Authors starting with the letter G
- Gabe -- Dora Petrova Gabe (1888 - 1983) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Габе -- Дора Петрова Габе (see Gabe -- Dora Petrova Gabe (1888 - 1983))
- von der Gabelentz -- Georg von der Gabelentz (1840 - 1893) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- de Gáborján -- Lőrinc Szabó de Gáborján (see Szabó -- Lőrinc Szabó (1900 - 1957))
- Gabory -- Georges Gabory (1899 - 1978) (14 texts; 15 settings)
- де Габриак -- Черубина де Габриак (see Dmitrieva -- Elizabeta Ivanovna Dmitrieva (1887 - 1928))
- de Gabriak -- Cherubina de Gabriak (see Dmitrieva -- Elizabeta Ivanovna Dmitrieva (1887 - 1928))
- Gabriel -- Gavino Gabriel (1880 - 1980) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gabrieli -- Andrea Gabrieli (c1533 - 1585) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gabrielsson -- Samuel Gabrielsson (1881 - 1968) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gabrilovich -- ? Gabrilovich (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gabrini -- Nicola Gabrini (1313 - 1354) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Gabryella -- Gabryella (0 texts; 0 settings)
- Gad -- Adolf Gad (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gade -- J. Gade (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gade -- Niels Wilhelm Gade (1817 - 1890) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gaël -- Roland Gaël (1870 - 1926) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Gaerthé -- Catharina Magdalena van Hille-Gaerthé (see Van Hille-Gaerthé -- Catharina Magdalena Van Hille-Gaerthé (1881 - 1958))
- Gaeta -- Giovanni Gaeta (1884 - 1961) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gage -- Thalia Gage (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gagnat -- Leon Gagnat (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Gähler -- (Kristof) Adolf Herman von Gähler (1807 - 1898) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gahse -- Zsuzsanna Gahse, née Zsuzsanna Vajda (b. 1946) (16 texts; 16 settings)
- Gaiffe -- Daniel Gaiffe (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Gail -- J. de Gail (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gail -- Jean-Baptiste Gail (1755 - 1829) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gaillard -- Jules Gaillard (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gainsbourg -- Serge Gainsbourg (see Ginzburg -- Lucien Ginzburg (1928 - 1990))
- Гайдебуров -- Павел Павлович Гайдебуров (see Gaydeburov -- Pavel Pavlovich Gaydeburov)
- Gál -- Hans Gál (1890 - 1987) (9 texts; 2 settings)
- Gala -- Antonio Gala (b. 1930) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Galán -- Ilia Galán, né Javier Díez Galán (b. 1966) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Galarraga -- Gustavo Sánchez Galarraga (see Sánchez Galarraga -- Gustavo Sánchez Galarraga (1893? - 1934))
- Gałczyński -- Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński (1905 - 1953) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gale -- Kate Gale (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Gale -- Norman Rowland Gale (1862 - 1942) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- de Galembert -- M. de Galembert ( flourished 1976 ) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Galenkovsky -- P. A. Galenkovsky (see Golenkovsky -- P. A. Golenkovsky)
- Galeno -- Juvenal Galeno (1836 - 1931) (6 texts; 7 settings)
- Galeron de Calonne -- Bertha Galeron de Calonne (1859 - 1936) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gales -- Richard Lawson Gales (1862 - 1927) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Galice -- ? Galice (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Galin -- M. Galin (1 text; 1 setting)
- Галина -- Глафира Адольфовна Галина (see Galina -- Glafira Adol'fovna Galina (1873 - 1942))
- Galina -- Glafira Adol'fovna Galina (1873 - 1942) (33 texts; 47 settings)
- Galindo Dimas -- Blas Galindo Dimas (1910 - 1993) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Галкин -- Самуил Залманович Галкин (see Halkin -- Shmuel Zalmanovich Halkin (1897 - 1960))
- Галковский -- Константин Михайлович Галковский (see Galkovsky -- Konstantin Mikhailovich Galkovsky (1875 - 1963))
- Galkovsky -- Konstantin Mikhailovich Galkovsky (1875 - 1963) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Galland -- Bertha Galland (1876 - 1932) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gallay -- A. Gallay (1 text; 1 setting)
- Galleau -- H. Galleau (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gallego -- Vicente Gallego (0 texts; 0 settings)
- Galler -- S. Galler (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gallet -- Antoine Gallet (d. 1757) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gallet -- Louis Gallet (1835 - 1898) (19 texts; 21 settings)
- Galli -- Eugenie Tugendreich (von Loos) Galli (1849 - 1917+) (1 text; 1 setting)
- le Gallienne -- Richard le Gallienne (see Le Gallienne -- Richard Le Gallienne (1866 - 1947))
- Gallisch -- Friedrich Andreas Gallisch (1754 - 1783) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Gallo-Borel -- J., Madame Gallo-Borel (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gallus -- Gaius Cornelius Gallus (70 BCE - 26 BCE) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Galoppe d'Onquaire -- Pierre Jean Hyacinthe Adonis (or Antoine) "Cléon" Galoppe d'Onquaire (1805 - 1867) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Гальперин -- Михаил Петрович Гальперин (see Galperin -- Mikhail Petrovich Galperin (1882 - 1944))
- Galperin -- Mikhail Petrovich Galperin (1882 - 1944) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Galpin -- Léopold Galpin (1832 - 1884) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Galsworthy -- John Galsworthy (1867 - 1933) (19 texts; 18 settings)
- de Galvão Mércio -- Maria de Galvão Mércio (see Mércio -- Maria de Galvão Mércio)
- Gama -- Marcelo Gama (1878 - 1915) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gambier -- Henri Gambier (b. 1881) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Gamboa Alvarado -- Emma Gamboa Alvarado (1901 - 1976) (26 texts; 26 settings)
- Gamero -- Manuel de Adalid y Gamero (see de Adalid y Gamero -- Manuel de Adalid y Gamero (1872 - 1947))
- de Gamerra -- Giovanni de Gamerra (1743 - 1803) (13 texts; 15 settings)
- de Games -- Gutierre Díez de Games (see Díez de Games -- Gutierre Díez de Games (flourished 15th century))
- Gammius -- H. Gammius (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gamoneda -- Antonio Gamoneda (b. 1931) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gampe -- Theodor Gampe (1845 - 1897) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gamper -- Gustav Gamper (1873 - 1948) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Gamzatov -- Rasul Gamzatovich Gamzatov (1923 - 2003) (9 texts; 3 settings)
- Гамзатов -- Расул Гамзатович Гамзатов (see Gamzatov -- Rasul Gamzatovich Gamzatov (1923 - 2003))
- Ganade -- Gisele Ganade (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gandhi -- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869 - 1948) (11 texts; 11 settings)
- Gandonnière -- Almire Gandonnière (b. 1814) (5 texts; 6 settings)
- Gandrey-Réty -- Jean Gandrey-Réty (1901 - 1962) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gandrup -- Charles Emil Gandrup (1847 - 1911) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Ganem -- Chekri ibn Ibrahim Ganem (1861 - 1929) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- 岡倉 覚三 -- 岡倉 覚三 (see Kakuzo -- Okakura Kakuzo (1862 - 1913))
- Ganghofer -- Ludwig Ganghofer (1855 - 1920) (4 texts; 5 settings)
- Gangnus -- Evgeny Aleksandrovich Gangnus (see Yevtushenko -- Yevgeny Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko (1932 - 2017))
- Гангнус -- Евгений Александрович Гангнус (see Yevtushenko -- Yevgeny Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko (1932 - 2017))
- Gangov -- Yu. Gangov (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ganivet -- Maurice Ganivet (1849 - 1884) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gänsbacher -- Joseph (or Josef) Gänsbacher (1829 - 1911) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Ganther -- August Ganther (1862 - 1938) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ganzhorn -- Wilhelm Ganzhorn (1818 - 1880) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Ganzo -- Robert Ganzo (1898 - 1995) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- 高適 -- 高適 (see Gao Shi -- Gao Shi (707 - 765))
- Gao Shi -- Gao Shi (707 - 765) (1 text; 0 settings)
- 高浜 -- 虚子 高浜 (see Takahama -- Kyoshi Takahama (1874 - 1959))
- Gaos -- Andrés Gaos (1874 - 1959) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Gaptar -- Volodimir Maksimovich Gaptar (b. 1953) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Гаптар -- Володимир Максимович Гаптар (see Gaptar -- Volodimir Maksimovich Gaptar (b. 1953))
- de Garal -- Pierre de Garal (1818 - 1874) (10 texts; 10 settings)
- Garat -- Joseph-Dominique-Fabry Garat (see Fabry-Garat -- Joseph Dominique Fabry-Garat (1774 - c1830))
- de Garaudé -- Alexis Adélaïde Gabriel de Garaudé (1779 - 1852) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Garborg -- Arne Garborg (1851 - 1924) (42 texts; 49 settings)
- Garcés i Miravet -- Tomàs Garcés i Miravet (1901 - 1993) (17 texts; 18 settings)
- Garcez -- Luciano L. Garcez (1 text; 1 setting)
- García -- Aida Grisolia de Domingues García (see Grisolia de Domingues García -- Aida Grisolia de Domingues García)
- Garcia -- Alberto Vicente Garcia (4 texts; 4 settings)
- García -- Alma García (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Garcia -- Eugénie Garcia (1814 - 1880) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- García -- Fernando Rodríguez García (see Rodríguez García -- Fernando Rodríguez García)
- García -- Manuel Vicente del Pópulo García (1775 - 1832) (6 texts; 5 settings)
- García Álvarez -- Enrique García Álvarez (1873 - 1931) (1 text; 1 setting)
- García de la Llera -- Manuel García de la Llera (1 text; 1 setting)
- García de Vegueta -- Luis García de Vegueta (1 text; 1 setting)
- García Gómez -- Emilio García Gómez, 1st Count of Alixares (1905 - 1995) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- García Mansilla -- Eduardo García Mansilla (1871 - 1930) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- García Velloso -- Enrique García Velloso (1880 - 1938) (1 text; 1 setting)
- García-Huidobro Fernández -- Vicente García-Huidobro Fernández (see Huidobro -- Vicente Huidobro (1893 - 1948))
- García-Mansilla -- Daniel García-Mansilla (1869 - 1957) (1 text; 1 setting)
- García Cortés -- Alfonso García Cortés (b. 1963) (1 text; 1 setting)
- García Lorca -- Federico García Lorca (1898 - 1936) (181 texts; 239 settings)
- Garcia Ramon -- Leopoldo Garcia Ramon (1847 - 1890) (1 text; 0 settings)
- de Garciasol -- Ramón de Garciasol (see Calvo -- Miguel Alonso Calvo (1913 - 1994))
- Garcin -- Clarisse Garcin (1 text; 1 setting)
- Garczyński -- Stefan Florian Garczyński (c1805 - 1833) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- de la Garde -- Antoinette Du Ligier de La Garde (see Deshoulières -- Antoinette Deshoulières (1637 - 1694))
- Garde-Chambonas -- Auguste Louis Charles de Messence, comte de La Garde-Chambonas (see La Garde-Chambonas -- Auguste Louis Charles de Messence, comte de La Garde-Chambonas (1783 - 1853?))
