Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by E. Bacon
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- Five Hymns
- The Eternal Goodness (Text: John Greenleaf Whittier)
- Five Poems by Emily Dickinson ( Fünf Gedichte von Emily Dickinson, translated by Bertram Kottmann) GER
- no. 1. It's all I have to bring (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- no. 2. So bashful (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- no. 3. Poor little heart! (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- no. 4. To make a prairie (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- no. 5. And this of all my hopes (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- Four innocent airs
- no. ?. Where go the boats? (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) ITA
- no. 3. The schoolboy (Text: William Blake)
- no. 4. A cradle song (Text: William Blake) GER
- Four Songs for Soprano
- no. ?. Ariel (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE FRE FRE FRE SPA SWE
- no. ?. Where the bee sucks (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE FRE GER SPA SWE
- no. 1. The Lord of Ev'rything (Text: Janet Lewis) *
- no. 4. Epitaph (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- From Emily's Diary
- What soft, cherubic creatures (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- It's coming -- the postponeless Creature (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- When roses cease to bloom (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE
- Unto me? (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- I dwell in possibility (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER ITA
- Not what we did, shall be the test (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Our share of night to bear (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- Is Heaven a Place -- a Sky -- a Tree? (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- The daisy follows soft the sun (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- My river runs to thee (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER ITA
- Nature
- With the first Arbutus (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- The gentlest mother (Text: Emily Dickinson) CAT FRE GER ITA
- There came a day (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- A spider (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER GER ITA
- A wind like a bugle (Text: Emily Dickinson) CAT FRE GER ITA
- Winter afternoons (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- The mountain (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- The Sea (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- As if some little Arctic flower (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- The crickets sang (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- Of a Feather
- no. 1. The dove (Text: Marie de L. Welch) *
- no. 2. The condor (Text: Marie de L. Welch) *
- no. 3. The sparrow (Text: Marie de L. Welch) *
- no. 4. The pigeon (Text: Marie de L. Welch) *
- no. 5. The vulture (Text: Marie de L. Welch) *
- Quiet Airs
- no. 1. Twilight (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- no. 2. Gentle greeting (Text: Emily Brontë)
- no. 3. The divine ship (Text: Walt Whitman)
- no. 4. Of love (Text: Robert Herrick)
- no. 5. Eden (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER ITA
- no. 6. The little stone (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER ITA
- no. 7. Fond affection (Text: Anonymous)
- no. 8. Stars (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- no. 9. The heart (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER GER
- no. 10. Song of snow-white heads (Text: Arthur Waley after Cho Wēn-chün)
- no. 11. The lamb (Text: William Blake) CAT GER GER RUS
- no. 12. To musique, to becalme his fever (Text: Robert Herrick)
- Seven Canons
- no. 3. Schools and rules (Text: William Blake)
- Six Songs
- no. 1. The banks of the yellow sea (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- no. 2. Ancient Christmas Carol (Text: Anonymous)
- no. 3. Omaha (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- no. 4. No dew upon the grass (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- no. 5. A clear midnight (Text: Walt Whitman) CAT FRE GER GER
- no. 6. World, take good notice (Text: Walt Whitman)
- Songs at Parting: A Selection of Walt Whitman's Poems
- no. 1. Grand is the seen (Text: Walt Whitman)
- no. 2. The last invocation (Text: Walt Whitman)
