Texts by W. Yeats set in Art Songs and Choral Works
Text Collections:
- Ballads and Lyrics
- Calvary
- East and West
- In the Seven Woods
- Irish Fairy Tales
- New Poems
- Nine Poems
- October Blast
- Poems Lyrical and Narrative
- Poems Written in Discouragement
- Responsibilities and Other Poems
- Seven Poems and a Fragment
- Stories of Michael Robartes and his Friends
- The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics
- The Green Helmet and Other Poems
- The Land of Heart's Desire
- The New Keepsake
- The Rose
- The Tower
- The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems
- The Wild Swans at Coole
- The Wind among the reeds
- The Winding Stair
- Those who live in the storm
- Under Ben Bulben
- Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems
Texts set in art song or choral works (not necessarily comprehensive):
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Special notes: All titles and first lines are included in this index, including those used by composers.
Titles used by the text author appear in boldface. First lines appear in italics.
A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
- A Coat (I made my song a coat) (from Responsibilities and Other Poems) - R. Williams FRE
- A cradle song (The angels are stooping, above your bed) (from The Rose) - N. Douty, C. Duncan, R. Evans, S. Grill, I. Gurney, F. Hart, D. Healey, H. Ley, O. Underhill, E. Weigel, G. Whettam, M. Worder ITA
- A crazed girl (That crazed girl improvising her music)
- A deep-sworn vow (Others because you did not keep) - J. Tavener
- A dream of death (I dreamed that one had died in a strange place) - L. Gilman, R. Milford, E. Moeran, G. Whettam FRE
- A dream (I dreamed that one had died in a strange place) - R. Clarke FRE
- A drinking song (Wine comes in at the mouth) (from The Green Helmet and Other Poems) - S. Bodley, J. Eidson, D. Healey, D. Keats, E. Weigel FRE IRI
- A drunken man's praise of sobriety (Come swish around, my pretty punk) (from New Poems) - J. Harvey
- Aedh hears the Cry of the Sedge (I wander by the edge) (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE
- Aedh laments the Loss of Love (Pale brows, still hands and dim hair) (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE ITA
- Aedh tells of the perfect Beauty (O cloud-pale eyelids, dream-dimmed eyes) (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE
- Aedh tells of the Rose in his Heart (All things uncomely and broken, all things worn out and old) (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE
- Aedh thinks of those who have spoken Evil of his Beloved (Half close your eyelids, loosen your hair)
- Aedh wished for the cloths of heaven (Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths) (from The Wind among the reeds) - F. Austin, H. Bedford, L. Ronald, C. Van Nuys Fogel FRE GER HUN
- Aedh wishes for the cloths of heaven (Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths) (from The Wind among the reeds) - J. Eidson FRE GER HUN
- Aedh wishes his Beloved were dead (Were you but lying cold and dead) (from The Wind among the reeds) - H. Eichheim, C. Van Nuys Fogel FRE
- A faery song (We who are old, old and gay) - H. Brian, R. Warren FRE
- A first confession (I admit the briar) (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old)
- After long silence (Speech after long silence; it is right) (from Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems) - R. Warren
- A Last Confession (What lively lad most pleasured me) (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - K. Puts
- Aleel's song (Impetuous heart, be still, be still) (from The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics) - H. Kauder FRE
- All the heavy days are over (from The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics) - J. Edmunds, A. Mallinson, J. Tavener
- All the words that I gather (All the words that I gather) (from Irish Fairy Tales) - L. Campbell-Tipton FRE IRI
- All the words that I gather (from Irish Fairy Tales) FRE IRI - L. Campbell-Tipton, I. Gurney, E. Whyte (Where my books go)
- All the words that I utter (All the words that I gather) (from Irish Fairy Tales) - I. Gurney FRE IRI
- All the words that I utter (from Irish Fairy Tales) FRE IRI (Where my books go) - L. Campbell-Tipton, I. Gurney, E. Whyte
- All things can tempt me from this craft of verse (from Responsibilities and Other Poems) - L. Dykstra (All things can tempt me)
- All things can tempt me (All things can tempt me from this craft of verse) (from Responsibilities and Other Poems) - L. Dykstra
- All things uncomely and broken, all things worn out and old (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE (Aedh tells of the Rose in his Heart) - N. Marshall, J. Raynor
- All things uncomely and broken, all things worn out and old (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE - N. Marshall, J. Raynor (The lover tells of the Rose in his Heart)
- Although crowds gathered once if she but showed her face (from Responsibilities and Other Poems) - K. Puts (Fallen Majesty)
- Although I can see him still — - L. Dykstra (The fisherman)
- A lyric from an unpublished play (Put off that mask of burning gold) (from The Green Helmet and Other Poems)
- A mad song (I went out to the hazel wood) CHI FRE GER
- An angel's lullaby (The angels are stooping, above your bed) (from The Rose) - S. Ebel ITA
- A nativity (What woman hugs her infant there?) - C. Duncan
- An epitaph (I dreamed that one had died in a strange place) FRE
- An Indian song (The island dreams under the dawn) (from Ballads and Lyrics) FRE
- An Irish airman foresees his death (I know that I shall meet my fate) (from The Wild Swans at Coole) - B. Hardin, E. Hugh-Jones, M. Rusche FRE
- An old song re-sung (Down by the Salley Gardens my love and I did meet) (from The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems) CAT DUT FRE FRI FRI GER
- An old song (Sweetheart, do not love too long) (from In the Seven Woods) - S. Ebel FRE
- Aodh to Dectora (Were you but lying cold and dead) (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE
