Texts by A. Tennyson set in Art Songs and Choral Works
Text Collections:
- Alfred Lord Tennyson: A Memoir
- Becket
- Child-Songs
- Demeter and Other Poems
- Enid and Nimuë: The True and the False
- Idylls of the King
- In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII
- Keepsake
- Maud, Part 1
- Maud, Part 2
- Morte d'Arthur; Dora; and Other Idyls
- Poems
- Poems, Chiefly Lyrical
- Queen Mary
- The Death of Œnone, Akbar's Dream, and Other Poems
- The Foresters
- The Holy Grail and Other Poems
- The Lady of Shalott
- The Princess
- The Promise of May
- The Ring
- The True and the False
- The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens
Texts set in art song or choral works (not necessarily comprehensive):
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Special notes: All titles and first lines are included in this index, including those used by composers.
Titles used by the text author appear in boldface. First lines appear in italics.
A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
- A birthday song. October 12, 1900 (I see the wealthy miller yet) (from Poems) - H. Willan GER GER
- A bow-shot from her bower-eaves (A bow-shot from her bower-eaves) (from The Lady of Shalott) - W. Bendall, C. Busch, C. Edmunds, M. Jacobson, J. Raynor, P. Tate FRE
- A bow-shot from her bower-eaves (from The Lady of Shalott) FRE - W. Bendall, C. Busch, C. Edmunds, M. Jacobson, J. Raynor, P. Tate
- A dark Indian maiden (A dark Indian maiden) (from Alfred Lord Tennyson: A Memoir) - B. Blacher
- A dark Indian maiden (from Alfred Lord Tennyson: A Memoir) - B. Blacher
- Adeline (Mystery of mysteries) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - J. Barnett
- A dream of fair women (I read, before my eyelids dropt their shade)
- A farewell (Flow down, cold rivulet, to the sea) - E. Andrews, F. Atkinson, A. Beaumont, J. Benedict, W. Bexfield, J. Holbrooke, E. Lear, A. Leavy, F. Leoni, G. Messervy, P. Nelson, Nolah, A. Ridout, M. Shapcote, E. Stanhope, E. Thiman, R. Werther GER WEL
- Airy fairy Lilian (Airy, Fairy Lilian) - M. Lindsay GER
- Airy, Fairy Lilian GER - B. Britten, M. Lindsay
- All her loving childhood (All her loving childhood) (from Alfred Lord Tennyson: A Memoir) - B. Blacher
- All her loving childhood (from Alfred Lord Tennyson: A Memoir) - B. Blacher
- All precious things, discover'd late (from Poems - The Day-Dream) - C. Speer (The arrival)
- All things will die (Clearly the blue river chimes in its flowing) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - A. Payne
- All thoughts, all creeds, all dreams are true - K. Miehling (οἱ ρἑοντες)
- A mighty matter I rehearse - A. Thomas
- A million emeralds break from the ruby-budded lime (from Maud, Part 1)
- A moonlit elegy (When on my bed the moonlight falls) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - H. de Lange
- Amphion (My father left a park to me) (from Poems)
- An der See (Schwer, schwer, schwer) - H. Zöllner DAN
- And in those days she made a little song (from Idylls of the King) DUT FRI GER - M. Balfe, J. Barnett, B. Beauchamp, J. Blockley, J. Blumenthal, E. Crooke, W. Dempster, E. Edwards, A. Ewing, A. Foote, H. Fothergill, S. Glover, W. Hay, E. Lear, E. Levien, M. Lindsay, C. Lushington, G. MacFarren, A. MacKenzie, F. Nicholls, G. Papini, A. Phillips, A. Plumpton, E. Smith, C. Speer, E. Stanynought, A. Steed, R. Walthew (The song of Love and Death)
- And on her lover's arm she leant (And on her lover's arm she leant) (from Poems - The Day-Dream) - F. Cowen
- And on her lover's arm she leant (from Poems - The Day-Dream) - F. Cowen, M. Elman, Monica, X. Scharwenka, C. Speer, C. Vaughan (The departure)
- An evening hymn (Sunset and evening star) (from Demeter and Other Poems) - P. Paviour CHI
- A Never World (Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends) (from Morte d'Arthur; Dora; and Other Idyls) - P. Whear GER
- Angel of the night (I dream'd there would be Spring no more) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - H. de Lange
- An Kindleins Grab (Und als wir gingen durch das Land) (from Lieder- und Balladenbuch amerikanischer und englischer Dichter der Gegenwart - Lieder aus "Die Prinzessin") - H. Zöllner
- A Prayer To The Moon () - J. Raynor [x]
- Ask me no more: the moon may draw the sea (from The Princess) - A. Foote, M. Koval, O. Prescott, J. Raynor, N. Rorem, L. Strachan, J. Taffs, F. Tosti, C. Wood
- Ask me no more (Ask me no more: the moon may draw the sea) (from The Princess) - A. Foote, M. Koval, O. Prescott, J. Raynor, N. Rorem, L. Strachan, J. Taffs, F. Tosti, C. Wood
- A song of Love and Death (And in those days she made a little song) (from Idylls of the King) - R. Walthew DUT FRI GER
- A spirit haunts the year's last hours (A spirit haunts the year's last hours) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - G. Boyle, J. Raynor, A. Vores
- A spirit haunts the year's last hours (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - J. Barnett, G. Boyle, J. Raynor, A. Vores (Song)
- A spirit haunts (A spirit haunts the year's last hours) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - J. Barnett
- As thro' the land at eve we went (As through the land at eve we went) (from The Princess) - C. Parry GER
- As thro' the land (As through the land at eve we went) (from The Princess) - A. Somervell GER
- As through the land at eve we went (from The Princess) GER - C. Parry, A. Somervell
- At Flores in the Azores Sir Richard Grenville lay - C. Edmunds, C. Stanford (The Revenge)
- A touch, a kiss! the charm was snapt (from Poems - The Day-Dream) - C. Speer (The revival)
- At the window (Vine, vine and eglantine) (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - A. Bliss, D. Stewart, A. Sullivan, S. Thomson, R. Walthew
- Audley Court (The Bull, the Fleece are cramm'd, and not a room) (from Morte d'Arthur; Dora; and Other Idyls)
- Autumn (Calm is the morn without a sound) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - W. Wordsworth CHI
- A voice by the cedar tree (A voice by the cedar tree) (from Maud, Part 1) - C. Saint-Saëns, A. Somervell
- A voice by the cedar tree (from Maud, Part 1) - C. Saint-Saëns, A. Somervell
- Ay! Be merry, all birds, to-day (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - H. Hales, S. Thomson
- Ay (Ay! Be merry, all birds, to-day) (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - H. Hales, S. Thomson
- Ay! (Where is another, sweet as my sweet!) (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - A. Pease
- Babble in bower (from Becket) - G. Williams
- Beat upon mine, little heart, beat, beat (from Demeter and Other Poems) - A. Cellier, L. Green, E. Halsey, A. MacKenzie, E. Nevin, H. Willan
- Beat upon mine, little heart (Beat upon mine, little heart, beat, beat) (from Demeter and Other Poems) - L. Green, E. Halsey, A. MacKenzie, E. Nevin
- Below the thunders of the upper deep (Below the thunders of the upper deep) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - B. Britten CAT FRE
- Below the thunders of the upper deep (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) CAT FRE - B. Britten (The Kraken)
- Be near me when my light is low (Be near me when my light is low) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - H. de Lange, M. White
- Be near me when my light is low (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - J. Dove, H. de Lange, R. Premru, M. White
- Be near me (Be near me when my light is low) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - J. Dove
- Birds in the high hall garden (Birds in the high Hall-garden) (from Maud, Part 1) - F. Delius, I. Gurney, A. Somervell
- Birds in the high Hall-garden (from Maud, Part 1) - F. Delius, I. Gurney, A. Somervell
- Birds' love and birds' song (Birds' love and birds' song) (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - R. Walthew
- Birds' love and birds' song (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - C. Stanford, A. Sullivan, S. Thomson, R. Vaughan Williams, R. Walthew
- Blow, bugle, blow (The splendour falls on castle walls) (from The Princess) - M. Forsyth, J. Raynor CAT FRE GER NYN SPA
- Blow, trumpet, for the world is white with May (from The Holy Grail and Other Poems - The Coming of Arthur) - W. Cusins, F. Gambogi
- Break, break, break on thy cold grey stones, o Sea (Break, break, break) (from Poems) - R. Goldbeck GER GER DAN GER
- Break, break, break, on thy cold grey stones (Break, break, break) (from Poems) - R. Rogers GER GER DAN GER
- Break, break, break (Break, break, break) (from Poems) - E. Aguilar, T. Anderton, D. Arditti, J. Barnett, F. Bibb, O. von Booth, W. Boyd, J. Brewer, P. Buck, E. Bunnett, C. Burleigh, L. Carey, F. Challinor, H. Clark, J. Corina, F. Cox, A. Darby, E. Davis, W. Dempster, N. Dinerstein, C. Düring, E. Edwards, P. Enfield, J. Fernström, D. Foltz, A. Frere, S. Glover, C. Haydon, G. Henschel, S. Homer, E. Jewell, F. Kelly, F. Kurzweil, H. Ley, M. Lowther, E. Manning, F. Martin, R. Miles, C. Moore, J. More, W. Mudie, Myra, W. Neidlinger, H. Oakeley, E. O'Beirne, A. Parsons, A. Payne, J. Paynter, A. Pease, A. Ray, J. Raynor, A. Richardson, C. Rootham, S. Ross, J. Shaw, P. Stearns, M. Stydolf, E. Tennyson, E. Thiman, J. Veaco, I. Venables, R. Walthew, M. Whitney, C. Williams, E. Yates, Zeta GER GER DAN GER
- Break, break, break (from Poems) GER GER DAN GER - E. Aguilar, T. Anderton, D. Arditti, J. Barnett, F. Bibb, J. Blockley, O. von Booth, F. Boott, W. Boyd, J. Brewer, P. Buck, E. Bunnett, C. Burleigh, L. Carey, Cartwright, F. Challinor, H. Clark, J. Corina, F. Cox, B. Crist, A. Darby, E. Davis, W. Dempster, N. Dinerstein, C. Düring, E. Edwards, P. Enfield, J. Fernström, D. Foltz, A. Frere, S. Glover, R. Goldbeck, C. Haydon, G. Henschel, H. Hiles, S. Homer, E. Jewell, F. Kelly, F. Kurzweil, L. Lavater, H. Ley, M. Lowther, G. MacFarren, E. Manning, F. Martin, R. Miles, C. Moore, J. More, W. Mudie, Myra, W. Neidlinger, H. Oakeley, E. O'Beirne, A. Parsons, A. Payne, J. Paynter, A. Pease, A. Pecket, A. Pollock, A. Ray, J. Raynor, A. Richardson, R. Rogers, C. Rootham, S. Ross, J. Shaw, P. Stearns, M. Stydolf, E. Tennyson, E. Thiman, J. Veaco, J. Végh, I. Venables, R. Walthew, M. Whitney, C. Williams, E. Yates, Zeta
- Break, break on the cold grey stones (Break, break, break) (from Poems) - G. MacFarren GER GER DAN GER
- Break, break, o sea, o sea! (Break, break, break) (from Poems) - J. Végh GER GER DAN GER
- Break, break, o sea, o sea (from Poems) GER GER DAN GER
- Break, break (Break, break, break) (from Poems) - J. Blockley, H. Hiles, L. Lavater GER GER DAN GER
- Break, diviner light! (They have left the doors ajar; and by their clash) - F. Allitsen
- Break, o Sea (Break, break, break) (from Poems) - B. Crist GER GER DAN GER
- Brich, brich, brich ENG DAN - J. Végh (Brich, brich, brich)
- Brich, brich, o Meer, o Meer ENG DAN (Brich, brich, brich) - J. Végh, as Johann Végh
- Brich, brich o Meer...! (Brich, brich, brich) - J. Végh ENG DAN
