Submissions by Miller, Barbara ( 350 items: 283 texts and 67 translations )
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- Voici les lieux charmants où mon âme ravie; title: "Sylvie"
- Lovely Minka, I must leave! [translation of: Air cosaque | Schöne Minka, ich muß scheiden!]
- Vanity of vanities; all is vanity
- I sent my Soul through the Invisible
- Toss'd in doubts and fears I rove
- A certain "I don't know what" [translation of: Un certo non so che | Un certo non so che]
- Desde que vino la moda; title: "El molondrón"
- Listen, The wind is still; title: "Spring thunder"
- Vote for names! Names! Names!; title: "Vote for names"
- Yo bolí de foja en foja; title: "Yo boli de foja en foja"
- ! Ya salió de la mar la galana !; title: "Ya salió de la mar la galana"
- Mi suegra la negra; title: "Mi suegra la negra"
- He will just do nothing at all; title: "Declaration of independence"
- It was the English that put the French to rout; title: "After Blenheim"
- No more dams I'll make for fish
- Silver key of the fountain of tears; title: "To music: a fragment"
- From mercilesse Invaders, from wicked men's deuice
- Truth, sir is a cow that will yield no more milk
- Be cheerful, my nature [translation of: Morgenlied | Werde heiter, mein Gemüthe]
- Cha dirich mi bruthach, 's cha siubhail mi mòinteach; title: "An gille dubh ciar-dubh"
- No more by green hillock or moorland I wander; title: "A 13th Century Love Lilt"
- Thug mi'n òidhche raoir 's mi bruadar; title: "Maighdeanan na h-àiridh"
- Last night by the sheiling was; title: "An Island Sheiling song"
- Non, les baisers d'amour n'éveillent point les morts !
- Come sell your pony cowboy; title: "Sweetgrass range"
- In the hush of the evening; title: "Remembering"
- Oh, what is the matter with me, with me?; title: "Love's riddle"
- When you walk through woods, I want you; title: "When you walk through the woods"
- White wings in an open sky; title: "My parting gift"
- Tu vas quitter notre montagne; title: "À la Grâce de Dieu"
- Alone I weave a fancy in the glow
- Christ was born in Mary's pain; title: "Mary's Baby"
- Swing low, swing low, sweet Chariot," low enough; title: "Mammy's Lullaby"
- An azure sky, a warm brown face; title: "Way down South"
- Erwache Knab', erwache nun aus der Kindheit Traum; title: "Erwache Knab'"
- The nights remember lovely things they knew; title: "The nights remember"
- Dreams of a mystic seashore; title: "Dreams"
- Den glatten See kein Windeshauch verknittert; title: "Stimme der Glocken"
- Blue eyes looking up at me
- Ev'ry little house I see; title: ""Come Away!""
- And not a drop that from our Cups we throw
- Ah, make the most of what we yet may spend
- She came to the castle; title: "She came to the castle" [translation of: Sie kam zum Schloß gegangen | Sie kam zum Schloß gegangen]
- O God, thou art my God
- There were twa sisters sat in a bower; title: "Binnorie"
- God made a tree; title: "God made a tree"
- Válgame Dios, que los ánsares vuelan!
- Solía que andaba
- O Gustave, můj králi; title: "Píseň do Tragédie “Baron Goertz”"
- Wollt vorübergehen, doch es mußt geschehen
- Lebewohl!/ Nun, wohlan, es muß ja sein; title: "Lebewohl!"
- Sbohem!/ Staň se již, co stat se má; title: "Sbohem!"
- There is a morn by men unseen
- I had a guinea golden
- If she had been the mistletoe
- I Should not dare to leave my friend
- The first day's night had come
- When I was small, a woman died
- I cried at pity, not at pain
- The night was wide, and furnished scant
- I cannot live with you
- My first well day, since many ill
- It ceased to hurt me, though so slow
- After a hundred years
- The clouds their backs together laid
- I shall not murmur if at last
- The grave my little cottage is
- I did not reach thee, but my feet
- My wars are laid away in books
- The going from a world we know
- Beauty crowds me till I die
- Nic neblaží mě vice než pohled dívky me; title: "Pohled mé dívky"
- Nichts kann mir so genügen, wie meines Liebchens Blick; title: "Liebchens Blick"
- Jugend, du große, lüsterne, liebende!