- A pity beyond all telling (A pity beyond all telling) (from The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics) - R. Schonthal FRE IRI
- A pity beyond all telling (from The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics) FRE IRI - S. Grill, R. Schonthal, R. Warren (The pity of love)
- A Poet to His Beloved (I bring you with reverent hands) (from The Wind among the reeds) - L. Liebermann, P. Schwartz FRE
- As I came over Windy Gap - B. Stevens (Running to Paradise)
- A song for music: Those dancing days are gone (Come, let me sing into your ear) FRE
- A song (I thought no more was needed) (from Nine Poems) - R. Warren
- A speckled cat and a tame hare (from The Wild Swans at Coole - Two Songs of a Fool) FRE - S. Grill
- A starlit or a moonlit dome disdains - J. Hawkins
- A star lit or a moon (A starlit or a moonlit dome disdains) - J. Hawkins
- A sudden blow: the great wings beating still (from The Tower) FRE - J. Langert, E. Tanenbaum, P. Westergaard (Leda and the Swan)
- Autumn is over the long leaves that love us (from The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems) - A. Blank, N. Marshall, D. Parke, J. Raynor (The falling of the leaves)
- Bald heads forgetful of their sins (from The Wild Swans at Coole) FRE (The scholars) -
- Bald heads forgetful of their sins - J. Eidson (The scholars)
- Ballad of the Foxhunter ('Lay me in a cushioned chair) (from East and West) - B. Holmes, C. Loeffler
- Before the world was made (If I make the lashes dark) (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - F. Routh, O. Underhill FRE
- Beloved, may your sleep be sound (from The New Keepsake) - J. Beeson, L. Berkeley, J. Eaton, M. Tippett, J. Wilson (Lullaby)
- Between extremities (Vacillation) - R. Beckett
- Be you still, be you still, trembling heart ITA - R. Roderick-Jones, P. Schwartz (Out of the old days)
- Bring me to the blasted oak (from The Winding Stair) - S. Grill, P. Hadley, D. Lidov, P. Paviour, D. Young (Crazy Jane and the Bishop)
- Brown Penny (Another Waltz) (I whispered, "I am too young,") (from The Green Helmet and Other Poems) - V. Rieti
- Brown penny (I whispered, "I am too young,") (from The Green Helmet and Other Poems) - A. Blank, J. Duke, R. Rollin, R. Warren
- But I was young and foolish (Down by the Salley Gardens my love and I did meet) (from The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems) - S. Adler CAT DUT FRE FRI FRI GER
- Cantata III (Leda and the Swan) (A sudden blow: the great wings beating still) (from The Tower) - P. Westergaard FRE
- Cap and Bell (The Jester walked in the garden) CZE
- Čapka s rolničkami () - V. Ambros [x]
- Cathleen ni Houlihan (The old brown thorn-trees break in two high over Cummen Strand) - I. Gurney
- Cathleen, the Daughter of Hoolihan (The old brown thorn-trees break in two high over Cummen Strand)
- Cloths of heaven (Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths) (from The Wind among the reeds) - H. Roberton FRE GER HUN
- Colonel Martin (The Colonel went out sailing) - A. O'Murnaghan
- Colonnus' praise (Come praise Colonus' horses, and come praise) (from The Tower) - L. Berkeley
- Come away! (Where dips the rocky highland) - S. Ebel
- Come gather round me, Parnellites (Come gather round me, Parnellites) - Anonymous
- Come, let me sing into your ear FRE - P. Aston, J. Brettingham Smith, J. Huggler, R. Warren, D. Young (A song for music: Those dancing days are gone)
- Come play with me (from The Wild Swans at Coole) FRE - E. Weigel (To a squirrel at Kyle-na-no)
- Come praise Colonnus' horses (from The Tower) (Colonnus' praise) - L. Berkeley
- Come praise Colonus' horses, and come praise (from The Tower) - L. Berkeley (Colonnus' praise)
- Come swish around, my pretty punk (from New Poems) - J. Harvey (A drunken man's praise of sobriety)
- Consolation (O but there is wisdom) (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - K. Schoonenbeek
- Crazy Jane and Jack the Journeyman (I know, although when looks meet) (from Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems) - S. Grill, P. Hadley, D. Lidov
- Crazy Jane and the Bishop (Bring me to the blasted oak) (from The Winding Stair) - S. Grill, P. Hadley, D. Lidov, P. Paviour, D. Young
- Crazy Jane and the Dancers (I found that ivory image there)
- Crazy Jane grown old looks at the dancers (I found that ivory image there) - P. Aston, S. Grill, P. Hadley, D. Lidov, P. Paviour, D. Young
- Crazy Jane on God (That lover of a night) (from Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems) - J. Beeson, S. Grill, P. Hadley, D. Lidov, P. Paviour
- Crazy Jane on the Day of Judgement (Love is all) (from Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems) - S. Grill, P. Hadley
- Crazy Jane on the Day of Judgment (Love is all) (from Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems) - A. Berger, D. Lidov, P. Paviour
- Crazy Jane reproved (I care not what the sailors say) - J. Beeson, S. Grill, P. Hadley, D. Lidov, P. Paviour
- Crazy Jane talks with the Bishop (I met the Bishop on the road) (from The Winding Stair) - P. Aston, S. Grill, P. Hadley, D. Lidov, B. Moore, P. Paviour, D. Young GER GER
- Dance there upon the shore - L. Dykstra, S. Grill, M. Murray, D. Ruyneman, R. Schonthal, J. Tavener, J. Weiss, H. Wood (To a child dancing in the wind)
- Dancing days (Come, let me sing into your ear) - J. Brettingham Smith FRE
- Do not love too long (Sweetheart, do not love too long) (from In the Seven Woods) - S. Barab FRE
- Down by the Salley Gardens my love and I did meet (from The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems) CAT DUT FRE FRI FRI GER (An old song re-sung) - S. Adler, A. Blank, J. Brash, B. Britten, A. Bush, R. Clarke, J. Cloud, J. Collins, A. DeBeer, A. Decevee, J. Edmunds, E. Erickson, G. Finzi, I. Gurney, I. Hinchliffe, H. Hughes, J. Ireland, J. Jeffreys, E. Mandel, D. Methold, M. Plumstead, I. Poldowski, J. Raynor, R. Rollin, M. Shaw, H. Taylor
- Down by the Salley Gardens my love and I did meet (from The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems) CAT DUT FRE FRI FRI GER - S. Adler, A. Blank, J. Brash, B. Britten, A. Bush, R. Clarke, J. Cloud, J. Collins, A. DeBeer, A. Decevee, J. Edmunds, E. Erickson, G. Finzi, I. Gurney, I. Hinchliffe, H. Hughes, J. Ireland, J. Jeffreys, E. Mandel, D. Methold, M. Plumstead, I. Poldowski, J. Raynor, R. Rollin, M. Shaw, H. Taylor (Down by the Salley Gardens)
