Submissions by Sneddon, Iain ( 327 items: 265 texts and 62 translations )
[Guest Editor]
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- Go thou on before us
- Vena comes, born of light; title: "Hymn to Vena"
- Hear our hymn, O Goddess; title: "Hymn to the Dawn"
- Unto a fly transformed from human kind; title: "Unto a fly transformed from human kind"
- A pretty duck there was that said; title: "A pretty duck there was that said"
- I would thou wert not fair, or I were wise
- Go, wailing verse, the issue of thy sire; title: "Go, wailing verse, the issue of thy sire"
- If there be anyone whom love hath wounded; title: "If there be anyone whom love hath wounded"
- I heard of late that Love was fall’n asleep; title: "I heard of late that Love was fall’n asleep"
- All my wits hath will enwrapped; title: "All my wits hath will enwrapped"
- O Lord thy faithfulness and praise
- Who doth behold my mistress’ face; title: "Who doth behold my mistress face"
- The Queen of Paphos Ericine; title: "The Queen of Paphos Ericine"
- Surcharged with discontent
- When from my love I looked for love and kind affections due; title: "When from my love I looked for love and kind affections due"
- At dead low ebb of night, when none; title: "A Tale out of Anacreon"
- I carried my heart in my hand; title: "The kind-hearted girl" [translation of: Das mitleidige Mädel | Trug mein Herz ich auf der Hand]
- So it's done! my shame is assured; title: "The death of Cleopatra" [translation of: La mort de Cléopâtre | C'en est donc fait! ma honte est assurée]
- From the hill's bare ridge; title: "The Wandering Jew" [translation of: Der ewige Jude | Von des Hügels kahlem Rücken]
- How I pulse with pleasure [translation of: Der Bräutigam | Wie pocht mir vor Lust]
- It was the Battle of Waterloo; title: "The Parrot" [translation of: Der Papagei | Das war die Schlacht von Waterloo]
- On your humanity 'twould insult seem
- Sounds of the battle raging around us; title: "1910"
- Why, Lysidas, shou’d Man be vain
- Love into Chloe’s chamber came
- Once upon a time," says the fairy tale woman; title: "Once upon a time" [translation of: "Es war einmal", so spricht die Märchenfrau | Es war einmal", so spricht die Märchenfrau]
- Don Garci Perez de Vargas; title: "Garci Perez" [translation of: Garci Perez | Don Garci Perez de Vargas]
- In the moonlight; title: "Washerwomen" [translation of: Les lavandières | Au clair de lune]
- At Ross how alter’d is the scene!; title: "Aria. At Ross how alter’d is the scene"
- But oh, when age, life’s winter comes; title: "Recitative. But oh, when age, life’s winter comes"
- Virtue, the charmer sweet replies; title: "Aria. Virtue, the charmer sweet replies"
- Celui qui sut toucher mon cœur; title: "Celui qui sut toucher mon cœur"
- Blest day, arise in State
- From this happy Day we date
- Inspire us, Genius of the Day
- Shou’d I not lead a happy life?; title: "Shou'd I not lead a happy life"
- Diana hunting on a day
- A stream flows and murmurs; title: "The Apricot Seller" [translation of: L'Abricotier | Un ruisseau coule et murmure]
- Wenn die Abendglocken leise tönen
- When the evening bells ring softly [translation of: Erste Liebe | Wenn die Abendglocken leise tönen]
- I had a ring, a gold ring; title: "The Bullfighter" [translation of: Le Toréador | J'avais une bague, une bague d'or]
- The one who knew how to touch my heart; title: "The one who knew how to touch my heart" [translation of: Celui qui sut toucher mon cœur | Celui qui sut toucher mon cœur]
- I am the king from the East; title: "The King from the East" [translation of: Der König aus dem Morgenland | Ich bin der König vom Morgenland]
- My little darling is a delectable thing; title: "My Little Darling" [translation of: Mein Schätzelein | Mein Schätzelein ist ein gar köstliches Ding]
- Fall, like unravelling pearls; title: "Falling Stars" [translation of: La Chute des étoiles | Tombez, ô perles dénouées]
- In the garden sweetly sings a solitary bird; title: "Song at evening"
- Baban bach, Cysga’n dawel heno; title: "Cradle Song"
- Lullaby my sweet little baby; title: "Cradle Song"
- Fly to the desert, fly with me
- Very early one Ash Wednesday [translation of: The Twa Cummars | Richt arely one Ask Wedinsday]
- Whilst from our Looks, fair Nymph you guess; title: "Elegy II"
- Could he whom my dissembled Rigour grieves; title: "Elegy III"