- Gardner -- D. Gardner (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Gardner -- Isabella Stewart Gardner (1840 - 1924) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gardner -- Monica Mary Gardner (1873 - 1941) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Gardner -- William Henry Gardner (1865 - 1932) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Gárdonyi -- Géza Gárdonyi (see Ziegler -- Géza Ziegler (1863 - 1922))
- Garesché -- Edward Francis Garesché (1876 - 1960) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Gareth -- Benedetto Gareth (1450? - 1514) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Garff -- Alex Garff (1 text; 1 setting)
- Garin -- (Garfield) Sergey Aleksandrovich Garin (1873 - 1927) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Гарин -- (Гарфильд) Сергей Александрович Гарин (see Garin -- (Garfield) Sergey Aleksandrovich Garin (1873 - 1927))
- Garland -- Hamlin Garland (1860 - 1940) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Garneau -- Hector de Saint-Denys Garneau (see de Saint-Denys Garneau -- Hector de Saint-Denys Garneau (1912 - 1943))
- Garner -- Eric Garner (1970 - 2014) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Garnett -- Constance Clara Garnett (1861 - 1946) (5 texts; 0 settings)
- Garnett -- Louise Ayres Garnett (1877 - 1937) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Garnett -- Richard Garnett (1835 - 1906) (3 texts; 4 settings)
- Garnier -- Auguste Pierre Garnier (1885 - 1966) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Garnier -- Charles Garnier (1825 - 1898) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Garnier -- Édouard Garnier (1821 - 1887) (11 texts; 11 settings)
- Garnier -- Georges Garnier (c1881 - 1945) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Garnier -- Georges-Louis Garnier (1880 - 1943) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Garnir -- Georges Garnir (1868 - 1939) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Garnishevsky -- D. Garnishevsky (1 text; 1 setting)
- Garran -- Robert Garran (1 text; 1 setting)
- Garratt -- Jennie Garratt (1 text; 1 setting)
- Garrett -- Fydell Edmund Garrett (1865 - 1907) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Garrett -- João Baptista da Silva Leitão de Almeida Garrett (see de Almeida Garrett -- João Baptista da Silva Leitão de Almeida Garrett (1799 - 1854))
- Garrett -- João Baptista da Silva Leitão de Almeida Garrett (1799 - 1854) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Garrick -- David Garrick (1717 - 1779) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Garriga i Boixader -- Ramon Garriga i Boixader (1876 - 1968) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Garrigue -- Jean Garrigue (1912 - 1972) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Garrod -- Heathcote William Garrod (1878 - 1960) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Garshin -- Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin (1855 - 1888) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Гаршин -- Всеволод Михайлович Гаршин (see Garshin -- Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin (1855 - 1888))
- Gärtner -- Carl Gärtner (1821 - 1875) (25 texts; 62 settings)
- Gärtner -- Karl Christian Gärtner (1712 - 1791) (17 texts; 19 settings)
- Gartung -- Elena Alekseyevna Gartung (6 texts; 7 settings)
- Гартунг -- Елена Алексеевна Гартунг (see Gartung -- Elena Alekseyevna Gartung)
- Garūta -- Lūcija Garūta (1902 - 1977) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gasbarra -- Felix Gasbarra (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gascoigne -- George Gascoigne (1525? - 1577) (3 texts; 4 settings)
- Gascoyne -- David Emery Gascoyne (1916 - 2001) (23 texts; 23 settings)
- Gasperini -- Laudomia Bombernard Gasperini (see Bombernard Gasperini -- Laudomia Bombernard Gasperini)
- Gasquy -- Armand Gasquy (1851 - 1934) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Gass -- William Howard Gass (1924 - 2017) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gassert -- Heinrich Gassert (1857 - 1928) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Gassie -- Alfred Gassie (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gaßmann -- Theodor Gaßmann (1828 - 1871) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gastaldon -- Stanislao Gastaldon (1861 - 1939) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gastfenger -- Polykarpus Gastfenger (see Hoffmann -- Heinrich Hoffmann (1809 - 1894))
- de Gastinois -- Ernoul (Ernous) le Vielle (Vieux) de Gastinois (see Ernoul -- Ernoul (Ernous) le Vielle (Vieux) de Gastinois (flourished 1280))
- Gastoldi -- Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi (1555 - 1609) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Gaszyński -- Konstanty Gaszyński (1809 - 1866) (2 texts; 1 setting)
- Gates -- Ellen Maria Huntington Gates (1835 - 1920) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gathy -- Franz Servais August Gathy (1800 - 1858) (5 texts; 8 settings)
- Gatscha -- Anton Gatscha (1 text; 0 settings)
- Gatsos -- Nikos Gatsos (1911 - 1992) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gattegno -- Félix Gattegno (flourished c1941-1946) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- von Gatterburg -- Franz, Graf von Gatterburg (1833 - 1898) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gatterer -- Magdelena Philippine Gatterer (see Engelhard -- Magdelena Philippine Engelhard, née Gatterer (1756 - 1831))
- Gatternigg -- Hedi Gatternigg (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gatti -- Aurelio Gatti (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gatti -- Carmela Cosenza Gatti (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gattringer -- V. Gattringer (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gatty -- Alfred Scott Gatty (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gaudion -- Georges Gaudion (1885 - 1942) (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Gaudy -- Alice von Gaudy (1863 - 1929) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- von Gaudy -- Franz Bernhard Heinrich Wilhelm, Freiherr von Gaudy (1800 - 1840) (11 texts; 20 settings)
- von Gaudy -- Woldemar, Baron von Gaudy (1 text; 3 settings)
- Gauguin -- Paul Gauguin (1848 - 1903) (0 texts; 0 settings)
- Gauna -- R. G. Gauna (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gaussen -- Paul Gaussen (1845 - 1893) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Gauthier-Villars -- Henry Gauthier-Villars (1859 - 1931) (18 texts; 20 settings)
- Gauthiez -- Pierre Gauthiez (b. 1862) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gautier -- Judith Gautier (1845 - 1917) (25 texts; 18 settings)
- Gautier -- Pierre-Jules-Théophile Gautier (1811 - 1872) (126 texts; 905 settings)
- Gautrot -- P. J. Gautrot (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Гаврилин -- Валерий Александрович Гаврилин (see Gavrilin -- Valery Aleksandrovich Gavrilin (1939 - 1999))
- Gavrilin -- Valery Aleksandrovich Gavrilin (1939 - 1999) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Гаврилюк -- Ілько Дмитрович Гаврилюк (see Havryliuk -- Ilko Dmytrovych Havryliuk (1881 - 1947))
- Гаврилко -- Михайло Омелянович Гаврилко (see Gavrylko -- Mykhaylo Omerlyanovych Gavrylko (1882 - 1920))
- Gavrylko -- Mykhaylo Omerlyanovych Gavrylko (1882 - 1920) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gavrylyuk -- Ilko Dmytrovych Gavrylyuk (see Havryliuk -- Ilko Dmytrovych Havryliuk (1881 - 1947))
- Gawalewicz -- Marjan Gawalewicz (1852 - 1910) (15 texts; 13 settings)
- Gay -- Delphine Gay (see de Girardin -- Delphine de Girardin (1804 - 1855))
- Gay -- John Gay (1685 - 1732) (5 texts; 7 settings)
- Gay -- Sophie Gay (1776 - 1852) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gayda -- Joseph Gayda (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gaydeburov -- Pavel Pavlovich Gaydeburov (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Gay de Vernon -- ? Gay de Vernon, Baronne (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gayrard -- R. Gayrard (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gayraud -- Irène Gayraud (b. 1984) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- al-Ġazzālīy -- Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad aṭ-Ṭūsiyy al-Ġazzālīy (c1058 - 1111) (109 texts; 0 settings)