- Down by the Salley Gardens (Down by the Salley Gardens my love and I did meet) (from The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems) - A. Blank, J. Brash, A. Bush, R. Clarke, J. Collins, A. DeBeer, A. Decevee, E. Erickson, I. Gurney, I. Hinchliffe, H. Hughes, E. Mandel, D. Methold, M. Plumstead, I. Poldowski, J. Raynor, R. Rollin, M. Shaw, H. Taylor CAT DUT FRE FRI FRI GER
- Dream of a blessed spirit (All the heavy days are over) (from The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics) - A. Mallinson
- Drinking song (Wine comes in at the mouth) (from The Green Helmet and Other Poems) - B. Boydell, K. Puts FRE IRI
- Dry timber under that rich foliage (Dry timber under that rich foliage) (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - J. Wilson
- Dry timber under that rich foliage (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - J. Wilson (Her vision in the wood)
- Earth in beauty dressed (from The Winding Stair) - J. Beeson, S. Grill, K. Humble (Her anxiety)
- Easter, 1916 (I have met them at close of day) - B. Boydell
- Elegy (Pale brows, still hands and dim hair) (from The Wind among the reeds) - R. Warren FRE ITA
- Endure what life God gives and ask no longer span (from October Blast) - S. Bodley, R. Warren (From "Oedipus at Colonus")
- Ephemera (Your eyes that once were never weary of mine) (from The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems) - P. Hadley
- Everlasting voices (O sweet everlasting Voices, be still) - T. Kelly
- Faery song (The wind blows out of the gates of the day) (from The Land of Heart's Desire) - H. Gilbert
- Fallen Majesty (Although crowds gathered once if she but showed her face) (from Responsibilities and Other Poems) - K. Puts
- Father and child (She hears me strike the board and say) (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - F. Routh
- For Anne Gregory (Never shall a young man) - F. Routh, R. Warren
- From "Oedipus at Colonus" (Endure what life God gives and ask no longer span) (from October Blast) - R. Warren
- From the "Antigone" (Overcome -- O bitter sweetness) (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - F. Routh
- Girl's song (I went out alone) - A. Berger, C. Duncan, J. Eaton, K. Humble
- Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE GER HUN (Aedh wishes for the cloths of heaven) - F. Austin, G. Bachlund, H. Bedford, B. Boydell, W. Browne, C. Brumby, J. Carter, R. Clarke, T. Dunhill, L. Dykstra, S. Ebel, J. Eidson, D. Elwyn-Edwards, R. Evans, I. Gurney, M. Harvey, P. Heininen, G. Kerry, L. Liebermann, N. Marshall, K. Puts, J. Raynor, H. Roberton, R. Roderick-Jones, L. Ronald, D. Stewart, J. Tavener, C. Van Nuys Fogel, P. Warlock
- Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths (Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths) (from The Wind among the reeds) - W. Browne, J. Raynor, D. Stewart FRE GER HUN
- Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE GER HUN - F. Austin, G. Bachlund, H. Bedford, B. Boydell, W. Browne, C. Brumby, J. Carter, R. Clarke, T. Dunhill, L. Dykstra, S. Ebel, J. Eidson, D. Elwyn-Edwards, R. Evans, I. Gurney, M. Harvey, P. Heininen, G. Kerry, L. Liebermann, N. Marshall, K. Puts, J. Raynor, H. Roberton, R. Roderick-Jones, L. Ronald, D. Stewart, J. Tavener, C. Van Nuys Fogel, P. Warlock (He wishes for the cloths of heaven)
- Half close your eyelids, loosen your hair - T. Dunhill, K. Puts, P. Schwartz (Aedh thinks of those who have spoken Evil of his Beloved)
- Has no one said those daring - L. Dykstra, S. Grill, J. Tavener (Two years later)
- Hätt' ich der Himmel besticktes Tuch FRE HUN - G. Bachlund
- Heavens' cloths (Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths) (from The Wind among the reeds) - S. Ebel FRE GER HUN
- He Bids His Beloved Be at Peace (I hear the Shadowy Horses, their long manes a-shake) (from The Wind among the reeds) - K. Puts FRE ITA
- He hears the cry of the sedge (I wander by the edge) (from The Wind among the reeds) - S. Grill, L. Liebermann, P. Schwartz, P. Warlock FRE
- Her anxiety (Earth in beauty dressed) (from The Winding Stair) - J. Beeson, K. Humble
- Her dream (I dreamed as in my bed I lay) (from The Winding Stair) - D. Young
- He Remembers Forgotten Beauty (When my arms wrap you round I press) - L. Liebermann
- He reproves the curlew (O, curlew, cry no more in the air) - P. Glanville-Hicks, R. Roderick-Jones, P. Warlock FRE ITA
- Her triumph (I did the dragon's will until you came) (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - F. Routh, O. Underhill
- Her vision in the wood (Dry timber under that rich foliage) (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old)
- He tells of a valley full of lovers (I dreamed that I stood in a valley, and amid sighs) - R. Schonthal
- He tells of the perfect beauty (O cloud-pale eyelids, dream-dimmed eyes) (from The Wind among the reeds) - P. Schwartz FRE
- He Thinks Of His Past Greatness When A Part Of The Constellations Of Heaven (I have drunk ale from the Country of the Young) (from The Wind among the reeds) - L. Liebermann
- He thinks of those who have spoken evil of his beloved (Half close your eyelids, loosen your hair) - K. Puts, P. Schwartz
- He wishes for the cloths of heaven (Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths) (from The Wind among the reeds) - G. Bachlund, L. Dykstra, R. Evans, M. Harvey, G. Kerry, L. Liebermann, N. Marshall, K. Puts, R. Roderick-Jones, J. Tavener FRE GER HUN
- He wishes his Beloved were Dead (Were you but lying cold and dead) (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE
- He Wishes His Beloved Were Dead (Were you lying cold and dead) - L. Liebermann
- He with body waged a fight - J. Harvey (The four ages of Man)
- Hidden by old age awhile (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - F. Routh (Meeting)
- Himmelstuch (Hätt' ich der Himmel besticktes Tuch) - G. Bachlund FRE HUN
- His chosen comrades thought at school - I. Venables (What Then?)
