Authors starting with the letter R
- Rūmī -- Maulana Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī (see Rūmī -- Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī (1207 - 1273))
- qızı Rəfibəyli -- Nigar Xudadat qızı Rəfibəyli (see qizi Rafibeyli -- Nigar Khudadat qizi Rafibeyli (1913 - 1981))
- Raab -- Bertha Raab (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Raabe -- Wilhelm Raabe (1831 - 1910) (9 texts; 10 settings)
- Rabanus Maurus -- Rabanus Maurus Magnentius, Archbishop of Mainz (c784 - 856) (1 text; 3 settings)
- Räbel -- Th. Räbel (1 text; 3 settings)
- Rabelais -- François Rabelais (1490 - 1553) (3 texts; 2 settings)
- Rabelo -- Laurindo Rabelo (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rabey -- René Rabey (1878 - 1958) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rabier -- Benjamin Rabier (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rabiyah -- Amir Rabiyah (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rabl -- Mathilde Rabl (see Grassberger -- Mathilde Grassberger, née Rabl (1870 - 1938))
- de Racan -- Honorat de Bueil, Seigneur de Racan (1589 - 1670) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Рацер -- Борис Михайлович Рацер (see Ratser -- Boris Mikhailovich Ratser (1930 - 2012))
- Racher -- Rosa Racher (see Axamethy -- Rosa Axamethy (1857 - 1913))
- Rachinsky -- I. Rachinsky (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rachmaninov -- Sergei Vasil'yevich Rachmaninov (1873 - 1943) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Racine -- Jean Racine (1639 - 1699) (22 texts; 20 settings)
- Raczyńska -- Maria Raczyńska (1 text; 1 setting)
- Raczynski -- Sergei Raczynski (flourished 1800s) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Radaelli -- Raimundo Radaelli (1 text; 1 setting)
- Radcliffe -- Ann Radcliffe (1764 - 1823) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Radclyffe-Hall -- Marguerite Radclyffe-Hall (1880 - 1943) (12 texts; 12 settings)
- Radda -- Joseph F. Radda, Ritter von Boskowstein (1798 - 1869) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Radeke -- Winfried Radeke (b. 1940) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rädern -- Rädern (1 text; 1 setting)
- Radford -- Ernest Radford (1857 - 1919) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Radford -- Margaret Maitland Radford (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Radice -- William Radice (b. 1951) (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Radics -- Clementine von Radics (1 text; 1 setting)
- Radiguet -- Raymond Radiguet (1903 - 1923) (16 texts; 16 settings)
- Radnóti -- Miklós Radnóti (1909 - 1944) (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Radó -- Antal Radó (1862 - 1944) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Radoshevskaya -- A. I. Radoshevskaya (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Радостин -- Николай Радостин (see Radostin -- Nikolay Radostin)
- Radostin -- Nikolay Radostin (1 text; 1 setting)
- Radu -- Al. Radu (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rădulescu-Niger -- Nicolae Rădulescu-Niger (1 text; 1 setting)
- Radziszewski -- Maksymilian Radziszewski (b. 1828) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Radzitsky -- Carlos de Radzitsky (1915 - 1985) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rafael -- Ludwig Rafael (see Kiesekamp -- Hedwig Kiesekamp (1844 - 1919))
- Рафалович -- Сергей Львович Рафалович (see Rafalovich -- Sergey Lvovich Rafalovich (1875 - 1943))
- Rafalovich -- Sergey Lvovich Rafalovich (1875 - 1943) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Raff -- Helene Raff (1865 - 1942) (15 texts; 15 settings)
- Raff -- (Joseph) Joachim Raff (1822 - 1882) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Raffo -- Hortensia Margarita Raffo (3 texts; 3 settings)
- кызы Рафибейли -- Нигяр Худадат кызы Рафибейли (see qizi Rafibeyli -- Nigar Khudadat qizi Rafibeyli (1913 - 1981))
- qizi Rafibeyli -- Nigar Khudadat qizi Rafibeyli (1913 - 1981) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Raftery -- Anthony Raftery (see Raifteirí -- Antoine Ó Raifteirí (1784 - 1835))
- Ragazzi -- Arthur Ragazzi (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rageot -- Robert Rageot (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Raghavendra -- Madhu Raghavendra (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rahbek -- Knud Lyne Rahbek (1760 - 1830) (25 texts; 20 settings)
- Rāḥēl -- Rāḥēl (see Bluwstein -- Rachel Bluwstein (1890 - 1931))
- Rahkonen -- Aleksanteri Rahkonen (1841 - 1877) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Rahn Sánchez -- Pamela Rahn Sánchez (1 text; 1 setting)
- Raičković -- Stevan Raičković (1928 - 2007 ) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Raifteirí -- Antoine Ó Raifteirí (1784 - 1835) (5 texts; 0 settings)
- Railey -- Thomas T. Railey ( flourished 1937 ) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Railio -- Juho Railio (d. 1926) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Raimann -- Ferdinand Jakob Raimann (see Raimund -- Ferdinand Raimund, né Ferdinand Jakob Raimann (1790 - 1836))
- Raimar -- Freimund Raimar (see Rückert -- Friedrich Rückert (1788 - 1866))
- de Raimes -- Gaston de Raimes (1859 - 1917) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Raimund -- Ferdinand Raimund, né Ferdinand Jakob Raimann (1790 - 1836) (2 texts; 4 settings)
- Raimund -- M. Raimund (1 text; 1 setting)
- Raine -- Kathleen Raine (1908 - 2003) (28 texts; 30 settings)
- Rainièr d'Anjau -- Rainièr d'Anjau (see René of Anjou -- René of Anjou (1409 - 1480))
- Rainis -- Janis Rainis (see Pliekšāns -- Jānis Pliekšāns (1865 - 1929))
- Rains -- Roland Roderick Rains (1880 - 1967) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Raittila -- Anna-Maija Raittila (1961 - 2012) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Raja -- Hason Raja (1854 - 1922) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Рахманинов -- Сергей Васильевич Рахманинов (see Rachmaninov -- Sergei Vasil'yevich Rachmaninov (1873 - 1943))
- Raleigh -- Carew Raleigh (1605 - 1666) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Raleigh -- Walter Raleigh, Sir (1552? - 1618) (10 texts; 14 settings)
- al-Ramādī -- Yūsuf ibn Hārūn al-Ramādī (d. 1022) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Ramal -- Walter Ramal (see De la Mare -- Walter De la Mare (1873 - 1956))
- Ramann -- A. M. B. Ramann (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rambert -- Eugène Rambert (1830 - 1886) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Rambouillet -- Antoine de Rambouillet, sieur de La Sablière (1624 - 1679) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Rameau -- Alfred Rameau (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rameau -- Hans Rameau (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rameau -- Jean Philippe Rameau (1683 - 1764) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Rameau -- Jean Rameau (see Labaigt -- Laurent Labaigt (1859 - 1942))
- Ramírez de Santillana -- Juana Inés de Asbaje y Ramírez de Santillana (see de Asbaje y Ramírez de Santillana -- Juana Inés de Asbaje y Ramírez de Santillana (1651 - 1695))
- Ramírez Saizar -- José Ramírez Saizar (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ramler -- Karl Wilhelm Ramler (1725 - 1798) (9 texts; 9 settings)
- Ramm -- Valentina Iosifovna Ramm (1888 - 1968) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Рамм -- Валентина Иосифовна Рамм (see Ramm -- Valentina Iosifovna Ramm (1888 - 1968))
- Rammo -- Adolf Rammo (1922 - 1998) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ramon -- Leopoldo Garcia Ramon (see Garcia Ramon -- Leopoldo Garcia Ramon (1847 - 1890))
- Ramón Luna -- José Ramón Luna (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Ramos -- João de Deus Ramos (see de Deus Ramos -- João de Deus Ramos (1830 - 1896))
- Ramos -- José Júlio da Silva Ramos (see Silva Ramos -- José Júlio da Silva Ramos (1853 - 1930))
- Ramos -- Juan Pedro Ramos (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ramos -- Péricles Eugênio da Silva Ramos (1919 - 1992) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Ramos -- Romualdo G. Ramos (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ramos Jubé -- A. G. Ramos Jubé (see Jubé -- A. G. Ramos Jubé)
- Ramsay -- Allan Ramsay (1686 - 1758) (28 texts; 29 settings)
- Ramsay -- Allen Beville Ramsay (1872 - 1955) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Ramsay -- Bernard Malcolm Ramsay (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Ramsay -- Theodore Ramsay (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Ramsdale -- A. E. Ramsdale (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ramsden -- E. A. Ramsden (1860 - 1894) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ramuz -- Charles Ferdinand Ramuz (1878 - 1947) (15 texts; 16 settings)
- Ran -- Mehmed Nâzım Ran (see Hikmet -- Nâzım Hikmet (1902 - 1963))
- Rana -- Soera Rana (see Essers -- Issaäc Essers (1845 - 1920))
- Ranasinghe -- Anne Ranasinghe, née Anneliese Katz (b. 1925) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- de Ranchin -- Jacques de Ranchin (1616 - 1692) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rand -- Silas Rand (1 text; 1 setting)
- Randall -- Dudley Randall (1914 - 2000) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Randall -- Herbert Randall (1 text; 1 setting)
- Randers -- Kristofer Randers (1851 - 1917) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Randhartinger -- Benedikt Randhartinger (1802 - 1893) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Randolph -- Thomas Randolph (1605 - 1635) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Randon -- Gabriel Randon (1867 - 1933) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Randow -- Carl Randow (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rands -- William Brighty Rands (1823 - 1882) (7 texts; 8 settings)
- van Randwijk -- Hendrik Mattheüs van Randwijk (1909 - 1966) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Randwijk -- Henk Randwijk (see van Randwijk -- Hendrik Mattheüs van Randwijk (1909 - 1966))
- Ranetsu -- Ranetsu (see Hattori Ransetsu -- Hattori Ransetsu (1654 - 1707))
- Rangel Bandeira -- Antônio Rangel Bandeira (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Rangström -- Ture Rangström (1884 - 1947) (54 texts; 54 settings)
- Rankin -- Jessica Rankin (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rankka -- A. Rankka (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rannie -- ? Rannie (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ransetsu -- Hattori Ransetsu (see Hattori Ransetsu -- Hattori Ransetsu (1654 - 1707))
- Ransom -- John Crowe Ransom (1888 - 1974) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rantzau -- Anton Wilhelm Theobald Rantzau (1832 - 1897) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rantzau -- Henriette Rantzau (1844 - 1911) (1 text; 2 settings)
- de Ranzay -- Geneviève Le Lasseur de Ranzay (see Le Lasseur de Ranzay -- Geneviève Le Lasseur de Ranzay (1860 - 1946))
- de Ranzay -- Louis le Lasseur de Ranzay (see Le Lasseur de Ranzay -- Louis Le Lasseur de Ranzay (1856 - 1918))
- Raoul -- Raoul, Comte de Soissons (c1215 - c1272) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Raphael -- Alice Raphael (1 text; 1 setting)
- Raphael -- L. Raphael (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rapisardi -- Mario Rapisardi (1844 - 1912) (21 texts; 0 settings)
- Rapoport -- Aleksandr Solomonovich Rapoport (1922 - 1979) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Рапопорт -- Александр Соломонович Рапопорт (see Rapoport -- Aleksandr Solomonovich Rapoport (1922 - 1979))
- Rapp -- Johann Georg Rapp (1798 - 1868) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rappaport -- Emil Rappaport (1842 - 1930) (17 texts; 23 settings)
- von Rappard -- C. von Rappard (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rappard -- E. von Rappard (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rasch -- B. Rasch (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rasche -- Friedrich Rasche (1900 - 1965) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rashbrook -- Sophie Rashbrook (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Rashevsky -- Ivan Grigoryevich Rashevsky (1849 - 1921) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rasmadse -- Alexander Salomonovich Rasmadse (see Razmadze -- Aleksandr Solomonovich Razmadze (1845 - 1896))
- Rasmus -- Gustav Rasmus (1817 - 1900) (12 texts; 32 settings)
- Rasmussen -- Knud Victor Rasmussen (1879 - 1933) (3 texts; 5 settings)
- Rassmus -- Gustav Rassmus (see Rasmus -- Gustav Rasmus (1817 - 1900))