- Gazzoletti -- Antonio Gazzoletti (1813 - 1866) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Geary -- Lin Geary (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gebauer -- Christian August Gebauer (1792 - 1852) (4 texts; 5 settings)
- Gebauer -- F. A. Gebauer (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gebhardt -- Florentine Gebhardt (1865 - 1941) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gebirtig -- Mordecai Gebirtig (1877 - 1942) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Gebser -- Jean Gebser (1905 - 1973) (1 text; 1 setting)
- van Geel -- Christiaan Johannes van Geel (1917 - 1974) (9 texts; 9 settings)
- Geerhart -- Jean Geerhart (1 text; 2 settings)
- Geerling -- ? Geerling (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Geest -- Alfried de Geest (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gehe -- Eduard Heinrich Gehe (1793 - 1850) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gehly -- Chr. Gehly (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gehrke -- Aug. Gehrke (1 text; 1 setting)
- Geibel -- Emanuel von Geibel (1815 - 1884) (447 texts; 2282 settings)
- Geiger -- Albert Geiger (1866 - 1915) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Geiger -- Benno Geiger (1882 - 1965) (25 texts; 33 settings)
- Geiger -- Emilie Geiger (see Hörmann -- Emilie Hörmann von Hörbach, née Geiger (1843 - 1921))
- von Geiger -- Joseph von Geiger (1 text; 1 setting)
- Geijer -- Erik Gustaf Geijer (1783 - 1847) (50 texts; 54 settings)
- Geijer -- Knut Geijer (1817 - 1849) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Geirionydd -- Ieuan Glan Geirionydd (1795 - 1855) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Geisheim -- (Johann) Karl Wilhelm Geisheim (1784 - 1847) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- von Geissel -- Johannes von Geissel, Erzbischof von Cöln (1796 - 1864) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Geissler -- Max Geissler (1868 - 1945) (7 texts; 10 settings)
- Gelbeck -- José Gelbeck (1879 - 1960) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- van Gelderen -- Jacob (Jaap) van Gelderen (1891 - 1940) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Geldner -- Karl Friedrich Geldner (1853 - 1929) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Гелескул -- Анатолий Михайлович Гелескул (see Geleskul -- Anatoly Mikhailovich Geleskul (1934 - 2011))
- Geleskul -- Anatoly Mikhailovich Geleskul (1934 - 2011) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Gellerstedt -- Albert Theodor Gellerstedt (1836 - 1914) (15 texts; 16 settings)
- Gellert -- Christian Fürchtegott Gellert (1715 - 1769) (68 texts; 92 settings)
- Gelsted -- Otto Gelsted (1888 - 1968) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Gembloux -- Claude-Charles Pierquin de Gembloux (see Pierquin de Gembloux -- Claude-Charles Pierquin de Gembloux (1798 - 1863))
- Gemming -- August Gemming (1837 - 1893) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- von Gemmingen -- Eberhard Friedrich, Freiherr von Gemmingen (1726 - 1792) (1 text; 2 settings)
- de Gencé -- Comtesse de Gencé (see Blondeau -- Marie Louise Blondeau (1872 - 1965))
- Gendrikov -- S. A. Gendrikov (1 text; 1 setting)
- Genée -- Richard Genée (1823 - 1895) (9 texts; 8 settings)
- Genée -- (Heinrich) Rudolf Genée (1824 - 1914) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Genesi -- Dalla Genesi (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Genestet -- Petrus Augustus de Genestet (1829 - 1861) (4 texts; 3 settings)
- Genevois -- Genevois (1 text; 1 setting)
- Genevois -- Sylvine Genevois (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gengenbach -- ? Gengenbach (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Genlis -- Stéphanie Félicité du Crest de Saint-Aubin, comtesse de Genlis (1746 - 1830) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gennaro -- Hedwige Chrétien Gennaro (see Chrétien -- Hedwige Chrétien (1859 - 1944))
- Genoino -- Giulio Genoino (1773 - c1856) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Gensichen -- Otto Franz Gensichen (1847 - 1933) (17 texts; 56 settings)
- Gensler -- Ivan Semenovich Gensler (1820 - 1873) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Генслер -- Иван Семенович Генслер (see Gensler -- Ivan Semenovich Gensler (1820 - 1873))
- Gensoul -- Justin Gensoul (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gentele-Silén -- Brita Gentele-Silén (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gentes -- Siegwart Gentes (1 text; 1 setting)
- Genth -- Wilhelm Genth (1803 - 1844) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gentil de Chavagnac -- Michel Joseph Gentil de Chavagnac (1769 - 1846) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gentile -- Norma Gentile (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gentile -- S. Gentile (9 texts; 9 settings)
- Gentke -- E. Gentke (1 text; 1 setting)
- Genty -- Raymond Genty (1883 - 1950) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Geoffroy -- I. Geoffroy (1 text; 1 setting)
- Georg, Edler von Hofmann -- Georg, Edler von Hofmann (see Edler von Hoffmann -- Georg, Edler von Hoffmann (1771 - 1845))
- George -- Alice Rose George (1 text; 1 setting)
- George -- Amara George (see Kaufmann -- Mathilde Kaufmann (1835 - 1907))
- George -- Stefan George (1868 - 1933) (143 texts; 185 settings)
- Georgiev -- A. Georgiev (1 text; 1 setting)
- Georgiev -- G. Georgiev (see Kadin -- Georgiy Petrovich Kadin (1885 - 1931))
- Георгиев -- Г. Георгиев (see Kadin -- Georgiy Petrovich Kadin (1885 - 1931))
- Geppert -- Geppert (1 text; 1 setting)
- Géraldi -- ? Géraldi (1 text; 1 setting)
- Géraldy -- Paul Géraldy (see Lefèvre -- Paul Lefèvre (1885 - 1983))
- Gérard -- Louise-Rose Gérard (1866 - 1953) (38 texts; 45 settings)
- Gérard -- Marcel Gérard (1917 - 2017) (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Gérard -- Rosemonde Gérard (see Gérard -- Louise-Rose Gérard (1866 - 1953))
- Gérardy -- Paul Gérardy (1870 - 1933) (3 texts; 5 settings)
- Gérault -- Alfred Léon Gérault (1860 - 1911) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gérault-Richard -- Gérault-Richard (see Gérault -- Alfred Léon Gérault (1860 - 1911))
- Гербель -- Николай Васильевич Гербель (see Gerbel -- Nikolay Vasilyevich Gerbel (1827 - 1883))
- Gerbel -- Nikolay Vasilyevich Gerbel (1827 - 1883) (15 texts; 15 settings)
- Герцык -- Аделаида Казимировна Герцык (see Gertsyk -- Adelaida Kazimirovna Gertsyk (1874 - 1925))
- de Gerde -- Philadelphe de Gerde (see Requier -- ?, Madame Claude Requier, née Duclos)
- de Gères -- Jules de Gères, Vicomte (1817 - 1878) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gergely -- Ágnes Gergely (b. 1933) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Gerhard -- Klara Fahrig, née Gerhard (see Fahrig -- Klara Fahrig, née Gerhard (1848 - 1905))
- Gerhard -- Wilhelm Christoph Leonhard Gerhard (1780 - 1858) (74 texts; 133 settings)
- Gerhardt -- Ida Gardina Margaretha Gerhardt (1905 - 1997) (11 texts; 8 settings)
- Gerhardt -- Paul Gerhardt (1606 - 1676) (27 texts; 44 settings)
- Gerheusser -- Rosa Gerheusser (1 text; 1 setting)
- Геркен -- Евгений Юрьевич Геркен (see Gerken -- Yevgeny Yuryevich Gerken (1886 - 1962))
- Gerken -- Yevgeny Yuryevich Gerken (1886 - 1962) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gerlach -- Jens Gerlach (1926 - 1990) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gerlach -- M. G. Gerlach (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Gerlach -- Theodor Heinrich Gerlach (1861 - 1940) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gerloff -- Peter Gerloff (b. 1957) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Germa -- Maurice Germa (1827 - 1887) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Germain -- André Germain (1882 - 1971) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Germain -- Fortunée de Saint Germain, Mlle. (see de Saint Germain -- Fortunée de Saint Germain, Mlle.)