- His confidence (Undying love to buy) (from The Winding Stair) - A. Berger
- How can I, that girl standing there FRE ITA - J. Duke, S. Wilkinson (Politics)
- How I shall miss you (The angels are stooping, above your bed) (from The Rose) - T. del Riego ITA
- I admit the briar (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - J. Wilson (A first confession)
- I admit the briar (I admit the briar) (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - J. Wilson
- I am of Ireland (I am of Ireland) (from Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems) - P. Aston
- I am worn out with dreams (from The Wild Swans at Coole) FRE - L. Dykstra, R. Warren (Men improve with the years)
- I bring you with reverent hands (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE - L. Liebermann, P. Schwartz (A Poet to His Beloved)
- I care not what the sailors say - J. Beeson, S. Grill, P. Hadley, D. Lidov, P. Paviour (Crazy Jane reproved)
- I cried when the moon was murmuring to the birds (from In the Seven Woods) FRE - P. Warlock (The withering of the boughs)
- I did the dragon's will until you came (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - F. Routh, O. Underhill, J. Wilson (Her triumph)
- I did the dragon's will until you came (I did the dragon's will until you came) (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - J. Wilson
- I don't care what the soldiers say (Crazy Jane reproved) - J. Beeson, S. Grill, P. Hadley, D. Lidov, P. Paviour
- I dreamed as in my bed I lay (from The Winding Stair) - D. Young (Her dream)
- I dreamed that I stood in a valley, and amid sighs - J. Damon, R. Schonthal (He tells of a valley full of lovers)
- I dreamed that I stood in a valley, and amid sighs (The valley of lovers) - J. Damon, R. Schonthal
- I dreamed that one had died in a strange place FRE - R. Clarke, L. Gilman, R. Milford, E. Moeran, G. Whettam (An epitaph)
- If I made the lashes dark (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) FRE (Before the world was made) - F. Routh, O. Underhill, J. Wilson
- If I made the lashes dark (If I make the lashes dark) (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - J. Wilson FRE
- If I make the lashes dark (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) FRE - F. Routh, O. Underhill, J. Wilson (Before the world was made)
- I found that ivory image there - P. Aston, S. Grill, P. Hadley, D. Lidov, P. Paviour, D. Young (Crazy Jane and the Dancers)
- I have drunk ale from the Country of the Young (from The Wind among the reeds) - L. Liebermann (Mongan thinks of his past Greatness)
- I have met them at close of day - B. Boydell (Easter, 1916)
- I have old women's secrets now (from The Tower) - S. Barber (The secrets of the old)
- I heard the old, old men say (from In the Seven Woods) FRE - G. Bachlund, K. Bissell, S. Grill, R. Rollin, N. Rorem, J. Tavener, R. Warren (The old men admiring themselves in the water)
- I hear the Shadowy Horses, their long manes a-shake (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE ITA - S. Homer, K. Puts (He bids his Beloved be at Peace)
- I hear the Shadowy Horses, their long manes a-shake (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE ITA (Michael Robartes bids his Beloved be at Peace) - S. Homer, K. Puts
- I know, although when looks meet (from Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems) - S. Grill, P. Hadley, D. Lidov, P. Paviour (Crazy Jane and Jack the Journeyman)
- I know that I shall meet my fate (from The Wild Swans at Coole) FRE - B. Hardin, E. Hugh-Jones, M. Rusche (An Irish airman foresees his death)
- I made my song a coat (from Responsibilities and Other Poems) FRE - R. Schonthal, R. Williams, J. Wilson (A Coat)
- I made my song a coat (I made my song a coat) (from Responsibilities and Other Poems) - R. Schonthal FRE
- I met the Bishop on the road (from The Winding Stair) GER GER - P. Aston, S. Grill, P. Hadley, D. Lidov, B. Moore, P. Paviour, D. Young (Crazy Jane talks with the Bishop)
- Impetuous heart, be still, be still (from The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics) FRE - H. Kauder
- Incantation (I saw a staring virgin stand) (from Stories of Michael Robartes and his Friends) - J. Joubert
- Innisfree (I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree) (from The Rose) - B. Burrows, M. Howe, T. Kelly CHI FRE HUN ITA
- In the Twilight (Out-worn heart, in a time out-worn) - P. Crossley-Holland
- Into the Twilight (Out-worn heart, in a time out-worn) - R. Boughton, L. Coerne
- I rise in the dawn, and I kneel and blow - R. Housman (The song of the old mother)
- Irish poets, earn your trade (from Under Ben Bulben) - J. Eaton
- Irish poets learn your trade (from Under Ben Bulben)
- I saw a staring virgin stand (from Stories of Michael Robartes and his Friends) - J. Joubert
- I slept on my three-leged stool by the fire (from The Wild Swans at Coole - Two Songs of a Fool) FRE - S. Grill
- I sought a theme and sought for it in vain - L. Dykstra (The circus animals' desertion)
- I, the poet William Yeats - S. Gerber (To Be Carved on a Stone at Thoor Ballylee)
- I think it better that in times like these - R. Beckett (On being asked for a War Poem)
- I thought no more was needed (from Nine Poems) - R. Warren (A song)
- I turn round - K. Humble (The Lady's First Song)
- I wander by the edge (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE (Aedh hears the Cry of the Sedge) - S. Grill, L. Liebermann, P. Schwartz, P. Warlock
- I wander by the edge (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE - S. Grill, L. Liebermann, P. Schwartz, P. Warlock (He hears the Cry of the Sedge)
- I was young and foolish (Down by the Salley Gardens my love and I did meet) (from The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems) - J. Jeffreys CAT DUT FRE FRI FRI GER
- I went out alone - A. Berger, C. Duncan, J. Eaton, S. Grill, K. Humble (Girl's song)
- I went out to the hazel wood CHI FRE GER - G. Bachlund, D. Bourgeois, J. Brown, D. Droste, J. Edmunds, R. Evans, D. Leitch (A mad song)
- I whispered, "I am too young," (from The Green Helmet and Other Poems) - A. Blank, J. Duke, V. Rieti, R. Rollin, R. Warren (The young man's song)
- I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree (from The Rose) CHI FRE HUN ITA - R. Braun, B. Burrows, A. Bush, W. Butler, J. Couch, R. Evans, B. Fairchild, A. Foote, G. Gibbs, I. Gurney, M. Herbert, T. Hoekman, M. Howe, T. Kelly, G. Kerry, L. Lehmann, H. Ley, B. Moore, A. Morrison, J. Palmer, G. Peel, E. Poston, T. Ritchie, R. Schonthal, R. Sowash, H. Willan, D. Zanders (The Lake Isle of Innisfree)
- I will arise now (I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree) (from The Rose) - R. Schonthal CHI FRE HUN ITA
- I would that we were, my beloved, white birds on the foam of the sea - N. Marshall (The white birds)
- IX. Young Man's Song ('She will change,' I cried) (from Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems) - S. Grill
- Jane with Jack the Journeyman (I know, although when looks meet) (from Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems) - P. Paviour
- Lake Isle of Innisfree (I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree) (from The Rose) - B. Fairchild CHI FRE HUN ITA
- 'Lay me in a cushioned chair (from East and West) - B. Holmes, C. Loeffler (The Ballad of the Old Foxhunter)
- Leda and the Swan (A sudden blow: the great wings beating still) (from The Tower) - J. Langert, E. Tanenbaum FRE
- Long-legged fly (That civilisation may not sink) - J. Wilson FRE
- Love is all / unsatisfied (from Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems) (Crazy Jane on the Day of Judgment) - A. Berger, S. Grill, P. Hadley, D. Lidov, P. Paviour
- Love is all (from Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems) - A. Berger, S. Grill, P. Hadley, D. Lidov, P. Paviour (Crazy Jane on the Day of Judgment)
- Lullaby (Beloved, may your sleep be sound) (from The New Keepsake) - J. Beeson, L. Berkeley, M. Tippett, J. Wilson
- Maid Quiet (A Madrigal) (Where has Maid Quiet gone to) (from Poems Lyrical and Narrative) - V. Rieti
- Maid Quiet (Where has Maid Quiet gone to) (from Poems Lyrical and Narrative) - I. Gurney, E. Poston
- Maude Gonne takes down a book (When you are old and gray and full of sleep) (from The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics) - S. Wilkinson CHI FRE GER HUN ITA
- Meeting (Hidden by old age awhile) (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - F. Routh
- Men improve with the years (I am worn out with dreams) (from The Wild Swans at Coole) - L. Dykstra, R. Warren FRE
- Michael Robartes Bids his Beloved be at Peace (I hear the Shadowy Horses, their long manes a-shake) (from The Wind among the reeds) - S. Homer FRE ITA
- Mongan thinks of his past Greatness (I have drunk ale from the Country of the Young) (from The Wind among the reeds)
- Motionless under the moon-beam (from Calvary) - R. Warren
- Much did I rage when young - L. Dykstra (Youth and age)
- My dear, my dear I know (from Nine Poems) FRE - N. Rorem, S. Wilkinson (To a young girl)
- My fiftieth year had come and gone - R. Beckett (Vacillation)
- My fiftieth year (My fiftieth year had come and gone) - R. Beckett
- My mother dandled me and sang - J. Carpenter (The Player Queen: Song from an Unfinished Play)
- My shy one (Shy one, shy one) (from The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems) - S. Ebel FRE IRI
- Nativity (What woman hugs her infant there?)