- Rassow -- Fritz Rassow (1882 - 1916) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- von Rast -- Ferdinand Freiherr von Rast (1808 - 1889) (13 texts; 13 settings)
- Rastier -- André Rastier (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Ratez -- Émile Pierre Ratez (1851 - 1934) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Ратгауз -- Даниил Максимович Ратгауз (see Rathaus -- Daniil Maximovich Rathaus (1868 - 1937))
- Ratgauz -- Greinem Izrailevich Ratgauz (1934 - 2011) (7 texts; 6 settings)
- Ратгауз -- Грейнем Израилевич Ратгауз (see Ratgauz -- Greinem Izrailevich Ratgauz (1934 - 2011))
- Rath -- Hans Wolfgang Rath (1880 - 1934) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rathaus -- Daniil Maximovich Rathaus (1868 - 1937) (119 texts; 176 settings)
- Rathélot -- Henri Rathélot (d. 1936) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ratisbonne -- Louis Gustave Fortune Ratisbonne (1827 - 1900) (7 texts; 6 settings)
- Ratouis -- Amédée Ratouis (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Ratschky -- Josef Franz von Ratschky (1757 - 1810) (7 texts; 5 settings)
- Ratser -- Boris Mikhailovich Ratser (1930 - 2012) (0 texts; 0 settings)
- Rattermann -- Heinrich Armin Rattermann (1832 - 1923) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rättig -- Agnes Rättig (b. 1831) (1 text; 7 settings)
- Ratz -- Erwin Ratz (1898 - 1973) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rau -- Heribert Rau (1813 - 1876) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Raulf -- Emanuel Raulf (see Wickerhauser -- Rudolf Wickerhauser (1817 - 1858))
- Raum -- Elizabeth Raum (b. 1945) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Raumsol -- Raumsol (see González Pecotche -- Carlos Bernardo González Pecotche (1901 - 1963))
- Raupach -- Ernst Benjamin Salomo Raupach (1784 - 1852) (9 texts; 8 settings)
- Rauscher -- Ernst Rauscher (1834 - 1919) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Rautavaara -- Einojuhani Rautavaara (1928 - 2016) (10 texts; 10 settings)
- Raveaux -- Ludwig Raveaux (1815 - 1878) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ravel -- Maurice Ravel (1875 - 1937) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Ravell -- Yvonne Ravell ( flourished c1939 ) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Raven -- Mathilde Raven (see Beckmann-Raven -- Mathilde Beckmann-Raven (1817 - 1902))
- von Ravensberg -- Otto von Ravensberg (see Jacob -- Otto Jacob (Jacobi? Jakobi?) (1803 - 1855))
- Ravenscroft -- Thomas Ravenscroft (c1582 - c1635) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Ravon -- Georges Ravon (b. 1900) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ray -- Claude Ray (flourished c1949?) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ray -- John Ray (1627 - 1705) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Ray -- Maude Louise Ray (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ray -- Maurice Le Ray, Duc d'Abrantès (see Abrantès -- Maurice Le Ray, Duc d'Abrantès (1846 - 1900))
- Ray -- Renée J. Ray (1 text; 1 setting)
- Raydon -- C. P. Raydon (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rayevsky -- Dmitry Rayevsky (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rayevsky -- V. A. Rayevsky (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rayment -- Marjorie Rayment (1 text; 1 setting)
- Raynaud -- Camille Raynaud (9 texts; 9 settings)
- Raynor -- John Theodore Livingston Raynor (1909 - 1970) (38 texts; 38 settings)
- de Rayssac -- Marie-Joseph Saint-Cyr de Rayssac (see Saint-Cyr de Rayssac -- Marie-Joseph Saint-Cyr de Rayssac (1837 - 1874))
- Размадзе -- Александр Соломонович Размадзе (see Razmadze -- Aleksandr Solomonovich Razmadze (1845 - 1896))
- Razmadze -- Aleksandr Solomonovich Razmadze (1845 - 1896) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Razorenov -- Aleksey Razorenov (1819 - 1891) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Razumikhin -- N. V. Razumikhin (2 texts; 2 settings)
- رابعهٔ بلخى -- رابعهٔ بلخى (see Balkhi -- Rabia Balkhi ( flourished 940-950 ))
- Rcheulov -- A. Rcheulov (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Read -- A. Read (1 text; 1 setting)
- Read -- Henri-Charles Read (1857 - 1876) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Read -- Herbert Edward Read (1893 - 1968) (3 texts; 4 settings)
- Read -- Stanley Read (1 text; 1 setting)
- Read -- Vail Read (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reagan -- Ronald Wilson Reagan (1911 - 2004) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rebau -- L. Rebau (see Bauer -- Ludwig Amandus Bauer (1803 - 1846))
- Rebello -- Arnaldo Rebello (1905 - 1984) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rebling -- Gustav Rebling (1821 - 1902) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rebner -- Arthur Rebner (1890 - 1949) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Réboli -- Ida Réboli (d. 1970) (11 texts; 11 settings)
- Reboul -- Jean Reboul (1796 - 1864) (4 texts; 8 settings)
- Rebourg -- Alain Rebourg (1958 - 1999) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reboux -- Paul Reboux (see Amillet -- André Amillet (1877 - 1963))
- Recalde -- Facunde Recalde (1 text; 1 setting)
- Recke -- Adolph von der Recke (1820 - 1867) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Recke -- Caroline Margrethe Georgine Recke (1833 - 1901) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Recke -- Elisa (Elisabeth) Charlotte Konstantia von der Recke (1756 - 1833) (15 texts; 17 settings)
- von der Recke -- Ernst Frederik Wilhelm von der Recke (1848 - 1933) (19 texts; 33 settings)
- Recke-Madsen -- Caroline Recke-Madsen (see Recke -- Caroline Margrethe Georgine Recke (1833 - 1901))
- Recolin -- Louis Recolin (d. 1966) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Redaelli -- Giovanni Antonio Luigi Redaelli (1785 - 1815) (2 texts; 5 settings)
- Reddie -- J. Milton Reddie (flourished c1933) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reddingius -- Joannes Reddingius (1873 - 1944) (100 texts; 139 settings)
- Redelsperger -- Jacques Redelsperger (d. 1930) (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Reder -- Heinrich von Reder (1824 - 1909) (12 texts; 17 settings)
- Reder -- Karl Reder (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Reder -- Max Reder (3 texts; 3 settings)
- von Redern -- Richard, Freiherr von Redern (flourished c1847) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Redkin -- A. M. Redkin (1 text; 1 setting)
- Redonnet -- Ana Serrano Redonnet (see Serrano Redonnet -- Ana Serrano Redonnet)
- Redonnet -- Marie Redonnet (b. 1948) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Redwitz-Schmölz -- Oscar von Redwitz-Schmölz (1823 - 1891) (60 texts; 248 settings)
- Reece -- Robert Reece (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reed -- Henry Reed (1914 - 1986) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reed -- John Silas Reed (1887 - 1920) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Reedtz-Thott -- Gudrun Reedtz-Thott (1873 - 1917) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reefsen -- Jakob Reefsen (see Revius -- Jacob Revius (1586 - 1658))
- Reenberg -- M. Reenberg (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Reepen -- Hugo Reepen (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reese -- Lizette Woodworth Reese (1856 - 1935) (45 texts; 45 settings)
- Reese -- Mary Bynon Reese (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reeve -- M. A. Reeve (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reeves -- James Reeves (see Reeves -- John Reeves (1909 - 1978))
- Reeves -- John Reeves (1909 - 1978) (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Reeves -- Y. C. Servetti Reeves (see Servetti Reeves -- Y. C. Servetti Reeves)
- Rega Molina -- Mary Rega Molina (9 texts; 9 settings)
- Regas Velasco -- María Luz Regas Velasco (1 text; 1 setting)
- Regenhardt -- Joanne Regenhardt (flourished c2000) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Regensburg -- Burggraf zu Regensburg (see Burggraf zu Regensburg -- Burggraf zu Regensburg)
- Reger -- Max Reger (1873 - 1916) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Regina -- A. Regina (1 text; 1 setting)
- Régio -- José Régio (1 text; 1 setting)
- Регистан -- Гарольд Габриэльевич Регистан (see Registan -- Garold Gabrielevich Registan (1924 - 1999))
- Registan -- Garold Gabrielevich Registan (1924 - 1999) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Regnard -- Jean-François Regnard (1655 - 1709) (3 texts; 2 settings)
- Regnault -- Mary Regnault (1 text; 1 setting)
- Regnault -- ? Regnault, Madame Félix (1 text; 1 setting)
- Regnér -- Gustaf Regnér (1748 - 1819) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Régnier -- Adolphe Régnier (1804 - 1884) (3 texts; 2 settings)
- Régnier -- Henri Francois-Joseph de Régnier (1864 - 1936) (86 texts; 153 settings)
- Regnier -- Jehan Regnier (1392 - c1470) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- de Régnier -- Marie de Régnier (1875 - 1963) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Regnier -- Mathurin Regnier (1573 - 1613) (3 texts; 4 settings)
- de Régny -- Alexandre de Régny (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rego -- Costa Rego Júnior (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rego -- Índia Rego (1 text; 1 setting)
- Regrettier -- E. J. Regrettier (1 text; 1 setting)
- Regules -- Elías Regules (1860 - 1929) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rehatsek -- Edward Rehatsek (1819 - 1891) (3 texts; 0 settings)
- Rehbaum -- Theobald Rehbaum (1835 - 1918) (13 texts; 6 settings)
- Rehtz -- Alfred Rehtz (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rehula -- Leenakristiina Rehula (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reich -- Etta Reich (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Reichard -- Heinrich August Ottokar Reichard (1751 - 1828) (3 texts; 6 settings)
- Reichardt -- Johann Friedrich Reichardt (1752 - 1814) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Reichart -- A. Reichart (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reichel -- Eugen Reichel (1853 - 1916) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- von Reichenau -- Hermann von Reichenau (1013 - 1054) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Reichert -- Heinz Reichert (1877 - 1940) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reichert -- Otto von Reichert (1817 - 1895) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reiff -- Johann Joseph Reiff (1793 - 1864) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Reifferscheid -- Alexander Reifferscheid (1847 - 1909) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Reiffert -- Carl Reiffert (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reijnders -- J. M. Reijnders (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Reil -- Johann Anton Friedrich Reil (1773 - 1843) (5 texts; 3 settings)
- Reilly -- S. J. Reilly, Miss (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reimann -- Reimann (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Reimar -- Reinald Reimar (see Glaser -- Adolf Glaser (1829 - 1915))
- de Reims -- Chardon de Reims (see Chardon de Reims -- Chardon de Reims (flourished between the end of the 12th century and 1245))
- von Reinach -- Hesso von Reinach (1234 - c1280) (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Reinach -- Heß von Reinach (see von Reinach -- Hesso von Reinach (1234 - c1280))
- Reinach -- Théodore Reinach (1 text; 0 settings)
- Reinacher -- Eduard Reinacher (1892 - 1968) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- von Reinbeck -- Georg von Reinbeck (1766 - 1849) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Reinecke -- Karl Heinrich Carsten Reinecke (1824 - 1910) (14 texts; 15 settings)
- Reiner -- Annie Reiner (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reiner -- Paul Reiner [a frequent misspelling of Paul Remer] (see Remer -- Paul Remer (1867 - 1943))
- Reinert -- Werner Reinert (1922 - 1987) (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Reinhard -- Gustav Reinhard (see Neuhaus -- Gustav Reinhart Neuhaus (1821 - 1892))
- Reinhard -- Karl Reinhard (1769 - 1840) (4 texts; 6 settings)
- Reinhardt -- Karl Friedrich, Graf von Reinhardt (1761 - 1837) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- von Reinhardt -- Sophie von Reinhardt, Gräfin (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reinhart -- Elise Reinhart (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reinhart -- Gustav Reinhart (see Neuhaus -- Gustav Reinhart Neuhaus (1821 - 1892))
- Reinhart -- Hans Reinhart (1880 - 1963) (40 texts; 45 settings)
- Reinhart -- Josef Reinhart (1875 - 1957) (11 texts; 11 settings)