- In a Vale clos'd with Woodland, where Grottoes abound; title: "Elegy IV"
- Ye Woods and ye Mountains unknown; title: "Elegy V"
- Thou fairest Proof of Beauty's Pow'r; title: "Elegy VI"
- Thou to whose Eyes I bend, at whose command; title: "Invocation"
- Can she disdaine can I persist to love; title: "Can she disdaine, can I persist to love"
- Alas faire face why doth that smoothed brow; title: "Alas faire face, why doth that smoothed brow"
- Aye mee, she frownes, my Mistresse is offended; title: "Aye mee, she frownes, my mistresse is offended"
- Mes yeux il est temps de pleurer
- Ha! compagnons nous voyla bien
- Ha! Companions now you see us happy [translation of: Ha! compagnons nous voyla bien]
- My eyes, it is time to cry [translation of: Mes yeux il est temps de pleurer]
- Cupid flies by, his bow is unarmed; title: "Cupid flies by, his bow is unarmed" [translation of: Passava Amor su arco desarmado | Passava Amor su arco elesarmado]
- La bocca sollevò dal fiero pasto
- His mouth lifted from the savage meal [translation of: Canto XXXIII | La bocca sollevò dal fiero pasto]
- Un ruisseau coule et murmure; title: "L'Abricotier"
- Many a shade from forgotten times [translation of: Manch Bild vergessener Zeiten | Manch' Bild vergess'ner Zeiten]
- They tormented me [translation of: Sie haben mich gequälet | Sie haben mich gequälet]
- They sat and sipped at the tea table [translation of: Am Teetisch | Sie saßen und tranken am Teetisch]
- I dreamed the old dream again [translation of: Mir träumte wieder der alte Traum | Mir träumte wieder der alte Traum]
- I stand on the mountaintop; title: "I stand on the mountaintop" [translation of: Ich steh' auf des Berges Spitze | Ich steh auf des Berges Spitze]
- The Dream God brought me to a giant’s castle; title: "The Dream God" [translation of: Der Traumgott | Der Traumgott bracht mich in ein Riesenschloß]
- A baby born of flowers; title: "Jesus of Nazareth" [translation of: Jesús de Nazareth | Un niño nace de flores]
- He's back, the Chestnut Seller; title: "The Chestnut Seller" [translation of: Le Marchand de Marrons | Il est revenu, le marchand]
- Forth from the dark and dismal Cell
- Daphne, Shepheards if they knew; title: "A Pastorall Dialogue between two Nymphs Amarillis and Daphne"
- Away, away, Anacreon
- Beauties, have ye seen this Toy
- Tell me no more tis love; title: "Tell me no more tis love"
- Tis not 'ith' pow'r of all thy scorne
- Let longing Lovers fit and pine
- Come Cloris, leave thy wandring sheep
- Come, my Lucasia, since we see
- Take heed fair Chloris, how you tame; title: "Disdaine"
- But that I knew before we met; title: "Parting"
- Tell not me my Cælia's dead; title: "An Elegiack Song, On the Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Sambroke, who Died at Salisbury, April 11. 1655"
- Old Poets Hipocrin admire; title: "On a Pint of Sack"
- Weepe not, nor backward turne your beames; title: "A Dialogue betwene a Lover and Reason"
- Ah, Coridon, contentedly we tend; title: "A Dialogue between Phillida and Coridon"
- How long shall I a Martyr be; title: "Loves Martyr"
- When as Leander young was drown'd
- Ah, ah! the false fatall tale I read; title: "Betrayd, by Beleefe"
- O how I hate thee now
- Ladies, you that seeme so nice; title: "Disswation from Presumption"
- On this swelling bank (once proud; title: "A Remembrance"
- Cloris, since first our calme of peace; title: "To a Lady, more affable since the war began"
- Yes, yes, 'tis Cloris sings, 'tis she; title: "Cloris Singing"
- When we were parted
- Delicate Beauty, why should you disdaine; title: "Sufferance"
- Was it a forme, a gate, a grace
- I have beene in Heav'n, I thinke; title: "On his hearing her Majesty sing"
- Help, help, o helpe, Divinity of Love; title: "A Storme"
- Now, now Lucasia, now make haste; title: "No Reprieve"
- Can so much Beauty own a mind?; title: "Not to be altred from Affection"
- Deere thy face is heaven to mee; title: "Parting"
- Goe little winged Archer and convey; title: "Cupids Embassie"
- O Turn away those cruell eyes; title: "He would not be tempted"
- Cupid who didst ne're see light; title: "A Prayer to Cupid"
- Such was the sorrow Cloris felt; title: "Parting"
- Bee not proud cause fair and trim; title: "Bee not proud cause fair and trim"
- In vain fair Chloris, you designe; title: "A false designe to be cruell"
- When first I saw fair Doris eyes
- And is this all? what one poor kisse?
