by Heinrich Heine (1797 - 1856)
Die blauen Frühlingsaugen
Language: German (Deutsch)
Die blauen Frühlingsaugen Schau'n aus dem Gras [hervor]1; Das sind die [lieben]2 Veilchen, Die ich zum Strauß erkor. Ich pflücke sie und denke, Und die Gedanken all, Die mir im Herzen seufzen, Singt laut die Nachtigall. [Ja,]3 was ich denke, singt sie [Lautschmetternd]4, daß es schallt; Mein zärtliches Geheimnis Weiß schon der ganze Wald.
About the headline (FAQ)
View original text (without footnotes)Confirmed with: Heinrich Heine’s sämtliche Werke in vier Bänden, herausgegeben von Otto F. Lachmann, Erster Band, Leipzig: Druck und Verlag von Philipp Reclam jun, [1887], page 243
1 Decker: "empor"2 Methfessel: "blauen"
3 Decker: "Und"
4 Methfessel, Thuille: "Und schmettert"
Text Authorship:
- by Heinrich Heine (1797 - 1856), no title, appears in Neue Gedichte, in Neuer Frühling, no. 13 [author's text checked 2 times against a primary source]
Musical settings (art songs, Lieder, mélodies, (etc.), choral pieces, and other vocal works set to this text), listed by composer (not necessarily exhaustive):
- by Algernon Bennet Langton Ashton (1859 - 1937), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 106 (Sechs Lieder für Sopran mit Pianoforte) no. 2, published 1898 [ soprano and piano ], Berlin, Ries & Erler [sung text not yet checked]
- by Ernst Bacon (1898 - 1990), "Schubert", alternate title: "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", 1919-20, rev. 1928 [ voice and piano ] [sung text not yet checked]
- by Friedrich August Wilhelm Baumfelder (1836 - 1916), "Lautes Geheimnis", op. 3 (Zwei Lieder) no. 1, published 1870 [ soprano or tenor and piano ], Dresden, Hoffarth  [sung text not yet checked]
- by Wilhelm Baumgartner (1820 - 1867), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 12 (Eine Frühlingsliebe), Heft 2 no. 3, published 1850 [ voice and piano ] [sung text not yet checked]
- by Georg(e) Felix Benkert , "Lautes Geheimnis", op. 10 (Drei Waldeslieder) no. 1 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Franz Magnus Böhme (1827 - 1898), "Das Veilchen", op. 30 (Vier Lieder für gemischten Chor) no. 2, published 1890 [ mixed chorus ], Leipzig, Kistner [sung text not yet checked]
- by E. Bollmann , "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen" [ SA chorus a cappella ], from Lieder, no. 2 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Leopold Damrosch (1832 - 1885), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 13 (Drei Lieder) no. 3, published 1870 [ voice and piano ], Breslau, Lichtenberg [sung text not yet checked]
- by Hans Decker , "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 5 (Zwei Veilchenlieder) no. 2 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Pauline von Decker (1811 - 1882), "Duett", op. 5, published 1873 [ duet for 2 sopranos with piano ], Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel [sung text checked 1 time]
- by Georgy Aleksandrovich Demidov (1837 - 1870), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", also set in Russian (Русский) [sung text not yet checked]
- by Aleksandr Ivanovich Dyubyuk (1812 - 1897), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", also set in Russian (Русский) [sung text not yet checked]
- by Louis Ehlert (1825 - 1884), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 4 (Sechs Lieder für eine Singstimme mit Pianoforte) no. 6, published 1847 [ voice and piano ], Leipzig, Peters; confirmed with Meine Lieder. Den Freunden aufgezeichnet, Berlin, 1861, Verlag der Königlichen Geheimen Ober-Hofbuchdruckerei, page 55 [sung text checked 1 time]
- by Armand Erdös (1878 - 1920), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", published 19--?, from Zwölf deutsche Lieder, no. 12 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Ludwig von Erlanger (b. 1862), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 21 (Acht Gedichte von Heinrich Heine), Heft 1 no. 1 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Ernst Paul Flügel (1844 - 1912), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 3 (Sechs Lieder für 1 Singstimme mit Pianoforte) no. 4, published 1867 [ voice and piano ], Greifswald, Verlag der Academischen Buchhandlung (and later: Leipzig, Leuckart, 1876) [sung text not yet checked]
- by Ernst Frank (1847 - 1889), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 1 (Zehn Lieder) no. 6, published 1871 [ voice and piano ], Wien, Gotthard [sung text not yet checked]
- by Robert Franz (1815 - 1892), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 20 (Sechs Gesänge) no. 1, published 1854 [ voice and piano ], Leipzig, Whistling [sung text not yet checked]
- by G. Gendt , "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", from Vier Lieder, no. 2 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Hermann (Gustav) Goetz (1840 - 1876), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", c1859 [ soprano and piano ], from 2 Frühlingslieder von E. Geibel und H. Heine, no. 2 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Édouard de Hartog (1829 - 1909), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 43 (Fünf Lieder) no. 3 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Gustav Hasse (1834 - 1889), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 2 (Vier Gesänge) no. 2 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Eduard Hauptmann , "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", from Lieder, no. 2 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Wilhelm Heiser (1816 - 1897), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 226 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Georg Andreas Henkel (1805 - 1871), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 15 (Lieder und Gesänge) no. 3 [ soprano or baritone and piano ] [sung text not yet checked]