- Bright is the moon on the deep (from Alfred Lord Tennyson: A Memoir) - M. McLaughlin, A. Scott
- Broken-hearted (Come not, when I am dead) (from Keepsake) - M. Laumann GER GER
- Bryd! bryd! bryd! (Bryd! bryd! bryd!) - P. Heise GER GER GER [x]
- Bryd! bryd! bryd! GER GER GER [x] - P. Heise
- But, propt on beds of amaranth and moly (from Poems - The Lotos-Eaters - Choric Song)
- But were I loved, as I desire to be (from Poems)
- By night we linger'd on the lawn (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - F. Spedding
- Calm is the morn without a sound (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) CHI - J. Blockley, J. Dove, H. Geehl, G. Holst, W. Wordsworth
- Calm is the morn (Calm is the morn without a sound) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - J. Blockley, J. Dove, H. Geehl, G. Holst CHI
- Carmen Sæculare (Fifty times the rose has flower'd and faded) - C. Stanford
- C'est bien c'est quelque chose; en la paisible terre (from In Memoriam, poèmes de Lord Alfred Tennyson traduits en vers français) - M. d'Ollone
- C'est bien, c'est quelque chose (C'est bien c'est quelque chose; en la paisible terre) (from In Memoriam, poèmes de Lord Alfred Tennyson traduits en vers français) - M. d'Ollone
- C'est bien, c'est quelque chose (from In Memoriam, poèmes de Lord Alfred Tennyson traduits en vers français)
- Charge of the Light Brigade (Half a league, half a league) - A. Bergen, A. Somervell
- Choric Song (There is sweet music here that softer falls) (from Poems - The Lotos-Eaters - Choric Song) - A. Reed
- Christmas Bells (The time draws near the birth of Christ) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - J. Bridge
- Christmas Eve (The time draws near the birth of Christ) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - E. Bacon
- Circumstance (Two children in two neighbor villages) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - E. Perabo
- City child (Dainty little maiden, whither would you wander?) (from Child-Songs) - E. Bullock WEL
- Claribel, a Melody (Where Claribel low-lieth) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - J. Gardner GER GER GER
- Claribels Grab (Wo Claribel gestorben) - R. von Perger
- Claribel (Where Claribel low-lieth) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - W. Borrow, G. Cooke, E. Gerschefski, M. Head, H. Pierson, R. Vaughan Williams GER GER GER
- Claribel (Wo Claribel gestorben) - O. Feller, A. Jensen
- Claribel (Wo Claribel todt liegt) - S. Engel (Text: Anonymous after Alfred Tennyson, Lord) [x]
- Claribel () - H. Pierson [x]
- Clearly the blue river chimes in its flowing (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - A. Payne (All things will die)
- Cold and clear-cut face, why come you so cruelly meek (from Maud, Part 1)
- Come into the garden, Maud (Come into the garden, Maud) (from Maud, Part 1) - M. Balfe, O. Dresel, J. Massenet, J. Parker, A. Somervell
- Come into the garden, Maud (from Maud, Part 1) - M. Balfe, F. Delius, O. Dresel, M. Lindsay, J. Massenet, J. Parker, A. Somervell
- Come into the garden (Come into the garden, Maud) (from Maud, Part 1) - F. Delius
- Come, my friends,/ 'tis not too late to seek a newer world (from Morte d'Arthur; Dora; and Other Idyls) GER (Ulysses) - L. Glarum, J. Weiss, P. Whear
- Come not, when I am dead (Come not, when I am dead) (from Keepsake) - S. Agnesi, F. Allitsen, R. Ascham, J. Blumenthal, H. Douglass, J. Holbrooke, J. Hullah, Jenkinson, E. Lear, K. Miehling, J. Raynor, C. Reinagle, C. Rogers GER GER
- Come not, when I am dead (from Keepsake) GER GER - S. Agnesi, F. Allitsen, R. Ascham, J. Blumenthal, H. Douglass, J. Holbrooke, J. Hullah, Jenkinson, M. Laumann, E. Lear, K. Miehling, J. Raynor, C. Reinagle, C. Rogers, W. Schuman (Stanzas)
- Come not (Come not, when I am dead) (from Keepsake) - W. Schuman GER GER
- Coronation song (Blow, trumpet, for the world is white with May) (from The Holy Grail and Other Poems - The Coming of Arthur) - F. Gambogi
- "Courage!" he said, and pointed toward the land (from Poems - The Lotos-Eaters)
- Courage, poor heart of stone! (from Maud, Part 2)
- Cradle songs, no. 2 (Beat upon mine, little heart, beat, beat) (from Demeter and Other Poems) - H. Willan
- Cradle song (Beat upon mine, little heart, beat, beat) (from Demeter and Other Poems) - A. Cellier
- Cradle song (Sweet and low, sweet and low) (from The Princess) - A. Pease GER GER GER GER
- Cradle song (What does little birdie say) - F. Bridge GER
- Crossing the Bar (Sunset and evening star) (from Demeter and Other Poems) - F. Andrews, J. Andrews, J. Barnby, C. Baughan, D. Baxter, A. Behrend, L. Bevan, K. Black, L. Bolton, J. Brewer, J. Bridge, D. Buck, R. Cadman, E. Campion, A. Cellier, F. Cheetham, J. Clements, W. Coenen, T. Dunhill, J. Fearis, K. Finlay, A. Foote, J. Gardner, E. Gerschefski, A. Goodhart, A. Ham, W. Hannam, A. Harborough, F. Harker, R. Harvey, C. Hawley, G. Hewson, H. Hill, S. Homer, M. Horder, H. Huss, C. Ives, F. Jackson, J. Kaufer, L. Kellie, F. Kelly, G. Kennedy, E. Kroeger, T. Langton, H. Löhr, C. Maloney, F. Mann, C. Marsh, C. Morse, W. Neidlinger, C. Parry, A. Pochon, H. Pontet, V. Popham, V. Potter, H. Pottle, O. Rasbach, J. Raynor, W. Reynolds, C. Roberts, A. Robinson, A. Rotoli, S. Sargon, P. Scorey, G. Shaw, H. Shelley, R. Silver, A. Somervell, J. Sousa, C. Stanford, P. Stearns, F. Sutherland, E. Thiman, A. Thomas, C. Thomas, M. Todd, B. Treharne, J. Varge, R. Vaughan Williams, J. Westrup, H. Willan, C. Willeby, C. Williams, D. Williams, M. Williamson, F. Wilson, H. Woodward, E. Yates CHI
- Dainty little maiden, whither would you wander? (from Child-Songs) WEL - E. Bainton, M. Besly, G. Binkerd, E. Bullock, R. Clarke, L. Collingwood, D. De Lloyd, T. Dunhill, A. Favara, P. Fletcher, J. Groocock, M. Helyer, T. Hold, S. Homer, J. Keel, R. Macdonald, A. Somervell, C. Stanford, E. Tennyson, L. Wickes, B. Williams (The city child)
- Dainty little maiden (Dainty little maiden, whither would you wander?) (from Child-Songs) - M. Besly, R. Clarke, L. Collingwood, D. De Lloyd, T. Dunhill, A. Favara, M. Helyer, J. Keel, A. Somervell, E. Tennyson, L. Wickes WEL
- Dark house, by which once more I stand (Dark house, by which once more I stand) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - W. Zwaag FRE
- Dark house, by which once more I stand (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) FRE - J. Chorbajian, J. Dove, W. Zwaag
- Dark house (Dark house, by which once more I stand) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - J. Chorbajian, J. Dove FRE
- Das ist die Müllerstochter (Text: Anonymous after Alfred Tennyson, Lord) [x] - J. Fuchs
- Das Lied der Maid von Astolat (Sie dachte selbst ein kleines Lied sich aus) (from Königsidyllen) - F. Klose DUT FRI
- Dead, long dead (Dead, long dead) (from Maud, Part 2) - A. Somervell
- Dead, long dead (from Maud, Part 2) - A. Somervell
- Dear is the memory of our wedded lives (from Poems - The Lotos-Eaters - Choric Song)
- Death of the Old Year (Full knee-deep lies the winter snow) (from Poems) - S. Cooke
- Deep on the convent-roof the snows - Cartwright (St. Agnes' Eve)
- Der Adler (Er krallt sich fest) - H. Zöllner (Text: Anonymous after Alfred Tennyson, Lord) [x]
- Des Müllers Tochter () - F. Brandeis (Text: Anonymous after Alfred Tennyson, Lord) [x]
- Did I hear it half in a doze (from Maud, Part 1)
- Die Liebe glaubt DUT FRI [x] - F. Klose
- Die Müllerstochter (Das ist die Müllerstochter) - J. Fuchs (Text: Anonymous after Alfred Tennyson, Lord) [x]
- Die Schwestern (Wir waren zwei Töchter aus einem Haus;) - A. Jensen
- Die weiße Eul' (Wenn's Kätzchen heimkehrt als es tagt) - H. Pierson
- Dip down upon the northern shore (Dip down upon the northern shore) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - M. Shapcote
- Dip down upon the northern shore (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - M. Shapcote
- Doubt no longer that the Highest is the wisest and the best (from The Death of Œnone, Akbar's Dream, and Other Poems) - C. Stanford (Faith)
- Drop me a flower (Vine, vine and eglantine) (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - C. Stanford
- Dylifa, oernaut, tua'r lli (Dylifa, oernaut, tua'r lli) - J. Shepherd GER [x]
- Edward Gray (Süß Emmchen Moreland traf mich jüngst) (from In Moll und Dur - 3. Dritte Abtheilung) - H. Sommer ENG
- Edward Gray (Sweet Emma Moreland of yonder town) (from Poems) - E. Lear, H. Oakeley, A. Sullivan GER
- Ein Lebewohl (Fließ, kühler Bach, zum Meerestrand) - F. Volkmann WEL
- Elaine's song (And in those days she made a little song) (from Idylls of the King) - A. Foote, W. Hay, C. Lushington, F. Nicholls, A. Phillips DUT FRI GER
- Elaine (And in those days she made a little song) (from Idylls of the King) - G. Papini, E. Smith, A. Steed DUT FRI GER
- Elflands Hörner (Es fällt der Strahl auf Burg und Thal) (from Lieder- und Balladenbuch amerikanischer und englischer Dichter der Gegenwart - Lieder aus "Die Prinzessin") - H. Zöllner CAT FRE NYN SPA
- Ellen Adair, she loved me well (from Poems) GER (Edward Gray) - E. Lear, G. MacFarren, H. Oakeley, A. Sullivan
- Ellen Adair (Sweet Emma Moreland of yonder town) (from Poems) - G. MacFarren GER
- Eneth fechan annwyl (Eneth fechan annwyl) - D. De Lloyd [x]
- Eneth fechan annwyl [x] - D. De Lloyd
- Enid's song (It chanced the song that Enid sang was one) (from Enid and Nimuë: The True and the False) - S. Homer, E. Silas DUT FRI
- Enid's Song (Turn, Fortune, turn thy wheel, and lower the proud) - S. Homer
- Enid (It chanced the song that Enid sang was one) (from Enid and Nimuë: The True and the False) - W. Richmond, E. Smith DUT FRI
- Enoch Arden (In langen Klippenreih'n blieb eine Schlucht) - R. Strauss LIT
- Enoch Arden (Long lines of cliff breaking have left a chasm) GER
- Epilogue (So, Lady Flora, take my lay) (from Poems - The Day-Dream) - C. Speer
- Epilogue (Whatever I have said or sung) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - L. Lehmann
- Er krallt sich fest (Text: Anonymous after Alfred Tennyson, Lord) [x] - H. Zöllner
- Erster Teil LIT (Enoch Arden) - R. Strauss
- Es fällt der Strahl auf Burg und Thal (from Lieder- und Balladenbuch amerikanischer und englischer Dichter der Gegenwart - Lieder aus "Die Prinzessin") CAT FRE NYN SPA - H. Zöllner
- Every day hath its night (Every day hath its night) - K. Miehling
- Every day hath its night - K. Miehling (Song)
- Fair ship, that from the Italian shore (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - J. Dove, A. Thomas
- Fair Ship (Fair ship, that from the Italian shore) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - J. Dove
- Faith (Doubt no longer that the Highest is the wisest and the best) (from The Death of Œnone, Akbar's Dream, and Other Poems) - C. Stanford
- Far-Far-Away (What sight so lured him thro' the fields he knew) (from Demeter and Other Poems) - A. Cellier, C. Piatti, J. Raynor, N. Rorem, L. Wallich