- On Jordan's green banks; title: "Mount Nebo" [translation of: Nebo | Auf Jordan's grünen Borden]
- Beauteous image, smile with pleasure; title: "Summer's Treasures"
- Come, my fairest, learn of me; title: "The Tutor"
- When Fanny I saw as she tript o'er the green; title: "The Imaginary Kiss"
- Polly, when your lips you join; title: "The Feast"
- On a mossy bank reclin’d; title: "The Stolen Kiss"
- Let me fly into thy arms; title: "The Meeting Kiss"
- One kind kiss before we part; title: "The Parting Kiss"
- See I languish, see I faint; title: "The Borrowed Kiss"
- Chloe, by that borrowed kiss; title: "The Kiss Repaid"
- At the silent evening hour; title: "The Secret Kiss"
- Whilst on thy dear bosom lying; title: "The Rapture"
- Why that sadness on thy brow?; title: "The Reconciling Kiss"
- Cælia, by those smiling graces; title: "The Mutual Kiss"
- When sparrows build, and the leaves break forth
- The cherry blossom
- The leaves have fallen
- November evening
- Here is Peter. Here is Jane. They like fun; title: "Reading Scheme"
- Spring night, so silent and cool; title: "Norwegian Spring Night" [translation of: Norwegische Frühlingsnacht | Lenznacht, so still und so kühl]
- Jeg gik mig ud en Sommerdag at høre; title: "Jeg gik mig ud en Sommerdag"
- Dem Armen, dem niemals die Freude gelacht; title: "Engelgesang"
- I gaze from the prow of the ship; title: "Becalmed" [translation of: Meeresstille | Ich seh von des Schiffes Rande]
- What thing is love? I prithee tell
- Far away! - my home is far away; title: "Far Away"
- Wo Claribel gestorben
- Everything is ravishing when the day comes; title: "The Day" [translation of: Le Jour | Tout est ravi quand vient le Jour]
- When I was held in the pavilion; title: "When I was held in the pavilion" [translation of: Rondeau XLVI | Quand je fus pris au pavillon | Quant je fus prins ou pavillon]
- In the air wings are flying; title: "The Air" [translation of: L'air | Dans l'air s'en vont les ailes]
- Stay close to the line of the window [translation of: Chanson LXXIV | Gardez le trait de la fenestre | Gardez le trait de la fenestre]
- The heavens are resplendent with stars; title: "The Stars" [translation of: Les Étoiles | Les cieux resplendissants d'Étoiles]
- Be welcome, red Autumn; title: "Autumn" [translation of: L'automne | Sois le bienvenu, rouge Automne]
- Au pied d’un saule assise tous les jours
- An einem Baum, am Weidenbaum saß sie; title: "Lied der Desdemona"
- Was soll ich denn ansehen; title: "Deingedenken"
- The moon beams kelter in the lift; title: "The Man in the Moon"
- Als erster kommt der Hahn; title: "Im Tiroler Wirtshaus"
- First comes the cockerel; title: "At the Tyrolean Hotel" [translation of: Im Tiroler Wirtshaus | Als erster kommt der Hahn]
- Wha kens on whatna Bethlehems; title: "The Innumerable Christ"
- Landlady, count the lawin; title: "Landlady, count the lawin' "
- The blaffering wind blows from Southwest; title: "Alba"
- Ootside!... Ootside!; title: "Country Life"
- Her face it was that fankl’t me; title: "Love of Alba"
- Could I bring back lost youth again; title: "Florine"
- When I was young and ower young; title: "The Deil o' Bogie"
- Was soll ich nun vom Wiedersehen hoffen
- What can I gaze at; title: "Your memory" [translation of: Deingedenken | Was soll ich denn ansehen]
