valverde Villena (b. 1967))
- Villers -- Marcel Villers (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Villette -- Charles Michel de Villette, Marquis (1736 - 1793) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Villeurs -- Jean de Villeurs (1843 - 1908) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Villiers de L'isle-Adam -- Auguste, Comte de Villiers de L'isle-Adam (1838 - 1889) (9 texts; 24 settings)
- Villon -- François Villon (1431 - 1463) (43 texts; 66 settings)
- Villon -- Jacques Villon (1 text; 1 setting)
- Villoud -- Héctor Iglesias Villoud (see Iglesias Villoud -- Héctor Iglesias Villoud (1913 - 1988))
- Vilmorin -- Louise de Vilmorin (1902 - 1969) (37 texts; 40 settings)
- Vilster -- C. Vilster (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vimeux -- Joseph Henri Hippolyte Vimeux (1804 - 1847) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Vimioso -- Francisco de Portugal, conde de Vimioso (d. 1549) (1 text; 0 settings)
- du Vinage -- Ernst du Vinage (1890 - 1960) (4 texts; 0 settings)
- Vinal -- Harold Vinal (1891 - 1965) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Viñals -- José Viñals (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vincel -- A. Vincel (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vincendon -- Mireille Vincendon (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vincent -- Charles Hubert Vincent (1826 - 1888) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vincent -- Claude Vincent (see Durey -- Charlotte Marie Louise Durey (1887 - 1955))
- Vincent -- Claude Vincent (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vincent -- M. Vincent (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vincent -- Paul Vincent (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vincent Morris -- Francis St. Vincent Morris (see Morris -- Francis St. Vincent Morris (1896 - 1917))
- Vincenzi -- Moises Vincenzi (1 text; 1 setting)
- da Vinci -- Leonardo da Vinci (see Leonardo da Vinci -- Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519))
- Vinci -- René Vinci (sp?) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Vincke -- Ernst Friedrich Georg Vincke (1811 - 1875) (3 texts; 4 settings)
- Vincke -- Gisbert, Freiherr von Vincke (1813 - 1892) (15 texts; 20 settings)
- de Vinege -- E. de Vinege (1 text; 1 setting)
- Viñes -- Ricardo Viñes (1875 - 1943) (12 texts; 12 settings)
- Vinet -- Alexandre Vinet (1797 - 1847) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vingtrie -- Jean de la Vingtrie (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vinhranovsʹkyj -- Mykola Stepanovych Vinhranovsʹkyj (1936 - 2004) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vinje -- Aasmund Olavsson Vinje (1818 - 1870) (24 texts; 28 settings)
- Vinnichenko -- I. Vinnichenko (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vinogradov -- Aleksandr Vinogradov (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Vintler -- Hans von Vintler (d. 1419) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Viol -- Friedrich Wilhelm Viol (1817 - 1874) (5 texts; 6 settings)
- Violeau -- Hippolyte Violeau (1818 - 1892) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Violi -- Paul Violi (1944 - 2011) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Vion Dalibray -- Charles de Vion Dalibray (see Vion D'Alibray -- Charles Vion D'Alibray (1600 - 1653))
- Vion D'Alibray -- Charles Vion D'Alibray (1600 - 1653) (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Viot -- ?, Madame Bourdic Viot (see Bourdic Viot -- ?, Madame Bourdic Viot)
- Viotti -- Heráclito Viotti (1 text; 1 setting)
- Viotti -- Lavínia Abranches Viotti (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Virág -- Benedek Virág (1752 - 1830) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Virchow -- Emmy Virchow (1890 - 1973) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Virenque -- Claire Virenque (d. 1922) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Virès -- Paul Virès (1 text; 1 setting)
- Virgil -- Virgil (see Vergil -- Vergil (Publius Vergilius Maro) (70 BCE - 19 BCE))
- Virtanen -- Elina Virtanen (see Sirén -- Kerttu Elin Sirén (1903 - 1980))
- de Visan -- Tancrède de Visan (see Biétrix -- Vincent Biétrix (1878 - 1945))
- Vischer -- Friedrich Theodor Vischer (1807 - 1887) (16 texts; 24 settings)
- Vischer -- Robert Vischer (1 text; 1 setting)