- Fifty times the rose has flower'd and faded - C. Stanford (Carmen Sæculare)
- Fließ, kühler Bach, zum Meerestrand WEL - F. Volkmann
- Flow down, cold rivulet, to the sea GER WEL - W. Amps, E. Andrews, F. Atkinson, C. Barry, A. Beaumont, J. Beazley, J. Benedict, W. Bexfield, J. Blockley, M. Blower, W. Dempster, J. Holbrooke, S. Ings, E. Lear, A. Leavy, F. Leoni, B. Luard-Selby, W. Macfarren, G. Messervy, P. Nelson, Nolah, H. Oakeley, G. Peel, A. Ridout, M. Shapcote, J. Shepherd, E. Stanhope, E. Thiman, J. Walker, R. Werther, W. Wilson, Zeta (A farewell)
- Flow down, cold rivulet (Flow down, cold rivulet, to the sea) - W. Amps, J. Beazley, J. Blockley, W. Dempster, B. Luard-Selby, W. Macfarren, H. Oakeley, G. Peel, M. Shapcote, J. Shepherd, J. Walker, Zeta GER WEL
- Flow, softly flow (Flow down, cold rivulet, to the sea) - C. Barry GER WEL
- Following her wild carol (Following her wild carol) (from Alfred Lord Tennyson: A Memoir) - B. Blacher
- Following her wild carol (from Alfred Lord Tennyson: A Memoir) - B. Blacher
- Follow the Gleam (O Young Mariner) (from Demeter and Other Poems) - J. Holbrooke
- Fortune and her wheel (It chanced the song that Enid sang was one) (from Enid and Nimuë: The True and the False) - M. Balfe, J. Blockley, J. Hullah, G. MacFarren, C. Wood DUT FRI
- From Amphion (The mountain stirr'd its bushy crown) (from Poems) - C. Ives
- From "Lotus eaters" (There is sweet music here that softer falls) (from Poems - The Lotos-Eaters - Choric Song) - R. Werther
- Full knee-deep lies the winter snow (from Poems) - S. Cooke, E. Davis, R. Jackson (The Death of the Old Year)
- Gebet (O Vater, noch nicht rufe) - V. Bendix (Text: Anonymous after Alfred Tennyson, Lord)
- Glücklos Schicksal des Weibes - E. Elgar
- God and the Universe (Will my tiny spark of being wholly vanish in your deeps and heights?) - C. Stanford
- Gone!/ Gone till the end of the year! (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - D. Stewart, A. Sullivan, S. Thomson
- Gone (Gone!/ Gone till the end of the year!) (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - D. Stewart, A. Sullivan, S. Thomson
- Go not, happy day (Go not, happy day) (from Maud, Part 1) - F. Bridge, W. Bury, F. Delius, F. Liszt, A. Somervell GER
- Go not, happy day (from Maud, Part 1) GER - F. Bridge, W. Bury, F. Delius, F. Liszt, A. Somervell
- Guinevere (Queen Guinevere had fled the court, and sat) (from The True and the False) - E. Smith, A. Steed GER
- Half a league, half a league - G. Bantock, A. Bergen, J. Blockley, C. Braham, G. Cobb, J. Gardner, R. Garth, E. Hecht, S. Lovatt, C. Macirone, Murray, E. Naylor, Owen, A. Somervell, W. West, R. Wilson (The Charge of the Light Brigade)
- Half a league (Half a league, half a league) - Owen
- Hapless doom of woman happy in betrothing (from Queen Mary) GER
- Hapless doom of woman (from Queen Mary) GER - E. Elgar, H. Parker, C. Stanford
- Hateful is the dark-blue sky (from Poems - The Lotos-Eaters - Choric Song)
- He clasps the crag with crooked hands GER GER - C. Busch, N. Flagello, G. Grant-Schaefer, I. Gurney, J. Heymann, G. Jacob, E. MacDowell, P. Naylor, S. Pierce, J. Wilson (The eagle)
- Her arms across her breast she laid - J. Barnby, C. Dick, E. Monk (The beggar maid)
- Her brother is coming back to-night (from Maud, Part 1)
- Here, by this brook, we parted; I to the East - Baker, M. Balfe, J. Blockley, C. Burleigh, A. Cellier, A. Culley, W. Cusins, E. Dainty, C. Deichmann, E. Dickson, M. Edney, J. Farmer, I. Griffith, G. Holst, A. Johnstone, M. Lindsay, W. Montgomery, C. Pye, K. Reissiger, P. Sacco, E. Thiman, J. Wade, G. Weldon, W. West, G. Wilson, W. Wilson (The Brook)
- Here often, when a child, I lay reclined (Here often when a child I lay reclined) - M. Heinrich
- Here often when a child I lay reclined - M. Heinrich
- Her eyes are homes of silent prayer (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - E. Hall
- He rose at dawn and fired with hope - J. Dove, C. Pye (The Sailor Boy)
- He rose at dawn and flush'd with hope (The Sailor Boy) - J. Dove, C. Pye, as Claribel
- Home they brought her warrior dead (Home they brought her warrior dead) (from The Princess) - G. Holst, S. Homer, M. Lindsay, G. Peel, A. Somervell, W. Zwaag GER
- Home they brought her warrior dead (from The Princess) GER - G. Holst, S. Homer, M. Lindsay, G. Peel, A. Somervell, W. Zwaag
- How sweet it were, hearing the downward stream (from Poems - The Lotos-Eaters - Choric Song)
- I am a part of all that I have met GER [x] - R. Bailey
- I am a part (I am a part of all that I have met) - R. Bailey GER [x]
- I cannot see the features right (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - L. Lehmann
- I chatter over stony ways (The Brook) - Baker, M. Balfe, J. Blockley, C. Burleigh, A. Cellier, A. Culley, W. Cusins, E. Dainty, C. Deichmann, E. Dickson, as Dolores, M. Edney, J. Farmer, I. Griffith, G. Holst, A. Johnstone, M. Lindsay, W. Montgomery, C. Pye, as Claribel, K. Reissiger, P. Sacco, E. Thiman, J. Wade, G. Weldon, W. West (attribution uncertain), G. Wilson, W. Wilson
- I come from haunts of coot and hern (Here, by this brook, we parted; I to the East) - G. Holst
- I come from haunts of coot and hern (The Brook) - Baker, M. Balfe, J. Blockley, C. Burleigh, A. Cellier, A. Culley, W. Cusins, E. Dainty, C. Deichmann, E. Dickson, as Dolores, M. Edney, J. Farmer, I. Griffith, G. Holst, A. Johnstone, M. Lindsay, W. Montgomery, C. Pye, as Claribel, K. Reissiger, P. Sacco, E. Thiman, J. Wade, G. Weldon, W. West (attribution uncertain), G. Wilson, W. Wilson
- I dream'd there would be Spring no more (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - H. de Lange
- I envy not in any moods (I envy not in any moods) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - H. Procter-Gregg
- I envy not in any moods (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - H. Procter-Gregg, M. White
- If I were loved, as I desire to be (from Poems) - D. Hollins
- If I were loved by thee (If I were loved, as I desire to be) (from Poems) - D. Hollins
- If love be ours (In Love, if Love be Love, if Love be ours) (from Enid and Nimuë: The True and the False - Nimuë) - M. Blume DUT FRI GER
- If Sleep and Death be truly one (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - L. Lehmann
- If you're waking call me early = The Queen of May (If you're waking call me early, call me early, mother dear) - F. Arkwright
- If you're waking call me early, call me early, mother dear - F. Arkwright (New Year's Eve)
- I hate the dreadful hollow behind the little wood (from Maud, Part 1) - A. Somervell
- I hate the dreadful hollow (I hate the dreadful hollow behind the little wood) (from Maud, Part 1) - A. Somervell
- I have led her home, my love, my only friend (from Maud, Part 1) - A. Somervell
- I have led her home (I have led her home, my love, my only friend) (from Maud, Part 1) - A. Somervell
- I hold it true, whate'er befall (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - B. Britten
- I knew an old wife lean and poor (from Poems) - J. Bridge, C. Gibbs (The goose)
- Indolence (There is sweet music here that softer falls) (from Poems - The Lotos-Eaters - Choric Song) - A. Collins
- In langen Klippenreih'n blieb eine Schlucht LIT - R. Strauss (Enoch Arden)
- In Love, if Love be Love, if Love be ours (from Enid and Nimuë: The True and the False - Nimuë) DUT FRI GER - Andrews, M. Balfe, A. Barkworth, J. Barnett, J. Blockley, M. Blume, H. Corin, W. Dempster, J. Diack, E. Dickson, G. MacFarren, E. Smith, A. Steed, E. Tennyson, E. Troup, W. Wilson
- In love, if love be love (In Love, if Love be Love, if Love be ours) (from Enid and Nimuë: The True and the False - Nimuë) - W. Dempster, J. Diack, G. MacFarren, E. Tennyson, E. Troup DUT FRI GER
- In love (In Love, if Love be Love, if Love be ours) (from Enid and Nimuë: The True and the False - Nimuë) - H. Corin DUT FRI GER
- In Memoriam (Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - K. Miehling SWE FRE
- In Memoriam () - M. Brozen [x]
- In the bower (Babble in bower) (from Becket) - G. Williams
- In the purple island (In the purple island) (from Alfred Lord Tennyson: A Memoir) - B. Blacher
- In the purple island (from Alfred Lord Tennyson: A Memoir) - B. Blacher
- In the stormy east-wind straining (In the stormy east-wind straining) (from The Lady of Shalott) - W. Bendall, C. Busch, C. Edmunds, M. Jacobson, J. Raynor, P. Tate FRE
- In the stormy east-wind straining (from The Lady of Shalott) FRE - W. Bendall, C. Busch, C. Edmunds, M. Jacobson, J. Raynor, P. Tate
- I read, before my eyelids dropt their shade - H. Noble (A dream of fair women)
- I see the wealthy miller yet (from Poems) GER GER - L. Barker, G. Bennett, F. Brandeis, H. Burnett, A. Buzzi-Peccia, A. Cellier, G. Chadwick, O. Cramer, R. De Valmeney, W. Duncan, J. Farmer, E. Fitzwilliam, J. Fuchs, W. Gill, R. Goldbeck, A. Hartel, J. Hatton, Hatzfeld, F. Hervey, E. Loder, E. Monk, F. Nicholls, A. Pease, C. Pinsuti, A. Plumpton, H. Roberton, E. Tennyson, J. Thomas, S. Thomson, C. Vauclain, S. Warren, H. Willan (The miller's daughter)
- I sing to him that rests below (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - L. Lehmann
- I sometimes hold it half a sin (I sometimes hold it half a sin) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - M. White
- I sometimes hold it half a sin (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - M. White
- I steal by lawns and grassy plots (The Brook) - Baker, M. Balfe, J. Blockley, C. Burleigh, A. Cellier, A. Culley, W. Cusins, E. Dainty, C. Deichmann, E. Dickson, as Dolores, M. Edney, J. Farmer, I. Griffith, G. Holst, A. Johnstone, M. Lindsay, W. Montgomery, C. Pye, as Claribel, K. Reissiger, P. Sacco, E. Thiman, J. Wade, G. Weldon, W. West (attribution uncertain), G. Wilson, W. Wilson
- It chanced the song that Enid sang was one (from Enid and Nimuë: The True and the False) DUT FRI - M. Balfe, J. Barnett, J. Blockley, W. Dempster, E. Dickson, S. Homer, A. Hughes, J. Hullah, E. Lear, G. MacFarren, A. MacKenzie, W. Montgomery, W. Richmond, A. Rowland, E. Silas, E. Smith, A. Steed, C. Urswick, C. Wood
- I' the glooming light (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - R. Agnew (Song)
- It is the miller's daughter (I see the wealthy miller yet) (from Poems) - A. Cellier, W. Duncan, F. Hervey, E. Loder GER GER
- It is the miller's daughter (from Poems) GER GER (The miller's daughter) - L. Barker, G. Bennett, F. Brandeis, H. Burnett, A. Buzzi-Peccia, A. Cellier, G. Chadwick, O. Cramer, R. De Valmeney, W. Duncan, J. Farmer, E. Fitzwilliam, J. Fuchs, W. Gill, R. Goldbeck, A. Hartel, J. Hatton, Hatzfeld, F. Hervey, E. Loder, E. Monk, F. Nicholls, A. Pease, C. Pinsuti, A. Plumpton (attribution uncertain), H. Roberton, E. Tennyson, J. Thomas, S. Thomson, C. Vauclain, S. Warren, H. Willan
- It little profits that an idle king (from Morte d'Arthur; Dora; and Other Idyls) GER - L. Glarum, J. Weiss (Ulysses)
