Texts to Art Songs and Choral Works by M. Horder
The symbol [x] indicates a placeholder for a text that is not yet in the database.
The symbol ⊗ indicates a translation that is missing an original text.
A * indicates that a text cannot (yet?) be displayed on this site because of its copyright status.
Note: A language code in a blue rectangle like ENG indicates that a translation to that language is available.
A grey rectangle like FRE indicates a particular translation (usually one set to music) exists but isn't yet available.
Song Cycles, Collections, Symphonies, etc.:
- A Shropshire Lad
- no. 1. Loveliest of trees (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- no. 2. Goldcups (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- no. 3. The lent lily (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- no. 4. When I was one-and-twenty (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE GER HEB
- no. 5. White in the moon the long road lies (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Beastly! - Seven Songs
- no. 1. The vulture (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- no. 2. I saw a jolly hunter (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- no. 3. The Jesus Affair (Text: Mervyn, Lord Horder, the Second Baron of Ashford) [x]*
- no. 4. The buttercup song (Text: Mervyn, Lord Horder, the Second Baron of Ashford) [x]*
- no. 5. You silly donkey (Text: Mervyn, Lord Horder, the Second Baron of Ashford) [x]*
- no. 6. The Mouse's Waltz (Text: Mervyn, Lord Horder, the Second Baron of Ashford) [x]*
- no. 7. The Whale (Text: Alfred Bruce Douglas, Lord) [x]
- Black Diamonds I
- no. 1. My own dear love (Text: Dorothy Parker) [x]*
- no. 2. Bohemia (Text: Dorothy Parker) [x]*
- no. 3. Unfortunate coincidence (Text: Dorothy Parker) [x]*
- Black Diamonds II
- no. 1. Wail (Text: Dorothy Parker) *
- no. 2. Bric à brac (Text: Dorothy Parker) *
- no. 3. Convalescent (Text: Dorothy Parker) [x]*
- Dorset Delight
- no. 1. In the spring (Text: William Barnes)
- no. 2. White and blue (Text: William Barnes) [x]
- no. 3. The wife a-lost (Text: William Barnes)
- no. 4. Summer's pride (Text: William Barnes) [x]
- no. 5. The farmer's eldest daughter (Text: William Barnes)
- Fadditties
- no. 1. Low fat (Text: Mervyn, Lord Horder, the Second Baron of Ashford) [x]*
- no. 2. Physical culture (Text: Mervyn, Lord Horder, the Second Baron of Ashford) [x]*
- no. 3. Monosodium glutamate (Text: Mervyn, Lord Horder, the Second Baron of Ashford) [x]*
- Five Burns Songs
- no. 1. A red, red rose (Text: Robert Burns) CZE DAN FRE GER GER GER GER GRE HUN IRI RUS SWG
- no. 2. O whistle and I'll come to you (Text: Robert Burns)
- no. 3. My Jean (Text: Robert Burns) CZE DAN FRE GER GER GER
- no. 4. John Anderson, my jo (Text: Robert Burns) CZE FIN FRE GER GER GER HUN POL RUS RUS
- no. 5. The Winter it is past (Text: Robert Burns) CHI GER
- Five Sea Songs
- no. 1. I am the great sun (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) *
- no. 2. Song of the dying gunner (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- no. 3. Sailor's carol (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- no. 4. Nursery rhyme of innocence and experience (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- no. 5. Elizabethan Sailor's Song (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- Four Shakespeare Duets
- no. 1. It was a lover and his lass (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER GER
- no. 2. Come unto these yellow sands (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE FRE FRE FRE SPA SWE
- no. 3. Where the bee sucks (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE FRE GER SPA SWE
- no. 4. When that I was and a little tiny boy (Text: William Shakespeare) CAT DAN FIN FRE GER NOR POL RUS SWE
- Four songs
- no. 1. When music sounds (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- no. 2. Silver (Text: Walter De la Mare) CAT FRE GER
- no. 3. The linnet (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- no. 4. The holly (Text: Walter De la Mare) [x]
- Four songs
- no. 1. I saw a jolly hunter (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- no. 2. Innocent's song (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- no. 3. Timothy Winters (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- no. 4. Tell me, Sarah Jane (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- Seven Shakespeare Songs
- Under the greenwood tree (Text: William Shakespeare) DUT FIN FRE GER GER
- Who is Silvia? (Text: William Shakespeare) DUT FIN FRE GER ITA SPA
- O mistress mine (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER GER IRI ITA NOR POL