- Reinheimer -- Sophie Reinheimer (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reinhold -- A. Reinhold (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reinhold -- Christian Reinhold (1813 - 1856) (61 texts; 82 settings)
- Reinhold -- S. Reinhold (see Samuelsohn -- Reinhold Samuelsohn)
- Reinholdsohn -- Friedrich Reinhold Reinholdsohn (see Kreutzwald -- Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald (1803 - 1882))
- Reinick -- Robert Reinick (1805 - 1852) (137 texts; 856 settings)
- Reiniger -- Emil (Karl Ernst) Reiniger, Dr. (1792 - 1849) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Reinmar -- ? Reinmar (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reinsberg-Düringsfeld -- Ida, Baronin von Reinsberg-Düringsfeld (1815 - 1876) (22 texts; 36 settings)
- Reinstein -- (Charlotte Sophie) Therese Reinstein (see von Niemeyer -- (Charlotte Sophie) Therese von Niemeyer (1822 - 1903))
- Reinwald -- Ludwig Johann Reinwald (1901 - 1989) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reinwald -- Wilhelm Friedrich Hermann Reinwald (1737 - 1815) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reis -- Marcos Konder Reis (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reis -- Ricardo Reis (see Pessoa -- Fernando António Nogueira Pessoa (1888 - 1935))
- dos Reis Carvalho -- Beatrix dos Reis Carvalho (see Carvalho -- Beatrix dos Reis Carvalho)
- Reisen -- Abraham Reisen (1876 - 1953) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Reiser -- Eugène Reiser (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reiser -- K. Reiser (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reiserer -- Hanns Reiserer (1942 - 2001) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- de Reiset -- Marie Félicie Clémence de Reiset (1828 - 1907) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reisig -- Christian Ludwig Reisig (see Reissig -- Christian Ludwig Reissig (1784 - 1847))
- Reisiger -- Hans Reisiger (1884 - 1968) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Reisin -- Abraham Reisin (1876 - 1953) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reiß -- Georg Friedrich Reiß (1823 - 1884) (24 texts; 9 settings)
- Reiß -- J. Reiß (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Reiss-Andersen -- Gunnar Reiss-Andersen (1896 - 1964) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Reissig -- Christian Ludwig Reissig (1784 - 1847) (16 texts; 21 settings)
- Reitan -- Anders Jørgensen Reitan (1826 - 1872) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Reiter -- Bernhard Reiter (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reiter -- F. X. Reiter (1 text; 1 setting)
- Freiherr von Reitzenstein -- Johann Heinrich, Freiherr von Reitzenstein (1722 - 1780) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- de Réjalot -- Fanny de Réjalot (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rejano -- Juan Rejano (1903 - 1976) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Reland -- Ludwig Reland (see von Löhner -- Ludwig, Edler von Löhner (1812 - 1852))
- Rello -- Serge Rello (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Rellstab -- Ludwig Rellstab (1799 - 1860) (22 texts; 70 settings)
- Rellwitz -- Carl Otto Rellwitz (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Relongue de La Louptière -- Jean-Charles de Relongue de La Louptière (see de La Louptière -- Jean-Charles de Relongue de La Louptière (1727 - 1784))
- von Remekházy -- Josephine von Remekházy (1809 - 1864) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Remekhazy von Gurahoucz -- (Maria) Anna Remekhazy von Gurahoucz, née Stubenberg (see Stubenberg-Tinti -- Mathilde, Gräfin Stubenberg-Tinti (1863 - 1927))
- Reményik -- Sándor Reményik (1890 - 1941) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Remer -- Paul Remer (1867 - 1943) (20 texts; 38 settings)
- de Remi -- Philippe de Remi, Sire de Beaumanoir (see de Beaumanoir -- Philippe de Remi, Sire de Beaumanoir (c - c))
- Remick -- Christian Remick (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Rémignard -- ? de Rémignard (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ремизов -- Алексей Михайлович Ремизов (see Remizov -- Aleksey Mikhailovich Remizov (1877 - 1957))
- Remizov -- Aleksey Mikhailovich Remizov (1877 - 1957) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Remmert -- Gertrud Remmert (1 text; 1 setting)
- Remond -- Florimond de Remond (c1540 - 1602) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Remond -- Henri Remond (1 text; 1 setting)
- Remy -- F. Remy (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rénal -- Antony Rénal (see Billiet -- Claudius Billiet (1805 - 1866))
- Renard -- Jules Renard (1864 - 1910) (44 texts; 51 settings)
- Renart -- Alberto Renart (1 text; 1 setting)
- Renata -- ? Renata (1 text; 1 setting)
- Renaud -- Armand Renaud (1836 - 1895) (33 texts; 41 settings)
- Renaud -- Louis-Pierre Renaud (b. 1835) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Renaud -- Theodor Renaud (1844 - 1910) (5 texts; 4 settings)
- Renaudière -- ? de la Renaudière, Mme. (1 text; 1 setting)
- de la Renaudière -- Gustave de la Renaudière (see de La Renaudière -- Gustave Lasnon de La Renaudière (1812 - 1862))
- Renault -- Abgar Renault (1 text; 2 settings)
- Renaut -- J. Renaut (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rendall -- John Rendall (1 text; 1 setting)
- Renee -- Renee (1 text; 1 setting)
- René of Anjou -- René of Anjou (1409 - 1480) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Renier -- Ernest Renier (1 text; 1 setting)
- Renk -- Anton Renk (1871 - 1906) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Rennefeld -- Otto Rennefeld (1887 - 1957) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Renner -- Gustav Renner (1866 - 1945) (4 texts; 7 settings)
- Renner -- Heinrich Renner (1 text; 2 settings)
- Renner -- K. Renner (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reno -- Abel Reno (1 text; 1 setting)
- Renoir -- Jean Renoir (1894 - 1979) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Renouard -- Jean Renouard (1874 - 1962) (8 texts; 9 settings)
- Renshaw -- C. A. Renshaw (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rensonnet -- Georges Rensonnet (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rentsch -- Otto Rentsch (1 text; 1 setting)
- Renvall -- Viola Renvall (see Renwall -- Viola Renwall (1905 - 1998))
- Renwall -- Viola Renwall (1905 - 1998) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Renzis -- Francesco de Renzis (1836 - 1900) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Repinsky -- B. Repinsky (1 text; 1 setting)
- Replansky -- Naomi Replansky (b. 1918) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Reps -- Paul Reps (1895 - 1990) (10 texts; 10 settings)
- Requeni -- Antonio Requeni (b. 1930) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Requier -- ?, Madame Claude Requier, née Duclos (1 text; 1 setting)
- Resa -- T. Resa (see Gröhe -- Theresa Gröhe, née Pauli (1853 - 1929))
- Rese -- Johann Karl August Rese (1783 - 1847) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Resende de Almeida Prado -- José Antônio Resende de Almeida Prado (see de Almeida Prado -- José Antônio Resende de Almeida Prado (b. 1943))
- Resman -- Ivan Resman (1848 - 1905) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Respighi -- Elsa Olivieri Sangiacomo Respighi (1894 - 1996) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Rességuier -- (Bernard Marie) Jules, le comte de Rességuier (1788 - 1862) (12 texts; 13 settings)
- Restif de la Bretonne -- Nicolas-Edme Restif de la Bretonne (1734 - 1806) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Restrepo -- Isabel Lleras Restrepo (see Lleras Restrepo -- Isabel Lleras Restrepo (1909 - 1965))
- Retamar -- Roberto Fernández Retamar (b. 1930) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Retté -- Adolphe Retté (1863 - 1930) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Retzius -- Magnus Gustaf Retzius (1842 - 1919) (9 texts; 9 settings)
- von Reuental -- Neidhart von Reuental (c1180 - c1240) (10 texts; 14 settings)
- Reumert -- Ellen Reumert (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reuper -- Reuper (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reuss -- August Reuss (1871 - 1935) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reuß -- Eleanore, Fürstin (Princess) Reuß, née Stolberg-Wernigerode (1835 - 1903) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Reuter -- Fritz Reuter (1810 - 1874) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Reuter -- Jonatan Reuter (1859 - 1947) (3 texts; 5 settings)
- Reva -- Lada Reva (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ревa -- Лада Ревa (see Reva -- Lada Reva)
- Reve -- Gerard Kornelis van het Reve (1923 - 2006) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Réveille -- Henri Réveille (1 text; 1 setting)
- Revelard -- Adrienne Revelard (b. 1907) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Revellin-Ott -- Marthe Revellin-Ott (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Reverdy -- Anne Reverdy (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reverdy -- Pierre Reverdy (1889 - 1960) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Revius -- Jacob Revius (1586 - 1658) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Révoil -- Bénédict Henry Révoil (1816 - 1882) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Revon -- Michel Revon (1867 - 1947) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ревуцкий -- Дмитрий Николаевич Ревуцкий (see Revutsky -- Dmitry Nikolayevich Revutsky (1881 - 1941))
- Revutsky -- Dmitry Nikolayevich Revutsky (1881 - 1941) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rexroth -- Kenneth Rexroth (1905 - 1982) (46 texts; 46 settings)
- Rey -- Paul Rey (1873 - 1918) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Reyan -- Richard Reyan (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reyen -- Adolphe Reyen (6 texts; 6 settings)
- de los Reyes González de Prada y Ulloa -- Jose Manuel de los Reyes González de Prada y Ulloa (see González de Prada y Ulloa -- Jose Manuel de los Reyes González de Prada y Ulloa (1844 - 1918))
- Reyes Sopra -- Alfonso Reyes Sopra (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Reymond -- Emil Heinrich Dubois Reymond (see Du Bois-Reymond -- Emil Heinrich Du Bois-Reymond (1818 - 1896))
- Reymont -- Maurice Reymont (see Kufferath -- Maurice Kufferath (1852 - 1919))
- Reynal -- Béatrix Reynal (b. 1892) (16 texts; 18 settings)
- Reynard -- Francisque Reynard (1835 - ?) (24 texts; 0 settings)
- Reynaud -- Charles Reynaud (1844 - 1913) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Reyniel -- Pierre Reyniel (see Perny -- Louise Perny (d. 1918))
- Reynolds -- Eileen M. Reynolds (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reynolds -- Frederic Reynolds (1764 - 1841) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Reynolds -- Hans Reynolds (1876 - 1933) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Reynolds -- Henry Reynolds (1564 - 1632) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Rey-Roize -- Henry Rey-Roize, Baron (b. 1836) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Rėza -- Martynas Liudvikas Gedeminas Rėza (1776 - 1840) (2 texts; 1 setting)
- de Rezende -- Aracy Rivera de Rezende (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Rezende -- Maria José Aranha de Rezende (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rezende -- Zezinha Rezende (see de Rezende -- Maria José Aranha de Rezende)
- Rezniček -- Emil Nikolaus von Rezniček (1860 - 1945) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Rezvani -- Serge Rezvani, dit Bassiak (b. 1928) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rezzónico Berruet -- Jorge Rezzónico Berruet (1 text; 1 setting)
- vom Rhein -- Maria vom Rhein (see Pommerin -- Maria Pommerin)
- Rheinberger -- Fanny Rheinberger (see von Hoffnaaß -- Fanny (Franziska) von Hoffnaaß, née Jägerhuber (1831 - 1892))
- Rheinberger -- Joseph (Gabriel) Rheinberger (1839 - 1901) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Rheinfels -- Rheinfels (see Weibert -- Ferdinand Weibert (1841 - 1926))
- Rheinhardt -- Emil Alphons Rheinhardt (1889 - 1945) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rhesa -- Ludwig Jedemin Rhesa (see Rėza -- Martynas Liudvikas Gedeminas Rėza (1776 - 1840))
- Rhoades -- James Rhoades (1841 - 1923) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Rhode -- Johann Gottlieb Rhode (1762 - 1827) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rhodes -- K. Rhodes (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rhuenberg -- Sophie von Rhuenberg (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ριάδης -- Αιμίλιος Ριάδης (see Riadis -- Emilios Riadis, né Khu (1885 - 1935))