- Du dunkle Sehnsucht meiner Tage; title: "Lied eines Mädchens"
- Oft am Rande stiller Fluten
- Madre, la mi madre; title: "Madre, la mi madre"
- Campana sobre campana; title: "Villancico andaluz"
- A bell above a bell; title: "Andalucian folk carol" [translation of: Villancico andaluz | Campana sobre campana]
- Ator, ator mutil etxera; title: "Villancico vasco"
- Come, come home child; title: "Basque folk carol" [translation of: Villancico vasco | Ator, ator mutil etxera]
- San José era carpintero, carpintero, Ay !; title: "Villancico castellano"
- Saint Joseph was a carpenter; title: "Castillian folk carol" [translation of: Villancico castellano | San José era carpintero, carpintero, Ay !]
- Madre en la puerta hay un Niño; title: "Villancico de Córdoba"
- Mother, in the doorway is a Child; title: "Folk carol from Córdoba" [translation of: Villancico de Córdoba | Madre en la puerta hay un Niño]
- Esta noche es Nochebuena; title: "Villancico murciano"
- Tonight is Christmas Eve; title: "Folk carol from Murcia" [translation of: Villancico murciano | Esta noche es Nochebuena]
- Esta nit es nit de vetlla; title: "Segunda villancico catalan"
- This night is a night of watching; title: "Second Catalan folk carol" [translation of: Segunda villancico catalan | Esta nit es nit de vetlla]
- Gab die liebende Natur
- No vayas Gil, al sotillo; title: "No vayas Gil, al sotillo"
- Out of us all; title: "Words"
- Yes, I remember Adlestrop; title: "Adlestrop"
- Blaw! skirlin' win! raw, tirlin'win'!; title: "A Scotch Lullaby"
- They walked beside the summer sea; title: "No more"
- The ripe corn bends low; title: "Pictures"
- Quiet faces; title: "Peaks"
- Heart shaped yellow leaves; title: "Yellow leaves"
- In the mornin' when I rise; title: "In the mornin'"
- Come away to the manger; title: "Christmas Carol"
- Rock of Ages, cleft for me; title: "Rock of ages"
- Far from my heav'nly home; title: "Far from my heav'nly home"
- Here are things you've heard before; title: "The one way"
- There is a certain garden where I know
- I know not if thy love be as a flower; title: "God bless and keep thee"
- Now all the roads to London Town
- We be Mummers stood arow; title: "Mummer's song"
- Auf einem hohen Berge, da steht ein altes Schloss; title: "Zwei Fräulein"
- Ich wollte in die Fremde gehn
- Steure, Fährmann, deine Barke
- Meine Seele ist still und in sich gekehrt; title: "Melancholie"
- One spring morning bright and fair; title: "One spring morning"
- Die Jahre sind allerliebste Leut'; title: "Die Jahre"
- Heute geh' ich. Komm ich wieder
- Over all the hilltops; title: "Wanderer's night song"
- On the merry First of May; title: "On the Merry First of May"
- From far the Angels draw near; title: "Come sing and dance"
- A very, very old house I know; title: "The old house"
- Das Mühlrad brauset, das Wasser zerstiebt; title: "Des Jägers Klage"
- With them the Seed of Wisdom did I sow
- Why, all the Saints and Sages who discuss'd
- Heav'n but the vision of fulfilled Desire
- Think, in this batter'd Caravanserai
- Jenny Jones, O Jenny Jones; title: "Jenny Jones"
- I was a wild and wayward boy; title: "The harp"
- O my trade it is the rarest one; title: "The Stranger's Song"
- Now, my own, own love," she whispered, "you are mine
- Sul mare luccica; title: "Santa Lucia"
- Wer darf ihn nennen?