- by Swan Hennessy (1866 - 1929), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 3 (Vier Lieder für 1 Singstimme mit Pianoforte) no. 2, published 1886 [ voice and piano ], Stuttgart, Zumsteeg [sung text not yet checked]
- by A. Hermesdorff , "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen" [sung text not yet checked]
- by E. Herzogenrath , "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", from Zwei Gesänge, no. 1 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Ludwig Hoffmann (1830 - 1870), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen" [ soprano and piano ] [sung text not yet checked]
- by Wilhelm C. Hollmann (d. 1879), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 1 (Drei Lieder) no. 1 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Alfred Huth (b. 1892), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 28 no. 3 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Louis Huth (1810 - 1859), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 25 (Sechs Lieder mit leichter Begleitung) no. 3, published 1841 [ voice and piano ], Berlin: Trautwein [sung text not yet checked]
- by Charles Edward Ives (1874 - 1954), "Frühlingslied", 1896, from Forty Earlier Songs, no. 21 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Friedrich Gustav Jansen (1831 - 1910), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 15 (Vier Lieder) no. 1 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Alois Jedliczka , "Frühlingslied", from Sechs Lieder, no. 5 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Theodor Fürchtegott Kirchner (1823 - 1903), "Frühlingslied", op. 1 (Zehn Lieder) no. 6, published 1842 [ voice and piano ], Leipzig, Whistling [sung text not yet checked]
- by Hubert Ferdinand Kufferath (1818 - 1896), "Frühlingsaugen", op. 26 (Drei Frühlingslieder) no. 2 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Eduard Lerch , "Im Frühling", op. 5 (Zwei Lieder) no. 2 [sung text not yet checked]
- by W. J. Otto Lessmann (1844 - 1918), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 21 no. 2, published 1874 [ voice and piano ], from Drei Nachtigallen-Lieder für 1 Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte, no. 2, Berlin, Barth [sung text not yet checked]
- by Carl Locher (1843 - 1915), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 1 (Fünf Lieder für 1 hohe Stimme mit Pianoforte -- für 1 tiefe Stimme mit Pianoforte) no. 3, published 1881 [ voice and piano ], Offenbach, André [sung text not yet checked]
- by John Reinhard Lund (1859 - 1925), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 1 (Drei Lieder) no. 2 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Karl Martin , "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", from Lieder, Heft 3, no. 17 [sung text not yet checked]
- by (Johann) Albert Gottlieb Methfessel (1785 - 1869), "Das verrathene Geheimniss", op. 93 (Sechs deutsche Gesänge) no. ? [ voice and piano ] [sung text checked 1 time]
- by Friedrich Oelschlaeger (1798 - 1858), "Neuer Frühling", from Lieder und Gesänge, Heft 1, no. 5 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Mario van Overeem (1872 - 1946), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", from Neuer Frühling: 44 Lieder, no. 13 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Johannes Pauls , "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 12 (Lieder und Gesänge) no. 6, published 1884 [ voice and piano ], Berlin, Th. Schröder [sung text not yet checked]
- by George Posca , "Im Frühling", op. 28 (Vier Lieder) no. 1 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Eduard Prosch , "Im Frühling", op. 1 (Drei Lieder) no. 1 [ high voice and piano ] [sung text not yet checked]
- by Hermann Putsch , "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen" [sung text not yet checked]
- by (Albert Maria) Robert Radecke (1830 - 1911), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 37 (Sechs Lieder) no. 4, published 1871 [ voice and piano ], Berlin, Challier [sung text not yet checked]
- by Karl Gottlieb Reissiger (1798 - 1859), "Duett", op. 109 (5 Duettini für hohen und tiefen Sopran mit Pianofortebegleitung) no. 4, published 1836 [ duet for soprano and mezzo-soprano with piano ], Berlin, Schlesinger [sung text not yet checked]
- by Josef Renner, jun. (1868 - 1934), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen schau'n aus dem Gras hervor", op. 46 (Fünf Lieder für 1 Singstimme mit Pianofortebegleitung) no. 1, published 1900 [ voice and piano ], Regensburg, Boessenecker Verlag [sung text not yet checked]
- by Franz Ries (1846 - 1932), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 25 (Vier Lieder für 1 Mittelstimme mit Pianofortebegleitung) no. 3, published 1876 [ medium voice and piano ], Dresden, Ries [sung text not yet checked]
- by L. Rockel , "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 2 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Wilhelm Rönnberg , "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 5 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Wilhelm Rosenberg (b. 1862), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 2 (Sechs erotische Gesänge) no. 4, published 1892 [ voice and piano ], from Sechs erotische Gesänge für 1 Stimme mit Pianoforte, no. 4, Leipzig, W. Hansen [sung text not yet checked]
- by Anton Grigoryevich Rubinstein (1829 - 1894), "Frühlingslied II", op. 32 (Sechs Lieder von Heine) no. 2, published 1856? [sung text not yet checked]