- Fear no more (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER ITA SPA
- Blow, blow! (Text: William Shakespeare) CHI FIN FRE GER GER ITA ITA RUS SWE
- When daisies pied (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE FRE GER GER GER NOR
- When that I was and a little tiny boy (Text: William Shakespeare) CAT DAN FIN FRE GER NOR POL RUS SWE
- Six Betjeman Songs
- A subaltern's love-song (Text: John Betjeman, Sir) [x]*
- The church's restoration (Text: John Betjeman, Sir) [x]*
- Caprice (Text: John Betjeman, Sir) [x]*
- In Westminster Abbey (Text: John Betjeman, Sir) [x]*
- Westgate-on-Sea (Text: John Betjeman, Sir) [x]*
- How to get on in society (Text: John Betjeman, Sir) [x]*
All titles of vocal settings in Alphabetic order
- A child's grace (Text: Robert Herrick)
- A Hymn to Love (Text: Robert Herrick)
- And is it true? (Text: John Betjeman, Sir) [x]*
- Anything that hurts is funny (Text: Mervyn, Lord Horder, the Second Baron of Ashford) [x]*
- A red, red rose (in Five Burns Songs) (Text: Robert Burns) CZE DAN FRE GER GER GER GER GRE HUN IRI RUS SWG
- As pants the heart (Text: Ogden Nash) [x]*
- A subaltern's love-song (in Six Betjeman Songs) (Text: John Betjeman, Sir) [x]*
- Aunt Mary's tree (Text: Robert Stephen Hawker)
- Ave verum corpus (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts) DUT ENG FIN FRE
- Battersea (Text: Eleanor Farjeon) [x]
- Bid me to live (Text: Robert Herrick) FRE
- Blow, blow! (in Seven Shakespeare Songs) (Text: William Shakespeare) CHI FIN FRE GER GER ITA ITA RUS SWE
- Bohemia (in Black Diamonds I) (Text: Dorothy Parker) [x]*
- Bonny lass, if thou were mine (Text: Mervyn, Lord Horder, the Second Baron of Ashford) [x]*
- Bread of the world (Text: Anonymous) [x]
- Bric à brac (in Black Diamonds II) (Text: Dorothy Parker) *
- Bring me sunshine (Text: Mervyn, Lord Horder, the Second Baron of Ashford) [x]*
- Caprice (in Six Betjeman Songs) (Text: John Betjeman, Sir) [x]*
- Carry her over the water (Text: W. H. Auden)
- Charm me asleep (Text: Robert Herrick)
- Christ who knows all his sheep (Text: Bible or other Sacred Texts) [x]
- Clear and gentle stream (Text: Robert Seymour Bridges)
- Come unto these yellow sands (in Four Shakespeare Duets) (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE FRE FRE FRE SPA SWE
- Convalescent (in Black Diamonds II) (Text: Dorothy Parker) [x]*
- Crossing the Bar (Text: Alfred Tennyson, Lord) CHI
- Darling dog [x]
- Dieu, qu'il la fait bon regarder! (Text: Charles, Duc d'Orléans) ENG FIN ITA
- Drop, drop, slow tears (Text: Phineas Fletcher) DUT
- Elizabethan Sailor's Song (in Five Sea Songs) (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- Fear no more (in Seven Shakespeare Songs) (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER ITA SPA
- Gather ye rosebuds (Text: Robert Herrick) SPA
- Give and take (Text: Carol Rumens) [x]
- Goldcups (in A Shropshire Lad) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Good men and bad (Text: Mervyn, Lord Horder, the Second Baron of Ashford) [x]*
- Him I love (Text: Mervyn, Lord Horder, the Second Baron of Ashford) [x]*
- How to get on in society (in Six Betjeman Songs) (Text: John Betjeman, Sir) [x]*
- I am the great sun (in Five Sea Songs) (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) *
- I love all beauteous things (Text: Robert Seymour Bridges)
- Innocent's song (in Four songs) (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- In the spring (in Dorset Delight) (Text: William Barnes)
- In Westminster Abbey (in Six Betjeman Songs) (Text: John Betjeman, Sir) [x]*
- I saw a jolly hunter (in Four songs) (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- I saw a jolly hunter (in Beastly! - Seven Songs) (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- It was a lover and his lass (in Four Shakespeare Duets) (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER GER
- Jesus, dulcis memoria (Text: St. Bernard of Clairvaux) DUT ENG ENG FRE
- John Anderson, my jo (in Five Burns Songs) (Text: Robert Burns) CZE FIN FRE GER GER GER HUN POL RUS RUS
- Johnny (Text: W. H. Auden)
- London fields (Text: Eleanor Farjeon) [x]
- Loveliest of trees (in A Shropshire Lad) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE HEB
- Low fat (in Fadditties) (Text: Mervyn, Lord Horder, the Second Baron of Ashford) [x]*
- Lullaby (Lay your sleeping head, my love) (Text: W. H. Auden)
- Monosodium glutamate (in Fadditties) (Text: Mervyn, Lord Horder, the Second Baron of Ashford) [x]*
- Most Holy Night (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- My delight and thy delight (Text: Robert Seymour Bridges)
- My Jean (in Five Burns Songs) (Text: Robert Burns) CZE DAN FRE GER GER GER