- no. 3. Darest thou now O soul (Text: Walt Whitman) FRE GER
- no. 4. Twilight (Text: Walt Whitman)
- no. 5. One thought ever at the fore (Text: Walt Whitman)
- no. 6. Joy, shipmate, joy! (Text: Walt Whitman) CAT FRE
- no. 7. Whispers of heavenly death (Text: Walt Whitman) CAT FRE
- no. 8. The sobbing of the bells (Text: Walt Whitman)
- Songs from Emily Dickinson
- Let down the bars (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- As if the sea should part (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- O friend (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER ITA
- The grass so little has to do (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- A threadless way (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- The postponeless Creature (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- I'm nobody (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER GER ITA
- My river runs to thee (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER ITA
- How still the bells (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- The sun went down (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- The grass so little has to do (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Savior (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- She went as quiet as the dew (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Wild nights (Text: Emily Dickinson) CHI FRE GER GER ITA
- Songs from Emily Dickinson: Nature Time and Space - Volume 1 (Emily Dickinson-Lieder: Natur, Zeit und Raum - Band 1, translated by Bertram Kottmann) GER
- no. ?. Simple days (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- no. ?. A spider (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER GER ITA
- no. ?. On this wondrous sea (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- no. ?. A drop fell on the apple tree (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- no. 1. Is there such a thing as day? (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- Songs from Emily Dickinson: Nature Time and Space - Volume 2
- Velvet people (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE
- A wind like a bugle (Text: Emily Dickinson) CAT FRE GER ITA
- The morns are meeker (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER GER ITA
- Clover (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- Nature, the gentlest mother (Text: Emily Dickinson) CAT FRE GER ITA
- Ten Songs by Ernst Bacon
- no. ?. Schilflied (Text: Nikolaus Lenau) CAT DUT ENG ENG ENG FRE FRE ITA
- no. 1. Beat! Beat! Drums! (Text: Walt Whitman) FRE GER
- no. 2. Der du von dem Himmel bist (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) AFR CAT CHI DAN DUT ENG ENG ENG ENG FRE FRL GRE HUN ITA SPA
- no. 4. Ich liebe dich (Text: Friedrich Rückert) ENG ENG FRE
- no. 5. Die Nachtblume (Text: Joseph Karl Benedikt, Freiherr von Eichendorff) CAT DUT ENG ENG FRE HEB ITA
- no. 6. Was ist mir denn so wehe? (Text: Joseph Karl Benedikt, Freiherr von Eichendorff) CAT ENG FRE
- no. 7. Gebet (Text: Helene Lecher) [x]
- no. 9. First day (Text: Mary Prentice Lillie) [x]*
- no. 10. Twilight (Text: Walt Whitman)
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- About pins (Text: Anonymous after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) [x]
- A brighter morning (Text: Helena Carus) *
- Ach Lieb, ich muß nun scheiden (Text: Felix Ludwig Julius Dahn) CAT DUT ENG FRE ITA
- A clear midnight (in Six Songs) (Text: Walt Whitman) CAT FRE GER GER
- A cradle song (in Four innocent airs) (Text: William Blake) GER
- Adam (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- A drop fell on the apple tree (in Songs from Emily Dickinson: Nature Time and Space - Volume 1) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- A drop fell on the apple tree (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- A fairy (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- After a hundred years (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- After Blenheim
- Air (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER GER
- Alabaster wool (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- A little house (Text: ? Franklin) [x]
- Alone (Text: Sara Teasdale) GER
- A nameless bird (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) [x]
- Ancient carol (in Six Songs) (Text: Anonymous)
- Ancient Christmas Carol (in Six Songs) (Text: Anonymous)
- An den Mond (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) CAT CHI DUT ENG FRE ITA SPA