- Warum soll ich denn nicht schauen; title: "Klage"
- Erde, fröhliche Erde
- Schlafe, schlaf; title: "Schlafe, schlaf"
- Zu deines Lagers Füssen tret' ich im Sehnsuchtstraum; title: "Zu deines Lagers Füssen"
- Der Schnee, der ist geschmolzen; title: "Der Schnee, der ist geschmolzen"
- Kehre wieder, kehre wieder; title: "Genesungfeier"
- Blaue, blaue Luft, grüner, grüner Wald!; title: "Frühlingslied"
- Die Sonne ist gesunken; title: "Nacht"
- Wohl hab' ich dich, lieb Angesicht; title: "Lebewohl"
- Hier sind wir denn vorerst ganz still zu Haus; title: "Hausgarten"
- Vorrei di te fidarmi; title: "Vorrei di te fidarmi"
- I want to trust you; title: "I want to trust you" [translation of: Vorrei di te fidarmi | Vorrei di te fidarmi]
- Vois, ce spectacle est beau. - Ce paysage immense
- Когда б не смутное влеченье
- Heureux qui, comme Ulysse, a fait un beau voyage
- When will I see again, alas, of my little village; title: "When will I see again, alas" [translation of: Heureux | Heureux qui, comme Ulysse, a fait un beau voyage]
- Sí è debile il filo a cui s'attene
- Perché la vita è breve
- Erano i capei d'oro a l'aura sparsi
- Di tempo in tempo mi si fa men dura
- Più volte già dal bel sembiante umano
- I touched the flower with passionate lips; title: "I touched the flower" [translation of: Коснулась я цветка | Коснулась я цветка горячими устами;]
- L'an fuit vers son déclin, comme un ruisseau qui passe; title: "Pensée d'automne"
- Out of my own great woe
- I know a bank whereon the wild thyme blows
- Hi-dho ho!/ Behold, here a warrior fighting fell; title: "Song of the Deathless Voice"
- Wakonda Wakonda!; title: "Inketunga's Thunder Song"
- Ha hae ha ha hae ha hae ha nae thae ha tha ae ha tho-e; title: "The Old Man's Love-Song"
- Hush, my dear! the gallopin' men
- Reason always points out; title: "Reason always points out" [translation of: Ragion sempre addita | Ragion sempre addita]
- Wake! For the Sun who scatter'd into flight
- Before the phantom of False morning died
- Now the New Year reviving old Desires
- Irám indeed is gone with all his Rose
- Come, fill the Cup, and in the fire of Spring
- Whether at Naishápúr or Babylon
- I sometimes think that never blows so red
- A Book of Verses underneath the Bough
- Myself when young did eagerly frequent
- When you and I behind the veil are past
- Why, if the Soul can fling the Dust aside
- I sent my Soul through the Invisible
- Alas, that Spring should vanish with the Rose!
- The worldly hope men set their Hearts upon
- Each morn a thousand Roses brings, you say
- They say the Lion and the Lizard keep
- Ah, fill the Cup: -- What boots it to repeat
- As then the Tulip for her morning sup
- Зову я смерть, покой моих скорбей;; title: "Сонет LXVI"
- Lovely days that the heart longs for, you cannot come back!; title: "The abandoned one" [translation of: L'abandonée | Beaux jours que le coeur envie, vous ne pouvez revenir!]
- The tomb says to the rose; title: "The tomb and the rose" [translation of: La tombe et la rose | La tombe dit à la rose]
- Proscrit, regarde les roses
- Into thy hands, O lord, into thy hands, O Lord; title: "Watchful's Song"
- Who would true valour see
- I will put on the whole arm our of light; title: "The Pilgrim's Psalm"
- Unto him that overcometh shall be given of the tree of Life; title: "The Song of the Leaves of Life and the Water of Life"
- Come and buy from our booths all the pleasures of man; title: "The Song of Vanity Fair"
- He that is down needs fear no fall
- The Lord is my shepherd: therefore can I lack nothing; title: "The Bird's Song"
- Del tuo celeste foco eterno Iddio; title: "La Preghiera del poeta"
- Fiorellin, che sorgi appena; title: "Al tuo bambino"
- E lo mio damo se n'è ito a Siena; title: "Il brigidino"
- È la vita un mar d'affanni; title: "È la vita un mar d'affanni"
- Life is a sea of worries; title: "Life is a sea of worries" [translation of: È la vita un mar d'affanni | È la vita un mar d'affanni]
- Pietà, Signor; pietà, Signor;; title: "Pietà, Signor"
- Chi i bei di m'adduce ancora; title: "Chi i bei dì m'adduce ancora"
- Who will bring back to me again; title: "Who will bring back to me again" [translation of: Chi i bei dì m'adduce ancora | Chi i bei di m'adduce ancora]
- Sgombra, o gentil, dall'ansia; title: "Sgombra, o gentil"
- Lie thou where Life hath lain; title: "Cleopatra to the Asp"
- Over the sea, over the sea; title: "The Half-Ring Moon"
- ¡Viva la novia y el novio; title: "¡Viva la novia y el novio!"