- My own dear love (in Black Diamonds I) (Text: Dorothy Parker) [x]*
- Not to be born (Text: W. H. Auden) [x]
- Nursery rhyme of innocence and experience (in Five Sea Songs) (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- O mistress mine (in Seven Shakespeare Songs) (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE GER GER GER IRI ITA NOR POL
- On himself (Text: Robert Herrick) [x]
- Orchard Street (Text: Eleanor Farjeon) [x]
- O whistle and I'll come to you (in Five Burns Songs) (Text: Robert Burns)
- Parson's Green (Text: Eleanor Farjeon) [x]
- Physical culture (in Fadditties) (Text: Mervyn, Lord Horder, the Second Baron of Ashford) [x]*
- Sailor's carol (in Five Sea Songs) (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- Saint Martin (Text: Mervyn, Lord Horder, the Second Baron of Ashford) [x]*
- Shepherds, shepherds (Text: Mervyn, Lord Horder, the Second Baron of Ashford) [x]*
- Sigh no more, ladies (Text: William Shakespeare) DUT DUT FIN FIN FRE FRE GER ITA ITA POL
- Silver (in Four songs) (Text: Walter De la Mare) CAT FRE GER
- Sister, awake! (Text: Thomas Bateson)
- Song of the dying gunner (in Five Sea Songs) (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- Stop all the clocks (Text: W. H. Auden)
- Summer's pride (in Dorset Delight) (Text: William Barnes) [x]
- Tell me, Sarah Jane (in Four songs) (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- The boy's song (Text: H. C. Beesking, Reverend) [x]*
- The buttercup song (in Beastly! - Seven Songs) (Text: Mervyn, Lord Horder, the Second Baron of Ashford) [x]*
- The church's restoration (in Six Betjeman Songs) (Text: John Betjeman, Sir) [x]*
- The colour (Text: Thomas Hardy)
- The donkey (Text: Gilbert Keith Chesterton) GER
- The farmer's eldest daughter (in Dorset Delight) (Text: William Barnes)
- The holly (in Four songs) (Text: Walter De la Mare) [x]
- The Jesus Affair (in Beastly! - Seven Songs) (Text: Mervyn, Lord Horder, the Second Baron of Ashford) [x]*
- The lent lily (in A Shropshire Lad) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- The linnet (in Four songs) (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- The Mouse's Waltz (in Beastly! - Seven Songs) (Text: Mervyn, Lord Horder, the Second Baron of Ashford) [x]*
- The princess and the gypsies (Text: Frances Cornford) [x]
- The Stock Exchange (Text: Eleanor Farjeon) [x]
- The Strand (Text: Eleanor Farjeon) [x]
- The Tower of London (Text: Eleanor Farjeon) [x]
- The vulture (in Beastly! - Seven Songs) (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- The waterbeetle (Text: Hilaire Belloc)
- The Way of the Lord (Text: Mervyn, Lord Horder, the Second Baron of Ashford) [x]*
- The Whale (in Beastly! - Seven Songs) (Text: Alfred Bruce Douglas, Lord) [x]
- The wife a-lost (in Dorset Delight) (Text: William Barnes)
- The wind and the rain (in Seven Shakespeare Songs) (Text: William Shakespeare) CAT DAN FIN FRE GER NOR POL RUS SWE
- The Winter it is past (in Five Burns Songs) (Text: Robert Burns) CHI GER
- Tiger, tiger, burning bright (Text: William Blake) CAT CHI FRE GER GER RUS
- Timothy Winters (in Four songs) (Text: Charles Causley, CBE) [x]*
- To Anthea (Text: Robert Herrick) FRE
- To Electra (Text: Robert Herrick) [x]
- To music (Text: Robert Herrick)
- Under the greenwood tree (in Seven Shakespeare Songs) (Text: William Shakespeare) DUT FIN FRE GER GER
- Unfortunate coincidence (in Black Diamonds I) (Text: Dorothy Parker) [x]*
- Wail (in Black Diamonds II) (Text: Dorothy Parker) *
- Westgate-on-Sea (in Six Betjeman Songs) (Text: John Betjeman, Sir) [x]*
- When daisies pied (in Seven Shakespeare Songs) (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE FRE GER GER GER NOR
- When I was one-and-twenty (in A Shropshire Lad) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman) FRE GER HEB
- When music sounds (in Four songs) (Text: Walter De la Mare)
- When that I was and a little tiny boy (in Seven Shakespeare Songs) (Text: William Shakespeare) CAT DAN FIN FRE GER NOR POL RUS SWE
- When that I was and a little tiny boy (in Four Shakespeare Duets) (Text: William Shakespeare) CAT DAN FIN FRE GER NOR POL RUS SWE
- Where the bee sucks (in Four Shakespeare Duets) (Text: William Shakespeare) FIN FRE FRE GER SPA SWE
- White and blue (in Dorset Delight) (Text: William Barnes) [x]
- White in the moon the long road lies (in A Shropshire Lad) (Text: Alfred Edward Housman)
- Who is Silvia? (in Seven Shakespeare Songs) (Text: William Shakespeare) DUT FIN FRE GER ITA SPA
- You silly donkey (in Beastly! - Seven Songs) (Text: Mervyn, Lord Horder, the Second Baron of Ashford) [x]*
Last update: 2025-01-24 04:36:07