- La belle est au jardin d'amour; title: "La belle est au jardin d'amour"
- Beauty is in the garden of love; title: "Beauty is in the garden of love" [translation of: La belle est au jardin d'amour | La belle est au jardin d'amour]
- Je descendis dans mon jardin; title: "Je descendis dans mon jardin "
- I stooped down in my garden; title: "I stooped down in my garden" [translation of: Je descendis dans mon jardin | Je descendis dans mon jardin]
- Au miroir de ma mère; title: "Au miroir de ma mère"
- In my mother’s mirror; title: "In my mother’s mirror" [translation of: Au miroir de ma mère | Au miroir de ma mère]
- O steer her up, an' haud her gaun
- O weel I mind the bonnie morn; title: "Glances"
- There's news, lasses, news; title: "There's news, lasses, news"
- In unterirdischer Kammer
- There's rustling amongst the horsetail trees; title: "The Last Ichthyosaurus" [translation of: Der letzte Ichthyosaurus | Es rauscht in den Schachtelhalmen]
- Mountain peaks are glowing [translation of: Ausfahrt | Berggipfel erglühen]
- Letzte Hose, die mich schmückte; title: "Die letzte Hose"
- Zwei Schatten seh' ich schweben; title: "Numero Acht"
- Es rauscht in den Schachtelhalmen; title: "Der letzte Ichthyosaurus"
- The Bärenburg castle is gleaming in the glow of sunset; title: "The Rare Prayer" [translation of: Der selt'ne Beter | Im Abendgolde glänzet zu Bärenburg das Schloß]
- It was thirty-three years ago today; title: "The Captured Admiral" [translation of: Der gefangene Admiral | Sind heute dreiunddreißig Jahr]
- At twilight I was near the forest; title: "Evening Song" [translation of: Esti Dal | Erdő mellett est vélëdtem]
- 'There's a hound at the door, Shawn O'Farrell; title: "The Sea Hounds"
- The trees were like bubblyjocks; title: "Sunny Gale"
- I have been in this garden of unripe fruit; title: "First Love"
- A bony No,” with smyling looks agane
- I wha aince in Heaven’s height
- I dinna want a wee man, a wee man, a wee man; title: "The Wee Man"
- Great, Good, and Just, could I but rate; title: "On receiving news of the death of Charles I"
- The auld men o’ the sea; title: "Hungry Waters"
- Whistle, whistle, auld wife; title: "Whistle, whistle, auld wife"
- Lourd on my hert as winter lies
- Sweit rois of vertew and of gentilnes
- There’s teuch sauchs growin’ i’ the Reuch Heuch Hauch; title: "The Sauchs in the Reuch Heuch Hauch"
- Greet the bights that gave me shelter; title: "The Old Fisherman"
- Gane is the day, and mirk's the night
- Ilka hert an’ hind are met; title: "Reid-E'en"
- Blow, good wind, from Westward, blow against the dawn; title: "The Kerry Shore - Loch Fyne"
- There was a Cameronian cat; title: "The Cameronian Cat"
- In the afternoon we sat; title: "Forfeits" [translation of: Stirbt der Fuchs, so gilt der Balg | Nach Mittage saßen wir]
- Calum thonder, long's the night to your thinking
- As white’s the blossom on the rise; title: "The Love-sick Lass"
- As white as the awakening blossoms; title: "The Love-sick Lass" [translation of: The Love-sick Lass | As white’s the blossom on the rise]
- I met ayont the cairney; title: "Empty Vessel"
- Ae weet forenicht i’ the yow-trummle; title: "The Watergaw"
- He that hes gold and grit riches