- Riadis -- Emilios Riadis, né Khu (1885 - 1935) (21 texts; 21 settings)
- Ribaux -- Adolphe Ribaux (1864 - 1915) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ribbeck -- Konrad Gottlieb Ribbeck (1759 - 1826) (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Ribbing -- Adolphe von Ribbing (see Leuven -- Adolphe de Leuven (1800 - 1884))
- Ribeiro -- Alberto Ribeiro (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Ribeiro -- Iveta Ribeiro (1887 - ?) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Ribeiro -- Thomaz Ribeiro (see Ribeiro Ferreira -- Tomás António Ribeiro Ferreira (1831 - 1901))
- Ribeiro da Costa -- A. Ribeiro da Costa (see Costa -- A. Ribeiro da Costa)
- Ribeiro Ferreira -- Tomás António Ribeiro Ferreira (1831 - 1901) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ribeiro Neto -- Oliveira Ribeiro Neto (see Neto -- Oliveira Ribeiro Neto)
- Ribemont-Dessaignes -- Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes (1884 - 1974) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Riber -- Hans Wilhelm Riber (1760 - 1796) (2 texts; 1 setting)
- Ribera Chevremont -- Evaristo Ribera Chevremont (1896 - 1976) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Riberolles -- Henri de Riberolles (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Riboutet -- Charles-Henri Riboutet (1708 - 1740) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Riboutté -- François-Louis Riboutté (1770 - 1834) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ricard -- Albert René Ricard (1946 - 2014) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Ricardo -- Cassiano Ricardo (1895 - 1974) (15 texts; 16 settings)
- Ricci -- Corrado Ricci (1858 - 1934) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Ricciardi -- A. Ricciardi (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ricciardi -- Francesco Ricciardi (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ricciotti -- Pasquale Ricciotti (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rice -- Cale Young Rice (1872 - 1943) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rice -- Cecil Spring Rice (see Spring-Rice -- Cecil Spring-Rice, Sir (1859 - 1918))
- Rice -- Lillian Dynevor Rice (d. 1933) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Rich -- Adrienne Rich (1929 - 2012) (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Rich -- Gladys Rich (1 text; 1 setting)
- Richard -- Charles Richard (flourished 19th century) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Richard -- Hans Richard (1 text; 2 settings)
- Richard -- J. Richard (flourished 1858-1908) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Richard -- Mirra Alfassa Richard (1878 - 1973) (4 texts; 5 settings)
- Richard I -- Richard I of England, House of Plantagenet (1157 - 1199) (2 texts; 1 setting)
- Richards -- J.M. Richards (1 text; 1 setting)
- Richards -- Jo. Richards (1 text; 1 setting)
- Richards -- Laura Elizabeth Richards (1850 - 1943) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Richards -- Miriam Richards (1 text; 1 setting)
- Richardson -- Frank Richardson (flourished 1890-1910) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Richardson -- John Richardson (1 text; 1 setting)
- Richardson -- Justin Richardson (1 text; 1 setting)
- Richardson -- Mary Richardson (1889 - 1961) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Richardson -- Norah Richardson (1 text; 1 setting)
- Richardson -- Stanley Richardson (1 text; 1 setting)
- Richardt -- Christian Richardt (1831 - 1892) (33 texts; 42 settings)
- Richebourg -- Émile Richebourg (1833 - 1898) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- de Richelieu -- Louis-François-Armand de Vignerot Du Plessis, Duc de Richelieu (1696 - 1788) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Richemont -- Eugène (Octave Marie Romuald Panon Desbassayns) de Richemont, Vicomte (1800 - 1859) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Richepin -- Jean Richepin (1849 - 1926) (118 texts; 215 settings)
- Richepin -- Tristan Richepin (1 text; 1 setting)
- Richet -- Henry Richet (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Richey -- Michael Richey (1678 - 1761) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Richmond -- Charles Alexander Richmond (1862 - 1940) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Richomme -- Antoine-Jacques Richomme (flourished 1775-1800) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Richomme -- Auguste Richomme (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Richter -- Adolf Richter (1 text; 1 setting)
- Richter -- Carl Anton Richter (1797 - 1827) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Richter -- Ernestine Richter (1 text; 1 setting)
- Richter -- Friedrich Richter (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Richter -- Franz Richter (1 text; 1 setting)
- Richter -- Georg Karl Richter (1 text; 1 setting)
- Richter -- Helmut Richter (1 text; 1 setting)
- Richter -- Johann Paul Friedrich Richter (1763 - 1825) (10 texts; 11 settings)
- Richter -- Julius Wilhelm Otto Richter (1839 - 1924) (5 texts; 7 settings)
- Richter -- L. Richter (1 text; 1 setting)
- Richter -- Omon Richter (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Richter -- Raoul Richter (1871 - 1912) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rick -- Carl Rick (1814 - 1881) (1 text; 3 settings)
- Rickers -- Heinrich Wilhelm Joachim Rickers (1753 - 1826) (1 text; 5 settings)
- Rickson -- Levi Rickson (1868 - 1967) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Rico -- Jason Rico (b. 1978) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ricou -- Georges Ricou (b. 1880) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rictus -- Jehan Rictus (see Randon -- Gabriel Randon (1867 - 1933))
- Ridal -- Fulgence Ridal (see Cerfberr -- Anatole Cerfberr (1835 - 1896))
- de Ridder -- Eugeen de Ridder (see De Ridder -- Eugeen De Ridder (1893 - 1962))
- Ridderstad -- Carl Fredrik Ridderstad (1807 - 1886) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rideamus -- Rideamus (see Oliven -- Fritz Oliven (1874 - 1956))
- Ридель -- Лючань Антоні Фелікс Ридель (see Rydel -- Lucjan Antoni Feliks Rydel (1870 - 1918))
- Ridge -- Lola Ridge (1873 - 1941) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Ridley -- R. Ridley (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rie -- Jil de la Rie (1913 - 1994) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Riedel -- Franz Xaver Riedel (1738 - 1773) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Riedel -- Johannes Gerardus Frederik Riedel (1832 - 1911) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Riediger -- Günter Riediger (1 text; 1 setting)
- Riedinger -- Johann Riedinger (1 text; 1 setting)
- Riedrich -- Julius Riedrich (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Rieff -- ? Rieff (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Riegger -- Catherine Riegger (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Riehl -- F. W. Riehl (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rielo -- Fernando Rielo (1923 - 2004) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Riemann -- Carl Riemann (1 text; 0 settings)
- Riemer -- Friedrich Wilhelm Riemer (1774 - 1845) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Riemschneider -- ? Riemschneider (2 texts; 2 settings)
- di Rienzi -- Emma di Rienzi (b. 1859?) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Rienzi -- Grégoire Louis Domeny de Rienzi (1789 - 1843) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- di Rienzo -- Cola di Rienzo (see Gabrini -- Nicola Gabrini (1313 - 1354))
- Rieple -- Max Rieple (1902 - 1981) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Riéra -- Albert Riéra (1895 - 1968) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rieu -- Emile Victor Rieu, CBE (1887 - 1972) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rıfat Horozcu -- Oktay Rıfat Horozcu (1914 - 1988) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Riffard -- Léon Riffard (1 text; 1 setting)
- Riffaud -- Madeleine Riffaud (b. 1924) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rihaku -- Rihaku (see Li-Tai-Po -- Li-Tai-Po (701 - 762))
- Rihm -- Wolfgang Michael Rihm (1952 - 2024) (0 texts; 0 settings)
- Rijswijck -- Jan Theodoor van Rijswijck (1811 - 1849) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Riley -- Alice Cushing Donaldson Riley (1867 - 1953) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Riley -- James Withcomb Riley (1849 - 1916) (9 texts; 9 settings)
- Rilke -- Rainer Maria Rilke (1875 - 1926) (1262 texts; 3959 settings)
- Rilke -- René Karl Wilhelm Johann Josef Maria Rilke (see Rilke -- Rainer Maria Rilke (1875 - 1926))
- Rillieux -- Victor-Ernest Rillieux (1842 - 1898) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Рильський -- Максим Тадейович Рильський (see Rylsky -- Maksim Tadeyovich Rylsky (1895 - 1964))
- Rim -- G. I. Rim (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rimbaud -- Arthur Rimbaud (1854 - 1891) (64 texts; 131 settings)
- Rimbaud -- Jean Nicholas Arthur Rimbaud (see Rimbaud -- Arthur Rimbaud (1854 - 1891))
- Rimbault -- Léon Rimbault (1 text; 1 setting)
- Римская-Корсакова -- Юлия Лазаревна Римская-Корсакова (see Weissberg -- Julia Weissberg (1878 - 1942))
- Rimskaya-Korsakova -- Yuliya Lazarevna Rimskaya-Korsakova (see Weissberg -- Julia Weissberg (1878 - 1942))
- Rimsky-Korsak(ov) -- Aleksandr Yakovlevich Rimsky-Korsak(ov) (1806 - 1856) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- von Rinach -- Hesso von Rinach (see von Reinach -- Hesso von Reinach (1234 - c1280))
- Rinaldini -- Joseph A. Rinaldini (1893 - 1977) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Rinaldo -- L. Rinaldo (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rinckart -- Martin Rinckart (1586 - 1649) (1 text; 5 settings)
- Ring -- Frands Johan Ring (1889 - 1973) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ring -- L. Ring (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ring -- Marcus Ring (see Ring -- Max Ring (1817 - 1901))
- Ring -- Max Ring (1817 - 1901) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ring -- Montague Ring (see Aldridge -- Amanda Ira Aldridge (1866 - 1956))
- Ring -- Thomas Ring (1892 - 1983) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Ringelnatz -- Joachim Ringelnatz (see Bötticher -- Hans Bötticher (1883 - 1934))
- Ringen -- Tone Ringen (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ringwald(t) -- Bartolomäus Ringwald(t) (1532? - 1599) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Riniker -- Hanna Riniker (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Rinne -- Carl Rinne (1804 - 1880) (1 text; 4 settings)
- Rinsema -- Evert Rinsema (1880 - 1958) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rinuccini -- Ottavio Rinuccini (1562 - 1621) (28 texts; 35 settings)
- del Río -- Alfonso del Río (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Río -- Don Manuel del Río (see Manuel del Río -- Don Manuel del Río)
- Río -- Magdalena Nile del Río (see Nile del Río -- Magdalena Nile del Río (1906 - 2003))
- Rio -- Don Manuel de Rio (see Geibel -- Emanuel von Geibel (1815 - 1884))
- Rioja -- Aurelio Rioja (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Ríos -- Andrés Castro Ríos (see Castro Ríos -- Andrés Castro Ríos (1942 - 2006))
- Rioutord -- Marcel Rioutord (flourished 1949-1950) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Rip -- Rip (see Thenon -- Georges Gabriel Thenon (1884 - 1941))
- Ripoll -- Lila Ripoll (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Ripper -- João Guilherme Ripper (b. 1959) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rippon-Seymour -- H. Rippon-Seymour (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Riquer -- Alexandre de Riquer (1856 - 1920) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Riquet -- Nicol Riquet ( flourished 1845 ) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Risch -- W. Risch (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rispens -- J. A. Rispens (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rist -- Johann Rist (1607 - 1667) (5 texts; 6 settings)
- Ristikivi -- Karl Ristikivi (1912 - 1977) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rithell -- Jethro Rithell (1878 - 1962) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Ritsch -- W. Ritsch (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ritschl -- Gizella ("Giza") Suzanna Ritschl (1869 - 1942) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Rittberg -- Charlotte Rittberg, Gräfin (1 text; 2 settings)