- Вишеславский -- Леонид Николаевич Вишеславский (see Visheslavsky -- Leonid Nikolayevich Visheslavsky (1914 - 2002))
- Вишеславський -- Леонід Миколайович Вишеславський (see Visheslavsky -- Leonid Nikolayevich Visheslavsky (1914 - 2002))
- Visheslavsky -- Leonid Nikolayevich Visheslavsky (1914 - 2002) (9 texts; 7 settings)
- Vislie -- Vetle Vislie (1858 - 1933) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Visnapuu -- Henrik Visnapuu (1890 - 1951) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vissenaeken -- L. Vissenaeken (1 text; 1 setting)
- Visser -- Peter Visser (b. 1939) (9 texts; 9 settings)
- Vitale -- Magdalena Pesce Vitale (see Pesce -- Lina Pesce (1926 - 1995))
- Vitali -- G. Vitali (2 texts; 1 setting)
- Vitalis -- Vitalis (see Sjöberg -- Erik Sjöberg (1794 - 1828))
- Viteau -- Paul Viteau (1848 - 1918) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vitéz -- Mihály Csokonai Vitéz (see Csokonai Vitéz -- Mihály Csokonai Vitéz (1773 - 1805))
- Витковский -- Евгений Владимирович Витковский (see Vitkovsky -- Evgeny Vladimirovich Vitkovsky (1950 - 2020))
- Vitkovsky -- Evgeny Vladimirovich Vitkovsky (1950 - 2020) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de-Vitt -- St. N. de-Vitt (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vitta -- Émile Vitta (1866 - 1954) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Vittinghof -- ? Vittinghof (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vittorelli -- Jacopo Vittorelli (1749 - 1835) (3 texts; 9 settings)
- Vivanco -- Angel Vivanco (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vivanco -- Luis Felipe Vivanco (1907 - 1975) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vivanti -- Anna Emilia (Annie) Vivanti (1868 - 1942) (6 texts; 7 settings)
- des Vivetières -- Benoît Joseph Marsollier des Vivetières (see Marsollier des Vivetières -- Benoît Joseph Marsollier des Vivetières (1750 - 1817))
- Vivian -- Thomas J. Vivian (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vivien -- Amélie Vivien (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vivien -- Renée Vivien (see Tarn -- Pauline Mary Tarn (1877 - 1909))
- Vivier -- Marie-Amélie Vivier (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vizcarrondo -- Carmelina Vizcarrondo (1906 - 1983) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Вяземский -- Пëтр Андреевич Вяземский (see Vyazemsky -- Pyotr Andreyevich Vyazemsky (1792 - 1878))
- Vladimirov -- M. Vladimirov (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vladimirsky -- N. Vladimirsky (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vladislav -- Jan Vladislav (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vlasov -- A. Vlasov (1 text; 1 setting)
- van Vleuten -- Carl Ferdinand van Vleuten (see Van Vleuten -- Carl Ferdinand Van Vleuten (1874 - 1945))
- van der Vlugt -- Elly van der Vlugt (1 text; 1 setting)
- Вінграновський -- Микола Степанович Вінграновський (see Vinhranovsʹkyj -- Mykola Stepanovych Vinhranovsʹkyj (1936 - 2004))
- Vocke -- Vocke (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Vocke -- William Vocke (1839 - 1907) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Vockerodt -- Johann Vockerodt (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vocos Lescano -- Jorge Vocos Lescano (b. 1924) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Vodeb -- Rafko Vodeb (b. 1922) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Vodnianus -- Iohannes Campanus Vodnianus (c1572 - 1622) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Voeten -- Bert Voeten (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vogel -- H. Vogel (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vogel -- Jetty Vogel (see Bird -- Henrietta Bird)
- Vogel -- Max Vogel (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Vogel -- Wilhelm Vogel (1772 - 1843) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Vogel -- Wilhelm Ferdinand Theodor Vogel (1808 - 1872) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vogel -- Wladimir Rudolfowitsch Vogel (1896 - 1984) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Vogel von Glarus -- (Jakob) Vogel von Glarus (1816 - 1899) (5 texts; 12 settings)
- Vogeler -- (Johann) Heinrich Vogeler (1872 - 1942) (14 texts; 34 settings)
- Vogelgsang -- Fritz Vogelgsang (1930 - 2009) (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Vogelweide -- Walther von der Vogelweide (1170? - 1228?) (25 texts; 19 settings)