- I was walking a mile (I was walking a mile) (from Maud, Part 1) - F. Delius
- I was walking a mile (from Maud, Part 1) - F. Delius
- I wind about, and in and out (The Brook) - Baker, M. Balfe, J. Blockley, C. Burleigh, A. Cellier, A. Culley, W. Cusins, E. Dainty, C. Deichmann, E. Dickson, as Dolores, M. Edney, J. Farmer, I. Griffith, G. Holst, A. Johnstone, M. Lindsay, W. Montgomery, C. Pye, as Claribel, K. Reissiger, P. Sacco, E. Thiman, J. Wade, G. Weldon, W. West (attribution uncertain), G. Wilson, W. Wilson
- Jack Tar (They say some foreign powers have laid their heads together) (from Alfred Lord Tennyson: A Memoir) - C. Stanford
- King Cophetua (Her arms across her breast she laid) - C. Dick
- Lancelot and Elaine () (from Idylls of the King) - A. Favara [x]
- Lass mich allein (Wenn mich der Tod geraubt) - H. Zöllner
- Late, late, so late! and dark the night and chill! (from The True and the False) GER (Guinevere) - J. Barnett, J. Blockley, H. Deacon, W. Dempster, E. Edwards, A. Gaul, J. Guest, E. Lear, M. Lindsay, G. MacFarren, W. Montgomery, C. Salaman, E. Smith, A. Steed, J. Wade
- Late, late so late (Queen Guinevere had fled the court, and sat) (from The True and the False) - W. Dempster, E. Edwards, E. Lear, G. MacFarren GER
- Late, so late (Queen Guinevere had fled the court, and sat) (from The True and the False) - C. Salaman GER
- L'envoi (You shake your head. A random string) (from Poems - The Day-Dream) - C. Speer
- Les Cloches (Tintez, tintez, cloches de deuil) - C. Gounod SWE [x]
- Le sentier que jadis ensemble nous suivîmes (from In Memoriam, poèmes de Lord Alfred Tennyson traduits en vers français) - M. d'Ollone
- Le sentier (Le sentier que jadis ensemble nous suivîmes) (from In Memoriam, poèmes de Lord Alfred Tennyson traduits en vers français) - M. d'Ollone
- Le son du vent qui passe est la voix de ta bouche (from In Memoriam, poèmes de Lord Alfred Tennyson traduits en vers français) - M. d'Ollone
- Le vent qui passe (Le son du vent qui passe est la voix de ta bouche) (from In Memoriam, poèmes de Lord Alfred Tennyson traduits en vers français) - M. d'Ollone
- Liebesgruss (O Schwalbe, Schwalbe, flieg' nach Süden hin) - M. Hetzel (Text: Anonymous after Alfred Tennyson, Lord) [x]
- Light, so low upon earth (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - A. Sullivan, S. Thomson, R. Walthew
- Lilian (Airy, Fairy Lilian) - B. Britten GER
- Lilian (Luft'ge Sylphe Lilian) - H. Proch
- Little birdie (What does little birdie say) - F. Delius GER
- Little ladies (Minnie and Winnie) (from Child-Songs) - B. Williams
- Lo! in the middle of the wood (from Poems - The Lotos-Eaters - Choric Song)
- Long have I sigh'd for a calm: God grant I may find it at last! (from Maud, Part 1)
- Long lines of cliff breaking have left a chasm GER (Enoch Arden) -
- Look thro' mine eyes with thine. True wife (from Poems) GER GER (The miller's daughter) - L. Barker, G. Bennett, F. Brandeis, H. Burnett, A. Buzzi-Peccia, A. Cellier, G. Chadwick, O. Cramer, R. De Valmeney, W. Duncan, J. Farmer, E. Fitzwilliam, J. Fuchs, W. Gill, R. Goldbeck, A. Hartel, J. Hatton, Hatzfeld, F. Hervey, E. Loder, E. Monk, F. Nicholls, A. Pease, C. Pinsuti, A. Plumpton (attribution uncertain), H. Roberton, E. Tennyson, J. Thomas, S. Thomson, C. Vauclain, S. Warren, H. Willan
- Look through mine eyes (I see the wealthy miller yet) (from Poems) - E. Tennyson GER GER
- Love and Death (And in those days she made a little song) (from Idylls of the King) - J. Barnett, G. MacFarren, A. Steed DUT FRI GER
- Love is and was my Lord and King (Love is and was my Lord and King) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - M. Shapcote, M. White
- Love is and was my Lord and King (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - M. Shapcote, M. White, M. Williamson
- Love that hath us in the net (I see the wealthy miller yet) (from Poems) - J. Hatton, Hatzfeld, S. Warren GER GER
- Love that hath us in the net (from Poems) GER GER (The miller's daughter) - L. Barker, G. Bennett, F. Brandeis, H. Burnett, A. Buzzi-Peccia, A. Cellier, G. Chadwick, O. Cramer, R. De Valmeney, W. Duncan, J. Farmer, E. Fitzwilliam, J. Fuchs, W. Gill, R. Goldbeck, A. Hartel, J. Hatton, Hatzfeld, F. Hervey, E. Loder, E. Monk, F. Nicholls, A. Pease, C. Pinsuti, A. Plumpton (attribution uncertain), H. Roberton, E. Tennyson, J. Thomas, S. Thomson, C. Vauclain, S. Warren, H. Willan
- Love, the Sentinel (Love is and was my Lord and King) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - M. Williamson
- Luft'ge Sylphe Lilian - H. Proch
- Lullaby to a seafarer's son (Bright is the moon on the deep) (from Alfred Lord Tennyson: A Memoir) - M. McLaughlin
- Lullaby (Bright is the moon on the deep) (from Alfred Lord Tennyson: A Memoir) - A. Scott
- Lute-Song (Hapless doom of woman) (from Queen Mary) - H. Parker GER
- Lynette's song (O morning star that smilest in the blue) (from Idylls of the King - Gareth and Lynette) - C. Heine, J. Mayo
- Lynette's song (O Sun, that wakenest all to bliss or pain) (from Idylls of the King - Gareth and Lynette) - L. Gray
- Many, many welcomes (from Demeter and Other Poems) - W. Browne, N. Flagello, E. Tennyson, G. Tomlins (The snowdrop)
- Mariana (With blackest moss the flower-plots) - C. Carew, P. Hadley
- Maria Stuart's Lied zur Laute (Glücklos Schicksal des Weibes) - E. Elgar
- Marriage morning (Light, so low upon earth) (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - A. Sullivan, S. Thomson, R. Walthew
- Mary of Bethany (Her eyes are homes of silent prayer) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - E. Hall
- Maud has a garden of roses (from Maud, Part 1) - A. Somervell
- Maud has a garden (Maud has a garden of roses) (from Maud, Part 1) - A. Somervell
- Maud (Come into the garden, Maud) (from Maud, Part 1) - M. Lindsay
- Maud (Morning arises stormy and pale) (from Maud, Part 1) - A. Foster
- Mellow moon of heaven (Mellow moon of heaven) (from The Ring) - B. Burrows
- Mellow moon of heaven (from The Ring) - B. Burrows
- Merlin and the Gleam (O Young Mariner) (from Demeter and Other Poems)
- Merlin's song (Rain, rain, and sun! a rainbow in the sky!) (from The Holy Grail and Other Poems - The Coming of Arthur) - J. Joachim
- Milkmaid's song (Shame upon you, Robin) (from Queen Mary) - H. Parker
- Miller's daughter (I see the wealthy miller yet) (from Poems) - S. Warren GER GER
- Minnie and Winnie slept in a shell (from Child-Songs)
- Minnie and Winnie (Minnie and Winnie) (from Child-Songs) - J. Berger, E. Bullock, R. Clarke, C. Forster, J. Groocock, H. Hales, S. Homer, E. Tennyson, A. Wilder
- Minnie and Winnie (from Child-Songs) - J. Berger, E. Bullock, R. Clarke, C. Forster, J. Groocock, H. Hales, S. Homer, E. Tennyson, A. Wilder, B. Williams
- Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends (from Morte d'Arthur; Dora; and Other Idyls) GER - P. Whear (Ulysses)
- Moral (So, Lady Flora, take my lay) (from Poems - The Day-Dream) - C. Speer
- Morning arises stormy and pale (from Maud, Part 1) - A. Foster
- Move eastward, happy earth, and leave - W. Browne (Move eastward, happy earth)
- Move eastward, happy earth (Move eastward, happy earth, and leave) - W. Browne
- Music here (There is sweet music here that softer falls) (from Poems - The Lotos-Eaters - Choric Song) - E. Butler
- Music () - E. Hugh-Jones [x]
- My father left a park to me (from Poems) (Amphion) - C. Ives
- My heart is wasted with my woe, Oriana (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - J. Duggan, M. Hall, Owen, B. Pisani (The Ballad of Oriana)
- My heart is wasted (My heart is wasted with my woe, Oriana) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - Owen
- My life has crept so long on a broken wing (from Maud, Part 2) - A. Somervell
- My life has crept so long (My life has crept so long on a broken wing) (from Maud, Part 2) - A. Somervell
- Mystery of mysteries (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - J. Barnett (Adeline)
- Nacht-Gesang () - R. Quilter CAT SPA [x]
- Naked, without fear, moving (Naked, without fear, moving) (from Alfred Lord Tennyson: A Memoir) - B. Blacher
- Naked, without fear, moving (from Alfred Lord Tennyson: A Memoir) - B. Blacher
- National Song (There is no land like England)
- New Year's Eve (If you're waking call me early, call me early, mother dear)
- No answer (The mist and the rain, the mist and the rain!) (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - D. Stewart, A. Sullivan, S. Thomson
- No answer (Winds are loud and you are dumb) (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - A. Sullivan, S. Thomson
- Noble six-hundred (Half a league, half a league) - C. Braham
- Nocturne (The splendour falls on castle walls) (from The Princess) - B. Britten CAT FRE GER NYN SPA
- Nothing will die (When will the stream be aweary of flowing)
- Now fades the last long streak of snow (Now fades the last long streak of snow) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - P. Radcliffe, M. Shapcote
- Now fades the last long streak of snow (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - B. Crist, H. Geehl, P. Radcliffe, M. Shapcote
- Now fades the snow (Now fades the last long streak of snow) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - H. Geehl
- Now sleeps the crimson petal, now the white (from The Princess) CAT GER SPA GER - B. Britten, H. Burleigh, D. Holman, G. Holst, P. Mealor, P. Moore, R. Quilter, N. Rorem
- Now sleeps the crimson petal (Now sleeps the crimson petal, now the white) (from The Princess) - B. Britten, H. Burleigh, D. Holman, G. Holst, P. Mealor, R. Quilter, N. Rorem CAT GER SPA GER
- Nun schlafen rings die Blumen, weiß und roth (from Lieder- und Balladenbuch amerikanischer und englischer Dichter der Gegenwart - Lieder aus "Die Prinzessin") CAT SPA - H. Zöllner
- Nun schlafen rings die Blumen (Nun schlafen rings die Blumen, weiß und roth) (from Lieder- und Balladenbuch amerikanischer und englischer Dichter der Gegenwart - Lieder aus "Die Prinzessin") - H. Zöllner CAT SPA
- Nyårsklockan (Ring, klocka, ring i bistra nyårsnatten) (from Efterlemnade dikter) FRE
- O blackbird! sing me something well - W. Metcalfe, C. Pye, O. Wintle (The blackbird)
- O blackbird! sing me (O blackbird! sing me something well) - C. Pye, O. Wintle
- O darling room, my heart's delight - G. Binkerd (O darling room)
- O darling room (O darling room, my heart's delight) - G. Binkerd
- O diviner Air,/ Thro' the heat, the drowth, the dust, the glare (The sisters) - F. Allitsen, A. Sullivan
- O diviner Air - A. Sullivan (The sisters)
- O for the touch (Break, break, break) (from Poems) - A. Pecket GER GER DAN GER
- O happy lark, that warblest high (from The Promise of May) - B. Burrows
- O happy lark (O happy lark, that warblest high) (from The Promise of May) - B. Burrows
- Oh! who would fight and march and countermarch (from Morte d'Arthur; Dora; and Other Idyls) (Audley Court) - W. Cusins, O. Goldschmidt