- by D. Rüst , "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 1, Heft 1 no. 4 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Louis Samson , "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen" [sung text not yet checked]
- by August Scharrer (1866 - 1936), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 17 (Drei Lieder für 1 Singstimme mit Pianoforte) no. 3, published 1896 [ voice and piano ], Baden-Baden, Sommermeyer [sung text not yet checked]
- by Friedrich Wilhelm Sering (1822 - 1901), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 9 (Zwei Gesänge) no. 1 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Ernst Sperling (1819 - 1871), as Ernst Streben, "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 27, Heft 1 no. 2 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Oscar Nathan Straus (1870 - 1954), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 16 (Zwei Lieder) no. 2 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Ludwig Wilhelm Andreas Maria Thuille (1861 - 1907), "Stille Gedanken", 1878 [ voice and piano ] [sung text checked 1 time]
- by Otto Tiehsen (1817 - 1849), "Frühlingslied", op. 6 no. 3, published 1840 [ voice and piano ], from Sieben Gedichte von Göthe, Heine, Uhland, Burns und W. Müller, no. 3, Berlin, Trautwen [sung text not yet checked]
- by Adalbert Ûberlée (1837 - 1897), "Frühlingslied", op. 10 (Sechs Lieder) no. 4, published 1861 [ voice and piano ], Berlin, Timm [sung text not yet checked]
- by Marie Vanden Heuvel , "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", published 1926, from Heine-Idyllen, no. 4 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Frank Valentin Van der Stucken (1858 - 1929), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 4 no. 2, published 1879 [ low voice and piano ], from Blumen von H. Heine : vier Gesänge, no. 2, Leipzig, Kistner, also set in Dutch (Nederlands) [sung text not yet checked]
- by Ernest Walker (1870 - 1949), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 3 (Six Songs) no. 4, published 1893, also set in English [sung text not yet checked]
- by J. H. W. Werner , "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", from Fünf Lieder, no. 4 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Alexander Winterberger (1834 - 1914), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 10 (20 Gesänge) no. 9, published 1862 [ soprano or tenor and piano ] [sung text not yet checked]
- by Hermann Wolff (1845 - 1902), "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", op. 9 (Vier Lieder) no. 2 [sung text not yet checked]
- by Richard Ferdinand Würst (1824 - 1881), "Verratene Liebe: Duett", op. 58 (Vier zweistimmige Lieder) no. 2 [ duet for soprano and alto with piano ] [sung text not yet checked]
- by Richard Ferdinand Würst (1824 - 1881), "Verratene Liebe", op. 83 [sung text not yet checked]
Settings in other languages, adaptations, or excerpts:
- Also set in Dutch (Nederlands), a translation by Anonymous/Unidentified Artist ; composed by Frank Valentin Van der Stucken.
- Also set in English, a translation by Franz Hüffer (1843 - 1889) , "Die blauen Frühlingsaugen", appears in Poems Selected from Heinrich Heine, ed. by Kate Freiligrath Kroeker, London: Walter Scott, Limited, page 196, first published 1887 ; composed by George Frederick Boyle.
- Also set in English, a translation by R. W. Fullerton ; composed by A. L. Eigher.
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- Also set in English, a translation by Anonymous/Unidentified Artist ; composed by Rosalind Frances Ellicott.
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- Also set in English, a translation by Anonymous/Unidentified Artist ; composed by George Coleman Gow.
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- Also set in English, a translation by Anonymous/Unidentified Artist ; composed by Albert Mallinson.
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- Also set in English, a translation by Anonymous/Unidentified Artist ; composed by Franz Poenitz.
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- Also set in English, a translation by Elizabeth Philp (1827 - 1885) ; composed by Elizabeth Philp.
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- Go to the text. [Note: the text is not in the database yet.]
- Also set in English, a translation by Anonymous/Unidentified Artist ; composed by Ernest Walker.
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- Also set in Russian (Русский), a translation by Mikhail Larionovich Mikhailov (1829 - 1865) , no title, written 1857 ; composed by Georgy Aleksandrovich Demidov, Aleksandr Ivanovich Dyubyuk, Yury Andreyevich Markovich, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
- Also set in Ukrainian (Українська), a translation by M. Litvinets ; composed by Dmytro Lvovych Klebanov.
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Other available translations, adaptations or excerpts, and transliterations (if applicable):
- CAT Catalan (Català) (Salvador Pila) , copyright © 2015, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- ENG English (Sharon Krebs) , copyright © 2018, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- FRE French (Français) (Pierre Mathé) , "Les yeux bleus du printemps", copyright © 2011, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
- ITA Italian (Italiano) (Amelia Maria Imbarrato) , "Gli occhi azzurri della primavera", copyright © 2008, (re)printed on this website with kind permission
Research team for this page: Emily Ezust [Administrator] , Sharon Krebs [Guest Editor] , Johann Winkler
This text was added to the website between May 1995 and September 2003.
Line count: 12
Word count: 54