- Rittenhouse -- Jessie Belle Rittenhouse Scollard (1869 - 1948) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Ritter -- ? Ritter (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Ritter -- Anna (Nuhn) Ritter (1865 - 1921) (199 texts; 288 settings)
- Ritter -- Friedrich Ritter (see Richter -- Johann Paul Friedrich Richter (1763 - 1825))
- Ritter -- Gottlieb Ritter (see Zolling -- Theophil Zolling (1849 - 1901))
- Риттер -- Николай Алексеевич фон Риттер (see von Ritter -- Nikolay Alekseyevich von Ritter (1846 - 1919))
- von Ritter -- Nikolay Alekseyevich von Ritter (1846 - 1919) (9 texts; 8 settings)
- Ritter von Weilen -- Josef Ritter von Weilen (see von Weilen -- Josef Ritter von Weilen (1828 - 1889))
- Rittersdorf -- ? Rittersdorf (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rittershaus -- Alfred Rittershaus (1863 - 1929) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rittershaus -- (Friedrich) Emil Rittershaus (1834 - 1897) (66 texts; 137 settings)
- Ritz -- Franz Carl Ritz (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ritzell -- Sven Ritzell (1 text; 1 setting)
- Riu -- Francisco A. Riu (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rivalier -- Malwida Rivalier (1816 - 1903) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rivas -- Ángel de Saavedra, Duque de Rivas (1791 - 1865) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Rivas -- Reyna Rivas (3 texts; 3 settings)
- de Rivas Jordán -- María T. C. de Rivas Jordán (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rive -- Richard Moore Rive (1931 - 1989) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Rivera -- Argenis Rivera (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rivera -- José Eustasio Rivera (1888 - 1928) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rivera -- Luis Muñoz Rivera (see Muñoz Rivera -- Luis Muñoz Rivera (1859 - 1916))
- Rivera -- Pedro Rivera (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rivera de Rezende -- Aracy Rivera de Rezende (see de Rezende -- Aracy Rivera de Rezende)
- Riveros Tejada -- Guillermo Riveros Tejada (b. 1935) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rives -- Amélie Rives (1863 - 1945) (2 texts; 5 settings)
- Rivet -- Gustave Rivet (1848 - 1936) (1 text; 2 settings)
- de la Rivière -- Charles Dufresny, Sieur de la Rivière (see Dufresny -- Charles Dufresny, Sieur de la Rivière (1648 - 1724))
- Rivière -- Louis Rivière (see Durey -- Charlotte Marie Louise Durey (1887 - 1955))
- de la Rivière -- Marcelle, Madame René Dujarric de la Rivière (see Friedmann -- Marcelle Friedmann (1899 - 1982))
- Rivoire -- André Rivoire (1872 - 1930) (13 texts; 14 settings)
- Rivollet -- Georges Rivollet (1852 - 1928) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rizal -- José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda (see Rizal -- José Rizal (1861 - 1896))
- Rizal -- José Rizal (1861 - 1896) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Rizzelli -- Francesco Rizzelli (1838 - 1910) (7 texts; 4 settings)
- Roa -- Julio Flórez Roa (see Flórez Roa -- Julio Flórez Roa (1867 - 1923))
- Robe -- Carl Robe (see Förster -- Friedrich Christoph Förster (1791 - 1868))
- Robequain -- Émile Robequain (1 text; 1 setting)
- Robert -- Claude-Maurice Robert (1 text; 1 setting)
- Robert -- Friederike Robert (1795 - 1832) (9 texts; 11 settings)
- Robert -- H. Robert (see Haass -- Robert Haass)
- Robert -- (Ernst Friedrich) Ludwig Robert (1778 - 1832) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Robert -- M. A. Robert, Dr. (1 text; 1 setting)
- Robert -- Nathan Robert (1894 - 1985) (0 texts; 0 settings)
- Robert -- Robert, Earl of Essex (1 text; 1 setting)
- Robert -- Samuel Robert (1 text; 1 setting)
- Robert-Tornow -- Walter Heinrich Robert-Tornow (1852 - 1895) (6 texts; 8 settings)
- Robertet -- Jean Robertet (1405 - 1492) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roberton -- Hugh Stevenson Roberton, Sir (1874 - 1952) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roberts -- Cecil Edric Mornington Roberts (1892 - 1976) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Roberts -- Charles George Douglas Roberts (1860 - 1943) (7 texts; 10 settings)
- Roberts -- Elizabeth Madox Roberts (1881 - 1941) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roberts -- George Roberts (1873 - 1953) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roberts -- Kim Roberts (b. 1961) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roberts -- Lloyd Roberts (1884 - 1966) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roberts -- ?, Mrs. Alexander Roberts (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Roberts -- Owen Ellis Roberts (see Caerwyn -- Caerwyn (Owen Ellis Roberts))
- Roberts -- ? Roberts of Pentre, Reverend (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Robertson -- Graham Robertson (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Robertson -- W. G. Robertson (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Robertus -- Gerda von Robertus (see Borngräber -- Gertrud Emily Borngräber, née von Schlieben (1873 - 1939))
- Robert-Victor -- Robert-Victor (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Robespierre -- Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre (1758 - 1794) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Robin -- Armand Robin (1912 - 1961) (13 texts; 13 settings)
- Robine -- René Robine (1881 - 1930) (20 texts; 20 settings)
- Robinot-Bertrand -- Charles Augustin Robinot-Bertrand (1833 - 1885) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Robins -- Hollis Robins (b. 1963) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Robinson -- Edwin Arlington Robinson (1869 - 1935) (28 texts; 54 settings)
- Robinson -- (Agnes) Mary (Frances) Robinson (1857 - 1944) (14 texts; 14 settings)
- Robinson -- R. Desmond Robinson (1 text; 1 setting)
- Robinson -- Robert Robinson (1 text; 1 setting)
- Robinson -- Terese Robinson, née Therese Langenbach (1873 - 1945) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Robinson -- Therese Robinson (see Jacob -- Therese Albertine Luise von Jacob (1797 - 1870))
- Robiquet -- Paul Robiquet (1848 - 1928) (9 texts; 9 settings)
- Robitschek -- Kurt Robitschek (1890 - 1950) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Robson -- Jack Robson (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roccaforte -- Gaetano Roccaforte (flourished mid-1700s) (0 texts; 0 settings)
- Rocchi -- Francesco Rocchi (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Roch -- Eugène Roch (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roch -- Nicolas-Sébastien Roch (1740 - 1794) (11 texts; 11 settings)
- Rocha -- Dámaso Rocha (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rocha -- Glauber de Andrade Rocha (1939 - 1981) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rocha -- Isadora A. Rocha (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rocha -- Lucien Rocha (1 text; 1 setting)
- da Rocha Mussurunga -- Domingos da Rocha Mussurunga (see Mussurunga -- Domingos da Rocha Mussurunga (1807 - 1856))
- da Rocha Peres -- Fernando da Rocha Peres (see Peres -- Fernando da Rocha Peres)
- Rochaïddahdah -- Béatrice, Comtesse Joseph Rochaïddahdah (1860 - 1915) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rochberg -- Paul Rochberg (1944 - 1964) (32 texts; 32 settings)
- Roch de Louvencourt -- Cécile, Comtesse Roch de Louvencourt, née Multedo (1887 - 1974) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roche -- (Marie) Sophie (Gutermann) von la Roche (see von La Roche -- (Marie) Sophie (Gutermann) von La Roche (1731 - 1807))
- Roche -- Chretien Roche (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roche -- Edmond Roche (1828 - 1861) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Roché -- Henri Pierre Roché (1879 - 1959) (15 texts; 18 settings)
- la Roche -- Maximiliane Brentano, née Maximiliane Euphrosine von la Roche (see Brentano -- Maximiliane Brentano, née Maximiliane Euphrosine von La Roche (1756 - 1793))
- de la Roche-Chandieu -- Antoine de la Roche-Chandieu (see de Chandieu -- Antoine de Chandieu (1534 - 1591))
- de la Rochecantin -- ?, Comtesse Le Bault de la Morinière de la Rochecantin (see de La Morinière de la Rochecantin -- ?, Comtesse Le Bault de La Morinière de la Rochecantin)
- de la Rochefoucauld -- François Aymar de la Rochefoucauld (see de La Rochefoucauld -- François Aymar de La Rochefoucauld (1843 - 1925))
- Roche-Gleizes -- Juliette Roche-Gleizes (1884 - 1980) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Rochelle -- Marie Rochelle (1862 - 1939) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rocher -- Louis Rocher (2 texts; 2 settings)
- des Roches -- Catherine des Roches (see Fradonnet -- Catherine Fradonnet (1542 - 1587))
- Rochlitz -- Johann Friedrich Rochlitz (1769 - 1842) (13 texts; 24 settings)
- Rochlitzer -- Hugo Rochlitzer (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rochlitzer -- Ludwig Rochlitzer (1880 - 1945) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- von Rochow -- Gabriele (Hermine Josefine Elisabeth) von Rochow (1860 - 1933) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Rochowanski -- Leopold Wolfgang Rochowanski (1888 - 1961) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rockar -- F. A. Rockar (1 text; 0 settings)
- Rockel -- Ludwig Rockel (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roda -- N. Roda (7 texts; 8 settings)
- Rodari -- Giovanni Francesco (Gianni) Rodari (1920 - 1980) (8 texts; 0 settings)
- Rodd -- Rennald Rodd (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Roddaz -- Camille de Roddaz (1846 - 1896) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rode -- Beresford Rode (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rode -- Gotfred Benjamin Rode (1830 - 1878) (5 texts; 7 settings)
- Rode -- Helge Rode (1870 - 1937) (36 texts; 41 settings)
- Rode -- Ove Rode (1867 - 1933) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rodenbach -- Albrecht Rodenbach (1856 - 1880) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Rodenbach -- Georges Rodenbach (1855 - 1898) (25 texts; 26 settings)
- Rodenberg -- Julius Rodenberg (1831 - 1914) (61 texts; 221 settings)
- Röder -- E. Röder (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roderich -- Albert Roderich (1846 - 1938) (3 texts; 5 settings)
- Rodès -- Béatrix Rodès (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Rodewaldt -- Th. Rodewaldt (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rodgers -- William Robert Rodgers (1909 - 1969) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rodigast -- Samuel Rodigast (1649 - 1708) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Rödiger -- F. Rödiger (1 text; 1 setting)
- Röding -- Johann Heinrich Röding (1732 - 1800) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Родионов -- Ярослав Иванович Родионов (see Rodionov -- Yaroslav Ivanovich Rodionov (1903 - 1943))
- Rodionov -- Yaroslav Ivanovich Rodionov (1903 - 1943) (26 texts; 26 settings)
- Rodker -- Mary Rodker (see Butts -- Mary Francis Butts (1890 - 1937))
- Rodor -- Jean Rodor (d. 1967) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rodrigo -- ? Rodrigo Jr. (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rodrigues -- Armindo José Rodrigues (1904 - 1993) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Rodrigues -- Geraldo Pinto Rodrigues (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rodrigues -- Mário Queiroz Rodrigues (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rodrigues -- Papiniano Manuel Carlos de Vasconcelos Rodrigues (see Carlos de Vasconcelos Rodrigues -- Papiniano Manuel Carlos de Vasconcelos Rodrigues (1918 - 2012))
- Rodrigues -- Wilson W. Rodrigues (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rodríguez -- Horacio F. Rodríguez (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rodríguez -- Jeroni Zanné i Rodríguez (see Zanné i Rodríguez -- Jeroni Zanné i Rodríguez (1873 - 1934))
- Rodríguez Álvarez -- Alejandro Rodríguez Álvarez (1903 - 1965) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rodríguez Marín -- Francisco Rodríguez Marín (1855 - 1943) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Rodríguez Pintos -- Carlos Rodríguez Pintos (1895 - 1985) (3 texts; 4 settings)
- Rodríguez Almodóvar -- Antonio Rodríguez Almodóvar (b. 1941) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rodríguez García -- Fernando Rodríguez García (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rodríguez Lezama -- Mimina Rodríguez Lezama (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roduki -- Roduki (1 text; 0 settings)
- Roe -- Pete Roe (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roeber -- Friedrich Roeber (1819 - 1901) (13 texts; 14 settings)