- Oh! who would fight and march (The Bull, the Fleece are cramm'd, and not a room) (from Morte d'Arthur; Dora; and Other Idyls) - W. Cusins
- Oh yet we trust that somehow good (Oh yet we trust that somehow good) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - M. Shapcote FRE
- Oh yet we trust that somehow good (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) FRE - A. Bliss, E. Bracken, M. Shapcote
- Oh yet we trust (Oh yet we trust that somehow good) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - E. Bracken FRE
- οἱ ρἑοντες (All thoughts, all creeds, all dreams are true)
- ͑οι ͑ρέοντες (All thoughts, all creeds, all dreams are true) - K. Miehling
- O Lady Flora, let me speak (from Poems - The Day-Dream) - C. Speer (Prologue)
- Old Yew, which graspest at the stones (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - H. Procter-Gregg
- Old Yew (Old Yew, which graspest at the stones) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - H. Procter-Gregg
- O let the solid ground (O let the solid ground) (from Maud, Part 1) - A. Somervell
- O let the solid ground (from Maud, Part 1) - A. Somervell
- O morning star that smilest in the blue (from Idylls of the King - Gareth and Lynette) - C. Heine, J. Mayo, A. Pease, M. Winn
- O morning star that smiles (O morning star that smilest in the blue) (from Idylls of the King - Gareth and Lynette) - M. Winn
- O morning star (O morning star that smilest in the blue) (from Idylls of the King - Gareth and Lynette) - A. Pease
- On a midnight in midwinter when all but the winds were dead (from The Death of Œnone, Akbar's Dream, and Other Poems) - E. Naylor (The dreamer)
- On either side the river lie (On either side the river lie) (from The Lady of Shalott) - W. Bendall, C. Busch, C. Edmunds, M. Jacobson, J. Raynor, P. Tate FRE
- On either side the river lie (from The Lady of Shalott) FRE - W. Bendall, C. Busch, C. Edmunds, D. Holman, M. Jacobson, J. Raynor, P. Tate
- Œnone sat within the cave from out (from The Death of Œnone, Akbar's Dream, and Other Poems) - B. Naylor (The Death of Œnone)
- On the hill (The lights and shadows fly) (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - A. Sullivan, S. Thomson
- Ô portes, où mon cœur a si souvent battu
- Ô portes (portes, où mon cœur a si souvent battu) - M. d'Ollone
- Oriana (My heart is wasted with my woe, Oriana) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - J. Duggan, B. Pisani
- O Schwalbe, Schwalbe, flieg' nach Süden hin (Text: Anonymous after Alfred Tennyson, Lord) [x] - M. Hetzel
- O Sorrow, wilt thou live with me (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - L. Lehmann
- O Sun, that wakenest all to bliss or pain (from Idylls of the King - Gareth and Lynette) - F. Corder, L. Gray, J. Molloy
- O Sun, that wakenest (O Sun, that wakenest all to bliss or pain) (from Idylls of the King - Gareth and Lynette) - F. Corder, J. Molloy
- O Swallow, Swallow, flying, flying South (from The Princess) GER - D. Arditti, H. Clark, J. Dove, A. Foote, G. Holst, A. Somervell
- O swallow, swallow, flying south (O Swallow, Swallow, flying, flying South) (from The Princess) - A. Foote GER
- O swallow, swallow (O Swallow, Swallow, flying, flying South) (from The Princess) - D. Arditti, J. Dove, G. Holst, A. Somervell GER
- O that 'twere possible (O that 'twere possible) (from Maud, Part 2) - H. Procter-Gregg, J. Raynor, A. Somervell
- O that 'twere possible (from Maud, Part 2) - H. Procter-Gregg, J. Raynor, A. Somervell
- O true and tried, so well and long (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII)
- Oui, c'est là notre foi qu'à la fin de la route (from In Memoriam, poèmes de Lord Alfred Tennyson traduits en vers français) [x] - M. d'Ollone
- Oui, c'est là notre foi (Oui, c'est là notre foi qu'à la fin de la route) (from In Memoriam, poèmes de Lord Alfred Tennyson traduits en vers français) - M. d'Ollone [x]
- O Vater, noch nicht rufe (Text: Anonymous after Alfred Tennyson, Lord) - V. Bendix
- Over! the sweet summer closes (from Becket) - Anonymous, P. Fletcher, A. Horrocks, E. Owen
- Over! the sweet summer (Over! the sweet summer closes) (from Becket) - A. Horrocks
- O well for the fisherman's boy (Break, break, break) (from Poems) - F. Boott GER GER DAN GER
- O yet we trust (Oh yet we trust that somehow good) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - A. Bliss FRE
- O Young Mariner (from Demeter and Other Poems) - J. Holbrooke (Merlin and the Gleam)
- Parnassus (What be those crown'd forms high over the sacred fountain?) (from Demeter and Other Poems)
- Past (My heart is wasted with my woe, Oriana) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - M. Hall
- Peace; come away: the song of woe (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - J. Dove, M. Emery, C. Stanford
- Peace; come away (Peace; come away: the song of woe) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - J. Dove, M. Emery, C. Stanford
- portes, où mon cœur a si souvent battu - M. d'Ollone
- Prologue (O Lady Flora, let me speak) (from Poems - The Day-Dream) - C. Speer
- Queen Guinevere had fled the court, and sat (from The True and the False) GER - J. Barnett, J. Blockley, H. Deacon, W. Dempster, E. Edwards, A. Gaul, J. Guest, E. Lear, M. Lindsay, G. MacFarren, W. Montgomery, C. Salaman, E. Smith, A. Steed, J. Wade (Guinevere)
- Queen Mary's Song (Hapless doom of woman) (from Queen Mary) - E. Elgar GER
- Rainbow stay (Rainbow, stay) (from Becket) - M. Herz
- Rainbow, stay (from Becket) - C. Haydon, M. Herz
- Rainbow (Rainbow, stay) (from Becket) - C. Haydon
- Rain, rain, and sun! a rainbow in the sky! (from The Holy Grail and Other Poems - The Coming of Arthur) - J. Joachim
- Ralph would fight in Edith's sight - H. Willan (The tourney)
- Remembrance (Break, break, break) (from Poems) - A. Pollock GER GER DAN GER
- Riflemen, form! (There is a sound of thunder afar) - M. Balfe, J. Blockley, J. Jones, E. Tennyson, W. Young
- Ring, klocka, ring i bistra nyårsnatten (from Efterlemnade dikter) FRE (Nyårsklockan) -
- Ring out the old, ring in the new (Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - J. Calkin SWE FRE
- Ring out the thousand wars of old (Ring out the thousand wars of old) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - B. Britten SWE FRE
- Ring out the thousand wars of old (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) SWE FRE - B. Britten
- Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) SWE FRE - C. Atkinson, E. Bainton, Baker, G. Bantock, R. Beckett, J. Blockley, F. Boott, J. Calkin, A. Couper, D. Cox, L. Damrosch, J. Dove, G. Edmundson, P. Fletcher, W. Gilchrist, C. Gounod, E. Hall, J. Hatton, E. Heathcote, L. Hess, R. Holmes, J. Jordan, H. Lahee, L. Maury, F. McCollin, K. Miehling, K. Newbury, J. Peake, H. Procter-Gregg, F. Ricketts, A. Rowley, P. Sacco, R. Sanders, E. Taylor, C. Tobin, F. Tosti, A. Tregaskis, M. Vogrich, E. Walker, C. Wilson, F. Wood, S. Wood
- Ring out, wild bells (Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - C. Atkinson, E. Bainton, Baker, G. Bantock, R. Beckett, J. Blockley, A. Couper, D. Cox, L. Damrosch, J. Dove, G. Edmundson, P. Fletcher, W. Gilchrist, C. Gounod, E. Hall, J. Hatton, L. Hess, R. Holmes, J. Jordan, L. Maury, F. McCollin, K. Newbury, J. Peake, H. Procter-Gregg, F. Ricketts, A. Rowley, P. Sacco, R. Sanders, E. Taylor, C. Tobin, F. Tosti, A. Tregaskis, M. Vogrich, E. Walker, C. Wilson, F. Wood, S. Wood SWE FRE
- Risest thou thus, dim dawn, again (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - L. Lehmann
- Rivulet crossing my ground (Rivulet crossing my ground) (from Maud, Part 1) - F. Delius
- Rivulet crossing my ground (from Maud, Part 1) - F. Delius
- Sacht und lind, sacht und lind (from Lieder- und Balladenbuch amerikanischer und englischer Dichter der Gegenwart - Lieder aus "Die Prinzessin") - P. Kubin, H. Zöllner
- Sanft und lind über das westliche Meer [x] - R. Buck
- Schwer, schwer, schwer (Schwer, schwer, schwer) - A. Winterberger DAN (Text: Anonymous after Alfred Tennyson, Lord) [x]
- Schwer, schwer, schwer DAN - H. Zöllner
- Schwer, schwer, schwer DAN (Text: Anonymous after Alfred Tennyson, Lord) [x] - A. Winterberger
- Scorn'd, to be scorn'd by one that I scorn (from Maud, Part 1)
- See what a lovely shell (from Maud, Part 2)
- Shame upon you, Robin (from Queen Mary) - A. Foote, E. Nevin, H. Parker, C. Stanford
- She came to the village church (She came to the village church) (from Maud, Part 1) - A. Somervell
- She came to the village church (from Maud, Part 1) - A. Somervell
- Sick, am I sick of a jealous dread? (from Maud, Part 1)
- Sie dachte selbst ein kleines Lied sich aus (from Königsidyllen) DUT FRI - F. Klose
- Sleep, Ellen Aubrey, sleep, and dream of me (from Morte d'Arthur; Dora; and Other Idyls) (Audley Court) - W. Cusins, O. Goldschmidt
- Sleep, Ellen Aubrey, sleep (The Bull, the Fleece are cramm'd, and not a room) (from Morte d'Arthur; Dora; and Other Idyls) - O. Goldschmidt
- Sleep, little blossom, my honey, my bliss (from Demeter and Other Poems)
- Sleep, little blossom () (from Demeter and Other Poems) - J. McEwen, A. Nevin
- So dark a mind within me dwells (from Maud, Part 1)
- So, Lady Flora, take my lay,/ And, if you find a meaning there (from Poems - The Day-Dream) (Epilogue) - C. Speer
- So, Lady Flora, take my lay,/ And if you find no moral there (from Poems - The Day-Dream) (Moral) - C. Speer
- So, Lady Flora, take my lay (from Poems - The Day-Dream) - C. Speer (Epilogue)
- So, Lady Flora, take my lay (from Poems - The Day-Dream) - C. Speer (Moral)
- Soliloquy (There is sweet music here that softer falls) (from Poems - The Lotos-Eaters - Choric Song) - H. Bright
- Sombre maison, près des murailles de laquelle (from In Memoriam, poèmes de Lord Alfred Tennyson traduits en vers français) - M. d'Ollone
- Sombre maison (Sombre maison, près des murailles de laquelle) (from In Memoriam, poèmes de Lord Alfred Tennyson traduits en vers français) - M. d'Ollone
- Song 103th (The time draws near the birth of Christ) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - A. Cuvelier
- Song of Enid (It chanced the song that Enid sang was one) (from Enid and Nimuë: The True and the False) - A. Hughes DUT FRI
- Song of the brook (Here, by this brook, we parted; I to the East) - Baker, C. Burleigh, M. Edney, P. Sacco, G. Wilson
- Song -- The owl (When cats run home and light is come) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) GER GER
- Song (A spirit haunts the year's last hours) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical)
- Song (Every day hath its night)
- Song (I' the glooming light) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical)
- Sorrow (I' the glooming light) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - R. Agnew
- Spät, spät, so spät! Die Nacht ist schwarz und kalt! - M. von Kralik (Zu spät!)