- And this of all my hopes (in Five Poems by Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- And who are you? (Text: Walt Whitman)
- A newcomer arrives in this world (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Angels in the early morning (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- Angels on the sand (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- An opening song (Text: Miao) [x]
- Anthem for the United Nations (Text: Ralph Waldo Emerson) [x]
- Anthem to the United Nations (Text: Ralph Waldo Emerson) [x]
- Ariel (in Four Songs for Soprano) (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE FRE FRE FRE SPA SWE
- As if some little Arctic flower (in Nature) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- As if the sea should part (in Songs from Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- As imperceptibly as grief (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER ITA
- A spider (in Songs from Emily Dickinson: Nature Time and Space - Volume 1) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER GER ITA
- A spider (in Nature) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER GER ITA
- As well as Jesus? (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE
- A threadless way (in Songs from Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- At the gate (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- At the last (Text: Walt Whitman)
- August (Text: Annette Wynne)
- Aus meinen großen Schmerzen (Text: Heinrich Heine) CAT ENG ENG ENG ENG FRE FRE ITA RUS UKR
- A wind like a bugle (in Nature) (Text: Emily Dickinson) CAT FRE GER ITA
- A wind like a bugle (in Songs from Emily Dickinson: Nature Time and Space - Volume 2) (Text: Emily Dickinson) CAT FRE GER ITA
- A word (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER ITA
- Beat! Beat! Drums! (in Ten Songs by Ernst Bacon) (Text: Walt Whitman) FRE GER
- Bei jedem Morgengrauen (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Billy in the Darbies (Text: Herman Melville)
- Brady (Text: Ernst Bacon) *
- Caliban (Text: William Shakespeare) FRE ITA
- Calm soul (Text: Matthew Arnold)
- Cape Cod (Text: George Santayana)
- Cassandra's song (Text: Cornel Adam Lengyel) [x]*
- Childe Harold (Text: Heinrich Heine) ENG RUS
- Child's evening hymn (Text: Sabine Baring-Gould)
- Christmas Eve (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord)
- Christ's Sunday morn (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Clover (in Songs from Emily Dickinson: Nature Time and Space - Volume 2) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- Corrie's song (Text: Paul Horgan) [x]*
- Darest thou now O soul (in Songs at Parting: A Selection of Walt Whitman's Poems) (Text: Walt Whitman) FRE GER
- Deborah (Text: ? Franklin) [x]
- Der Brief (Text: Heinrich Heine) ENG FRE RUS
- Der du von dem Himmel bist (in Ten Songs by Ernst Bacon) (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) AFR CAT CHI DAN DUT ENG ENG ENG ENG FRE FRL GRE HUN ITA SPA
- Der Soldat (Text: Joseph Karl Benedikt, Freiherr von Eichendorff) CAT ENG FRE FRE ITA
- Destiny of the flag (Text: ? Hamilton) [x]
- Die blauen Frühlingsaugen (Text: Heinrich Heine) CAT DUT ENG ENG FRE ITA RUS
- Die Nachtblume (in Ten Songs by Ernst Bacon) (Text: Joseph Karl Benedikt, Freiherr von Eichendorff) CAT DUT ENG ENG FRE HEB ITA
- Dusk (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- Eden (in Quiet Airs) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER ITA
- Eden (in Five Poems by Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- Elate philosopher (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Epitaph on an army of mercenaries (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Epitaph (in Four Songs for Soprano) (Text: Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- Es war ein fauler Schäfer (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) CAT ENG FRE ITA
- Eternity (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Farewell to a name (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Farewell (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Few get enough (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Few get enough (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Fire and ice (Text: Robert Frost)
- First day (in Ten Songs by Ernst Bacon) (Text: Mary Prentice Lillie) [x]*
- Flowers and moonlight (Text: Arthur Waley after Emperor Yang of Sui)
- Fog (Text: Carl Sandburg) GER
- Fond affection (in Quiet Airs) (Text: Anonymous)