- Never give all the heart, for love - M. Ingoldsby (Never give all the heart)
- Never Give All the Heart (Never give all the heart, for love) - M. Ingoldsby
- Never shall a young man - M. Dalby, J. Duke, F. Routh, R. Warren (For Anne Gregory)
- Never to have lived is best (Endure what life God gives and ask no longer span) (from October Blast) - S. Bodley
- No second Troy (Why should I blame her that she filled my days) (from The Green Helmet and Other Poems) - R. Beckett, S. Shifrin FRE
- Now all the truth is out (from Poems Written in Discouragement) - H. Wood (To a Friend whose Work has come to Nothing)
- Now lay me in a cushioned chair (from East and West) (The Ballad of the Old Foxhunter) - B. Holmes, C. Loeffler
- O but there is wisdom (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - K. Schoonenbeek, J. Wilson (Consolation)
- O but there is wisdom (O but there is wisdom) (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - J. Wilson
- O but we talked at large before - J. Eidson, F. Scott (Sixteen dead men)
- O cloud-pale eyelids, dream-dimmed eyes (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE (Aedh tells of the perfect Beauty) - P. Schwartz
- O cloud-pale eyelids, dream-dimmed eyes (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE - P. Schwartz (He tells of the Perfect Beauty)
- O cruel Death, give three things back," - D. Young (Three things)
- O, curlew, cry no more in the air FRE ITA - L. Gilman, P. Glanville-Hicks, R. Roderick-Jones, J. Tavener, P. Warlock (O'Sullivan Rua to the Curlew)
- O do not love too long (Sweetheart, do not love too long) (from In the Seven Woods) - N. Rorem, R. Warren, S. Wilkinson FRE
- O'Driscoll drove with a song - T. Dunhill, C. Loeffler, N. Marshall (The stolen bride)
- O hurry where by water among the trees (from In the Seven Woods) - A. Hoddinott, D. Keberle
- Old men (I heard the old, old men say) (from In the Seven Woods) - G. Bachlund FRE
- On being asked for a War Poem (I think it better that in times like these) - R. Beckett
- One that is ever kind said yesterday (from In the Seven Woods) - R. Clarke, I. Gurney (The folly of being comforted)
- O'Sullivan Rua to the Curlew (O, curlew, cry no more in the air) FRE ITA
- O sweet everlasting Voices, be still - J. Chatillon, J. Edmunds, T. Kelly, R. Roderick-Jones, D. Ruyneman, R. Schonthal, P. Warlock, D. Wickens (Everlasting voices)
- O Sweet Everlasting Voices (O sweet everlasting Voices, be still) - J. Edmunds
- Others because you did not keep - J. Tavener (A deep-sworn vow)
- Out of the old days (Be you still, be you still, trembling heart) ITA
- Out-worn heart, in a time out-worn - R. Boughton, L. Coerne, P. Crossley-Holland (The Celtic Twilight)
- Overcome -- O bitter sweetness (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - F. Routh (From the "Antigone")
- O what to me the little room (from Those who live in the storm) - H. Eichheim, J. Eidson, L. Gilman (The heart of the woman)
- Pale brows, still hands and dim hair (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE ITA (Aedh laments the Loss of Love) - P. Warlock, R. Warren
- Pale brows, still hands and dim hair (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE ITA - P. Warlock, R. Warren (The lover mours for the loss of love)
- Politics (How can I, that girl standing there) - J. Duke, S. Wilkinson FRE ITA
- Put off that mask of burning gold (from The Green Helmet and Other Poems) - R. Warren (A lyric from an unpublished play)
- Red Hanrahan's Song about Ireland (The old brown thorn-trees break in two high over Cummen Strand) - B. Boydell
- Red Hanrahan's Song (The old brown thorn-trees break in two high over Cummen Strand) - B. Boydell
- Rosa Mundi (Who dreamed that beauty passes like a dream?) (from The Rose) FRE
- Running to Paradise (As I came over Windy Gap) - B. Stevens
- Said lady once to lover - E. Dulac (The three bushes)
- Sailing to Byzantium (That is no country for old men. The young) (from October Blast) - R. Beckett, R. Warren GER ITA
- She hears me strike the board and say (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - F. Routh (Father and child)
- She hears me strike the board (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) (Father and child) - F. Routh
- She lived in storm and strife - R. Schonthal (That the night come)
- 'She will change,' I cried (from Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems) - S. Grill
- Shy one, shy one (from The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems) FRE IRI - A. Blank, H. Brian, R. Clarke, S. Ebel, J. Eidson, L. Hoiby, P. Johnson, C. Le Fleming, A. Mallinson, E. Mandel, J. Raynor, E. Weigel, E. Whithorne, H. Willan (To an isle in the water)
- Shy one (Shy one, shy one) (from The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems) - R. Clarke, E. Whithorne FRE IRI
- Sixteen dead men (O but we talked at large before) - J. Eidson, F. Scott
- Song from The Land of Heart's Desire (The wind blows out of the gates of the day) (from The Land of Heart's Desire) - I. Gurney
- Song of the Wandering Aengus (I went out to the hazel wood) - R. Evans CHI FRE GER
- Song of Wandering Aengus (I went out to the hazel wood) - D. Bourgeois, D. Leitch CHI FRE GER
- Song (Beloved, may your sleep be sound) (from The New Keepsake) - J. Eaton
- Speech after long silence; it is right (from Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems) - R. Warren (After long silence)
- Spinning song (There are seven that pull the thread)
- Sweet dancer (The girl goes dancing there) - E. Armer, J. Harvey, J. Tavener, J. Wilson
- Sweetheart, do not love too long (from In the Seven Woods) FRE - S. Barab, S. Ebel, N. Rorem, R. Warren, S. Wilkinson (O do not love too long)
- That civilisation may not sink FRE - G. Benjamin, J. Wilson (Long-legged fly)
- That crazed girl improvising her music - R. Beckett (A crazed girl)
- That crazed girl (That crazed girl improvising her music) - R. Beckett
- That is no country for old men. The young (from October Blast) GER ITA - R. Beckett, R. Warren (Sailing to Byzantium)
- That lover of a night (from Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems) - J. Beeson, S. Grill, P. Hadley, D. Lidov, P. Paviour (Crazy Jane on God)
- That the night come (She lived in storm and strife) - R. Schonthal
- The angels are singing, above your bed (from The Rose) ITA (A cradle song) - M. Besly, N. Douty, C. Duncan, S. Ebel, R. Evans, R. Ganz, S. Grill, I. Gurney, F. Hart, D. Healey, R. Housman, H. Ley, T. del Riego, J. Tavener, O. Underhill, E. Weigel, G. Whettam, M. Worder