- Germaine -- E. Germaine (1 text; 1 setting)
- German -- Pavel German (1 text; 1 setting)
- Germany -- Theodor Germany (1868 - 1938) (1 text; 3 settings)
- de Germiny -- Marcel de Germiny, Comte (1 text; 1 setting)
- Germonde -- ? Germonde (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gernandt-Claine -- Jane Gernandt-Claine (1862 - 1944) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Gernhardt -- Robert Gernhardt (1937 - 2006) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gernss -- Rudolf Gernss (6 texts; 9 settings)
- Gerö -- Attila Gerö (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gero -- Jhan Gero (flourished 1540-55) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gerok -- Karl Friedrich von Gerok (1815 - 1890) (22 texts; 54 settings)
- Gérôme -- Raymond Gérôme (see De Backer -- Raymond De Backer (1920 - 2002))
- Gerretson -- Frederik Carel Gerretson (1884 - 1958) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gersaint -- Nicolas Gersaint (see Gersin -- Nicolas Gersin (b. 1766))
- Gersdorff -- Julius Gersdorff (1849 - 1907) (77 texts; 109 settings)
- Gershon -- Karen Gershon, née Kaethe Loewenthal (1923 - 1993) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gersin -- Nicolas Gersin (b. 1766) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gerson -- Georg Gerson (1790 - 1825) (2 texts; 0 settings)
- Gerson -- Julius Christian Gerson (1811 - 1894) (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Gerstäcker -- Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Gerstäcker (1816 - 1872) (4 texts; 5 settings)
- Gerstel -- Gustav Gerstel (1844 - 1889) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Gerstenberg -- Friedrich von Gerstenberg (9 texts; 13 settings)
- Gerstenberg -- Heinrich (Hans) Wilhelm von Gerstenberg (1737 - 1823) (23 texts; 28 settings)
- Gerstenbergk -- Georg Friedrich Konrad Ludwig Gerstenbergk (1780 - 1838) (10 texts; 12 settings)
- von Gerstfeld -- Olga von Gerstfeld (1866 - 1910) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gerstl -- Elfriede Gerstl (1932 - 2009) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Gerstmann -- Adolf Josef Gerstmann (1855 - 1921) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gertsyk -- Adelaida Kazimirovna Gertsyk (1874 - 1925) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gervais -- ? Gervais, Dr. (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Gervais -- Alberto de Gervais (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gervy -- A. Gervy (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Gery -- Theo von Gery (see Germany -- Theodor Germany (1868 - 1938))
- Gesky -- Theodor Gesky (1837 - 1909) (5 texts; 6 settings)
- de la Gessée -- Jean de la Gessée (see de La Jessée -- Jean de La Jessée (c1550 - c1600))
- Gessen -- Vladimir Gessen (1868 - 1920) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gessler -- Albert Gessler (1862 - 1916) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Geßler -- Friedrich Geßler (1844 - 1891) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Gessner -- Salomon Gessner (1730 - 1788) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Gestin -- Louis Gestin (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gestur -- Gestur (see Guðmundur Björnsson -- Guðmundur Björnsson (1864 - 1937))
- Gesualdo -- Carlo Gesualdo da Venosa (c1561 - 1613) (5 texts; 6 settings)
- Gevers -- Marie Gevers (1883 - 1975) (7 texts; 8 settings)
- Gewey -- Franz Xaver Karl Gewey (1764 - 1819) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Geyer -- Agnes Emerita Geyer (see Gyr -- Agnes Emerita Gyr (b. 1787))
- Geyersbach -- Friedericke Dorothee Geyersbach, née Schlez (2 texts; 2 settings)
- de Geyter -- Julius de Geyter (see De Geyter -- Julius De Geyter (1830 - 1905))
- Gezelle -- Guido (Pieter Theodoor Jozef) Gezelle (1830 - 1899) (498 texts; 1559 settings)
- al-Ghawānī -- Ṣarī‘ al-Ghawānī (see al-Walīd Muslim ibn al-Walīd al-Anṣārī -- Abu al-Walīd Muslim ibn al-Walīd al-Anṣārī (c130 - 207))
- al Ghazali -- Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad al Ghazali (see al-Ġazzālīy -- Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad aṭ-Ṭūsiyy al-Ġazzālīy (c1058 - 1111))
- de Ghelden -- K. de Ghelden (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ghéon -- Henri Ghéon (see Vangeon -- Henri Vangeon (1875 - 1944))
- Gherardini -- Giovanni Gherardini (1778 - 1861) (5 texts; 1 setting)
- Gheusi -- Pierre-Barthélemy Gheusi (1865 - 1943) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- van der Gheynst -- Benoni van der Gheynst (see Van der Gheynst -- Benoni Van der Gheynst (1876 - 1946))
- Ghil -- René Ghil (1862 - 1925) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ghirlanda -- Giava Ghirlanda (flourished 17th century) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ghislaine -- Elsa Rosenbaum Ghislaine, Comtesse d'Oncieu de la Bâtie (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Ghislanzoni -- Antonio Ghislanzoni (1824 - 1893) (5 texts; 8 settings)
- ঘোষ -- অরবিন্দ ঘোষ (see Ghose -- Aurobindo Akroyd Ghose (1872 - 1950))
- Ghose -- Aurobindo Akroyd Ghose (1872 - 1950) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Giachetti -- Cipriano Giachetti (1877 - 1951) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Giacobbe -- Juan Francisco Giacobbe (1911 - 1990) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Giacomo -- Salvatore Di Giacomo (see Di Giacomo -- Salvatore Di Giacomo (1860 - 1934))
- Giacosa -- Giuseppe Giacosa (1847 - 1906) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gianni -- Francesco Gianni (1750 - 1822) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Giannoni -- Iverna Codina de Giannoni (see Codina de Giannoni -- Iverna Codina de Giannoni)
- Gibaudan -- René Gibaudan (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gibbon -- John Murray Gibbon (1875 - 1952) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Gibbon -- (William) Monk Gibbon (1896 - 1987) (8 texts; 9 settings)
- Gibbons -- James Sloane Gibbons (1810 - 1892) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gibbons -- Orlando Gibbons (1583 - 1625) (1 text; 6 settings)
- Gibbons -- Stella Dorothea Gibbons (1902 - 1989) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gibbs -- Alan Gibbs (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gibbs -- Cecil Armstrong Gibbs (1889 - 1960) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gibbs -- Wolcott Gibbs (1902 - 1958) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gibert -- Gustave Gibert (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gibran -- Khalil Gibran (1883 - 1931) (13 texts; 11 settings)
- Gibson -- Mary F. W. Gibson (1835 - c1906) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gibson -- Mary Stanley Gibson (see Gibson -- Mary F. W. Gibson (1835 - c1906))
- Gibson -- Regie Gibson (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gibson -- Wilfrid Wilson Gibson (1878 - 1962) (52 texts; 72 settings)
- Gide -- André Gide (1869 - 1951) (40 texts; 49 settings)
- Gide -- D. E. Gide (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gideon -- Miriam Gideon (1906 - 1996) (2 texts; 0 settings)
- Gidlow -- Elsa Gidlow (1898 - 1986) (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Giech -- ?, Graf von Giech (1 text; 1 setting)
- Giehrl -- Josef Giehrl (1857 - 1893) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Gierse -- A. Gierse (1 text; 1 setting)
- Giese -- ? Giese (1 text; 1 setting)
- Giesebrecht -- (Heinrich) Ludwig Theodor Giesebrecht (1792 - 1873) (45 texts; 50 settings)
- Gieseke -- Karl Ludwig Gieseke (see Metzler -- Johann Georg Metzler (1761 - 1833))
- Gifford -- C. K. Gifford, Mrs. (flourished c1865-1877) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gifford -- George R. Gifford, Mrs. (see Gifford -- C. K. Gifford, Mrs. (flourished c1865-1877))
- Gigas -- Johannes Gigas (1514 - 1581) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- del Giglio -- Elio del Giglio (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gignoux -- A. Gignoux (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gijsen -- Marnix Gijsen (see Goris -- Jan-Albert Goris (1899 - 1984))
- Gijssels -- Willem Gijssels (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Gil -- Augusto Gil (1873 - 1929) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Gilardi -- Gilardo Gilardi (1889 - 1963) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gilardoni -- Domenico Gilardoni (1798 - 1831) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Gilbart -- Olympe Gilbart (1874 - 1958) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gilbert -- Florence Gilbert (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gilbert -- N. J. L. Gilbert (0 texts; 0 settings)
- Gilbert -- Nicolas Joseph Florent Gilbert (1750 - 1780) (3 texts; 4 settings)
- Gilbert -- Nicolas Joseph Laurent Gilbert (see Gilbert -- Nicolas Joseph Florent Gilbert (1750 - 1780))
- Gilbert -- Richard S. Gilbert, Reverend (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gilbert -- Robert Gilbert (1899 - 1951) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gilbert -- William Schwenck Gilbert (1836 - 1911) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Gilbert de Voisins -- Auguste Gilbert de Voisins (1877 - 1939) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gildemeister -- Otto Gildemeister (1823 - 1902) (8 texts; 11 settings)