- Porque toco el pandero; title: "Porque toco el pandero"
- Tararán, si viés a la una; title: "Tararán"
- En las montañas de Asturias; title: "En las montañas de Asturias"
- Ehtando yo en mi majada; title: "Ehtando yo en mi majada"
- San José y María van por Tierra Santa; title: "San José y María"
- Let me confess that we two must be twain [translation of: ]
- Those pretty wrongs that liberty commits
- For shame! deny that thou bear'st love to any
- O from what power hast thou this powerful might
- My love is as a fever, longing still
- Sing, sing, young inspired one; title: "Sing, sing, young inspired one" [translation of: À Mademoiselle J. | Chantez! chantez! jeune inspirée!]
- En esta larga ausencia; title: "En esta larga ausencia"
- Al son de los arroyuelos; title: "Al son de los arroyuelos"
- I was alone, near the waves, in a starlit night; title: "Ecstasy" [translation of: Extase | J'étais seul près des flots, par une nuit d'étoiles]
- Salve, salve del ciel regina; title: "Salve Regina"
- Hail, hail Queen of Heaven; title: "Hail Queen of Heaven" [translation of: Salve Regina | Salve, salve del ciel regina]
- Beautiful portal of rubies; title: "Beautiful portal of rubies" [translation of: Bella porta di rubini | Bella porta di rubini]
- Beloved eyes that inflame me; title: "Beloved eyes" [translation of: Occhietti amati | Occhietti amati che m'incendete]
- AOI!/ Vers dulce France chevalchet l'emperere; title: "Rencesvals"
- Lougarias bous un'gardaïré, pastrouletto?"; title: "La Pastrouletta e lou chibalié"
- Are there not arising (listen, listen); title: "On an old aria" [translation of: Sopra un'aria antica | Non sorgono (ascolta ascolta)]
- How like a winter hath my absence been
- Do not fear to put thy feet
- When children are playing alone on the green
- It was, in the dark night; title: "Ballad to the moon" [translation of: Ballade à la lune | C'était, dans la nuit brune]
- Where has Maid Quiet gone to
- The day is cold, and dark, and dreary
- The twilight is sad and cloudy
- Tho' my sins have from heaven forevermore barred me; title: "The Devil's Love Song"
- Out of the night that covers me
- O that we now had here
- Sweet, so would I
- O! how much more doth beauty beauteous seem
- Tanto gentile e tanto onesta pare
- That barbaric chain; title: "That barbaric chain" [translation of: Quella barbara catena | Quella barbara catena]
- Quella barbara catena; title: "Quella barbara catena"
- He travels after a winter sun; title: "Tilly"
- I heard their young hearts crying
- Frail the white rose and frail are
- Rain on Rahoon falls softly, softly falling
- Wind whines and whines the shingle; title: "On the beach at Fontana"
- Goldbrown upon the sated flood
- Again!/ Come, give, yield all your strength to me!; title: "A Prayer"
- O do not thank me for these songs; title: "Dedication" [translation of: Widmung | O danke nicht für diese Lieder]
- Ein Sternlein funkelt am Himmelszeit; title: "Der Stern von Bethlehem"
- Leise weht's durch alle Lande; title: "Weihnachten"
- Nun sind die lieben Engelein; title: "Altdeutsches Weihnachtslied"
- Es strahlt am Himmelsrande
- O if it is true, that in the night; title: "Entreaty" [translation of: Beschwörung | O wenn es wahr, daß in der Nacht]
- O if it is true, that at night; title: "Plea" [translation of: Заклинание | О, если правда, что в ночи]
- Oh! si jamais, pendant la nuit; title: "Évocation"
- Oh, if ever, during the night; title: "Plea" [translation of: Évocation | Oh! si jamais, pendant la nuit]
- Workers earn it; title: "Fugue on "Money""
- Rêve d'enfance, ombre si chère; title: "Rêve d'enfance"
- Dream of childhood, shadow so dear; title: "Dream of Childhood" [translation of: Rêve d'enfance | Rêve d'enfance, ombre si chère]
- Pierrot stands in the garden