- For Alfons on his 90th birthday (Text: Ernst Bacon) [x]*
- Foreign laws (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Free will (Text: Ambrose Bierce)
- From blank to blank (in Songs from Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Frühlingsgruß (Text: Joseph Karl Benedikt, Freiherr von Eichendorff) ENG
- Gebet (in Ten Songs by Ernst Bacon) (Text: Helene Lecher) [x]
- Gentle greeting (in Quiet Airs) (Text: Emily Brontë)
- Grand is the seen (in Songs at Parting: A Selection of Walt Whitman's Poems) (Text: Walt Whitman)
- Gray morning (Text: ? Wood) [x]
- Harvest (Text: Cornel Adam Lengyel) [x]*
- How still the bells (in Songs from Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Ich hab' dich geliebt (Text: Heinrich Heine) ENG ENG FRE FRE FRE
- Ich liebe dich (in Ten Songs by Ernst Bacon) (Text: Friedrich Rückert) ENG ENG FRE
- I died for beauty (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER GER
- I dwell in possibility (in From Emily's Diary) (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER ITA
- If bees are few (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- Immortality (Text: Emily Dickinson) CAT FRE GER GER ITA
- I'm nobody (in Songs from Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER GER ITA
- In a Cheltenham churchyard (a little child) (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Infant Joy (Text: William Blake) RUS
- In the silent west (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- In the valley (Text: Annette Wynne) [x]
- In thine eternal shade (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Is Heaven a Place -- a Sky -- a Tree? (in From Emily's Diary) (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- Is there such a thing as day? (in Songs from Emily Dickinson: Nature Time and Space - Volume 1) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- It's all I have to bring (in Five Poems by Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- It's coming -- the postponeless Creature (in From Emily's Diary) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- It's such a little thing (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Joy, shipmate, joy! (in Songs at Parting: A Selection of Walt Whitman's Poems) (Text: Walt Whitman) CAT FRE
- King George (Text: ? Franklin) [x]
- Late call (Text: Cornel Adam Lengyel) [x]*
- Lehn deine Wang' (Text: Heinrich Heine) CAT DUT DUT ENG ENG ENG FRE FRE ITA POL RUS RUS SWE
- Leise zieht durch mein Gemüt (Text: Heinrich Heine) CAT CHI DUT ENG ENG ENG FRE GRE GRE HUN ITA NOR POL RUS
- Lesson (Text: Cornel Adam Lengyel) [x]*
- Let down the bars (in Songs from Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- Let her go hang (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Let me be your friend (Text: Ellen Bacon) [x]*
- Lingering last drops (Text: Walt Whitman)
- Little boy (Text: Richard Rowlands)
- Looking forward (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) ITA
- Looking‑Glass River (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson)
- Lou's air (Text: ? Horgan) [x]
- Lullaby (Text: Janet Lewis) [x]*
- May Day (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- Meeres Stille (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) CAT DUT ENG ENG ENG FIN FRE FRE FRE ITA RUS RUS RUS
- Melody in June (Text: Robert Burns) CZE DAN FRE GER GER GER GER GRE HUN IRI RUS SWG
- Melody on a leaf (Text: Anonymous after Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) [x]
- Miranda's song
- Mit deinen blauen Augen (Text: Heinrich Heine) CAT DUT ENG FRE ITA RUS SPA SWE
- Mit einem gemalten Band (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) DUT ENG FRE HUN ITA
- Money (Text: Ernst Bacon) [x]*
- Morn and Night (Text: William Blake) CAT FRE
- Music box (Text: Cornel Adam Lengyel) [x]*
- My land (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- My river runs to thee (in From Emily's Diary) (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER ITA
- My river runs to thee (in Songs from Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER ITA
- Nature, the gentlest mother (in Songs from Emily Dickinson: Nature Time and Space - Volume 2) (Text: Emily Dickinson) CAT FRE GER ITA
- Never to know (Text: ? Field) [x]
- Night and day (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson)
- Nocturne (in Ten Songs by Ernst Bacon) (Text: Nikolaus Lenau) CAT DUT ENG ENG ENG FRE FRE ITA
- No dew upon the grass (in Six Songs) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- No more milk (Text: Samuel Johnson, Dr.)