- Sphere music (Steep is the mountain, but you, you will help me to overcome it) (from Demeter and Other Poems) - R. Sowash
- Spring awakens () - H. Procter-Gregg [x]
- Spring (Birds' love and birds' song) (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - C. Stanford, A. Sullivan, S. Thomson, R. Vaughan Williams
- Spring (Now fades the last long streak of snow) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - B. Crist
- St. Agnes' Eve (Deep on the convent-roof the snows)
- St. Agnes (Deep on the convent-roof the snows) - Cartwright
- Stanzas (Come not, when I am dead) (from Keepsake) GER GER
- Stately ships glide on (Break, break, break) (from Poems) - Cartwright GER GER DAN GER
- Steep is the mountain, but you, you will help me to overcome it (from Demeter and Other Poems) - R. Sowash (Parnassus)
- Still forest (I read, before my eyelids dropt their shade) - H. Noble
- Strange, that I felt so gay (from Maud, Part 1)
- Strong son of God, immortal Love (Strong Son of God, immortal Love) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - S. Darst, C. Hill, D. Jones, P. Nelson, H. Oakeley, H. Oliver, R. Werther
- Strong Son of God, immortal Love (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - S. Darst, Filkins, J. Groocock, C. Hill, D. Jones, L. Lehmann, J. McCollum, P. Nelson, H. Oakeley, H. Oliver, F. Snow, C. Stanford, A. Thomas, R. Werther
- Strong Son of God (Strong Son of God, immortal Love) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - Filkins, J. Groocock, J. McCollum, F. Snow, C. Stanford
- Summer again (Summer is coming, summer is coming) - E. Křenek
- Summer is coming, summer is coming - E. Křenek, M. White
- Summer night (Now sleeps the crimson petal, now the white) (from The Princess) - P. Moore CAT GER SPA GER
- Summer song (By night we linger'd on the lawn) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - F. Spedding
- Sun comes, moon comes (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - D. Stewart, A. Sullivan, S. Thomson
- Sunset and evening star (from Demeter and Other Poems) CHI - F. Andrews, J. Andrews, J. Barnby, C. Baughan, D. Baxter, A. Behrend, L. Bevan, K. Black, L. Bolton, J. Brewer, J. Bridge, D. Buck, R. Cadman, E. Campion, A. Cellier, F. Cheetham, J. Clements, W. Coenen, T. Dunhill, J. Fearis, K. Finlay, A. Foote, J. Gardner, E. Gerschefski, A. Goodhart, A. Ham, W. Hannam, A. Harborough, F. Harker, R. Harvey, C. Hawley, G. Hewson, H. Hill, S. Homer, M. Horder, H. Huss, C. Ives, F. Jackson, J. Kaufer, L. Kellie, F. Kelly, G. Kennedy, E. Kroeger, T. Langton, H. Löhr, C. Maloney, F. Mann, C. Marsh, C. Morse, W. Neidlinger, C. Parry, P. Paviour, A. Pochon, H. Pontet, V. Popham, V. Potter, H. Pottle, O. Rasbach, J. Raynor, W. Reynolds, C. Roberts, A. Robinson, A. Rotoli, S. Sargon, P. Scorey, G. Shaw, H. Shelley, R. Silver, A. Somervell, J. Sousa, C. Stanford, P. Stearns, F. Sutherland, E. Thiman, A. Thomas, C. Thomas, M. Todd, B. Treharne, J. Varge, R. Vaughan Williams, E. Walker, J. Westrup, H. Willan, C. Willeby, C. Williams, D. Williams, M. Williamson, F. Wilson, H. Woodward, E. Yates (Crossing the Bar)
- Sunset and evening star (Sunset and evening star) (from Demeter and Other Poems) - E. Walker CHI
- Süß Emmchen Moreland traf mich jüngst (from In Moll und Dur - 3. Dritte Abtheilung) ENG - H. Sommer (Edward Gray)
- Süß ist's, zu lieben, wenn auch ungeliebt; (from Königsidyllen) DUT FRI
- Süss und sacht, sachte weh',/ Wind du, vom westlichen Meer (Wiegenlied) - A. Jensen
- Süß und sacht, sachte weh' - A. Jensen (Wiegenlied)
- Sweet after showers, ambrosial air (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - L. Lehmann
- Sweet and low, sweet and low (from The Princess) GER GER GER GER - S. Adams, W. Anderson, J. Backer-Lunde, J. Barnby, B. Burrows, O. Dresel, G. Holst, S. Homer, L. Lehrman, F. Marshall, A. Pease, G. Peel, J. Raynor, A. Somervell, S. Turkevich-Lukiyanovich
- Sweet and low (Sweet and low, sweet and low) (from The Princess) - S. Adams, W. Anderson, J. Backer-Lunde, J. Barnby, B. Burrows, O. Dresel, G. Holst, S. Homer, L. Lehrman, F. Marshall, J. Raynor, A. Somervell, S. Turkevich-Lukiyanovich GER GER GER GER
- Sweet Emma Moreland of yonder town (from Poems) GER - E. Lear, G. MacFarren, H. Oakeley, A. Sullivan (Edward Gray)
- Sweet is true love tho' giv'n in vain, in vain (from Idylls of the King) DUT FRI GER (The song of Love and Death) - M. Balfe, J. Barnett, B. Beauchamp, J. Blockley, J. Blumenthal, E. Crooke, W. Dempster, E. Edwards, A. Ewing, A. Foote, H. Fothergill, S. Glover, W. Hay, E. Lear, E. Levien, M. Lindsay, C. Lushington, G. MacFarren, A. MacKenzie, F. Nicholls, G. Papini, A. Phillips, A. Plumpton, E. Smith, C. Speer, E. Stanynought, A. Steed, R. Walthew
- Sweet is true Love (And in those days she made a little song) (from Idylls of the King) - J. Blockley, J. Blumenthal, E. Crooke, E. Edwards, H. Fothergill, S. Glover, A. Plumpton, E. Stanynought DUT FRI GER
- Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean (from The Princess) - F. Bridge, G. Holst, J. Kaufer, D. Morton, J. Raff, J. Raynor, P. Sacco, A. Somervell, R. Vaughan Williams
- Tears, idle tears (Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean) (from The Princess) - F. Bridge, G. Holst, J. Kaufer, D. Morton, J. Raff, J. Raynor, P. Sacco, A. Somervell, R. Vaughan Williams
- That God, which ever lives and loves (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - A. Thomas
- The answer (Two little hands that meet) (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - A. Sullivan, S. Thomson
- The arrival (All precious things, discover'd late) (from Poems - The Day-Dream) - C. Speer
- The Balaclava Charge (Half a league, half a league) - C. Macirone
- The Ballad of Oriana (My heart is wasted with my woe, Oriana) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical)
- The beggar maid (Her arms across her breast she laid) - J. Barnby, E. Monk
- The bells of yule (The time draws near the birth of Christ) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - Baker
- The birth of Christ (The time draws near the birth of Christ) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - A. Reichardt
- The blackbird (O blackbird! sing me something well) - W. Metcalfe
- The bridegroom (Queen Guinevere had fled the court, and sat) (from The True and the False) - J. Blockley GER
- The brook (Here, by this brook, we parted; I to the East) - M. Balfe, J. Blockley, A. Cellier, A. Culley, W. Cusins, E. Dainty, C. Deichmann, E. Dickson, J. Farmer, I. Griffith, A. Johnstone, W. Montgomery, C. Pye, K. Reissiger, E. Thiman, J. Wade, G. Weldon, W. West, W. Wilson
- The Bull, the Fleece are cramm'd, and not a room (from Morte d'Arthur; Dora; and Other Idyls) - W. Cusins, O. Goldschmidt (Audley Court)
- The Charge of the 600 (Half a league, half a league) - Murray
- The Charge of the Light Brigade (Half a league, half a league) - G. Bantock, J. Blockley, G. Cobb, J. Gardner, R. Garth, E. Hecht, S. Lovatt, E. Naylor, W. West, R. Wilson
- The chimes (Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - E. Heathcote SWE FRE
- The Choric Song from "The Lotos Eaters" (There is sweet music here that softer falls) (from Poems - The Lotos-Eaters - Choric Song) - C. Parry
- The city child (Dainty little maiden, whither would you wander?) (from Child-Songs) - E. Bainton, G. Binkerd, P. Fletcher, J. Groocock, T. Hold, S. Homer, R. Macdonald, C. Stanford, B. Williams WEL
- The Danube to the Severn gave (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) FRE - H. Procter-Gregg
- The Danube to the Severn goes (The Danube to the Severn gave) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - H. Procter-Gregg FRE
- The Day-Dream: The departure (And on her lover's arm she leant) (from Poems - The Day-Dream) - X. Scharwenka
- The Death of Œnone (Œnone sat within the cave from out) (from The Death of Œnone, Akbar's Dream, and Other Poems) - B. Naylor
- The Death of the Old Year (Full knee-deep lies the winter snow) (from Poems) - E. Davis, R. Jackson
- The departure (And on her lover's arm she leant) (from Poems - The Day-Dream) - M. Elman, C. Speer, C. Vaughan
- The dim red morn had died, her journey done (A dream of fair women) - H. Noble
- The dreamer (On a midnight in midwinter when all but the winds were dead) (from The Death of Œnone, Akbar's Dream, and Other Poems) - E. Naylor
- The dying swan (The plain was grassy, wild and bare) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - B. Luard-Selby
- The eagle (He clasps the crag with crooked hands) - C. Busch, N. Flagello, G. Grant-Schaefer, I. Gurney, J. Heymann, G. Jacob, E. MacDowell, P. Naylor, S. Pierce, J. Wilson GER GER
- 'The fault was mine, the fault was mine' (from Maud, Part 2) - A. Somervell
- The fault was mine ('The fault was mine, the fault was mine') (from Maud, Part 2) - A. Somervell
- The Fleet (You, you, if you shall fail to understand) - H. Heale
- The frost is here (The frost is here) (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - A. Egerton
- The frost is here (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - A. Egerton, R. Milford, A. Sullivan, S. Thomson, R. Vaughan Williams
- The goose (I knew an old wife lean and poor) (from Poems) - J. Bridge, C. Gibbs
- The happy princess (And on her lover's arm she leant) (from Poems - The Day-Dream) - Monica
- The joy of grief (I hold it true, whate'er befall) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - B. Britten
- The Kraken (Below the thunders of the upper deep) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) CAT FRE
- The letter (Where is another, sweet as my sweet!) (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - C. Burleigh, F. Gambogi, A. Sullivan, S. Thomson, R. Walthew
- The lights and shadows fly (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - A. Sullivan, S. Thomson
- The Lotos blooms below the barren peak: (from Poems - The Lotos-Eaters - Choric Song)
- The Lotus Isles (There is sweet music here that softer falls) (from Poems - The Lotos-Eaters - Choric Song) - A. Beach
- The Lute Song (Hapless doom of woman) (from Queen Mary) - C. Stanford GER