- Gilder -- Richard Watson Gilder (1844 - 1909) (9 texts; 9 settings)
- Giles -- Herbert Allen Giles (1845 - 1935) (41 texts; 27 settings)
- Gilis -- L. Gilis (1 text; 1 setting)
- Гиляровский -- Владимир Алексеевич Гиляровский (see Gilyarovsky -- Vladimir Alekseyevich Gilyarovsky (1853 - 1935))
- Gilkin -- Iwan Gilkin (1858 - 1924) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gill -- Anton Gill (b. 1948) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Gill -- Charles Gill (1871 - 1918) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gill -- John Gill, Reverend (1697 - 1771) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gillain -- Pierre Gillain (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gille -- Philippe Gille (1831 - 1901) (12 texts; 16 settings)
- Gille -- Valère Gille (1867 - 1950) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Gillen -- Otto Gillen (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Gillespie -- Michael J. Gillespie (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gillespie -- Violet Gillespie (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gillet -- Georges-Vital-Victor Gillet (1854 - 1920) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gillet -- Jean Gillet (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gillington -- May Clarissa Gillington Byron (1861 - 1936) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Gillman -- Naomi Mary Gillman (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gillot de Saintonge -- Louise-Geneviève Gillot de Saintonge (1650 - 1718) (0 texts; 0 settings)
- Gilm zu Rosenegg -- Hermann von Gilm zu Rosenegg (1812 - 1864) (33 texts; 81 settings)
- Gilmore -- Joseph Henry Gilmore (1834 - 1918) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gilmore -- Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore (1829 - 1892) (1 text; 3 settings)
- Gilmour -- Mary Gilmour (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gilson -- Paul Gilson (1865 - 1942) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gilson -- Paul Gilson (1904 - 1963) (17 texts; 19 settings)
- von Gilten -- Henriette Ernestine Christiane von Gilten, née vom Hagen (see vom Hagen -- Henriette Ernestine Christiane vom Hagen (1760 - 1794))
- Gilyarovskaya -- N. Gilyarovskaya (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gilyarovsky -- Vladimir Alekseyevich Gilyarovsky (1853 - 1935) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Gineste -- Raoul Gineste (see Augier -- Adolphe Augier (1849 - 1914))
- Ginet -- Albert Ginet (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ginisty -- Paul Ginisty (1855 - 1932) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ginsberg -- Allen Ginsberg (1926 - 1997) (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Ginskey -- Franz Karl Ginskey (see Ginzkey -- Franz Karl Ginzkey (1871 - 1963))
- Ginzburg -- Lucien Ginzburg (1928 - 1990) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Ginzel -- Fritz Ginzel (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Ginzer -- Frances Ginzer (1 text; 1 setting)
- Ginzkey -- Franz Karl Ginzkey (1871 - 1963) (7 texts; 10 settings)
- Giociniti -- Carlos McGregor Giociniti (see McGregor Giociniti -- Carlos McGregor Giociniti)
- Gioia -- Dana Gioia (b. 1950) (20 texts; 25 settings)
- Giono -- Jean Giono (1895 - 1970) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- de' Giorgi -- Aurelio Bertòla de' Giorgi (see Bertòla de' Giorgi -- Aurelio Bertòla de' Giorgi (1753 - 1798))
- Gioulami -- Dagny Gioulami (1 text; 1 setting)
- di Giovanni -- Domenico di Giovanni (1404 - 1449) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Giovanni -- Yolande Cornelia "Nikki" Giovanni (b. 1943) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Giovannini -- Pietro Giovannini (7 texts; 1 setting)
- Giovannitti -- Arturo Giovannitti (1882 - 1959) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Гиппиус -- Василий Васильевич Гиппиус (see Gippius -- Vasily Vasil'yevich Gippius (1890 - 1942))
- Gippius -- Vasily Vasil'yevich Gippius (1890 - 1942) (2 texts; 4 settings)
- Gippius -- Zinaida Nikolayevna Gippius (1869 - 1945) (29 texts; 32 settings)
- Гиппиус -- Зинаида Николаевна Гиппиус (see Gippius -- Zinaida Nikolayevna Gippius (1869 - 1945))
- Giraldo -- Francisco Giraldo (1 text; 1 setting)
- Girard -- Madame la Baronne de Girard (1 text; 1 setting)
- Girard-Duverne -- Anne Girard-Duverne (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Girardin -- Delphine de Girardin (1804 - 1855) (11 texts; 18 settings)
- de Girardin -- Émile de Girardin, Mme (see de Girardin -- Delphine de Girardin (1804 - 1855))
- Girau -- ? Girau, Monsieur (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Giraud -- Albert Giraud (see Kayenberg -- Émile Albert Kayenberg (1860 - 1929))
- Giraud -- Henri Giraud (b. 1869) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Giraud -- Suzanne Giraud (b. 1958) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Giraudoux -- Jean Giraudoux (1882 - 1944) (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Girault -- Charles Girault (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Girdler -- Margaret Rose Girdler (1888 - 1958) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Girgenti -- Giovanni Girgenti (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Girndt -- Otto Girndt (1835 - 1911) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Girod -- André Girod (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Giseke -- Karl Ludwig Giseke (see Metzler -- Johann Georg Metzler (1761 - 1833))
- Giseke -- Nikolaus Dietrich Giseke (1724 - 1765) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gisevius -- Eduard (Karol Samuel) Gisevius (1798 - 1880) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gíslason -- Magnús Gíslason (see Magnús Gíslason -- Magnús Gíslason)
- Gísli Jónsson -- Gísli Jónsson (1876 - 1973) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Giszkalay -- János Giszkalay (1888 - 1951) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gittermann -- Johann Christian Hermann Gittermann (1768 - 1834) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Giugariu -- Ana Giugariu (see Simon -- Ana Simon (1938 - 2018))
- Giugno -- Charles Giugno (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Giuliani -- L. A. Giuliani (1 text; 1 setting)
- Giusti -- Giuseppe Giusti (1809 - 1850) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Giustiniani -- Girolamo Ascanio Giustiniani ( flourished 1724 ) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Giustiniani -- Leonardo Giustiniani (1383? - 1466) (5 texts; 6 settings)
- Gizėvijus -- Eduardas (Karolis Samuelis) Gizėvijus (see Gisevius -- Eduard (Karol Samuel) Gisevius (1798 - 1880))
- Gizzi -- Michael Gizzi (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Gjellerup -- Karl Adolph Gjellerup (1857 - 1919) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gjertsen -- Fredrik Gjertsen (1831 - 1904) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gjørup -- Michael Rodevald Gjørup (1830 - 1915) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Γκάτσος -- Νίκος Γκάτσος (see Gatsos -- Nikos Gatsos (1911 - 1992))
- Gladstein -- Jacob Gladstein (1 text; 0 settings)
- Glahn -- Hans Egede Glahn (1814 - 1898) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gland -- J. B. Gland (1 text; 1 setting)
- Glanville -- Lillian Glanville (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Glapthorne -- Henry Glapthorne (d. c1643) (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Glarus -- (Jakob) Vogel von Glarus (see Vogel von Glarus -- (Jakob) Vogel von Glarus (1816 - 1899))
- Glas -- Elsa Glas (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Glasbrenner -- Georg Adolph Glasbrenner (see Glaßbrenner -- (Georg) Adolf Glaßbrenner (1810 - 1876))
- Glaser -- Adolf Glaser (1829 - 1915) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Glaser -- Juliane Glaser (1806 - 1890) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Glaser -- Rudolph Glaser (1801 - 1868) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Glaser -- X. Glaser (1 text; 1 setting)
- Glass -- Elsa Glass (1 text; 1 setting)
- Glass -- Richard Glass (1 text; 1 setting)
- Glaßbrenner -- (Georg) Adolf Glaßbrenner (1810 - 1876) (12 texts; 17 settings)
- Glatigny -- Albert Glatigny (1839 - 1873) (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Glattenstein -- M. L. Glattenstein (see Linsser -- Martin Linsser (b. c1860))
- Glatter -- Miklós Glatter (see Radnóti -- Miklós Radnóti (1909 - 1944))
- Glaucus of Nicopolis -- Glaucus of Nicopolis (1 text; 0 settings)
- Glaze -- Andrew Glaze (1920 - 2016) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Глазкова -- Людмила Павловна Глазкова (see Glazkova -- Lyudmila Pavlovna Glazkova)
- Glazkova -- Lyudmila Pavlovna Glazkova (1 text; 1 setting)
- Glebov -- Aleksandr Nikolayevich Glebov (1803 - after 1853) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Glebov -- Dmitry Glebov (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gleich -- Friedrich Gleich (1782 - 1842) (1 text; 5 settings)