- No more (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Noon song (Text: Cornel Adam Lengyel) [x]*
- No sunrise (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER ITA
- Nothing much to lose (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Not what we did, shall be the test (in From Emily's Diary) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- No wonder (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Of God (Text: William Blake) CAT
- Of love (in Quiet Airs) (Text: Robert Herrick)
- O friend (in Songs from Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER ITA
- Oh, shadow on (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Old Noah (Text: ? Franklin) [x]
- Omaha (in Six Songs) (Text: Carl Sandburg)
- On a child's gravestone (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- One thought ever at the fore (in Songs at Parting: A Selection of Walt Whitman's Poems) (Text: Walt Whitman)
- On the frontier (Text: Walt Whitman) CAT FRE
- On this wondrous sea (in Songs from Emily Dickinson: Nature Time and Space - Volume 1) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- Our share of night to bear (in From Emily's Diary) (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- Parting (in Quiet Airs) (Text: Arthur Waley after Cho Wēn-chün)
- Passenger of Infinity (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Past surmise (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Peace (Text: Matthew Arnold)
- Pedantry (Text: Ralph Waldo Emerson) [x]
- Poor little heart! (in Five Poems by Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- Poor Richard (Text: Benjamin Franklin) [x]
- Professor Helvetius (Text: Benjamin Franklin) [x]
- Rather (Text: Mary Prentice Lillie) [x]*
- Sailing homeward (Text: Arthur Waley after Chan Fang-Sheng)
- Savior (in Songs from Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Schilflied (in Ten Songs by Ernst Bacon) (Text: Nikolaus Lenau) CAT DUT ENG ENG ENG FRE FRE ITA
- Schools and rules (in Seven Canons) (Text: William Blake)
- Schubert (Text: Heinrich Heine) CAT DUT ENG ENG FRE ITA RUS
- Shadow on the grass (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- She died (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- She went as quiet as the dew (in Songs from Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- She went (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Simple days (in Songs from Emily Dickinson: Nature Time and Space - Volume 1) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- Since Adam's fall (Text: Cornel Adam Lengyel) [x]*
- Sleep FRE
- Snowfall (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- So bashful (in Five Poems by Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- Solitude (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Some little Arctic flower (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Song of snow-white heads (in Quiet Airs) (Text: Arthur Waley after Cho Wēn-chün)
- Sonnet (Text: Elizabeth Barrett Browning) CHI GER
- So set its sun in thee (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- Spruch (Text: Joseph Karl Benedikt, Freiherr von Eichendorff) [x]
- Stars (in Quiet Airs) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Statistics (Text: Ernst Bacon) [x]*
- Stephano (Text: William Shakespeare) FRE ITA
- Summer's lapse (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER ITA
- Sunset (in Songs from Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Sweet is the swamp (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Sweet unrest (Text: Paul Horgan) [x]*
- The Arctic flower (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- The arts (Text: William Blake)
- The banks of the yellow sea (in Six Songs) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- The bat (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- The bells (in Songs from Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- The commonplace (Text: Walt Whitman)
- The condor (in Of a Feather) (Text: Marie de L. Welch) *
- The crickets sang (in Nature) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- The cricket (Text: ? Wood) [x]
- The daisy follows soft the sun (in From Emily's Diary) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- The deep sea (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- The divine ship (in Quiet Airs) (Text: Walt Whitman)
- The dodger (Text: Volkslieder )
- The dove (in Of a Feather) (Text: Marie de L. Welch) *
- The Eternal Goodness (in Five Hymns) (Text: John Greenleaf Whittier)
- The fly (Text: Greene?) [x]
- The forsaken heart (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- The gentlest mother (in Nature) (Text: Emily Dickinson) CAT FRE GER ITA
- The golden rule (Text: William Blake)
- The grass so little has to do (in Songs from Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- The grass so little has to do (in Songs from Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- The heart (in Quiet Airs) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER GER
- The imperial heart (in Songs from Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- The lamb (in Quiet Airs) (Text: William Blake) CAT GER GER RUS
- The last invocation (in Songs at Parting: A Selection of Walt Whitman's Poems) (Text: Walt Whitman)
- The little stone (in Quiet Airs) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER ITA
- The long farewell (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- The look (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- The Lord of Ev'rything (in Four Songs for Soprano) (Text: Janet Lewis) *