- The May Queen (You must wake and call me early, call me early, mother dear)
- The merry bells of Yule (The time draws near the birth of Christ) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - E. Naylor
- The Milkmaid's Song (Shame upon you, Robin) (from Queen Mary) - A. Foote, E. Nevin, C. Stanford
- The miller's daughter (I see the wealthy miller yet) (from Poems) - L. Barker, G. Bennett, F. Brandeis, H. Burnett, A. Buzzi-Peccia, G. Chadwick, O. Cramer, R. De Valmeney, J. Farmer, E. Fitzwilliam, J. Fuchs, W. Gill, R. Goldbeck, A. Hartel, E. Monk, F. Nicholls, A. Pease, C. Pinsuti, A. Plumpton, H. Roberton, J. Thomas, S. Thomson, C. Vauclain GER GER
- The mist and the rain, the mist and the rain! (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - D. Stewart, A. Sullivan, S. Thomson
- The mountain stirr'd its bushy crown (from Poems) - C. Ives (Amphion)
- The mountain stirred its bushy crown (from Poems) (Amphion) - C. Ives
- The New Year's Bells (Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - F. Boott SWE FRE
- The New Year (Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - H. Lahee SWE FRE
- The owl (When cats run home and light is come) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - J. Backer-Lunde, S. Barab, R. Bennett, W. Bexfield, A. Bullard, M. Castelnuovo-Tedesco, F. Chapple, R. Clarke, A. Cooke, T. Dunhill, C. Edmunds, N. Flagello, P. Garratt, R. Gatty, H. Gilbert, J. Groocock, F. Jackson, C. Osmond, C. Parry, M. Phillips, D. Protheroe, J. Raynor, J. Sidebotham, E. Silas, H. Sykes, V. Weigl GER GER
- The path by which we twain did go (The path by which we twain did go) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) FRE
- The plain was grassy, wild and bare (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - B. Luard-Selby (The dying swan)
- The Poet's Song (The rain had fallen, the Poet arose) (from Poems) - E. Bracken, A. Cox, D. Davies, N. Dello Joio, T. Dunhill, C. Gibbs, C. Parry, S. Thomson, S. Waddington
- The rain had fallen, the Poet arose (from Poems) - E. Bracken, A. Cox, D. Davies, N. Dello Joio, T. Dunhill, C. Gibbs, C. Oliphant, C. Parry, S. Thomson, S. Waddington (The Poet's Song)
- The rain has fallen (The rain had fallen, the Poet arose) (from Poems) - C. Oliphant
- The reign of the Roses is done (Over! the sweet summer closes) (from Becket) - E. Owen
- The reign of the Roses (Over! the sweet summer closes) (from Becket) - Anonymous, P. Fletcher
- There is a sound of thunder afar - M. Balfe, J. Blockley, J. Jones, E. Tennyson, W. Young (The war)
- There is no land like England (National Song) -
- There is no land like England (There is no land like England) (from The Foresters) - C. Stanford
- There is no land like England (from The Foresters) - C. Stanford
- There is sweet music here that softer falls (from Poems - The Lotos-Eaters - Choric Song) - E. Bainton, A. Beach, H. Bright, B. Burrows, E. Butler, P. Cartwright, S. Chatman, J. Clements, A. Collins, B. Daubney, J. Duro, E. Elgar, N. Fulton, A. Gibbs, J. Howard, K. Klaus, P. Koepke, C. Parry, W. Pasfield, P. Paviour, C. Proctor, A. Reed, R. Stoker, R. Werther, L. White
- There is sweet music here (There is sweet music here that softer falls) (from Poems - The Lotos-Eaters - Choric Song) - E. Bainton, B. Burrows, P. Cartwright, S. Chatman, J. Clements, B. Daubney, J. Duro, N. Fulton, A. Gibbs, J. Howard, K. Klaus, P. Koepke, W. Pasfield, P. Paviour, C. Proctor, R. Stoker
- There is sweet music (There is sweet music here that softer falls) (from Poems - The Lotos-Eaters - Choric Song) - E. Elgar, L. White
- There lies the port; the vessel puffs her sail (from Morte d'Arthur; Dora; and Other Idyls) GER (Ulysses) - L. Glarum, J. Weiss, P. Whear
- There rolls the deep where grew the tree (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - C. Parry, H. Procter-Gregg, G. Sampson, M. Shapcote
- There rolls the deep (There rolls the deep where grew the tree) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - C. Parry, H. Procter-Gregg, G. Sampson, M. Shapcote
- There she weaves by night and day (There she weaves by night and day) (from The Lady of Shalott) - W. Bendall, C. Busch, C. Edmunds, M. Jacobson, J. Raynor, P. Tate FRE
- There she weaves by night and day (from The Lady of Shalott) FRE - W. Bendall, C. Busch, C. Edmunds, M. Jacobson, J. Raynor, P. Tate
- The Revenge: A Ballad of the Fleet (At Flores in the Azores Sir Richard Grenville lay) - C. Edmunds, C. Stanford
- The Revenge (At Flores in the Azores Sir Richard Grenville lay)
- The revival (A touch, a kiss! the charm was snapt) (from Poems - The Day-Dream) - C. Speer
- The rift within the lute (In Love, if Love be Love, if Love be ours) (from Enid and Nimuë: The True and the False - Nimuë) - W. Wilson DUT FRI GER
- The rivulet (Flow down, cold rivulet, to the sea) - M. Blower, S. Ings, W. Wilson GER WEL
- The Sailor-Boy (He rose at dawn and fired with hope) - J. Dove, C. Pye
- The silence (When Lazarus left his charnel-cave) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - C. Stanford
- The sisters' shame (We were two daughters of one race) GER
- The Sisters (O diviner Air) - A. Sullivan
- The sisters (They have left the doors ajar; and by their clash)
- The sleeping beauty (Year after year unto her feet) (from Poems - The Day-Dream) - W. Amps, H. Lahee, C. Speer, E. Warren
- The sleeping palace (The varying year with blade and sheaf) (from Poems - The Day-Dream) - N. Rorem, C. Speer
- The snowdrop (Many, many welcomes) (from Demeter and Other Poems) - W. Browne, N. Flagello, E. Tennyson, G. Tomlins
- The Song of Fortune (It chanced the song that Enid sang was one) (from Enid and Nimuë: The True and the False) - J. Barnett DUT FRI
- The Song of King Arthur's Knights (Blow, trumpet, for the world is white with May) (from The Holy Grail and Other Poems - The Coming of Arthur) - W. Cusins
- The song of Love and Death (And in those days she made a little song) (from Idylls of the King) - M. Balfe, B. Beauchamp, W. Dempster, A. Ewing, E. Lear, E. Levien, M. Lindsay, A. MacKenzie, C. Speer DUT FRI GER
- The song of the sea (Break, break, break) (from Poems) - J. Barnett GER GER DAN GER
- The splendour falls on castle walls (The splendour falls on castle walls) (from The Princess) - F. Delius, R. Goldbeck CAT FRE GER NYN SPA
- The splendour falls on castle walls (from The Princess) CAT FRE GER NYN SPA - A. Bax, B. Britten, B. Burrows, F. Delius, M. Forsyth, C. Gibbs, R. Goldbeck, G. Holst, D. Pilling, J. Raynor, R. Vaughan Williams, R. Walthew, C. Wood
- The splendour falls (The splendour falls on castle walls) (from The Princess) - A. Bax, B. Burrows, C. Gibbs, G. Holst, D. Pilling, R. Vaughan Williams, R. Walthew, C. Wood CAT FRE GER NYN SPA
- The throstle (Summer is coming, summer is coming) - M. White
- The time draws near the birth of Christ (The time draws near the birth of Christ) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - C. Lang, J. Williams
- The time draws near the birth of Christ (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - E. Bacon, Baker, J. Bridge, A. Cuvelier, R. Graham, C. Lang, E. Naylor, A. Reichardt, W. Wild, D. Williams, J. Williams
- The time draws near the birth of Christ (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - E. Lear
- The time draws near (The time draws near the birth of Christ) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - R. Graham, W. Wild, D. Williams
- The time draws near (The time draws near the birth of Christ) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - E. Lear
- The tourney (Ralph would fight in Edith's sight) - H. Willan
- The varying year with blade and sheaf (from Poems - The Day-Dream) - N. Rorem, C. Speer (The sleeping palace)
- The vision (When on my bed the moonlight falls) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - C. Stanford
- The war (There is a sound of thunder afar)
- The wheel of fortune (It chanced the song that Enid sang was one) (from Enid and Nimuë: The True and the False) - C. Urswick DUT FRI
- The white man's white sail, bringing (from Alfred Lord Tennyson: A Memoir) - B. Blacher
- The white man's white sail (The white man's white sail, bringing) (from Alfred Lord Tennyson: A Memoir) - B. Blacher
- The white owl (When cats run home and light is come) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - R. Jones, L. Lavater, H. Pierson GER GER
- They have left the doors ajar; and by their clash - F. Allitsen (The sisters)
- They say some foreign powers have laid their heads together (from Alfred Lord Tennyson: A Memoir) - C. Stanford (Jack Tar)
- This lump of earth has left his estate (from Maud, Part 1)
- This nature full of hints and mysteries - A. Thomas
- Thy voice is heard thro' rolling drums (Thy voice is heard thro' rolling drums) (from The Princess) - F. Allitsen, S. Homer
- Thy voice is heard thro' rolling drums (from The Princess) - F. Allitsen, S. Homer
- Thy voice is on the rolling air (Thy voice is on the rolling air) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - J. Dove FRE
- Thy voice is on the rolling air (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) FRE - J. Dove
- Tintez, tintez, cloches de deuil SWE [x] - C. Gounod
- 'Tis better to have loved and lost (I envy not in any moods) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - M. White
- 'Tis well; 'tis something; we may stand (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) FRE
- To a swallow (O Swallow, Swallow, flying, flying South) (from The Princess) - H. Clark GER
- Todt sie ihren Krieger sah (Todt sie ihren Krieger sah) (from Lieder- und Balladenbuch amerikanischer und englischer Dichter der Gegenwart - Lieder aus "Die Prinzessin") - H. Zöllner
- Todt sie ihren Krieger sah (from Lieder- und Balladenbuch amerikanischer und englischer Dichter der Gegenwart - Lieder aus "Die Prinzessin") - H. Zöllner
- To-night the winds begin to rise (To-night the winds begin to rise) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - L. Berkeley, J. Dove
- To-night the winds begin to rise (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - L. Berkeley, J. Dove
