Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by B. Fairchild
See Opus Order
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- 12 Persian Folk-Songs
- no. 1. Chehreh-yi-khub-i-torā (Text: Volkslieder ) [x] ENG
- no. 2. Bodo bodo bodo (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 3. Khāham keh bar zolfat (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 4. Mīkhābī labu? (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 5. Delbaré (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 6. Agar yār-ī-manī (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 7. Bā to deham sharh (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 8. Mosjdeh beh bolbol dehīd (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 9. Man az gardesh (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 10. Oof delam (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 11. Beh yek negāh-i-marhamat (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 12. Shāh dar shikār ast (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- A Baghdad lover, op. 25
- no. 1. O Queen of Beauty (Text: Charles Hanson Towne)
- no. 2. To Kiss Her! (Text: Charles Hanson Towne)
- no. 3. The Praises of Her Beauty (Text: Charles Hanson Towne)
- no. 4. If One Should Ask (Text: Charles Hanson Towne)
- no. 5. So Much I Love (Text: Charles Hanson Towne)
- no. 6. What Morn Shall I Find Thee? (Text: Charles Hanson Towne)
- no. 7. The Myrtles of Damascus (Text: Charles Hanson Towne)
- no. 8. Serenade (Text: Charles Hanson Towne)
- no. 9. O Tomb! (Text: Charles Hanson Towne)
- Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli - Series I, op. 5
- no. 1. Giovinettin (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- no. 2. Quando nasceste voi (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- no. 3. Che pena e che dolor! (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 4. Questa è la sera (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 5. O Rosa, Rosa! (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series II, op. 14
- no. 1. La luna s'è venuta (Text: Volkslieder ) DUT GER GER
- no. 2. È pure un bel seren (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 3. Mi voglio 'nnamorar (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 4. Dove sei stato (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 5. O cara terra (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 6. Quante canzoni (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series III, op. 23
- no. 1. Beppino (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- no. 2. Nacque bellezza (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 3. Bella bellina! (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 4. O sol che te ne vai (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 5. Chi v'amerà (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 6. O rondinella (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series IV, op. 28
- no. 1. Cantate su! (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 2. Dormi, speranza mia! (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 3. L'ho camminato (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 4. Potessi diventare un uccellino! (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 5. Il sol va sotto (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series V (Duos), op. 30
- no. 1. Vo' cantare (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 2. Fatti e promesse (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 3. Che bella stella (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- no. 4. Gira-Cervello (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Deux chants populaires persans
- no. 1. Kouch beh kouch (Text: Volkslieder ) [x] FRE
- no. 1. Errant par la montagne (Text: Georges Lemierre after Volkslieder )
- no. 2. To Keh az Khordané méy (Text: Volkslieder ) [x] FRE
- no. 2. O toi qui pour avoir bu du vin (Text: Georges Lemierre after Volkslieder )
- Greek sea prayers
- Spring on the coast (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- To the gods of harbour and headland (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- To the gods of sea and weather (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Worship in spring (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- The Apollo of Leucas (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Les Amours de Hafiz, op. 38
- no. 1. Une très douce mélodie (Text: Paul de Stoecklin after Hafis ) GER
- no. 2. Le soir parfumé (Text: Paul de Stoecklin after Hafis ) [x]
- no. 3. L'heure merveilleuse (Text: Paul de Stoecklin after Hafis ) [x]
- no. 4. Dans la nuit profonde (Text: Paul de Stoecklin after Hafis ) [x] GER
- no. 5. L'aimer toujours (Text: Paul de Stoecklin after Hafis ) [x]
- no. 6. Oh regarde-moi (Text: Paul de Stoecklin after Hafis ) [x]
- no. 7. Extase (Text: Paul de Stoecklin after Hafis ) [x] GER
- Quatrains d'Al-Ghazali, op. 40
- no. 1. Le grand jardin d'azur (Text: Henri Cazalis , as Jean Lahor after Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad aṭ-Ṭūsiyy al-Ġazzālīy) DUT