- The Lord Star (Text: Walt Whitman)
- The morns are meeker (in Songs from Emily Dickinson: Nature Time and Space - Volume 2) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER GER ITA
- The mountain (in Nature) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- The pigeon (in Of a Feather) (Text: Marie de L. Welch) *
- The postponeless Creature (in Songs from Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- The rainy Pleiads (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- There came a day (in Nature) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- The red rose (Text: Robert Burns) CZE DAN FRE GER GER GER GER GRE HUN IRI RUS SWG
- There's this to say (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- The return of spring (Text: Annette Wynne) [x]
- The river (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- The schoolboy (in Four innocent airs) (Text: William Blake)
- The Sea (in Nature) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- These yellow sands (in Four Songs for Soprano) (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE FRE FRE FRE SPA SWE
- The show (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- The simple days (in Songs from Emily Dickinson: Nature Time and Space - Volume 1) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- The sobbing of the bells (in Songs at Parting: A Selection of Walt Whitman's Poems) (Text: Walt Whitman)
- The Spanish Armada (Text: John Still)
- The sparrow (in Of a Feather) (Text: Marie de L. Welch) *
- The starry train (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- The sun went down (in Songs from Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- The swamp (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- The trade of man (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- The train (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- The unquiet grave (Text: Volkslieder )
- The Unseen Soul (Text: Walt Whitman)
- The vulture (in Of a Feather) (Text: Marie de L. Welch) *
- The white window (Text: James Stephens)
- The yellow sea (in Six Songs) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- This and my heart (in Five Poems by Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson) GER
- This quiet Dust (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER ITA
- To a loving husband (Text: Anne Bradstreet)
- To a newcomer (Text: Cornel Adam Lengyel) [x]*
- To a young man (Text: Benjamin Franklin) [x]
- To make a prairie (in Five Poems by Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- To music: a fragment (Text: Percy Bysshe Shelley)
- To musique, to becalme his fever (in Quiet Airs) (Text: Robert Herrick)
- To one shortly to die (Text: Walt Whitman)
- Treading (Text: Emily Dickinson) CAT FRE GER GER ITA
- Truth, sir! (Text: Samuel Johnson, Dr.)
- Truth (Text: William Blake)
- Twilight (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- Twilight (in Ten Songs by Ernst Bacon) (Text: Walt Whitman)
- Twilight (in Songs at Parting: A Selection of Walt Whitman's Poems) (Text: Walt Whitman)
- Twilight (in Quiet Airs) (Text: Sara Teasdale)
- Two legacies (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Unto me? (in From Emily's Diary) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Vanity of vanities (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts)
- Velvet people (in Songs from Emily Dickinson: Nature Time and Space - Volume 2) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE
- Vergißmeinnicht (Text: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben) ENG FRE
- Virtue (Text: Benjamin Franklin) [x]
- Wandl' ich in dem Wald des Abends (Text: Heinrich Heine) ENG ENG FRE FRE ITA SPA
- Wandrers Nachtlied (in Ten Songs by Ernst Bacon) (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) AFR CAT CHI CZE DUT DUT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG FIN FRE FRE GRE HUN IRI ITA ITA RUS RUS RUS SPA SPA
- Was ist mir denn so wehe? (in Ten Songs by Ernst Bacon) (Text: Joseph Karl Benedikt, Freiherr von Eichendorff) CAT ENG FRE
- Water (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE
- Weeping and sighing (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- We never know (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE
- What soft, cherubic creatures (in From Emily's Diary) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- Wheelbarrow song (Text: Benjamin Franklin) [x]
- When roses cease to bloom (in From Emily's Diary) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE
- Where go the boats? (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) ITA
- Where go the boats? (in Four innocent airs) (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson) ITA
- Where the bee sucks (in Four Songs for Soprano) (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE FRE GER SPA SWE
- Whispers of heavenly death (in Songs at Parting: A Selection of Walt Whitman's Poems) (Text: Walt Whitman) FRE GER
- Whispers of heavenly death (in Songs at Parting: A Selection of Walt Whitman's Poems) (Text: Walt Whitman) CAT FRE
- Whispers (in Songs at Parting: A Selection of Walt Whitman's Poems) (Text: Walt Whitman) CAT FRE
- Wild nights (in Songs from Emily Dickinson) (Text: Emily Dickinson) CHI FRE GER GER ITA
- Winter afternoons (in Nature) (Text: Emily Dickinson) FRE GER
- Winter-Time (Text: Robert Louis Stevenson)
- With the first Arbutus (in Nature) (Text: Emily Dickinson)
- World, take good notice (in Six Songs) (Text: Walt Whitman)
- Yellow (Text: Emily Dickinson) [x]
Last update: 2025-02-05 04:40:49