- It rests me to be among beautiful women
- The girl in the tea shop
- Beauty and youth, with manners sweet, and friends
- Beauty be not caused, - it is
- Miró Celia una rosa que en el prado; title: "Miró Celia una rosa"
- Feliciano me adora y le aborrezco; title: "Feliciano me adora"
- Spiagge amate ove talora; title: "Spiagge amate"
- Beloved shores where sometimes; title: "Beloved shores" [translation of: Spiagge amate | Spiagge amate ove talora]
- Mejerke, main Suhn; title: "Mejerke, main Suhn"
- And this of all my hopes
- The pleasure of love only lasts one moment; title: "The pleasure of love" [translation of: Plaisir d'amour | Plaisir d'amour ne dure qu'un moment]
- We were coming from seeing the bull [translation of: Chanson | Les filles de Cadix | Nous venions de voir le taureau]
- O greenhouse in the middle of the forests!; title: "Hothouse" [translation of: Serre chaude | Ô serre au milieu des forêts !]
- Green, enchanting riverbanks; title: "The song of the enamored shepherd" [translation of: Coplas del pastor enamorado | Verdes riberas amenas]
- To the mountains I leave; title: "Sorrowful song of a girl in love" [translation of: Seguidilla dolorosa de una maja enamorada | A los montes me salgo]
- A sofa I bought this morning; title: "Picaresque song" [translation of: Canción picaresca | Un canapé he comprado]
- Child, give yourself to the sleep that closes your eyelash; title: "Lullaby" [translation of: Berceuse | Enfant, cède au sommeil qui ferme ta paupière]
- Tralala la la la, do you hear; title: "The dance" [translation of: La danse | Tra la la ... Entendez-vous]
- To the balcony from which you lean; title: "Serenade" [translation of: Sérénade | Sur le balcon où tu te penches]
- 'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves; title: "Jabberwocky"
- How doth the little crocodile
- Beautiful Soup, so rich and green
- Behold, bless ye the Lord, all ye servants of the Lord
- I cried unto the Lord with my voice; title: "Psalm 142"
- Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye the LORD from the heavens: praise him in the heights; title: "Psalm 148"
- Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary; title: "Psalm 150"
- Sighs of fire; title: "Sighs of fire" [translation of: Sospiri di foco | Sospiri di foco]
- Alas, if you love so much; title: "Alas, if you love so much" [translation of: Ohimè! se tanto amate | Ohimé, se tanto amate]
- L'air pur n'est troublé d'aucun bruit; title: "Parme"
- The pure air is not troubled by any noise; title: "Parma" [translation of: Parme | L'air pur n'est troublé d'aucun bruit]
- Vous désirez savoir de moi
- You want to know of me; title: "Resemblance" [translation of: Ressemblance | Vous désirez savoir de moi]
- Here are the charming places where my ravished soul; title: "Sylvia" [translation of: Sylvie | Voici les lieux charmants où mon âme ravie]
- Ma belle, ne dis plus tout bas; title: "Géorgienne"
- My beautiful one, do not sing softly; title: "Georgian song" [translation of: Géorgienne | Ma belle, ne dis plus tout bas]
- See that I am sixteen years old; title: "Sixteen years" [translation of: Seize ans | Voici que j'ai seize ans]
- You command one to forget you; title: "Love me" [translation of: Aime-moi | Tu commandes qu'on t'oublie]
- Dear soul, without you I die; title: "Love's complaint" [translation of: Plainte d'amour | Chère âme, sans toi j'expire]
- The sky is bright and the air is sweet; title: "The little bird" [translation of: L'oiselet | Le ciel est clair et l'air est doux]
- De n'aimer que toi; title: "Coquette"
- To only love you; title: "Flirtatious one" [translation of: Coquette | De n'aimer que toi]
- Quand on est jeune et gentille; title: "La jeune fille"