- Vogl -- Johann Baptist Vogl (1818 - 1866) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Vogl -- Johann Michael Vogl (1768 - 1840) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vogl -- Johann Nepomuk Vogl (1802 - 1866) (171 texts; 272 settings)
- Vogrich -- Max Wilhelm Karl Vogrich (1852 - 1916) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Vogt -- Eduard Vogt (1814 - 1880) (7 texts; 8 settings)
- Vogt -- Félix Vogt (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vogt -- Nils Collett Vogt (1864 - 1937) (18 texts; 25 settings)
- Vögtlin -- Adolf Vögtlin (1861 - 1947) (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Vöhringen -- Hermann von Vöhringen (see von Reichenau -- Hermann von Reichenau (1013 - 1054))
- Voiart -- Sabine-Casimire-Amable Voiart (see Tastu -- Sabine-Casimire-Amable Tastu (1795 - 1885))
- Voigt -- August Voigt (1 text; 2 settings)
- Voigt -- Christian Friedrich Traugott Voigt (1770 - 1814) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Voigt -- Ellen Bryant Voigt (b. 1943) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Voigt -- Johanna Voigt (1854 - 1939) (41 texts; 71 settings)
- Voigtländer -- Titus Voigtländer (1824 - 1882) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Voigts -- Friedrich Voigts (1792 - 1861) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- de Voisins -- Auguste Gilbert de Voisins (see Gilbert de Voisins -- Auguste Gilbert de Voisins (1877 - 1939))
- Voiture -- Vincent Voiture (1597 - 1648) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Vold -- Jan Erik Vold (b. 1939) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Volderauer -- Maria Volderauer (see Schöpfer-Volderauer -- Maria Schöpfer-Volderauer (1904 - 1994))
- Волинська -- Анна Олексіївна Волинська (see Volynska -- Anna Oleksiivna Volynska (b. 1962))
- Volk -- Mariya Volk (1 text; 1 setting)
- Völkel -- Karl Völkel (1869 - 1934) (1 text; 3 settings)
- Волькенштейн -- Владимир Михайлович Волькенштейн (see Volkenstein -- Vladimir Mikhailovich Volkenstein (1883 - 1975))
- Volkenstein -- Vladimir Mikhailovich Volkenstein (1883 - 1975) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Volker -- Friedrich Volker (see Vetter -- Ferdinand Vetter (1847 - 1924))
- Volker -- Reinhard Volker (see Spitzner -- Justus Friedrich Reinhard Spitzner (1863 - 1922))
- Volkhonsky -- M. Volkhonsky (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Volkmann -- Richard Volkmann (1830 - 1889) (24 texts; 45 settings)
- Volkonskaja -- Helvi Volkonskaja (see Jürisson -- Helvi Jürisson (1928 - 2023))
- Volkonsky -- M. S. Volkonsky (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Volkov -- Yury A. Volkov (1 text; 1 setting)
- Volkslieder (Folksongs) -- Volkslieder (Folksongs) (4575 texts; 4961 settings)
- Vollène -- Elise Vollène (flourished 1938-1966) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Vollhardt -- W. Vollhardt (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vollheim -- Karl Vollheim (3 texts; 4 settings)
- Vollmöller -- Karl Gustav Vollmöller (1878 - 1948) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Volny l'Hostelier -- Louis Étienne Joseph Volny L'Hostelier (flourished 1844-1857) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Volny l'Hôtelier -- Louis Étienne Joseph Volny L'Hôtelier (see Volny l'Hostelier -- Louis Étienne Joseph Volny L'Hostelier (flourished 1844-1857))
- Volodin -- A. Volodin (1 text; 1 setting)
- Volodin -- V. Volodin (1 text; 1 setting)
- Volokhov -- V. Volokhov (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Voloshin -- A. Voloshin (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Волошин -- Максимилиан Александрович Волошин (see Voloshin -- Maximilian Alexandrovich Kirienko-Voloshin (1877 - 1932))
- Voloshin -- Maximilian Alexandrovich Kirienko-Voloshin (1877 - 1932) (6 texts; 4 settings)
- Volponi -- Paolo Volponi (1924 - 1994) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Voltaire -- Voltaire (see Arouet -- François Marie Arouet (1694 - 1778))
- Volynska -- Anna Oleksiivna Volynska (b. 1962) (12 texts; 12 settings)
- Vondel -- Joost van den Vondel (1587 - 1679) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- van de Voorde -- Theo van de Voorde (see Van de Voorde -- Theo Van de Voorde)