- The angels are stooping, above your bed (from The Rose) ITA - M. Besly, N. Douty, C. Duncan, S. Ebel, R. Evans, R. Ganz, S. Grill, I. Gurney, F. Hart, D. Healey, R. Housman, H. Ley, T. del Riego, J. Tavener, O. Underhill, E. Weigel, G. Whettam, M. Worder (A cradle song)
- The angels are stooping, above your bed (The angels are stooping, above your bed) (from The Rose) - M. Besly, R. Ganz, R. Housman ITA
- The angels are stooping (The angels are stooping, above your bed) (from The Rose) - J. Tavener ITA
- The Ballad of the Old Foxhunter ('Lay me in a cushioned chair) (from East and West)
- The cap and bells (The Jester walked in the garden) - V. Ambros CZE
- The cat and the moon (The cat went here and there) (from Nine Poems) - R. Beckett, S. Grill, T. Hoekman, N. Marshall, R. Rollin, S. Shifrin, J. Wilson FRE
- The cat went here and there (from Nine Poems) FRE - R. Beckett, S. Grill, T. Hoekman, N. Marshall, R. Rollin, S. Shifrin, J. Wilson (The cat and the moon)
- The Celtic Twilight (Out-worn heart, in a time out-worn)
- The choice (The lot of love is chosen. I learnt that much) (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old)
- The circus animals' desertion (I sought a theme and sought for it in vain) - L. Dykstra
- The cloak, the boat, and the shoes ('What do you make so fair and bright?') - E. Bryson, W. Butler, S. Grill, B. Moore, R. Warren
- The cloths of heaven (Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths) (from The Wind among the reeds) - B. Boydell, C. Brumby, J. Carter, R. Clarke, T. Dunhill, D. Elwyn-Edwards, I. Gurney, P. Heininen, P. Warlock FRE GER HUN
- The Coat (I made my song a coat) (from Responsibilities and Other Poems) - J. Wilson FRE
- The Colonel went out sailing - A. O'Murnaghan (Colonel Martin)
- The coming of wisdom with time (Though leaves are many, the root is one) - R. Jones, P. Moravec
- The Countess Cathleen in Paradise (All the heavy days are over) (from The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics) - J. Tavener
- The Countess Cathleen (All the heavy days are over) (from The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics) - J. Edmunds
- The curlew (O, curlew, cry no more in the air) - L. Gilman, J. Tavener FRE ITA
- The destiny of my words (All the words that I gather) (from Irish Fairy Tales) - E. Whyte FRE IRI
- The dew drops slowly and dreams gather [x] - R. Roderick-Jones (The valley of the black pig)
- The everlasting voices (O sweet everlasting Voices, be still) - J. Chatillon, R. Roderick-Jones, D. Ruyneman, R. Schonthal, P. Warlock, D. Wickens
- The faery host (The host is riding from Knocknarea) (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE
- The falling of the leaves (Autumn is over the long leaves that love us) (from The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems) - A. Blank, N. Marshall, D. Parke, J. Raynor
- The fiddler of Dooney (When I play on my fiddle in Dooney) - M. Andrews, A. Bax, W. Browne, W. Butler, T. Dunhill, R. Evans, F. Frank, I. Gurney, R. Hageman, H. Harty, S. Homer, C. Loeffler, N. Marshall, R. Milford, V. Rieti, J. Tavener, W. Webber
- The fisherman (Although I can see him still —) - L. Dykstra
- The folly of being comforted (One that is ever kind said yesterday) (from In the Seven Woods) - R. Clarke, I. Gurney
- The fool by the roadside (When all works that have) (from Seven Poems and a Fragment - Cuchulain the Girl and the Fool) - F. Routh, O. Underhill
- The four ages of Man (He with body waged a fight) - J. Harvey
- The girl goes dancing there - E. Armer, J. Harvey, J. Tavener, J. Wilson (Sweet dancer)
- The happy townland (There's many a strong farmer) - I. Gurney
- The Hazel Wood (I went out to the hazel wood) - J. Edmunds CHI FRE GER
- The heart of the woman (O what to me the little room) (from Those who live in the storm) - H. Eichheim, J. Eidson, L. Gilman
- The hosting of the Sidhe (The host is riding from Knocknarea) (from The Wind among the reeds) - C. Loeffler FRE
- The host is riding from Knocknarea (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE (The faery host) - C. Loeffler
- The host is riding from Knocknarea (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE - C. Loeffler (The hosting of the Sidhe)
- The host of the air (O'Driscoll drove with a song) - T. Dunhill, C. Loeffler, N. Marshall
- The Indian to his love (The island dreams under the dawn) (from Ballads and Lyrics) FRE
- The island dreams under the dawn (from Ballads and Lyrics) FRE (An Indian song) - M. Burtch
- The island dreams under the dawn (from Ballads and Lyrics) FRE - M. Burtch (The Indian to his love)
- The island dream (The island dreams under the dawn) (from Ballads and Lyrics) - M. Burtch FRE
- The Jester walked in the garden CZE - V. Ambros (Cap and Bell)
- The Lady's First Song (I turn round) - K. Humble
- The Lake Isle of Inisfree (I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree) (from The Rose) - R. Evans CHI FRE HUN ITA
- The Lake Isle of Innisfree (I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree) (from The Rose) - R. Braun, A. Bush, W. Butler, J. Couch, A. Foote, G. Gibbs, I. Gurney, M. Herbert, T. Hoekman, G. Kerry, L. Lehmann, H. Ley, B. Moore, A. Morrison, J. Palmer, G. Peel, E. Poston, T. Ritchie, R. Sowash, H. Willan, D. Zanders CHI FRE HUN ITA
- The Land of Heart's Desire (The wind blows out of the gates of the day) (from The Land of Heart's Desire) - M. Shaw
- The lonely of heart (The wind blows out of the gates of the day) (from The Land of Heart's Desire) - H. Nelson
- The lot of love is chosen. I learnt that much struggling for an image (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) (The choice) - J. Wilson
- The lot of love is chosen. I learnt that much (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - J. Wilson (The choice)
- The lot of love is chosen (The lot of love is chosen. I learnt that much) (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - J. Wilson
- The lover mourns for the loss of love (Pale brows, still hands and dim hair) (from The Wind among the reeds) - P. Warlock FRE ITA
- The lover mours for the loss of love (Pale brows, still hands and dim hair) (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE ITA
- The lover pleads with his friend for old friends (Though you are in your shining days) (from The Wind among the reeds) - B. Moore, P. Schwartz ITA
- The lover tells of the rose in his heart (All things uncomely and broken, all things worn out and old) (from The Wind among the reeds) - N. Marshall, J. Raynor FRE