- Roeckel -- Joseph Leopold Roeckel (1838 - 1923) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Roeder -- Ernst Roeder (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roehn -- Adolf Roehn (2 texts; 1 setting)
- Roëlandt -- Louis Roëlandt (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roelofson -- Emily Bruce Roelofson (1832 - 1921) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roemheld -- Irmgard Roemheld (1906 - 1995) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roer -- Ferdinand Roer (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roers -- Georg Maria Roers, SJ (b. 1965) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Roesgen-Champion -- Marguerite Roesgen-Champion (1894 - 1976) (18 texts; 18 settings)
- Roethenbacher -- M. Roethenbacher (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roethke -- Theodore Roethke (1908 - 1963) (33 texts; 49 settings)
- Rogberg -- Alma Rogberg (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rogé -- Mme. Adolphe Rogé (see Bates -- Charlotte Fiske Bates)
- Roger -- Eugène Roger, Baron (1850 - 1906) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Roger -- Gustave Roger (1815 - 1879) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Roger -- Julius August Roger (1819 - 1865) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Roger -- V. Roger (1 text; 0 settings)
- Roger -- Valérie Roger (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roger-Cornaz -- Frédéric Roger-Cornaz (1883 - 1970) (24 texts; 24 settings)
- Roger-Ducasse -- Jean Jules Aimable Roger-Ducasse (1873 - 1954) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Roger-Marx -- Claude Roger-Marx (see Marx -- Claude-Roger Marx (1888 - 1977))
- Roger-Milès -- Léon Roger-Milès (1859 - 1928) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Rogers -- Iris Holland Rogers (d. 1982) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rogers -- James Hotchkiss Rogers (1857 - 1940) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rogers -- Neva Heflin Rogers (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rogers -- Robert Cameron Rogers (1862 - 1912) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Rogers -- Samuel Rogers (1763 - 1855) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rogers -- S. Rogers, Esqre. (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rogers -- Wayland Rogers (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rogetsu -- Ishii Rogetsu (1873 - 1928) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Rogge -- Alma Rogge (1894 - 1969) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rogge-Börner -- Pia Sophie Rogge-Börner (1878 - 1955) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rogues -- Léon Rogues (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Rohan -- Herminie, Madame la Duchesse de Rohan (1853 - 1926) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- de Rohan -- Marie de Rohan, Duchesse (1600 - 1679) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Rohleder -- Paul Rohleder (1906 - 1982) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Röhr -- Carl Röhr (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Röhr -- G. Röhr (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rohrer -- Fritz Rohrer (1848 - 1926) (17 texts; 17 settings)
- von Rohrscheidt -- Georg von Rohrscheidt (1845 - 1916) (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Rohrscheidt -- Kurt von Rohrscheidt (1857 - 1935) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- von Rohwedell -- Anna von Rohwedell (1 text; 5 settings)
- Roig i Llop -- Tomàs Roig i Llop (1902 - 1987) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roís de Corella -- Joan Roís de Corella (c1433 - 1493) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roitman -- Sh. Roitman (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rojas -- Fernando Rojas (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Rojas -- Fernando de Rojas (c1470 - 1541) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Rojas -- Ricardo Rojas (1882 - 1957) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Rojas Díaz -- Fabio Rojas Díaz (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rojas Ovalle de Carvalho -- Cherubina Rojas Ovalle de Carvalho (see de Carvalho -- Cherubina Rojas Ovalle de Carvalho)
- Rojcewicz -- Peter Rojcewicz (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Roland -- Claude Roland (see Tillet -- Armand Tillet (1872 - 1946))
- Roland -- Jean Edmond Lucien Roland (1901 - 1989) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Roland -- Paul Roland (1856 - 1932) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Holst -- Adriaan Roland Holst (1888 - 1976) (21 texts; 27 settings)
- Roland Holst-van der Schalk -- Henriette Goverdine Anna Roland Holst-van der Schalk (1869 - 1952) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rola-Różycki -- Zygmunt Rola-Różycki (see Różycki -- Zygmunt Różycki (1883 - 1930))
- Roldán -- Belisario Roldán (1873 - 1922) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Rolfsen -- Johan Nordahl Brun Rolfsen (1848 - 1928) (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Rolicz-Lieder -- Wacław Rolicz-Lieder (1866 - 1912) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Rolland -- Amédée Rolland (1829 - 1868) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rolland -- Olivier Rolland (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rolland -- Romain Rolland (1866 - 1944) (3 texts; 2 settings)
- Roller -- C. Roller (1 text; 2 settings)
- Rolleston -- Thomas William Rolleston (1857 - 1920) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Rollett -- Hermann Rollett (1819 - 1904) (48 texts; 74 settings)
- Rolli -- Paolo Antonio Rolli (1687 - 1765) (110 texts; 118 settings)
- Rollinat -- Maurice Rollinat (1846 - 1903) (121 texts; 131 settings)
- de Romain -- Aïda de Romain (1874 - 1953) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Romains -- Jules Romains (see Farigoule -- Louis Henri Jean Farigoule (1885 - 1972))
- Romainville -- Léontine Romainville (see Dellevie -- Sophie Augustine Dellevie (1796 - 1864))
- Román -- José Muñoz San Román (see Muñoz San Román -- José Muñoz San Román (1876 - 1954))
- Romane -- André Romane (1888 - 1942) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Romane -- J. Romane (1 text; 1 setting)
- Romanelli -- Luigi Romanelli (1751 - 1839) (9 texts; 9 settings)
- Romanelli -- Umberto (Humberto?) Romanelli (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Romani -- Fedele Romani (1855 - 1910) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Romani -- Felice Romani (1788 - 1865) (24 texts; 27 settings)
- Romaní de Fanés -- Manuel Romaní de Fanés (1 text; 1 setting)
- Романов -- Константин Константинович Романов (see Romanov -- Konstantin Konstantinovich Romanov, Grand Duke of Russia (1858 - 1915))
- Romanov -- Konstantin Konstantinovich Romanov, Grand Duke of Russia (1858 - 1915) (48 texts; 119 settings)
- Романова -- Одарка Володимирівна Романова (see Romanova -- Odarka Volodymyrivna Romanova (1853 - 1922))
- Romanova -- Odarka Volodymyrivna Romanova (1853 - 1922) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Романова -- Вера Константиновна Романова, герцогиня Вюртембергская (see Romanova -- Vera Konstantinovna Romanovna, Duchess of Württemberg (1854 - 1912))
- Romanova -- Vera Konstantinovna Romanovna, Duchess of Württemberg (1854 - 1912) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Romanowski -- Mieczysław Romanowski (1833 - 1863) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Romanus -- Christiana Mariana Romanus (see von Ziegler -- Christiana Mariana von Ziegler, née Romanus (1695 - 1760))
- Römer -- Georg Christian Römer (1 text; 0 settings)
- Römer -- Pauli Römer (2 texts; 0 settings)
- Romero -- Sílvio Romero (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Romeu -- Leonora Milà Romeu (see Milà Romeu -- Leonora Milà Romeu (b. 1942))
- Römhildt -- Fritz Römhildt (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Romilly -- Édouard Romilly (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rommel -- Ernst Wilhelm Gottlieb Rommel (1819 - 1892) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Ron -- Fredrik de Ron (see De Ron -- Fredrik De Ron (1781 - 1854))
- Rona -- Lilly Alice Rona (1893 - 1975) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rónai -- György Rónai (1913 - 1978) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rondano -- Miguel Ángel Rondano (b. 1934) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Rondel -- Hyppolite Rondel (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rong Tsio Fann -- Rong Tsio Fann (flourished 11th century) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Rönnegård -- Sam Rönnegård (1893 - 1973) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ronsard -- Pierre de Ronsard (1524 - 1585) (344 texts; 652 settings)
- de Ronsière -- Julien Loraux de Ronsière (see Loraux de Ronsière -- Julien Loraux de Ronsière)
- Ronsperger -- Edith Ronsperger (1880 - 1921) (4 texts; 5 settings)
- Rooney -- P. Rooney (1 text; 0 settings)
- Roos -- Anna Maria Roos (1862 - 1938) (21 texts; 25 settings)
- Roos -- Josef Roos (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Roos -- Matilda Roos (1852 - 1908) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roos -- Richard Roos (see Engelhardt -- Karl August Engelhardt (1768 - 1834))
- van Roosbroeck -- Gust L. van Roosbroeck (see Van Roosbroeck -- Gust L. Van Roosbroeck)
- Roosval -- Johnny Roosval (1879 - 1965) (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Root -- George Frederick Root (1820 - 1895) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Ropartz -- Joseph Guy Marie Ropartz (1864 - 1955) (10 texts; 11 settings)
- Ropartz -- Yves Ropartz (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Röpe -- Hermann Röpe (1801 - 1843) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ropes -- Hannah Anderson Ropes (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Roque -- Ant. Roque (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Roquefeuil-Cahuzac -- Robert de Roquefeuil-Cahuzac (1864 - 1940) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roques -- Jacques Roques (d. 1921) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Roquette -- Otto Roquette (1824 - 1896) (65 texts; 339 settings)
- Rørdam -- Holger Rørdam (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rørdam -- Valdemar Rørdam (1872 - 1946) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Rorem -- Ned Rorem (1923 - 2022) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rosa -- Francisco Otaviano de Almeida Rosa (see de Almeida Rosa -- Francisco Otaviano de Almeida Rosa (1825 - 1889))
- Rosa -- João Guimarães Rosa (see Guimarães Rosa -- João Guimarães Rosa (1908 - 1967))
- Rósa Guðmundsdóttir -- Rósa Guðmundsdóttir (1795 - 1855) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rosalia -- Rosalia (see Engelhard -- Magdelena Philippine Engelhard, née Gatterer (1756 - 1831))
- Rosalyn -- Rosalyn (see Lambert -- Silke Lambert)
- del Rosario -- Deogracias del Rosario (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rosaz -- Jean Christophe Rosaz (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Roscoe -- William Roscoe (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ros de Olano -- Antonio Ros de Olano (1808 - 1886) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rose -- Dorothy Rose (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rose -- Edward Rose ( flourished 1928 ) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rose -- K. Rose (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rose -- Margaret Rose (see Girdler -- Margaret Rose Girdler (1888 - 1958))
- Rose -- Rachel Rose (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rosegger -- Peter Rosegger (1843 - 1918) (20 texts; 23 settings)
- Röseler -- (Friedrich) Wilhelm Röseler (1848 - 1899) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Rosemann -- Rosemann (see Klöntrup -- Johann Aegidius Klöntrup (1755 - 1830))
- Rosen (Delius) -- Jelka Rosen (Delius) (1868 - 1935) (11 texts; 12 settings)