- Oh, her dear little eyes; title: "Little blue eyes" [translation of: Ach ihr lieben Äuglein | Ach ihr lieben Äuglein]
- Fill with wassail the bowl, a theme yet unsung; title: "Currency Lasses"
- Softly waft, ye southern breezes
- Enhver, der er vorden af Verden forladt; title: "Englenes Sang"
- There was a dwarf, Perkêo, in the Heidelberg Castle; title: "Perkêo" [translation of: Perkêo | Das war der Zwerg Perkêo im Heidelberger Schloß]
- Vergiss mein nicht, vergiss mein nicht
- Do not forget me [translation of: Vergiss mein nicht, mein allerliebster Gott | Vergiss mein nicht, vergiss mein nicht]
- Il est revenu, le marchand; title: "Le Marchand de Marrons"
- Tie up your bundle for hiking; title: "Disagreement and Atonement" [translation of: Zwist und Sühne | Schnür den Bündel denn zum Wandern]
- The particular look of a courtesan; title: "Wine for the lonely" [translation of: Le vin du solitaire | Le regard singulier d'une femme galante]
- The myrtles of Damascus, when they smile
- There came an army from the sky; title: "After drought"
- I need so much the quiet of your love; title: "At nightfall"
- I did not know the nightingale could fling
- O in that hour when both of us are dead
- Here, at the doorway of my tent, I linger; title: "Stars of the Desert"
- You are all that is lovely and light
- The Rice was under water, and the land was scourged with rain; title: "The Rice was Under Water"
- Somewhere, Oh, My Beloved One, the house is standing
- ‘Lass, when your mither is frae hame
- I hae laid a herring in saut –; title: "I hae laid a herring in saut"
- Lang heff I maed of ladyes quhytt
- Long have I written about ladies white; title: "About a black woman" [translation of: Of ane Blackamoor | Lang heff I maed of ladyes quhytt]
- The Tailor fell thro' the bed, thimble an' a'; title: "The tailor fell thro' the bed"
- My wife's a wanton, wee thing; title: "My wife's a wanton wee thing"
- The thunder and the dark; title: "In time of tumult"
- Richt arely one Ask Wedinsday
- When I think on the happy days
- Chorus: O dear minny, what shall I do?; title: "O dear minny, what shall I do?"
- O, fare ye weel, my auld wife!; title: "Fare ye weel, my auld wife"
- There was a wife wonn'd in Cockpen, Scroggam!
- Amang the trees, where humming bees; title: "Amang the trees"
- Half doun the hill, whaur fa’s the linn; title: "The gowk"
- Oh to be at Crowdieknowe; title: "Crowdieknowe"
- When the warl’s couped soon’ as a peerie; title: "Moonstruck"
- A luvin’ wumman is a licht; title: "Love"
- Cwa’ een like milk-wort and bog-cotton hair!; title: "Milkwort and Bog-cotton"
- As the dragonfly’s hideous larva creeps
- In peticote of greene
- The merle in the hauch sings sweet; title: "Corbie sang"
- O softly, softly came she in [translation of: The tryst | The Tryst | O luely, luely cam she in]
- Now the peak of summer's past, the sky is overcast; title: "Hornpipe"
- Wheesht, wheesht, my foolish hert; title: "Wheesht, wheesht"
- I’ the how-dumb-died o’ the cauld hairst nicht; title: "The eemis stane"
- Quiet, quiet, my foolish heart; title: "Quiet, quiet" [translation of: Wheesht, wheesht | Wheesht, wheesht, my foolish hert]
- We’ll hap and row, we'll hap and row
- Twist ye, twine ye! even so; title: "Twist ye, twine ye"
- The auld man's mear's dead
- Rorate, celi, desuper!