- Gleich -- Joseph Alois Gleich (1772 - 1841) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gleichen -- F. Gleichen (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gleichen -- (Heinrich Adelbert Konrad Karl) Alexander Schiller, Freiherr von Gleichen, genannt von Russwurm (see Schiller -- (Heinrich Adelbert Konrad Karl) Alexander Schiller, Freiherr von Gleichen, genannt von Russwurm (1865 - 1947))
- von Gleichen-Russwurm -- Alexander von Gleichen-Russwurm (see Schiller -- (Heinrich Adelbert Konrad Karl) Alexander Schiller, Freiherr von Gleichen, genannt von Russwurm (1865 - 1947))
- Gleim -- F. W. Gleim (see Gleim -- Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim (1719 - 1803))
- Gleim -- Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim (1719 - 1803) (50 texts; 74 settings)
- Gleim -- Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim der Jüngere (1742 - 1804) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Gleiman -- Wanda Gleiman (1897 - 1963) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gleizer -- Irène Gleizer (1 text; 1 setting)
- Глейзаров -- Николай Валентинович Глейзаров (see Gleyzarov -- Nikolay Valentinovich Gleyzarov (1909 - 1970))
- Glenn -- Lorri Neilsen Glenn (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Gleyzarov -- Nikolay Valentinovich Gleyzarov (1909 - 1970) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Glibov -- Leonid Ivanovych Glibov (1827 - 1893) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Glick -- Hirsch Glick (1922 - 1944) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Glick -- Srul Irving Glick (1934 - 2002) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Glickman -- Susan Glickman (b. 1953) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Glik -- Hirsch Glik (see Glick -- Hirsch Glick (1922 - 1944))
- Гликберг -- Александр Михайлович Гликберг (see Glikberg -- Aleksandr Mikhailovich Glikberg (1880 - 1932))
- Glikberg -- Aleksandr Mikhailovich Glikberg (1880 - 1932) (6 texts; 5 settings)
- Glines -- Ellen Barbour Glines (1 text; 1 setting)
- Glinka -- A. Glinka (1 text; 1 setting)
- Glinka -- Fyodor Nikolayevich Glinka (1786 - 1880) (5 texts; 6 settings)
- Gliński -- Kazimierz Gliński (1850 - 1920) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Глібов -- Леонід Іванович Глібов (see Glibov -- Leonid Ivanovych Glibov (1827 - 1893))
- Globa -- Andrey Pavlovich Globa (1888 - 1964) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Globy -- A. Globy (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Glöckner -- F. Theodor Glöckner (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Gloth -- Harald Gloth (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Glouvet -- Jules de Glouvet (1837 - 1923) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Glover -- Denis Glover (1912 - 1980) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Glover -- Jean Glover (1758 - 1801?) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Glück -- Barbara Elisabeth Glück (1814 - 1894) (16 texts; 56 settings)
- Glück -- Louise Elisabeth Glück (b. 1943) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Glücklich -- (Johann) Christian Glücklich (1839 - 1920) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Glücksmann -- Heinrich Glücksmann (1864 - 1947) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Glückstad -- Andreas Melchior Glückstad (1829 - 1865) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Glückstein -- Hans Glückstein (1888 - 1931) (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Glümer -- Claire von Glümer (1825 - 1906) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Gluskina -- Anna Yevgenevna Gluskina (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Gnad -- Ernst Gnad (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gnattali -- Radamés Gnattali (1906 - 1988) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Гнедич -- Николай Иванович Гнедич (see Gnedich -- Nikolay Ivanovich Gnedich (1784 - 1833))
- Gnedich -- Nikolay Ivanovich Gnedich (1784 - 1833) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Gnedich -- Pyotr Petrovich Gnedich (1855 - 1925) (4 texts; 9 settings)
- Гнедич -- Пётр Петрович Гнедич (see Gnedich -- Pyotr Petrovich Gnedich (1855 - 1925))
- Гнедов -- Василий Иванович Гнедов (see Gnedov -- Vasily (Vasilisk) Ivanovich Gnedov (1890 - 1978))
- Гнедов -- Василиск Гнедов (see Gnedov -- Vasily (Vasilisk) Ivanovich Gnedov (1890 - 1978))
- Gnedov -- Vasily (Vasilisk) Ivanovich Gnedov (1890 - 1978) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gnesina -- Elena Fabianovna Gnesina (1874 - 1967) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gnesina -- Elizaveta Fabianovna Gnesina (1879 - 1953) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Гнесина -- Елена Фабиановна Гнесина (see Gnesina -- Elena Fabianovna Gnesina (1874 - 1967))
- Гнесина -- Елизавета Фабиановна Гнесина (see Gnesina -- Elizaveta Fabianovna Gnesina (1879 - 1953))
- Gnoli -- Domenico Gnoli (1838 - 1915) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Goberna -- Roberto Goberna (1858 - 1934) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gobiet -- Léon Gobiet (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gobillard -- Paul Gobillard (1869 - 1946) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gobilliard -- Marie Gobilliard (1 text; 1 setting)
- গোবিন্দদাস -- গোবিন্দদাস (see Govindadasa -- Govindadasa (1535 - 1613))
- Goblat -- Joachim Goblat (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Göchhausen -- Karl Emil Konstantin, Freiherr von Göchhausen (1778 - 1855) (4 texts; 6 settings)
- Göckert -- Paul Göckert (1 text; 1 setting)
- Göckingk -- Leopold Friedrich Günther von Göckingk (1748 - 1828) (9 texts; 10 settings)
- Гоцуленко -- Владимир Николаевич Гоцуленко (see Gotsulenko -- Vladimir Nikolayevich Gotsulenko (1943 - 2015))
- Godard -- André Godard (1 text; 1 setting)
- Godard -- Benjamin Louis Paul Godard (1849 - 1895) (20 texts; 20 settings)
- Godard -- Jean Godard (1564 - 1630) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Godart -- Louis Joseph de Godart, Marquis du Planty (see du Planty -- Louis Joseph de Godart, Marquis du Planty (1808 - 1876))
- Goddard-Fenwick -- Digby Goddard-Fenwick (1 text; 1 setting)
- Godebska -- Mimi Godebska (1899 - 1949) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Godebski -- Franz Godebski (b. 1866) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Godefroy -- Godefroy (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gödel -- Konrad Gödel (1881 - 1906) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Godet -- Philippe Ernest Godet (1850 - 1922) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Godfrey -- Henry Herbert Godfrey (1858 - 1908) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Godin -- Amélie Godin (see Linz -- Amélie Linz (1824 - 1904))
- Godin -- Gérald Godin (1938 - 1994) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Godoy -- Armand Godoy (1880 - 1964) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Godoy -- Maria Lúcia Godoy (b. 1930) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- de Godoy -- Paulo de Godoy (1 text; 2 settings)
- Godoy Alcayaga -- Lucila de María del Perpetuo Socorro Godoy Alcayaga (1889 - 1957) (40 texts; 43 settings)
- Godwin -- Catherine Godwin (1 text; 1 setting)
- Godwin -- Gail Godwin (b. 1937) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Goebel -- Heinrich Goebel (1870 - 1956) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goeble -- Heinrich Goeble (see Loeben -- (Ferdinand August) Otto Heinrich, Graf von Loeben (1786 - 1825))
- von Goechhausen -- Karl Emil Konstantin von Goechhausen (see von Göchhausen -- Karl Emil Konstantin, Freiherr von Göchhausen (1778 - 1855))
- Goedecke -- Carl Goedecke (1814 - 1887) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goedel -- Martha Goedel (flourished c1918?) (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Goekingk -- Leopold Friedrich Günther von Goekingk (see Göckingk -- Leopold Friedrich Günther von Göckingk (1748 - 1828))
- Goemans -- Léo Goemans (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goepp -- Charles Goepp (1827 - 1907) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Goergen -- Willy Goergen (1867 - 1942) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Goering -- (Adolf) Hugo Goering (see Göring -- (Adolf) Hugo Göring (1827 - 1857))
- Goering -- Gerd Hans Goering (1900 - 1933) (17 texts; 17 settings)
- Goering -- Reinhard Goering (1887 - 1936) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goes -- Albrecht Goes (1908 - 2000) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Góes -- Eurico de Góes (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goethe -- Hans Goethe (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goethe -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832) (661 texts; 3096 settings)
- Goetz -- Bruno Goetz (1885 - 1954) (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Goetze -- Peter Otto von Goetze (1793 - 1880) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Goez -- Christian Gottlieb Goez aus Scharnhausen bei Stuttgart (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goffe -- Thomas Goffe (1591 - 1629) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goffette -- Guy Goffette (b. 1947) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goffic -- Charles Le Goffic (see Le Goffic -- Charles Le Goffic (1863 - 1932))