- The mask (Put off that mask of burning gold) (from The Green Helmet and Other Poems) - R. Warren
- The Meditation of the Old Fisherman (You waves, though you dance by my feet like children at play) - E. Mandel
- The moods (Time drops in decay) - R. Warren GER
- The Mother of God (The threefold terror of love; a fallen flare) (from Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems) - M. Ferreira, J. Harvey
- The old brown thorn-trees break in two high over Cummen Strand - B. Boydell, I. Gurney (Cathleen, the Daughter of Hoolihan)
- The Old Men Admiring Themselves in the Waters (I heard the old, old men say) (from In the Seven Woods) - S. Grill FRE
- The old men admiring themselves in the water (I heard the old, old men say) (from In the Seven Woods) - K. Bissell, N. Rorem, J. Tavener, R. Warren FRE
- The old men (I heard the old, old men say) (from In the Seven Woods) - R. Rollin FRE
- The Pilgrim Soul (When you are old and gray and full of sleep) (from The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics) - G. Bachlund CHI FRE GER HUN ITA
- The pity of love (A pity beyond all telling) (from The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics) - S. Grill, R. Warren FRE IRI
- The Player Queen: Song from an Unfinished Play (My mother dandled me and sang)
- The Player Queen (My mother dandled me and sang) - J. Carpenter
- The Ragged Wood (O hurry where by water among the trees) (from In the Seven Woods) - A. Hoddinott, D. Keberle
- There are seven that pull the thread - E. Elgar (Spinning song)
- There are seven that pull the thread (There are seven that pull the thread) - E. Elgar
- There's many a strong farmer - I. Gurney (The happy townland)
- The rose of the world (Who dreamed that beauty passes like a dream?) (from The Rose) - S. Grill, J. Verrall FRE
- The Salley Gardens (Down by the Salley Gardens my love and I did meet) (from The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems) - B. Britten, J. Cloud, J. Edmunds, G. Finzi, J. Ireland, J. Jeffreys CAT DUT FRE FRI FRI GER
- The scholars (Bald heads forgetful of their sins) (from The Wild Swans at Coole) FRE
- The scholars (Bald heads forgetful of their sins) - J. Eidson
- These are the clouds about the fallen sun (from Responsibilities and Other Poems) - J. Eidson (These are the clouds)
- These are the clouds (These are the clouds about the fallen sun) (from Responsibilities and Other Poems) - J. Eidson
- The Second Coming (Turning and turning in the widening gyre) - G. Bachlund, L. Dykstra, J. Harvey, R. Schonthal, J. Tavener GER
- The secrets of the old (I have old women's secrets now) (from The Tower) - S. Barber
- The song of the old mother (I rise in the dawn, and I kneel and blow) - R. Housman
- The Song of Wandering Aengus (I went out to the hazel wood) - G. Bachlund, J. Brown, D. Droste CHI FRE GER
- The stolen bride (O'Driscoll drove with a song)
- The stolen child (Where dips the rocky highland) - G. Bachlund, G. Manson, C. Rootham, J. Tavener
- The three bushes (Said lady once to lover) - E. Dulac
- The threefold terror of love; a fallen flare (from Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems) - M. Ferreira, J. Harvey (The Mother of God)
- The travail of passion (When the flaming lute-thronged angelic door is wide) - R. Schonthal
- The trees are in their autumn beauty FRE - L. Dykstra, W. Grant, T. Hoekman (The wild swans at Coole)
- The valley of lovers (I dreamed that I stood in a valley, and amid sighs) - J. Damon
- The valley of the black pig (The dew drops slowly and dreams gather) - R. Roderick-Jones [x]
- The white birds (I would that we were, my beloved, white birds on the foam of the sea) - N. Marshall
- The white heron (Motionless under the moon-beam) (from Calvary) - R. Warren
- The wild swans at Coole (The trees are in their autumn beauty) - L. Dykstra, W. Grant, T. Hoekman FRE
- The wind among the reeds () - O. Forrest [x]
- The wind blows out of the gates of the day (from The Land of Heart's Desire) - H. Gilbert, I. Gurney, H. Nelson, M. Shaw
- The withering of the boughs (I cried when the moon was murmuring to the birds) (from In the Seven Woods) - P. Warlock FRE
- The young man's song (I whispered, "I am too young,") (from The Green Helmet and Other Poems)
- Those dancing days are gone (Come, let me sing into your ear) - P. Aston, R. Warren, D. Young FRE
- Though leaves are many, the root is one - R. Jones, P. Moravec, F. Schwartz (Youth and age)
- Though you are in your shining days (from The Wind among the reeds) ITA - B. Moore, P. Schwartz (The Lover Pleads with His Friend for Old Friends)
- Three things (O cruel Death, give three things back,") - D. Young
- Time drops in decay GER - R. Warren (The moods)
- To a Child dancing in the Wind (Dance there upon the shore) - L. Dykstra, S. Grill, M. Murray, D. Ruyneman, R. Schonthal, J. Tavener, J. Weiss, H. Wood
- To a Friend whose Work has come to Nothing (Now all the truth is out) (from Poems Written in Discouragement) - H. Wood
- To an Isle in the Water (Shy one, shy one) (from The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems) - A. Blank, H. Brian, J. Eidson, L. Hoiby, P. Johnson, C. Le Fleming, A. Mallinson, E. Mandel, J. Raynor, E. Weigel, H. Willan FRE IRI
- To a squirrel at Kyle-na-no (Come play with me) (from The Wild Swans at Coole) - E. Weigel FRE
- To a young girl (My dear, my dear I know) (from Nine Poems) - N. Rorem, S. Wilkinson FRE
- To Be Carved on a Stone at Thoor Ballylee (I, the poet William Yeats) - S. Gerber
- To Dectora (Half close your eyelids, loosen your hair) - T. Dunhill
- To his heart, bidding it have no fear (Be you still, be you still, trembling heart) - R. Roderick-Jones, P. Schwartz ITA
- Turning and turning in the widening gyre GER - G. Bachlund, L. Dykstra, J. Harvey, R. Schonthal, J. Tavener (The Second Coming)
- Two Songs of a Fool I (A speckled cat and a tame hare) (from The Wild Swans at Coole - Two Songs of a Fool) - S. Grill FRE
- Two Songs of a Fool II (I slept on my three-leged stool by the fire) (from The Wild Swans at Coole - Two Songs of a Fool) - S. Grill FRE
- Two years later (Has no one said those daring) - L. Dykstra, S. Grill, J. Tavener
- Under Ben Bulben V (Irish poets, earn your trade) (from Under Ben Bulben) - J. Eaton
- Undying love to buy (from The Winding Stair) - A. Berger, S. Grill (His confidence)
- Upon silence (That civilisation may not sink) - G. Benjamin FRE
- Vacillation (Between extremities)
- VIII. Girl's Song (I went out alone) - S. Grill
- Voices ('What do you make so fair and bright?')