- no. 2. Oh ! Mon amour [multi-text setting] (Text: Cazalis) FRE DUT
- no. 3. Nocturne [multi-text setting] (Text: Cazalis) FRE DUT
- no. 4. Je ne chercherai pas [multi-text setting] (Text: Cazalis) FRE DUT
- no. 5. Aimons-nous et rêvons (Text: Henri Cazalis , as Jean Lahor after Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad aṭ-Ṭūsiyy al-Ġazzālīy) DUT ENG
- no. 6. Près de l'aimée [multi-text setting] (Text: Cazalis) FRE DUT
- no. 7. Heure pâle [multi-text setting] (Text: Cazalis) DUT FRE
- no. 8. La mélodie aimante (Text: Henri Cazalis , as Jean Lahor after Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad aṭ-Ṭūsiyy al-Ġazzālīy) DUT ENG
- Songs from the Chinese
- no. 1. Sailing Homeward (Text: Arthur Waley after Chan Fang-Sheng)
- no. 1. Invocation (Text: L. Lemierre after Arthur Waley) [x] ENG
- no. 2. The Red Cockatoo (Text: Arthur Waley after Bai Juyi)
- no. 2. Le Perroquet rouge (Text: L. Lemierre after Arthur Waley) [x] ENG
- no. 3. Night (Text: Arthur Waley after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist)
- no. 3. La Nuit (Text: L. Lemierre after Arthur Waley) [x] ENG
- no. 4. Old Poem (Text: Arthur Waley after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist)
- no. 4. Vieux Poème (Text: L. Lemierre after Arthur Waley) [x] ENG
- no. 5. Plucking rushes (Text: Arthur Waley after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist)
- no. 5. En cueillant des roseaux (Text: L. Lemierre after Arthur Waley) [x] ENG
- no. 6. Cock-crow Song (Text: Arthur Waley after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist)
- no. 6. Réveille-matin (Text: L. Lemierre after Arthur Waley) [x] ENG
- no. 7. New Corn (Text: Arthur Waley after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist)
- no. 7. Le Grain nouveau (Text: L. Lemierre after Arthur Waley) [x] ENG
- no. 8. A bad bargain (Text: Arthur Waley after T'ao Ch'ien) HUN
- no. 8. L'Inutile voyage (Text: L. Lemierre after Arthur Waley) [x] ENG HUN
- Two Songs
- no. 1. A Love Symphony (Text: Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy)
- no. 2. La giovinezza (Text: Renato Fucini)
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- A bad bargain (in Songs from the Chinese) (Text: Arthur Waley after T'ao Ch'ien) HUN
- Agar yār-ī-manī (in 12 Persian Folk-Songs) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Aimons-nous et rêvons, op. 40 no. 5 (in Quatrains d'Al-Ghazali) (Text: Henri Cazalis , as Jean Lahor after Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad aṭ-Ṭūsiyy al-Ġazzālīy) DUT ENG
- À la dérive (Text: Jacques Durand after Caroline Duer) [x]
- A Love Symphony (in Two Songs) (Text: Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy)
- A Memory, op. 22 no. 3 (Text: William Allingham)
- A une dame créole, op. 6 (Six Mélodies pour chant et piano) no. 3 (Text: Charles Baudelaire) CZE ENG GER
- Bā to deham sharh (in 12 Persian Folk-Songs) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Beh yek negāh-i-marhamat (in 12 Persian Folk-Songs) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Bella bellina!, op. 23 no. 3 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series III) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Beppino, op. 23 no. 1 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series III) (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Be still, op. 19 no. 2 (Text: Helen Hay Whitney)
- Bodo bodo bodo (in 12 Persian Folk-Songs) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Brotherhood, op. 13 no. 3 (Text: John Banister Tabb)
- Cantate su!, op. 28 no. 1 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series IV) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Che bella stella, op. 30 no. 3 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series V (Duos)) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Chehreh-yi-khub-i-torā (in 12 Persian Folk-Songs) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x] ENG
- Che pena e che dolor!, op. 5 no. 3 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli - Series I) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Chi v'amerà, op. 23 no. 5 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series III) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Cock-crow Song (in Songs from the Chinese) (Text: Arthur Waley after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist)
- Cœur embrasé (Text: Henri Cazalis , as Jean Lahor after Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad aṭ-Ṭūsiyy al-Ġazzālīy)
- Content, op. 13 no. 2 (Text: John Banister Tabb)
- Dans la nuit profonde, op. 38 no. 4 (in Les Amours de Hafiz) (Text: Paul de Stoecklin after Hafis ) [x] GER
- Delbaré (in 12 Persian Folk-Songs) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Dimmi bellino, op. 6 (Six Mélodies pour chant et piano) no. 5 (Text: Volkslieder )
- Dormi, speranza mia!, op. 28 no. 2 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series IV) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Dove sei stato, op. 14 no. 4 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series II) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- En cueillant des roseaux (in Songs from the Chinese) (Text: L. Lemierre after Arthur Waley) [x] ENG