- von Rosen -- Björn von Rosen (1905 - 1989) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rosen -- Friedrich Rosen (1856 - 1935) (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Rosen -- Georg Rosen (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Rosen -- Margot Rosen (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rosen -- Sheila Rosen (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rosenbaum -- Francine Rosenbaum (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Rosenbaum -- Kory Elisabeth Rosenbaum (1868 - 1930) (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Rosenbaum-Reinsberg -- Otto R. von Rosenbaum-Reinsberg (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rosenberg -- Isaac Rosenberg (1890 - 1918) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Rosenberg -- J. Rosenberg (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rosenberg -- Jacob Rosenberg (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rosenberg -- L. Rosenberg (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rosenberg -- Ludwig Rosenberg (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rosenberg -- Peter Andreas Plum Rosenberg (1858 - 1935) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rosenberg -- ? Rosenberg, Dr. (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rosenberger -- Johannes Fridericus Casimirus Rosenberger (see Rosenberger -- Johann Friedrich Kasimir Rosenberger (1731 - 1776))
- Rosenberger -- Johann Friedrich Kasimir Rosenberger (1731 - 1776) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rosenfeld -- Max Rosenfeld (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rosenlöcher -- Thomas Rosenlöcher (b. 1947) (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Rosenroth -- Christian Knorr von Rosenroth (1636 - 1689) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Rosenstock -- Gabriel Rosenstock (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Rosenstock -- Samuel Rosenstock (1896 - 1963) (17 texts; 17 settings)
- Rosenthal -- A. Rosenthal (5 texts; 0 settings)
- Rosenthal -- C. Rosenthal (1 text; 2 settings)
- Rosenthal -- Friedrich Rosenthal (1885 - 1942) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Röser -- Otto Röser (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Rosher -- Charles Rosher (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rösing -- Hugo Rösing (1887 - 1956) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rosing -- Michael Rosing (1830 - 1904) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rösiö -- Jönsson Rösiö, Per (1861 - 1935) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roslavlev -- Aleksandr Stepanovich Roslavlev (1883 - 1920) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Рославлев -- Александр Степанович Рославлев (see Roslavlev -- Aleksandr Stepanovich Roslavlev (1883 - 1920))
- Roslyn -- Guy Roslyn (see Smith -- George Barnett Smith (1841 - 1909))
- Rosmer -- Ernst Rosmer (see Bernstein -- Elsa Bernstein (1866 - 1949))
- Rosorius -- Hermann Rosorius (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rospigliosi -- Giulio Rospigliosi (1600 - 1669) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ross -- Adrian Ross (1859 - 1933) (4 texts; 3 settings)
- Ross -- Anna V. Q. Ross (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Ross -- Penuel Grant Ross (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Ross -- William Wrightson Eustace Ross (1894 - 1966) (10 texts; 10 settings)
- Rossé -- François Rossé (b. 1945) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rossel -- Hermann Rossel (1820 - 1846) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rössel -- Willy Rössel (1877 - 1947) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rosselli -- Amelia Rosselli (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rosselló-Pòrcel -- Bartomeu Rosselló-Pòrcel (1913 - 1938) (3 texts; 5 settings)
- Rosset -- Clément Rosset (d. 1924) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rosseter -- Philip Rosseter (1567?8 - 1623) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Rossetti -- Christina Georgina Rossetti (1830 - 1894) (206 texts; 602 settings)
- Rossetti -- Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828 - 1882) (35 texts; 78 settings)
- Rossi -- Gaëtano Rossi (1774 - 1855) (10 texts; 10 settings)
- Rossi -- Giacomo Rossi (flourished 1710-1729) (32 texts; 31 settings)
- di Rossi -- Giovanni Gherardo di Rossi (see De Rossi -- Giovanni Gherardo De Rossi (1754 - 1827))
- di Rossi -- Giovanni Gherardo di Rossi (see De Rossi -- Giovanni Gherardo De Rossi (1754 - 1827))
- di Rossi -- Giovanni Gherardo di Rossi (see De Rossi -- Giovanni Gherardo De Rossi (1754 - 1827))
- Rossi -- Mário Rossi (1911 - 1981) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Rossmässler -- Emil Adolf Rossmässler (1806 - 1867) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rosso -- Marino Rosso (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Rossowski -- Stanisław Rossowski (1861 - 1940) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rosswein -- O. Rosswein (1 text; 2 settings)
- Россвейн -- О. Россвейн (see Rosswein -- O. Rosswein)
- de Rostan -- J. A. de Rostan, Baron (flourished c1859) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rostand -- Alexis Jean Hubert Rostand (1844 - 1919) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Rostand -- Edmond Rostand (1868 - 1918) (21 texts; 19 settings)
- Rostand -- Eugène Rostand (1843 - 1915) (5 texts; 6 settings)
- Rostand -- Maurice Rostand (1891 - 1968) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rostand -- Victorine Rostand (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rosten -- Norman Rosten (1913 - 1995) (15 texts; 15 settings)
- Ростопчина -- Евдокия Петровна, Графиня Ростопчина (see Rostopchina -- Evdokiya Petrovna Grafinya Rostopchina (1812 - 1858))
- Rostopchina -- Evdokiya Petrovna Grafinya Rostopchina (1812 - 1858) (32 texts; 56 settings)
- Rostopchine -- Sophie Rostopchine, Comtesse de Ségur (1799 - 1874) (3 texts; 2 settings)
- Ρώτας -- Βασίλης Ρώτας (see Rotas -- Vasilis Rotas (1889 - 1977))
- Rotas -- Vasilis Rotas (1889 - 1977) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roth -- Charles Roth (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roth -- Eugen Roth (1895 - 1976) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Rothenberg -- Jerome Rothenberg (b. 1931) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Rothery -- W. G. Rothery (2 texts; 0 settings)
- Rotnemer -- Dory Rotnemer (9 texts; 9 settings)
- Rotondi -- Pietro Rotondi (1814 - 187?) (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Rottenberg -- Anna von Rottenberg (see von Gottberg -- Anna von Gottberg (1826 - 1919))
- Rotter -- Friedrich Rotter (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rotter -- Kurt Erich Rotter (1907 - 1979) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Röttger -- Karl Röttger (1877 - 1942) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Rottmanner -- Karl Rottmanner (1783 - 1822) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Roubaud -- Jacques Roubaud (b. 1932) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roucoux -- Urbain Roucoux (1845 - 1901) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Roud -- Gustave Roud (b. 1897) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rougé -- Jacques Marie Rougé (1873 - 1956) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Rouget -- Marie Rouget (1883 - 1967) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rouget de Lisle -- Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle (1760 - 1836) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Rougier -- Paul Rougier (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roule -- Antoine Roule (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ῥουφῖνος -- Ῥουφῖνος (see Rufinus -- Rufinus (flourished 3rd or 4th century CE))
- Rousseau -- Amédée Louis Joseph Rousseau (1790 - 1853) (4 texts; 3 settings)
- Rousseau -- Ch. Rousseau (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rousseau -- E. Rousseau (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rousseau -- Jean-Baptiste Rousseau (1671 - 1741) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Rousseau -- Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 - 1778) (7 texts; 14 settings)
- Rousseau -- Johann Baptist Rousseau (1802 - 1867) (9 texts; 10 settings)
- Rousseau -- Pierre-E.-L. Rousseau (1889 - 1939) (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Rousseil -- (Marie Suzanne) Rosélia Rousseil (1840 - 1916) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Roussel -- Georges Roussel (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rousselet -- Laurine Rousselet (b. 1974) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roustan -- Marie Roustan (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Rousthwell -- Rousthwell (see Rustaveli -- Shota Rustaveli (c1160 - c1220))
- de Rouvray -- Fernand de Rouvray (1876 - 1948) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Roux -- Émile Roux (1874 - 1940) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roux -- Jean Roux (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roux-Parassac -- Émile Roux-Parassac (see Roux -- Émile Roux (1874 - 1940))
- Rovaarts -- A. Rovaarts (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rove -- Ch. J. Rove (1 text; 0 settings)
- Rovira -- Héctor Zúñiga Rovira (see Zúñiga Rovira -- Héctor Zúñiga Rovira (b. 1913))
- Rowan -- Irwin Rowan (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rowe -- Charles James Rowe (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Rowe -- Nicholas Rowe (1674 - 1718) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rowlands -- Richard Rowlands (c1550 - 1640) (1 text; 3 settings)
- Rowlands -- Samuel Rowlands (c1573 - 1630) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rowley -- Doris Rowley (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rowley -- William Rowley (c1585 - 1626) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rowning -- Ellen Mary Rowning (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rowson -- Susanna Haswell Rowson (1762 - 1824) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Roxlo -- Conrado Nalé Roxlo (see Nalé Roxlo -- Conrado Nalé Roxlo (1898 - 1971))
- Roy -- Camille Roy (see Loron -- Claude Loron (1851 - 1922))
- Roy -- Clady Roy, Madame (1 text; 1 setting)
- Roy -- Claude Roy (see Orland -- Claude Orland (1915 - 1997))
- Roy -- Jules le Roy (see Le Roy -- Jules Le Roy (b. 1869))
- Roy -- Kumkum Roy (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Roy -- Vladimír Roy (1885 - 1936) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Royé -- Sylvain Royé (1891 - 1916) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Royer -- Alphonse Royer (1803 - 1875) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- le Royer de Prades -- Jean le Royer de Prades (see Le Royer de Prades -- Jean Le Royer de Prades (1624 - 1685))
- Royère -- Jean Royère (1871 - 1956) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Royle -- Josephine Fetter Royle (1901 - 1992) (1 text; 1 setting)
- des Roys -- Lyon-François des Roys (see Des Roys -- Lyon-François Des Roys (1768 - 1804))
- Roz -- Firmin Roz (1866 - 1957) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rozenberg -- G. P. Rozenberg (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rozenberga -- Johanna Emīlija Lizete Rozenberga (1865 - 1943) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rozengeim -- Mikhail Pavlovich Rozengeim (1820 - 1887) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Розенгейм -- Михаил Павлович Розенгейм (see Rozengeim -- Mikhail Pavlovich Rozengeim (1820 - 1887))
- Rozenkov -- Yury Rozenkov (1 text; 1 setting)
- Różewicz -- Tadeusz Różewicz (1921 - 2014) (2 texts; 0 settings)
- Rozhdestvenskaya -- A. Rozhdestvenskaya (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rozhdestvenskaya -- N. Rozhdestvenskaya (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rozhdestvensky -- R. Rozhdestvensky (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Rozhdestvensky -- V. Rozhdestvensky (11 texts; 11 settings)
- Розовский -- Александр Константинович Розовский (see Rozovsky -- Aleksandr Konstantinovich Rozovsky (1888 - 1962))
- Rozovsky -- Aleksandr Konstantinovich Rozovsky (1888 - 1962) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Różycki -- Zygmunt Różycki (1883 - 1930) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rubin -- Laurie Gale Rubin (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rubino -- Antonio Rubino (1880 - 1964) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Rubinstein -- Anton Grigoryevich Rubinstein (1829 - 1894) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Rubinstein -- Léon Rubinstein (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rublev -- Georgii L'vovich Rublev (1916 - ?) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rubtsov -- Nikolay Rubtsov (1936 - 1971) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Ruchti -- Bettina Ruchti (b. 1960) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Ruck-Hanke -- Doris Ruck-Hanke (16 texts; 16 settings)
- Ruckert -- Alois Joseph Ruckert (1846 - 1916) (11 texts; 11 settings)