- Were you but lying cold and dead (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE (Aodh to Dectora) - H. Eichheim, C. Van Nuys Fogel
- Were you but lying cold and dead (from The Wind among the reeds) FRE - H. Eichheim, C. Van Nuys Fogel (He wishes his Beloved were Dead)
- Were you lying cold and dead - L. Liebermann
- We who are old, old and gay FRE - H. Brian, I. Gurney, R. Warren (A faery song)
- We who are old (We who are old, old and gay) - I. Gurney FRE
- 'What do you make so fair and bright?' - E. Bryson, W. Butler, S. Grill, B. Moore, R. Warren (Voices)
- What lively lad most pleasured me (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - K. Puts, J. Wilson (A last confession)
- What lively lad most pleasured me (What lively lad most pleasured me) (from The Winding Stair - A Woman Young and Old) - J. Wilson
- What Then? (His chosen comrades thought at school) - I. Venables
- What woman hugs her infant there? - C. Duncan (Nativity)
- When all works that have (from Seven Poems and a Fragment - Cuchulain the Girl and the Fool) - F. Routh, O. Underhill (The fool by the roadside)
- When I play on my fiddle in Dooney - M. Andrews, A. Bax, W. Browne, W. Butler, T. Dunhill, R. Evans, F. Frank, I. Gurney, R. Hageman, H. Harty, S. Homer, C. Loeffler, N. Marshall, R. Milford, V. Rieti, J. Tavener, W. Webber (The fiddler of Dooney)
- When my arms wrap you round I press - L. Liebermann
- When the flaming lute-thronged angelic door is wide - R. Schonthal (The Travail of Passion)
- When you are old (A barcarolle) (When you are old and gray and full of sleep) (from The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics) - V. Rieti CHI FRE GER HUN ITA
- When you are old and gray and full of sleep (from The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics) CHI FRE GER HUN ITA - G. Bachlund, G. Baxter, F. Bridge, D. Droste, R. Evans, J. Fearing, I. Gurney, B. Moore, W. Mourant, J. Raynor, V. Rieti, T. Ritchie, P. Sacco, R. Sowash, J. Tavener, I. Venables, R. Warren, G. Whettam, S. Wilkinson, Y. Wyner (When you are old)
- When you are old and gray (When you are old and gray and full of sleep) (from The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics) - T. Ritchie CHI FRE GER HUN ITA
- When you are old and grey (When you are old and gray and full of sleep) (from The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics) - R. Evans, I. Gurney, J. Raynor, R. Sowash CHI FRE GER HUN ITA
- When you are old (When you are old and gray and full of sleep) (from The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics) - G. Baxter, F. Bridge, D. Droste, J. Fearing, B. Moore, W. Mourant, P. Sacco, J. Tavener, I. Venables, R. Warren, G. Whettam, Y. Wyner CHI FRE GER HUN ITA
- When you are sad (When you are sad) (from The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics) - S. Grill
- When you are sad (from The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics) - S. Grill
- Where dips the rocky highland - G. Bachlund, S. Ebel, G. Manson, C. Rootham, J. Tavener (The stolen child)
- Where has Maid Quiet gone to (from Poems Lyrical and Narrative) - I. Gurney, E. Poston, V. Rieti (Maid Quiet)
- Where my books go (All the words that I gather) (from Irish Fairy Tales) FRE IRI
- Who dreamed that beauty passes like a dream? (from The Rose) FRE - S. Grill, J. Verrall (Rosa Mundi)
- Who goes with Fergus? (Who will go drive with Fergus now) - H. Kauder
- Who will go drive with Fergus now - H. Kauder (Who goes with Fergus?)
- Why should I blame her that she filled my days (from The Green Helmet and Other Poems) FRE - R. Beckett, S. Shifrin (No second Troy)
- Wine comes in at the mouth (from The Green Helmet and Other Poems) FRE IRI - S. Bodley, B. Boydell, J. Eidson, D. Healey, D. Keats, K. Puts, P. Warlock, E. Weigel (A drinking song)
- Wine comes in at the mouth (Wine comes in at the mouth) (from The Green Helmet and Other Poems) - P. Warlock FRE IRI
- Wisdom (Though leaves are many, the root is one) - F. Schwartz
- X. Her Anxiety (Earth in beauty dressed) (from The Winding Stair) - S. Grill
- XI. His Confidence (Undying love to buy) (from The Winding Stair) - S. Grill
- Yellow hair (Never shall a young man) - M. Dalby, J. Duke
- Your eyes that once were never weary of mine (from The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems) - P. Hadley (Ephemera)
- Youth and age (Much did I rage when young) - L. Dykstra
- Youth and age (Though leaves are many, the root is one)
- You waves, though you dance by my feet like children at play - E. Mandel (The Meditation of the Old Fisherman)
Last update: 2025-01-11 04:03:23