- È pure un bel seren, op. 14 no. 2 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series II) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Errant par la montagne (in Deux chants populaires persans) (Text: Georges Lemierre after Volkslieder )
- Extase, op. 38 no. 7 (in Les Amours de Hafiz) (Text: Paul de Stoecklin after Hafis ) [x] GER
- Fatti e promesse, op. 30 no. 2 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series V (Duos)) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Giovinettin, op. 5 no. 1 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli - Series I) (Text: Anonymous) ENG
- Gira-Cervello, op. 30 no. 4 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series V (Duos)) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Grief Song, op. 13 no. 4 (Text: John Banister Tabb) [x]
- Heure pâle, op. 40 no. 7 [multi-text setting] (in Quatrains d'Al-Ghazali) (Text: Cazalis) DUT FRE
- If One Should Ask, op. 25 no. 4 (in A Baghdad lover) (Text: Charles Hanson Towne)
- Il lunedì (Text: Volkslieder , as Folk songs) ENG
- Il sol va sotto, op. 28 no. 5 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series IV) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Intimations, op. 13 no. 1 (Text: John Banister Tabb) [x]
- Invocation (in Songs from the Chinese) (Text: L. Lemierre after Arthur Waley) [x] ENG
- Je ne chercherai pas, op. 40 no. 4 [multi-text setting] (in Quatrains d'Al-Ghazali) (Text: Cazalis) DUT FRE
- Khāham keh bar zolfat (in 12 Persian Folk-Songs) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Kouch beh kouch (in Deux chants populaires persans) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x] FRE
- La giovinezza (in Two Songs) (Text: Renato Fucini)
- L'aimer toujours, op. 38 no. 5 (in Les Amours de Hafiz) (Text: Paul de Stoecklin after Hafis ) [x]
- Lake Isle of Innisfree , op. 22 no. 1 (Text: William Butler Yeats) CHI FRE HUN ITA
- La luna s'è venuta, op. 14 no. 1 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series II) (Text: Volkslieder ) DUT GER GER
- La mélodie aimante, op. 40 no. 8 (in Quatrains d'Al-Ghazali) (Text: Henri Cazalis , as Jean Lahor after Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad aṭ-Ṭūsiyy al-Ġazzālīy) DUT ENG
- Lament of Mahomet Akram, op. 22 no. 2 (Text: Adela Florence Nicolson , as Laurence Hope)
- La Nuit (in Songs from the Chinese) (Text: L. Lemierre after Arthur Waley) [x] ENG
- Le Grain nouveau (in Songs from the Chinese) (Text: L. Lemierre after Arthur Waley) [x] ENG
- Le grand jardin d'azur, op. 40 no. 1 (in Quatrains d'Al-Ghazali) (Text: Henri Cazalis , as Jean Lahor after Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad aṭ-Ṭūsiyy al-Ġazzālīy) DUT
- Le Message (Text: Jacques Durand after Arthur Waley) [x]*
- Le Perroquet rouge (in Songs from the Chinese) (Text: L. Lemierre after Arthur Waley) [x] ENG
- Le soir parfumé, op. 38 no. 2 (in Les Amours de Hafiz) (Text: Paul de Stoecklin after Hafis ) [x]
- L'heure merveilleuse, op. 38 no. 3 (in Les Amours de Hafiz) (Text: Paul de Stoecklin after Hafis ) [x]
- L'ho camminato, op. 28 no. 3 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series IV) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Li lunedi (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- L'Inutile voyage (in Songs from the Chinese) (Text: L. Lemierre after Arthur Waley) [x] ENG HUN
- Lisette, op. 9 no. 5 (Text: Pierre Jean de Béranger) ENG RUS
- Look not in my eyes, op. 9 no. 1 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- Love me or not (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Love Song (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Lyric Love, op. 19 no. 1 (Text: Helen Hay Whitney) [x]
- Man az gardesh (in 12 Persian Folk-Songs) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Mīkhābī labu? (in 12 Persian Folk-Songs) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Mi voglio 'nnamorar, op. 14 no. 3 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series II) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Morning Wind (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Mosjdeh beh bolbol dehīd (in 12 Persian Folk-Songs) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Music, when soft voices die, op. 9 no. 2 (Text: Percy Bysshe Shelley) CZE FRE GER GER RUS
- Music, op. 19 no. 3 (Text: Helen Hay Whitney)
- Nacque bellezza, op. 23 no. 2 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series III) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- New Corn (in Songs from the Chinese) (Text: Arthur Waley after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist)
- Night (in Songs from the Chinese) (Text: Arthur Waley after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist)
- Nocturne, op. 40 no. 3 [multi-text setting] (in Quatrains d'Al-Ghazali) (Text: Cazalis) DUT FRE
- Nuit d'été (Text: Henri Cazalis , as Jean Lahor after Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad aṭ-Ṭūsiyy al-Ġazzālīy) ENG