- Rückert -- Friedrich Rückert (1788 - 1866) (458 texts; 1074 settings)
- Ruda -- Martin Ruda (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rudaki -- Abu Abdollah Jafar ibn Mohammad Rudaki (858 - c941) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Руданський -- Степан Васильович Руданський (see Rudansky -- Stepan Vasilovych Rudansky (1834 - 1873))
- Rudansky -- Stepan Vasilovych Rudansky (1834 - 1873) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Rudbek -- Henrik Rudbek (1845 - 1900) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rudchenko -- Afanasy Yakovlevich Rudchenko (see Rudchenko -- Panas Yakovich Rudchenko (1849 - 1920))
- Рудченко -- Афанасий Яковлевич Рудченко (see Rudchenko -- Panas Yakovich Rudchenko (1849 - 1920))
- Rudchenko -- Panas Yakovich Rudchenko (1849 - 1920) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Рудченко -- Панас Якович Рудченко (see Rudchenko -- Panas Yakovich Rudchenko (1849 - 1920))
- de Rudder -- May de Rudder (flourished 1910-1940) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rudel -- Jaufre Rudel, Prince of Blaye (flourished early to mid 12th century) (10 texts; 10 settings)
- Rüden von Spillner -- Emmy Rüden von Spillner (1 text; 3 settings)
- Руденко -- Микола Данилович Руденко (see Rudenko -- Mikola Danylovych Rudenko (1920 - 2004))
- Rudenko -- Mikola Danylovych Rudenko (1920 - 2004) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rudhardt -- Albert Rudhardt (1894 - 1944) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Rudich -- V. Rudich (1 text; 1 setting)
- Рудич -- В. Рудич (see Rudich -- V. Rudich)
- Rudinsky -- A. Rudinsky (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rudloft -- Reinhold Rudloft (1 text; 1 setting)
- Руднев -- Федор Максимович Руднев (see Rudnev -- Fyodor Maksimovich Rudnev (d. 1865))
- Rudnev -- Fyodor Maksimovich Rudnev (d. 1865) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Rudolph -- B. Rudolph (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rudolph -- Bruno Rudolph (see Bunge -- Rudolf Bunge (1836 - 1907))
- Rudolphi -- Karoline Christiane Louise Rudolphi (1754 - 1811) (12 texts; 18 settings)
- Rudow -- Wilhelm Rudow (1858 - 1899) (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Ruebsaat -- Norbert Ruebsaat (b. 1946) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Rueda Santos -- Salvador Rueda Santos (1857 - 1933) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rüeger -- Armin Rüeger (1886 - 1957) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rüegg -- Elsa Rüegg (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rüegg -- Mathias Rüegg (b. 1952) (9 texts; 6 settings)
- Ruegger -- Jean Ruegger (1796 - 1868) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Ruelle -- Jules Ruelle (1834 - 1892) (78 texts; 81 settings)
- Ruet -- Noël Ruet (b. 1897) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ruf -- Sebastian Ruf (1802 - 1877) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rüffer -- Eduard Rüffer (1835 - 1878) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rüffer -- H. Rüffer (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ruffini -- Giovanni Ruffini (1807 - 1881) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Rufinus -- Rufinus (flourished 3rd or 4th century CE) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Ruge -- Arnold Ruge (1802 - 1880) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Ruge -- August Ruge (1790 - 1833) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rugeles -- Manuel Felipe Rugeles (1903 - 1959) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- von Rügen -- Witzlav, Fürst von Rügen (see Wizlav -- Wizlav, Fürst von Rügen (c1265 - 1325))
- Rüger -- ? Rüger (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ruggles -- Carl Ruggles (1876 - 1971) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ruggles -- E. Ruggles (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ruh -- Anna Ruh (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rühle -- Carl Rühle (1848 - 1927) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rühm -- Gerhard Rühm (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rui -- Evaldo Rui (1913 - 1954) (1 text; 1 setting)
- van Ruith -- Gertrude van Ruith (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ruiz -- André Ruiz (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ruiz -- Juan Ruiz, Archpriest of Hita (c1283 - c1350) (2 texts; 0 settings)
- Ruiz -- Manuel Machado Ruiz (see Machado -- Manuel Machado Ruiz (c1874 - 1947))
- Ruiz -- Rodrigo Ruiz (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Ruiz Aguilera -- Ventura Ruiz Aguilera (1820 - 1881) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Ruiz de Alarcón y Mendoza -- Juan Ruiz de Alarcón y Mendoza (1581? - 1639) (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Ruiz de Nervo -- Juan Crisóstomo Ruiz de Nervo (1870 - 1919) (16 texts; 15 settings)
- Рукавишников -- Иван Сергеевич Рукавишников (see Rukavishnikov -- Ivan Sergeyevich Rukavishnikov (1877 - 1930))
- Rukavishnikov -- Ivan Sergeyevich Rukavishnikov (1877 - 1930) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rukeyser -- Muriel Rukeyser (1913 - 1980) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Rulfo -- Juan Rulfo (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Rüling -- Georg Ernst von Rüling (1748 - 1807) (2 texts; 4 settings)
- Rumens -- Carol Rumens (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rumezlant -- Rumezlant, Meister (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rūmī -- Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī (1207 - 1273) (22 texts; 1 setting)
- Rumi -- Jelaluddin Rumi (see Rūmī -- Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī (1207 - 1273))
- Rummel -- Rudolph J. Rummel (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rummo -- Lea Rummo (see Tormis -- Lea Tormis (b. 1932))
- Rummo -- Paul-Eerik Rummo (b. 1942) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rummo -- Paul Rummo (1909 - 1981) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rumpelmeyer -- Johann Rumpelmeyer (1820 - 1887) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rumpelt -- Anselm Rumpelt (1853 - 1919) (6 texts; 11 settings)
- Rumpius -- Daniel Rumpius (1549 - c1600) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rundt -- Joel Anders Rundt (1879 - 1971) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Runeberg -- Johan Ludvig Runeberg (1804 - 1877) (130 texts; 230 settings)
- Runeberg -- Nino (Hjalmar) Runeberg (1874 - 1934) (5 texts; 6 settings)
- Runes -- David Dagobert Runes (1902 - 1982) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Runestad -- Jake Runestad (b. 1986) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Runge -- Hermann Runge (1 text; 1 setting)
- Runge -- Karsten Runge (1830 - 1865) (4 texts; 6 settings)
- Runge -- Philipp Otto Runge (1777 - 1810) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Runge -- Wilhelm Runge (1894 - 1918) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ruperius -- Otto Ruperius (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ruperti -- Friedrich Ruperti (1805 - 1867) (7 texts; 21 settings)
- Rupertus -- Rupertus (see von Beyer -- Rudolph von Beyer (1810 - 1850))
- von Rupprecht -- F. von Rupprecht (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rupprecht -- Johann Baptist Rupprecht (1776 - 1846) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Ruscelli -- Girolamo Ruscelli, dit Seigneur Alexis (c1500 - 1566) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Rusconi -- Carlo Rusconi (1819 - 1889) (8 texts; 0 settings)
- Rushton -- A. Kipps Rushton (see Kipps-Rushton -- A. Kipps-Rushton)
- Rushton -- Edward Rushton (10 texts; 10 settings)
- Ruska -- Kathleen Jean Mary Ruska (see Noonuccal -- Oodgeroo Noonuccal, née Kathleen Jean Mary Ruska (1920 - 1993))
- Ruskin -- John Ruskin (1819 - 1900) (5 texts; 3 settings)
- Russat -- G. Russat (1 text; 1 setting)
- Russell -- George William Russell (1867 - 1935) (56 texts; 69 settings)
- Russell -- Sydney King Russell (1897 - 1976) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Russio -- Waldisa (Wadisa?) P. Russio (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Russo -- Ferdinando Russo (1866 - 1927) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Russo -- Vincenzo Russo (1876 - 1904) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Russwurm -- (Heinrich Adelbert Konrad Karl) Alexander Schiller, Freiherr von Gleichen, genannt von Russwurm (see Schiller -- (Heinrich Adelbert Konrad Karl) Alexander Schiller, Freiherr von Gleichen, genannt von Russwurm (1865 - 1947))
- Rustandari -- Mulla Rushdi Rustandari (1 text; 0 settings)
- Rustaveli -- Shota Rustaveli (c1160 - c1220) (2 texts; 0 settings)
- რუსთაველი -- შოთა რუსთაველი (see Rustaveli -- Shota Rustaveli (c1160 - c1220))
- von Rustenfeld -- Eduard von Rustenfeld, Baron Engelhart (see Engelhart -- Eduard von Rustenfeld, Baron Engelhart)
- von Rustige -- Heinrich Franz Gaudenz von Rustige (1810 - 1900) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Rutebeuf -- Rutebeuf (c1225 - c1285) (2 texts; 4 settings)
- Rutherford -- Arthur Rutherford (1882 - 1943) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rutherford -- Ruth Rutherford (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rüthers -- Moritz Rüthers (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Rüthning -- Paul Rüthning (b. 1876) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rutkūnas -- Benediktas Rutkūnas (3 texts; 0 settings)
- Rutten -- Felix Rutten (11 texts; 11 settings)
- Rutten -- M. Rutten (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rutter -- John Milford Rutter, CBE (b. 1945) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rutter-Leatham -- Edith Rutter-Leatham (flourished c1913) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Rüttger -- Josef Rüttger (flourished c1863) (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Ruud -- Linda Ruud (1932 - 2010) (1 text; 1 setting)
- van Ruysbroeck -- Jan van Ruysbroeck (see Jan van Ruusbroec -- Jan van Ruusbroec (1293 - 1381))
- Ryabov -- N. Ryabov (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ryan -- H. S. Ryan (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ryan -- Michael Desmond Ryan (1893 - 1964) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Ryan -- M. Ryan (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ryan -- Richard Ryan (1796 - 1849) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rybrant -- Gösta Rybrant (1904 - 1967) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rychner -- Max Rychner (1897 - 1965) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rydberg -- Viktor Rydberg (1828 - 1895) (29 texts; 54 settings)
- Rydel -- Lucjan Antoni Feliks Rydel (1870 - 1918) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Ryder -- Arthur Gore Ryder (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ryder -- Arthur William Ryder (1877 - 1938) (3 texts; 0 settings)
- Ryelandt -- Joseph Ryelandt (1870 - 1965) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Rying -- Matts Rying (1919 - 2000) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ryland -- F. Ryland (1 text; 0 settings)
- Рылеев -- Кондратий Фёдорович Рылеев (see Ryleyev -- Kondraty Fyodorovich Ryleyev (1795 - 1826))
- Рыленков -- Николай Иванович Рыленков (see Rylenkov -- Nikolay Ivanovich Rylenkov (1909 - 1969))
- Rylenkov -- Nikolay Ivanovich Rylenkov (1909 - 1969) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Ryleyev -- Kondraty Fyodorovich Ryleyev (1795 - 1826) (3 texts; 4 settings)
- Rylsky -- Maksim Tadeyovich Rylsky (1895 - 1964) (19 texts; 17 settings)
- Ryndin -- Pyotr Ryndin (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ryskin -- S. Ryskin (1 text; 1 setting)
- Rytard -- Jerzy Mieczysław Rytard (1899 - 1970) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Rytkönen -- Antti Juhani Rytkönen (1870 - 1930) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Rytter -- Henrik Rytter (1877 - 1950) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Рывина -- Елена Израилевна Рывина (see Ryvina -- Yelena Izrailevna Ryvina (1910 - 1985))
- Ryvina -- Yelena Izrailevna Ryvina (1910 - 1985) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Ryynänen -- R. R. Ryynänen (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Rzewski -- Frederic Rzewski (1938 - 2021) (11 texts; 11 settings)
- Rzhevsky -- Grigory Pavlovich Rzhevsky (1763 - 1830) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ржевский -- Григорий Павлович Ржевский (see Rzhevsky -- Grigory Pavlovich Rzhevsky (1763 - 1830))
Last update: 2025-02-12 04:05:39