- Voormolen -- Alexander Voormolen (1895 - 1980) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Vorberg -- Max Otto Vorberg (1838 - 1900) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vorholz -- Christoph Vorholz (1801 - 1865) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Воробкевич -- Сидір Іванович Воробкевич (see Vorobkevych -- Sidir Vorobkevych (1836 - 1903))
- Vorobkevych -- Sidir Vorobkevych (1836 - 1903) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Vorobyova -- K. N. Vorobyova (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Voronko -- Platon Mikitovich Voronko (1913 - 1988) (2 texts; 1 setting)
- Воронько -- Платон Микитович Воронько (see Voronko -- Platon Mikitovich Voronko (1913 - 1988))
- Vorony -- Mikola Kindratovich Vorony (1871 - 1938) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Вороний -- Микола Кіндратович Вороний (see Vorony -- Mikola Kindratovich Vorony (1871 - 1938))
- Vörösmarty -- Mihály Vörösmarty (1800 - 1855) (5 texts; 3 settings)
- van Vorst -- Marie van Vorst (1867 - 1936) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vorste -- Günther vor dem Vorste (1256 - 1275) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vos -- M. Vos (10 texts; 10 settings)
- Vosch -- Walter Vosch (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Воскресенский -- Михаил Ильич Воскресенский (see Voskresensky -- Mikhail Ilyich Voskresensky (1803 - 1867))
- Voskresensky -- Mikhail Ilyich Voskresensky (1803 - 1867) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Vosmaer -- Carel Vosmaer (1826 - 1888) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Voss -- Abraham Voss (1785 - 1847) (1 text; 5 settings)
- Voss -- Johann Heinrich Voss (1751 - 1826) (189 texts; 371 settings)
- von Voss -- Julius von Voss (1768 - 1832) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Voßler -- Karl Voßler (1872 - 1949) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Vot -- Gérard le Vot (see Le Vot -- Gérard Le Vot (b. 1948))
- Vovk -- Vira Vovk (see Selianska -- Vira Ostapivna Selianska (b. 1926))
- Вовк -- Віра Вовк (see Selianska -- Vira Ostapivna Selianska (b. 1926))
- Voynov -- V. Voynov (1 text; 1 setting)
- Врангель -- Василий Георгиевич Врангель (see Vrangel -- Vasily Georgyevich Vrangel (1862 - 1901))
- Vrangel -- Vasily Georgyevich Vrangel (1862 - 1901) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Vratarov -- Oleksandr Vratarov (1 text; 1 setting)
- Вратарьов -- Олександр Вратарьов (see Vratarov -- Oleksandr Vratarov)
- Vrchlický -- Jaroslav Vrchlický (1853 - 1912) (152 texts; 5 settings)
- Vredenburg -- Max Vredenburg (1904 - 1976) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Vreede -- M. de Vreede (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Vries -- H. de Vries (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Vries -- Theun de Vries (1907 - ?) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vrijemondt -- Is. Vrijemondt (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vring -- Georg von der Vring (1889 - 1968) (10 texts; 10 settings)
- Vroman -- Leo Vroman (1915 - 2014) (9 texts; 9 settings)
- Vrugt -- Johanna Petronella Vrugt (1905 - 1960) (9 texts; 9 settings)
- Vsevolozhsky -- A. N. Vsevolozhsky (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vuataz -- Roger Vuataz (1898 - 1988) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vulchev -- N. Vulchev (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vulfson -- B. Vulfson (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vulpinus -- Theodor Vulpinus (see Renaud -- Theodor Renaud (1844 - 1910))
- Vulpius -- Christian August Vulpius (1762 - 1827) (2 texts; 8 settings)
- Vuokoski -- Kalle Vuokoski (see Wuokoski -- Kalle Wuokoski)
- Vuorela -- Einari Vuorela (1889 - 1972) (29 texts; 29 settings)
- Vuorenala -- Elina Vuorenala (see Koskimies -- Ilta Koskimies (1879 - 1958))
- Vyazemsky -- Pyotr Andreyevich Vyazemsky (1792 - 1878) (17 texts; 23 settings)
- Vycpálek -- Ladislav Vycpálek (1882 - 1969) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Vyplel -- Jaroslav Vyplel (1 text; 1 setting)
- Vysheslavskyi -- Leonid Mykolayovych Vysheslavskyi (see Visheslavsky -- Leonid Nikolayevich Visheslavsky (1914 - 2002))
- Высотская -- Ольга Ивановна Высотская (see Vysotskaya -- Olga Ivanovna Vysotskaya (1903 - 1970))
- Vysotskaya -- Olga Ivanovna Vysotskaya (1903 - 1970) (4 texts; 4 settings)
Last update: 2025-02-06 04:13:17