- When one is young and pretty; title: "The young girl" [translation of: La jeune fille | Quand on est jeune et gentille]
- Que bénis soient le jour, et le mois, et l'année; title: "Sonnet de Pétrarque"
- Blessed be the day, and the month, and the year; title: "Sonnet of Petrarch" [translation of: Sonnet de Pétrarque | Que bénis soient le jour, et le mois, et l'année]
- Sie standen mitten im Heidekraut; title: "Ballade"
- Near the fisherman who is rowing; title: "Evening on the sea" [translation of: Soirée en mer | Près du pêcheur qui ruisselle]
- There's a time in many a life; title: "They Are There"
- En una yegua tordilla; title: "Romance"
- Pescadorcita mía; title: "El pescador"
- Te vi un punto, y, flotando ante mis ojos
- That nightingale which so gently weeps; title: "That nightingale which so gently weeps" [translation of: Quel rosignol | Quel rosignuol che sì soave piagne]
- Quel fior che all'alba ride; title: "Quel fior che all'alba ride"
- That flower that laughs at daybreak; title: "That flower that laughs at daybreak" [translation of: Quel fior che all'alba ride | Quel fior che all'alba ride]
- The sky is blue, the valley is green; title: "Spring song" [translation of: Frühlingslied | Die Luft ist blau, das Thal ist grün]
- Warm perfumes like a breath from vine and tree; title: "Waikiki"
- When in my night, like gaunt, gray phantoms, rise; title: "Phantoms"
- Immortal eyes; title: "Immortal eyes" [translation of: Occhi immortale | Occhi immortali]
- For the glory of adoring you; title: "For the glory of adoring you" [translation of: Per la gloria d'adorarvi | Per la gloria d'adorarvi]
- A humble home literally roof, which the beech and pine surround; title: "A humble home" [translation of: Un tetto umil | Un tetto umil, cui cinge il faggio e il pin]
- Wie nun mein Herze brennt; title: "Advent"
- Über die Hütte weht der Wind
- Holdselige, Holdselige; title: "Maria"
- Verwundert stehen Esel und Rind; title: "In der Krippe"
- Maria unterm Lindenbaum; title: "Idyll"
- Hörst' auch Du die leisen Stimmen; title: "Christbaum"
- The rising moon has hid the stars
- Come up here. O dusty feet!; title: "Fairy bread"
- The friendly cow all red and white
- Over the borders, a sin without pardon
- O it's I that am the captain of a tidy little ship
- Summer fading, winter comes; title: "Picture-books in Winter"
- Fifteen men on a dead man's chest
- Young Love lived once in an humble shed; title: "Old proverb"
- Nights of music, nights of loving; title: "Nights of music"
- I saw the moon rise clear
- Oh! Abyssinian tree; title: "Nubian Girl's Song"
- Up yonder on the mountain; title: "Shepherd's Lament"
- Change, change your wishes, o my heart, that would; title: "Change, change your wishes" [translation of: Cangia, cangia tue voglie | Cangia, cangia tue voglie, o mio cor, che fedele]
- Piango, gemo, sospiro e peno; title: "Piango, gemo"
- I weep, I groan, I sigh, I suffer; title: "I weep, I groan" [translation of: Piango, gemo | Piango, gemo, sospiro e peno]
- The Christ-child lay on Mary's lap
- When fishes flew and forests walked; title: "The donkey"
- A Trick that everyone abhors
- There was a boy whose name was Jim
- Matilda told such dreadful lies
- Fold your white wings, dear Angels; title: "Evensong"
- It's toothbrush time; title: "Toothbrush Time"
- Between the sky and the earth; title: "The lark" [translation of: Жаворонок | Между небом и землёй]
- Tu commandes qu'on t'oublie; title: "Aime-moi"
- To outer senses there is peace
- Luna d'estate, ho un sogno nel mio cuore; title: "Luna d'estate"
- Summer moon, I have a dream in my heart; title: "Summer moon" [translation of: Luna d'estate | Luna d'estate, ho un sogno nel mio cuore]
- Only make happy; title: "Only make her happy" [translation of: Ma rendi pur contento | Ma rendi pur contento]