- Too late, too late! (Queen Guinevere had fled the court, and sat) (from The True and the False) - M. Lindsay, W. Montgomery GER
- Too late (Queen Guinevere had fled the court, and sat) (from The True and the False) - J. Barnett, H. Deacon, A. Gaul, J. Guest, J. Wade GER
- To sail beyond the sunset (It little profits that an idle king) (from Morte d'Arthur; Dora; and Other Idyls) - L. Glarum GER
- To Sleep I give my powers away (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - L. Lehmann
- To the owl (When cats run home and light is come) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - T. Dutton GER GER
- Towered Camelot (On either side the river lie) (from The Lady of Shalott) - D. Holman FRE
- Triptych for Voices and Brass (Be near me when my light is low) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - R. Premru
- Trust me all in all (In Love, if Love be Love, if Love be ours) (from Enid and Nimuë: The True and the False - Nimuë) - Andrews DUT FRI GER
- Trust me not at all (In Love, if Love be Love, if Love be ours) (from Enid and Nimuë: The True and the False - Nimuë) - M. Balfe, J. Blockley DUT FRI GER
- Turn, Fortune, turn thy wheel, and lower the proud - S. Homer (Enid's Song)
- Turn, Fortune, turn thy wheel and lower the proud (from Enid and Nimuë: The True and the False) DUT FRI
- Turn fortune, turn thy wheel (It chanced the song that Enid sang was one) (from Enid and Nimuë: The True and the False) - W. Montgomery DUT FRI
- Turn, fortune, turn (It chanced the song that Enid sang was one) (from Enid and Nimuë: The True and the False) - W. Dempster, E. Dickson, E. Lear, A. MacKenzie, A. Rowland, A. Steed DUT FRI
- Two children in two neighbor villages (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - E. Perabo (Circumstance)
- Two little hands that meet (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - A. Sullivan, S. Thomson
- Ulysses (It little profits that an idle king) (from Morte d'Arthur; Dora; and Other Idyls) - J. Weiss GER
- Und als wir gingen durch das Land (from Lieder- und Balladenbuch amerikanischer und englischer Dichter der Gegenwart - Lieder aus "Die Prinzessin") - H. Zöllner
- Vine and eglantine (Vine, vine and eglantine) (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - L. Moffitt
- Vine, vine and eglantine (Vine, vine and eglantine) (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - R. Vaughan Williams, F. Woods
- Vine, vine and eglantine (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - A. Bliss, L. Moffitt, C. Stanford, D. Stewart, A. Sullivan, S. Thomson, R. Vaughan Williams, R. Walthew, F. Woods
- Vivianas Lied (Die Liebe glaubt) - F. Klose DUT FRI [x]
- Vivien's song (In Love, if Love be Love, if Love be ours) (from Enid and Nimuë: The True and the False - Nimuë) - A. Barkworth, J. Barnett, E. Dickson DUT FRI GER
- Vivien (In Love, if Love be Love, if Love be ours) (from Enid and Nimuë: The True and the False - Nimuë) - E. Smith, A. Steed DUT FRI GER
- Vorbei (Wenn mich der Tod geraubt, komm nicht mit eitlen Thränen an mein Grab!) - O. Wermann [x]
- Vuggesang () - A. Backer-Grøndahl (Text: Anonymous after Alfred Tennyson, Lord) [x]
- Weil noch, Sonnenstrahl (Weil noch, Sonnenstrahl) - F. Liszt
- Weil noch, Sonnenstrahl - F. Liszt
- Weißt du, was das Vöglein sagt (from Alfred Tennyson's ausgewählte Dichtungen - Meeresträume) - S. Engel
- Wenn mich der Tod geraubt, komm nicht mit eitlen Thränen an mein Grab! [x] - O. Wermann
- Wenn mich der Tod geraubt - H. Zöllner
- Wenn's Kätzchen heimkehrt als es tagt - H. Pierson
- We were two daughters of one race GER (The sisters' shame) -
- What be those crown'd forms high over the sacred fountain? (from Demeter and Other Poems) (Parnassus) - R. Sowash
- What does little birdie say GER - H. Brian, F. Bridge, F. Delius, E. Dickson (Cradle song)
- What does little birdie say (What does little birdie say) - H. Brian, E. Dickson GER
- Whatever I have said or sung (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - L. Lehmann
- What if with her sunny hair (from Maud, Part 1)
- What sight so lured him thro' the fields he knew (from Demeter and Other Poems) - A. Cellier, C. Piatti, J. Raynor, N. Rorem, L. Wallich (Far-Far-Away)
- When cats run home and light is come (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) GER GER - H. Andrews, J. Backer-Lunde, S. Barab, R. Bennett, W. Bexfield, A. Brewer, A. Bullard, E. Bullock, M. Castelnuovo-Tedesco, F. Chapple, R. Clarke, A. Cooke, T. Dunhill, T. Dutton, C. Edmunds, N. Flagello, P. Garratt, R. Gatty, H. Gilbert, J. Groocock, M. Helyer, F. Jackson, G. Jacob, R. Jones, L. Lavater, C. Osmond, C. Parry, M. Phillips, H. Pierson, A. Pritchard, D. Protheroe, J. Raynor, J. Sidebotham, E. Silas, H. Sykes, E. Thiman, V. Weigl (Song -- The owl)
- When cats run home (When cats run home and light is come) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - H. Andrews, A. Brewer, E. Bullock, M. Helyer, G. Jacob, A. Pritchard, E. Thiman GER GER
- When Lazarus left his charnel-cave (When Lazarus left his charnel-cave) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - M. Shapcote
- When Lazarus left his charnel-cave (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - M. Shapcote, C. Stanford
- When on my bed the moonlight falls (When on my bed the moonlight falls) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - J. Lisbert
- When on my bed the moonlight falls (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - H. de Lange, L. Lehmann, J. Lisbert, C. Stanford
- When rosy plumelets tuft the larch (When rosy plumelets tuft the larch) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - M. Shapcote
- When rosy plumelets tuft the larch (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - M. Shapcote
- When will the stream be aweary of flowing - W. Zwaag (Nothing will die)
- When will the stream be weary of floating (Nothing will die) - W. Zwaag
- When will the stream be weary of floating (When will the stream be aweary of flowing) - W. Zwaag
- When (Sun comes, moon comes) (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - D. Stewart, A. Sullivan, S. Thomson
- Where Claribel low-lieth (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) GER GER GER - W. Borrow, G. Cooke, J. Coward, J. Gardner, E. Gerschefski, M. Head, H. Lambeth, C. Parry, H. Pierson, R. Vaughan Williams, B. Waddington (Claribel)
- Where Claribel low-lieth (Where Claribel low-lieth) (from Poems, Chiefly Lyrical) - J. Coward, H. Lambeth, C. Parry, B. Waddington GER GER GER
- Where is another, sweet as my sweet! (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - C. Burleigh, F. Gambogi, A. Pease, A. Sullivan, S. Thomson, R. Walthew, F. Woods
- Where is another sweet (Where is another, sweet as my sweet!) (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - F. Woods
- Who loves not Knowledge? Who shall rail (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - L. Lehmann
- Why are we weigh'd upon with heaviness (from Poems - The Lotos-Eaters - Choric Song) - W. Amps
- Why are we weighed upon with heaviness? (Why are we weigh'd upon with heaviness) (from Poems - The Lotos-Eaters - Choric Song) - W. Amps
- Wiegenlied (Sacht und lind, sacht und lind) (from Lieder- und Balladenbuch amerikanischer und englischer Dichter der Gegenwart - Lieder aus "Die Prinzessin") - P. Kubin, H. Zöllner
- Wiegenlied (Sanft und lind über das westliche Meer) - R. Buck [x]
- Wiegenlied (Süß und sacht, sachte weh') - A. Jensen
- Wiegenlied (Weißt du, was das Vöglein sagt) (from Alfred Tennyson's ausgewählte Dichtungen - Meeresträume) - S. Engel
- Wild bird, whose warble, liquid sweet (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - M. Dudley, A. Greenfield, L. Lehmann, H. Procter-Gregg
- Wild bird (Wild bird, whose warble, liquid sweet) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - M. Dudley, A. Greenfield, H. Procter-Gregg
- Will my tiny spark of being wholly vanish in your deeps and heights? - C. Stanford (God and the Universe)
- Wind of the Western Sea (Sweet and low, sweet and low) (from The Princess) - G. Peel GER GER GER GER
- Winds are loud and you are dumb (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - A. Sullivan, S. Thomson
- Winter (The frost is here) (from The Windows, or The Loves of the Wrens) - R. Milford, A. Sullivan, S. Thomson, R. Vaughan Williams
- Wir waren zwei Töchter aus einem Haus; - A. Jensen (Die Schwestern)
- With blackest moss the flower-plots - C. Carew, P. Hadley (Mariana)
- With many a curve my banks I fret (The Brook) - Baker, M. Balfe, J. Blockley, C. Burleigh, A. Cellier, A. Culley, W. Cusins, E. Dainty, C. Deichmann, E. Dickson, as Dolores, M. Edney, J. Farmer, I. Griffith, G. Holst, A. Johnstone, M. Lindsay, W. Montgomery, C. Pye, as Claribel, K. Reissiger, P. Sacco, E. Thiman, J. Wade, G. Weldon, W. West (attribution uncertain), G. Wilson, W. Wilson
- With many a curve (Here, by this brook, we parted; I to the East) - M. Lindsay
- With weary steps I loiter on (With weary steps I loiter on) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - J. Barnett, A. Beaumont, M. Shapcote
- With weary steps I loiter on (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - J. Barnett, A. Beaumont, J. Dove, M. Shapcote, J. Wade
- With weary steps I loiter (With weary steps I loiter on) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - J. Wade
- With weary steps (With weary steps I loiter on) (from In Memoriam A. H. H. obiit MDCCCXXXIII) - J. Dove
- Wo Claribel gestorben - O. Feller, A. Jensen, R. von Perger (Claribel)
- Wo Claribel todt liegt (Text: Anonymous after Alfred Tennyson, Lord) [x] - S. Engel
- Year after year unto her feet (from Poems - The Day-Dream) - W. Amps, H. Lahee, C. Speer, E. Warren (The sleeping beauty)
- You must wake and call me early, call me early, mother dear (The May Queen) -
- You shake your head. A random string (from Poems - The Day-Dream) - C. Speer (L'envoi)
- You, you, if you shall fail to understand - H. Heale (The Fleet)
- Zu spät! (Spät, spät, so spät! Die Nacht ist schwarz und kalt!) - M. von Kralik
Last update: 2025-01-14 04:03:13