- Goga -- Octavian Goga (1881 - 1938) (27 texts; 19 settings)
- Goga -- Veturia Goga (1883 - 1979) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gogarty -- Oliver Joseph St. John Gogarty (1878 - 1957) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- van Gogh -- Vincent Willem van Gogh (1853 - 1890) (4 texts; 0 settings)
- Gogol -- Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol (1809 - 1852) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Гоголь -- Николай Васильевич Гоголь (see Gogol -- Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol (1809 - 1852))
- Goiburu Lopetegui -- Joaquín María Goiburu Lopetegui (1 text; 1 setting)
- Going -- Charles Buxton Going (1863 - 1952) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Golar -- Cvetko Golar (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Golaw -- Salomon von Golaw (see Logau -- Friedrich von Logau (1604 - 1655))
- Gold -- Alfred Gold (1874 - 1958) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gold -- L. Gold (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gold -- Mike Gold (1893 - 1967) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goldberd -- Jacob Pinheiro Goldberd (1 text; 1 setting)
- Golden -- Sylvia Golden (b. 1900) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goldenweiser -- Tatyana Goldenweiser (1869 - 1955) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goldhann -- Ludwig Goldhann (1823 - 1893) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Goldin -- Mitty Goldin (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Goldinsky -- ? Goldinsky (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goldkuhl -- Erik Goldkuhl (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goldoni -- Carlo Goldoni (1707 - 1793) (117 texts; 60 settings)
- Goldowsky -- Barbara Goldowsky (9 texts; 9 settings)
- Goldscheider -- Ludwig Goldscheider (1896 - 1973) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goldschlag -- George A. Goldschlag (1896 - 1934) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Goldschmidt -- Ida Goldschmidt, née Livingston (1863 - 1933) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Goldsmith -- Oliver Goldsmith (1730 - 1774) (4 texts; 5 settings)
- Goldsworthy -- Peter Goldsworthy, AM (b. 1951) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goldtammer -- Fr. Goldtammer (1 text; 1 setting)
- Голейзовский -- Касьян Ярославич Голейзовский (see Goleyzovsky -- Kasyan Yaroslavich Goleyzovsky (1892 - 1970))
- Големба -- Александр Големба (see Rapoport -- Aleksandr Solomonovich Rapoport (1922 - 1979))
- Golemba -- Alexander Golemba (see Rapoport -- Aleksandr Solomonovich Rapoport (1922 - 1979))
- Голенищев-Кутузов -- Арсений Аркадьевич Голенищев-Кутузов (see Golenishchev-Kutuzov -- Arseny Arkad'yevich Golenishchev-Kutuzov (1848 - 1913))
- Golenishchev-Kutuzov -- Arseny Arkad'yevich Golenishchev-Kutuzov (1848 - 1913) (55 texts; 82 settings)
- Golenkovsky -- P. A. Golenkovsky (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Goleyzovsky -- Kasyan Yaroslavich Goleyzovsky (1892 - 1970) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Golia -- Pavel Golia (1887 - 1959) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Голицын -- Фёдор Григорьевич Голицын (see Golitsyn -- Fyodor Grigoryevich Golitsyn (1819 - 1887))
- Голицын -- Михаил Григорьевич Голицын, Князь (see Golitsyn -- Mikhail Grigorevich Golitsyn (1808 - 1868))
- Голицын -- Михаил Григорьевич Голицын (see Golitsyn -- Mikhail Grigorevich Golitsyn (1808 - 1868))
- Голицын -- Сергей Григорьевич Голицын (see Golitsyn -- Sergei Grigorevich Golitsyn (1803 - 1868))
- Golisciani -- Enrico Golisciani (1848 - 1919) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Golitsyn -- B. Golitsyn (1 text; 2 settings)
- Golitsyn -- D. P. Golitsyn (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Golitsyn -- Fyodor Grigoryevich Golitsyn (1819 - 1887) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Golitsyn -- Mikhail Grigorevich Golitsyn (1808 - 1868) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Golitsyn -- Sergei Grigorevich Golitsyn (1803 - 1868) (7 texts; 10 settings)
- Goll -- Ernst Goll (1887 - 1912) (10 texts; 10 settings)
- Goll -- Huldreich (or Ulrich) Goll (1798 - 1862) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Goll -- Jaroslav Goll (1846 - 1929) (16 texts; 0 settings)
- Goll -- Yvan Goll (1891 - 1950) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Göller -- Anton Göller (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gollmick -- Carl Gollmick (1796 - 1866) (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Golmen -- Otto von Golmen (see Richter -- Julius Wilhelm Otto Richter (1839 - 1924))
- Golodnii -- Mikhail Golodnii (b. 1903) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Golovachev -- G. Golovachev (1 text; 1 setting)
- Головачевский -- Сергей Николаевич Головачевский (see Golovachevsky -- Sergey Nikolayevich Golovachevsky (b. 1875))
- Golovachevsky -- Sergey Nikolayevich Golovachevsky (b. 1875) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Головацькій -- Яків Федорович Головацькій (see Golovatsky -- Yakiv Fedorovych Golovatsky (1814 - 1888))
- Golovanivsky -- Sava Ovsiyovych Golovanivsky (1910 - 1989) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Голованівський -- Сава Овсійович Голованівський (see Golovanivsky -- Sava Ovsiyovych Golovanivsky (1910 - 1989))
- Golovatsky -- Yakiv Fedorovych Golovatsky (1814 - 1888) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Golovin -- Elin Golovin (1862 - 1918) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Golovin -- Pyotr Mikhailovich Golovin (d. 1826) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Golovina -- A. Golovina (1 text; 1 setting)
- Golovina -- V. Golovina (1 text; 1 setting)
- Golovinsky -- A. Golovinsky (1 text; 1 setting)
- Golpe -- Salvatore Golpe (0 texts; 0 settings)
- Gols i Soler -- Joan Gols i Soler (1894 - 1947) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goltsch -- Franz Goltsch (1 text; 5 settings)
- Goltz -- Emilie von der Goltz, Generalin Freifrau (1833 - 1907) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- von der Goltz -- Karl Franz von der Goltz, Freiherr (1740 - 1804) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Golyshev -- ? Golyshev (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gombos -- Imre Gombos (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gombossy -- Klára Gombossy (1901 - 1980) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Gomes -- João Carlos Teixeira Gomes (see Teixeira Gomes -- João Carlos Teixeira Gomes (b. 1936))
- Gomes -- Antônio Carlos Gomes (1836 - 1896) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gomes -- João Gomes, Jr. (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gomes -- Lindauro Gomes (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gomes -- Octacilio Gomes (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gomes -- Roberto Gomes (1882 - 1922) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gomes Alves -- Arahilda Gomes Alves (see Alves -- Arahilda Gomes Alves)
- Gomes de Alencar -- Claudia Gomes de Alencar (see de Alencar -- Claudia Gomes de Alencar (b. 1950))
- Gomes Ferreira -- José Gomes Ferreira, GOSE, GOL (1900 - 1985) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Gomes Coelho -- Joaquim Guilherme Gomes Coelho (see Coelho -- Joaquim Guilherme Gomes Coelho (1839 - 1871))
- Gomes Leal -- António Duarte Gomes Leal (1848 - 1921) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gómez -- Adolfo León Gómez (1857 - 1927) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gómez -- Emilio García Gómez, 1st Count of Alixares (see García Gómez -- Emilio García Gómez, 1st Count of Alixares (1905 - 1995))
- Gómez Naranjo -- Pedro Alejandro Gómez Naranjo (1892 - 1959) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gomez Ferreira -- João Gomez Ferreira (1851 - 1897) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gomoll -- Wilhelm Conrad Gomoll (1877 - 1951) (12 texts; 15 settings)
- Gomon -- D. Gomon (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gomperts -- H. A. Gomperts (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gompertz -- J. Gompertz (1 text; 0 settings)
- Gomringer -- Eugen Gomringer (b. 1925) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gonçalves -- Paulo Gonçalves (1897 - 1927) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gonçalves Crespo -- António Cândido Gonçalves Crespo (1846 - 1883) (4 texts; 5 settings)
- Gonçalves de Azevedo -- Artur Nabantino Gonçalves de Azevedo (see de Azevedo -- Artur Nabantino Gonçalves de Azevedo (1855 - 1908))
- Gonçalves de Castello Branco -- Rui Gonçalves de Castello Branco (see Branco -- Rui Gonçalves de Castello Branco)
- Gonçalves de Portocarreiro -- Pedro Gonçalves de Portocarreiro (flourished 13th century) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gonçalves Dias -- Antônio Gonçalves Dias (see Dias -- Antônio Gonçalves Dias (1823 - 1864))