- O cara terra, op. 14 no. 5 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series II) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Oh ! Mon amour, op. 40 no. 2 [multi-text setting] (in Quatrains d'Al-Ghazali) (Text: Cazalis) FRE DUT
- Oh! mon cœur se brise, op. 6 (Six Mélodies pour chant et piano) no. 1 (Text: Louis Alphonse Daniel Nicolas , as A. L. M. Nicolas after Hafis )
- Oh regarde-moi, op. 38 no. 6 (in Les Amours de Hafiz) (Text: Paul de Stoecklin after Hafis ) [x]
- Old Poem (in Songs from the Chinese) (Text: Arthur Waley after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist)
- Oof delam (in 12 Persian Folk-Songs) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- O Queen of Beauty, op. 25 no. 1 (in A Baghdad lover) (Text: Charles Hanson Towne)
- O rondinella, op. 23 no. 6 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series III) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- O Rosa, Rosa!, op. 5 no. 5 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli - Series I) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- O sol che te ne vai, op. 23 no. 4 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series III) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- O toi qui pour avoir bu du vin (in Deux chants populaires persans) (Text: Georges Lemierre after Volkslieder )
- O Tomb!, op. 25 no. 9 (in A Baghdad lover) (Text: Charles Hanson Towne)
- O vous dont le resplendissant visage, op. 6 (Six Mélodies pour chant et piano) no. 2 (Text: Louis Alphonse Daniel Nicolas , as A. L. M. Nicolas after Hafis )
- Plucking rushes (in Songs from the Chinese) (Text: Arthur Waley after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist)
- Potessi diventare un uccellino!, op. 28 no. 4 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series IV) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Près de l'aimée, op. 40 no. 6 [multi-text setting] (in Quatrains d'Al-Ghazali) (Text: Cazalis) FRE DUT
- Quando nasceste voi, op. 5 no. 2 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli - Series I) (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Quante canzoni, op. 14 no. 6 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series II) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Questa è la sera, op. 5 no. 4 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli - Series I) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Requiem, op. 13 no. 5 (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) GER ITA
- Réveille-matin (in Songs from the Chinese) (Text: L. Lemierre after Arthur Waley) [x] ENG
- Sailing Homeward (in Songs from the Chinese) (Text: Arthur Waley after Chan Fang-Sheng)
- Serenade, op. 9 no. 6 (Text: Edward Coate Pinckney)
- Serenade, op. 25 no. 8 (in A Baghdad lover) (Text: Charles Hanson Towne)
- Shāh dar shikār ast (in 12 Persian Folk-Songs) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- Soleils couchants (Text: Paul Verlaine) CHI ENG ENG ENG GER RUS
- Sommeil noir (Text: Paul Verlaine) CZE ENG ENG GER GER GER HUN RUS RUS RUS RUS RUS
- So Much I Love, op. 25 no. 5 (in A Baghdad lover) (Text: Charles Hanson Towne)
- Spring on the coast (in Greek sea prayers) (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Sudden Light (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Sweet come again (Text: Anonymous)
- Take, take my heart (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- The Apollo of Leucas (in Greek sea prayers) (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- The Myrtles of Damascus, op. 25 no. 7 (in A Baghdad lover) (Text: Charles Hanson Towne)
- The Praises of Her Beauty, op. 25 no. 3 (in A Baghdad lover) (Text: Charles Hanson Towne)
- The Red Cockatoo (in Songs from the Chinese) (Text: Arthur Waley after Bai Juyi)
- Ti pensi bello, op. 6 (Six Mélodies pour chant et piano) no. 4 (Text: Volkslieder )
- Ti voglio amar!, op. 6 (Six Mélodies pour chant et piano) no. 6 (Text: Volkslieder )
- To Keh az Khordané méy (in Deux chants populaires persans) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x] FRE
- To Kiss Her!, op. 25 no. 2 (in A Baghdad lover) (Text: Charles Hanson Towne)
- To the gods of harbour and headland (in Greek sea prayers) (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- To the gods of sea and weather (in Greek sea prayers) (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Une très douce mélodie, op. 38 no. 1 (in Les Amours de Hafiz) (Text: Paul de Stoecklin after Hafis ) GER
- Vieux Poème (in Songs from the Chinese) (Text: L. Lemierre after Arthur Waley) [x] ENG
- Vo' cantare, op. 30 no. 1 (in Canti Popolari Italiani - A collection of Tuscan Stornelli (Songs of Tuscany) - Series V (Duos)) (Text: Volkslieder ) [x]
- What Morn Shall I Find Thee?, op. 25 no. 6 (in A Baghdad lover) (Text: Charles Hanson Towne)
- What then is love? (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- When I was one-and-twenty , op. 9 no. 3 (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE GER HEB
- Worship in spring (in Greek sea prayers) (Text: Anonymous) [x]
Last update: 2024-09-02 04:14:51