- High up here they rest, their long day’s work done; title: "St. Brendan's graveyard: Isle of Barra"
- Fra bank to bank, fra wood to wood I rin; title: "Cupid and Venus"
- The auld man's mear's dead!; title: "The auld man's mear"
- Done is the battle on the dragon black; title: "Done is the Battle with the Black Dragon" [translation of: The lord is risen | Done is a battell on the dragon blak]
- I'll gar our gudeman trow; title: "I'll gar our gudeman trow"
- The Robin to the Wren's nest; title: "The wren's nest"
- Done is a battell on the dragon blak
- There lives a young lassie
- Wha will buy my troggin, fine election ware
- If my dear wife should chance to gang; title: "My wife shall ha'e her will"
- There dwalt a man into the west
- Far across the desert sands
- Through the old city’s silence
- Belovèd, in your absence I have told
- How many a lonely caravan sets out
- If in the great bazaars
- Ah! when the dark on many a heart descends; title: "Allah be with us"
- O luely, luely cam she in
- Upon the street they lie; title: "The children"
- O! shairly ye hae seen my love; title: "Ballad"
- Come heavy souls oppressed with the weight
- Das war der Zwerg Perkêo im Heidelberger Schloß; title: "Perkêo"
- Nun hat mein Stecken gute Rast
- Delight is as the flight
- Bury me on a Sunday"; title: "Farmer Dunman's Funeral"
- I wanted to marry, but father said, "No; title: "The Orphaned Old Maid"
- They sit and smoke on the esplanade; title: "At a Watering Place"
- 'But hear. If you stay, and the child be born; title: "In the Restaurant"
- 'My bride is not coming, alas!' says the groom; title: "At the Altar-rail"
- 'O lonely workman, standing there; title: "In the Moonlight"
- Go, pretty child, and bear this flower
- Verse. My God, I'm wounded by my sin
- God gives not only corn for need; title: "To God"
- Through all the night; title: "To His Angrie God"
- Night hath no wings to him that cannot sleep; title: "To his sweet saviour"
- I'm a Mimi who's over the hill; title: "Diva's lament"
- As the holly groweth green; title: "As the holly groweth green"
- To make a final conquest of all me; title: "The fair singer"
- Two Gardens see! this of enchanted flowers; title: "Two Gardens"
- That which is marred at birth Time shall not mend; title: "Gertrude's Prayer"
- What is a woman that you forsake her; title: "Harp Song of the Dane Women"
- Have you news of my boy Jack?"; title: "My Boy Jack"
- This enders night; title: "This Enders Night"
- There once was a lady, divinely tall; title: "Legend of Rosemary"
- Oh! From over there so sweetly it resounds; title: "The cry of the quail" [translation of: Der Wachtelschlag | Ach! wie schallt's dorten so lieblich hervor]
- As I went dreaming; title: "The poplars"
- The rafters blacken year by year; title: "A Cottager"
- At night when everyone's asleep; title: "The dustman"
- The hawthorn brave upon the green; title: "The bean flower"
- I will cut you wands of willow; title: "Impromptu in March"
- Pack, clouds, away! and welcome, day!
- Know, Celia, since thou art so proud
- Death-like the morning dawns; title: "The Convalescent addresses Hope" [translation of: Der Genesene an die Hoffnung | Tödtlich graute mir der Morgen]
- I am my mother's only child; title: "Confession" [translation of: Selbstgeständnis | Ich bin meiner Mutter einzig Kind]
- Days passed; title: "Days passed" [translation of: Regrets | Jours passés]
- On a day, alack the day!
- Since all thy vows, false maid
- Less than the dust, beneath thy Chariot wheel; title: "Less than the dust"
- The temple bells are ringing
- Wha is that at my bower-door?"
- O wert thou in the cauld blast
- Why does your brand sae drop wi' blude
- Lenznacht, so still und so kühl; title: "Norwegische Frühlingsnacht"
- O my Luve's like a red, red rose
- Wee Willie Gray, an' his leather wallet
- When I am dying, lean over me tenderly, softly; title: "Till I wake"
- Ach ihr lieben Äuglein
- O Rattlin, roarin Willie; title: "Rattlin' Roarin' Willie"
- Nach Mittage saßen wir; title: "Stirbt der Fuchs, so gilt der Balg"
- Robin shure in hairst; title: "Robin shure in hairst"
- Come to me in my dreams, and then
- Quant je fus prins ou pavillon
- Sind heute dreiunddreißig Jahr; title: "Der gefangene Admiral"
- Why so pale and wan, fond lover?
- O Take him gently from the Pile; title: "Song"