- Gonçalvez Ferreira -- Ascenço Carneiro Gonçalvez Ferreira (see Ferreira -- Ascenço Carneiro Gonçalvez Ferreira (1895 - 1965))
- Goncharenko -- S. Goncharenko (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gondinet -- Edmond Gondinet (1829 - 1888) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gondoin -- Jules Gondoin (1869 - 1945) (9 texts; 9 settings)
- Góngora -- Helcías Martán Góngora (see Martán Góngora -- Helcías Martán Góngora (1920 - 1984))
- de Góngora y Argote -- Luis de Góngora y Argote (1561 - 1627) (12 texts; 10 settings)
- de Gonta -- Branca (Eva) de Gonta (Syder Ribeiro) Colaço (1880 - 1945) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gontard -- Susette Gontard, née Borkenstein (1769 - 1802) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Gontaut-Biron -- Roger de Gontaut-Biron, Comte / Duc (1884 - 1944) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gontijo -- Flávio Gontijo (b. 1948) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gontijo de Carvalho -- Joubert Gontijo de Carvalho (see de Carvalho -- Joubert Gontijo de Carvalho (1900 - 1977))
- Gonzaga -- Francisco Gonzaga (0 texts; 0 settings)
- Gonzaga -- Tomás Antônio Gonzaga (1744 - 1810?) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Gonzaga Urbina -- Luis Gonzaga Urbina (1864 - 1934) (6 texts; 7 settings)
- Gonzales Bonorino -- Elena Serry de Gonzales Bonorino (see Serry de Gonzales Bonorino -- Elena Serry de Gonzales Bonorino)
- Gonzalez -- Anita Gonzalez (1 text; 1 setting)
- González -- Ernesto González (1 text; 1 setting)
- de González -- Gilda Arabéhéty de González (see Arabéhéty de González -- Gilda Arabéhéty de González)
- González -- Julián González (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gonzalez -- Valentina Biosca Gonzalez (1888 - 1967) (1 text; 1 setting)
- González Bocanegra -- Francisco González Bocanegra (1824 - 1861) (1 text; 1 setting)
- González Calderón -- María del Carmen González Calderón (see del Carmen González Calderón -- María del Carmen González Calderón)
- Gonzalez Castillo -- C. Gonzalez Castillo (1 text; 1 setting)
- González de Prada y Ulloa -- Jose Manuel de los Reyes González de Prada y Ulloa (1844 - 1918) (1 text; 1 setting)
- González López -- E. N. González López (2 texts; 2 settings)
- González Pecotche -- Carlos Bernardo González Pecotche (1901 - 1963) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- González Prada -- Manuel González Prada (see González de Prada y Ulloa -- Jose Manuel de los Reyes González de Prada y Ulloa (1844 - 1918))
- González Zeledón -- Manuel González Zeledón (1864 - 1936) (1 text; 1 setting)
- González Martínez -- Enrique González Martínez (1871 - 1952) (10 texts; 10 settings)
- Gooch -- Brad Gooch (b. 1952) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Goodman -- Paul Goodman (1911 - 1972) (39 texts; 44 settings)
- Goodrich -- Samuel Griswold Goodrich (1793 - 1860) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goodwin -- Mary Goodwin (1 text; 0 settings)
- Goodwin -- William Goodwin (1 text; 0 settings)
- Goodyear -- J. R. Goodyear (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gorchakov -- Vladislav Nikolayevich Gorchakov (1822 - c1853) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Горчаков -- Владислав Николаевич Горчаков (see Gorchakov -- Vladislav Nikolayevich Gorchakov (1822 - c1853))
- Gorchakova -- Aleksandra Aleksandrovna Gorchakova (see Santagano-Gorchakova -- Aleksandra Aleksandrovna Santagano-Gorchakova (1842 - 1913))
- Gordon -- Adam Lindsay Gordon (1833 - 1870) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Gordon -- Alexander Gordon, 4th Duke of Gordon (1743 - 1827) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gordon -- Ricky Ian Gordon (b. 1956) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Gordon -- S. Gordon (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gordon -- S. T. Gordon (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gordon -- William Gordon (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gore -- Gwendolen Gore (19 texts; 1 setting)
- Gore-Booth -- Eva Selina Laura Gore-Booth (1870 - 1926) (1 text; 4 settings)
- Górecki -- Henryk Mikołaj Górecki (1933 - 2010) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Gorenko -- Anna Andreyevna Gorenko (see Akhmatova -- Anna Andreyevna Akhmatova (1889 - 1966))
- Горенко -- Анна Андреевна Горенко (see Akhmatova -- Anna Andreyevna Akhmatova (1889 - 1966))
- Gorgadze -- V. Gorgadze (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gorham -- Sarah Gorham (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gori -- Gino Gori (1876 - 1952) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Göring -- (Adolf) Hugo Göring (1827 - 1857) (6 texts; 7 settings)
- Gorinšek -- D. Gorinšek (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goris -- Jan-Albert Goris (1899 - 1984) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goris -- Joannes Alphonsius Albertus Goris (see Goris -- Jan-Albert Goris (1899 - 1984))
- Görke -- Moritz Görke (1803 - 1883) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Горький -- Максим Горький (see Peshkov -- Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov (1868 - 1936))
- Gorky -- Maxim Gorky (see Peshkov -- Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov (1868 - 1936))
- Görne -- Adele, Gräfin von Bredow-Görne (see von Bredow-Goerne -- Adele, Gräfin von Bredow-Goerne (1830 - 1885))
- Görner -- Carl August Görner (1806 - 1884) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Gornung -- Lev Vladimirovich Gornung (1902 - 1993) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Горнунг -- Лев Владимирович Горнунг (see Gornung -- Lev Vladimirovich Gornung (1902 - 1993))
- Городецкий -- Сергей Митрофанович Городецкий (see Gorodetsky -- Sergei Mitrofanovich Gorodetsky (1884 - 1967))
- Gorodetsky -- Sergei Mitrofanovich Gorodetsky (1884 - 1967) (11 texts; 12 settings)
- Gorostiza Alcalá -- José Gorostiza Alcalá (1901 - 1973) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Görres -- Guido Moritz Görres (1805 - 1852) (26 texts; 42 settings)
- Gorskaya -- N. Gorskaya (2 texts; 2 settings)
- de Gorsse -- Henry de Gorsse (1868 - 1936) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Gorstkin -- N. Gorstkin (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gortázar -- Juan Carlos de Gortázar y Manso de Velasco (1864 - 1926) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Gorter -- Albert Gorter (1862 - 1936) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Gorter -- Herman Gorter (1864 - 1927) (15 texts; 18 settings)
- Gorter -- Onno Gorter (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goryansky -- V. I. Goryansky (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Goryshnik -- V. Goryshnik (1 text; 1 setting)
- Göschen -- Georg Joachim Göschen (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gosławski -- Maurycy Gosławski (1802 - 1834) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gossaert -- Geerten Gossaert (see Gerretson -- Frederik Carel Gerretson (1884 - 1958))
- Gosse -- Edmund William Gosse (1849 - 1928) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gosse -- Étienne Gosse (1773 - 1834) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gosseye -- Liliane Gosseye (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gossez -- Alphonse-Marius Gossez (1878 - 1940) (20 texts; 20 settings)
- Gossner -- Johannes Gossner (1773 - 1858) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gostling -- Frances M. Gostling (Parkinson) (d. 1935) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gothein -- Marie Luise Gothein (1863 - 1931) (12 texts; 14 settings)
- Gotsulenko -- Vladimir Nikolayevich Gotsulenko (1943 - 2015) (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Gottberg -- Adelaide Karoline Wilhelmine von Gottberg (1850 - 1887) (11 texts; 21 settings)
- von Gottberg -- Anna von Gottberg (1826 - 1919) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Gotter -- Friedrich Wilhelm Gotter (1746 - 1797) (16 texts; 27 settings)
- Gotter -- Ludwig Andreas Gotter (1661 - 1735) (2 texts; 11 settings)
- Gottifredi -- Bartolomeo Gottifredi (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gottlieb -- Maggie Gottlieb (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gottlieb -- Gottlieb (see Roland -- Paul Roland (1856 - 1932))
- Göttling -- Karl Wilhelm Göttling (1793 - 1869) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Göttmann -- Emilie Göttmann (1 text; 2 settings)
- Gottschalk -- Henriette Gottschalk, née Hay (1774 - 1809) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gottschalk -- Herbert Gottschalk (1919 - 1981) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Gottschall -- Rudolph von Gottschall (1823 - 1909) (7 texts; 24 settings)
- Gottsched -- Johann Christoph Gottsched (1700 - 1766) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gottwald -- Ernst Gottwald (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gottwalt -- Gottwalt (see Seegemund -- Johann Georg Seegemund (1794 - 1877))
- Götz -- Johann Nikolaus Götz (1721 - 1781) (9 texts; 11 settings)
- Götze -- Carl Götze (1836 - 1887) (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Götzendorff-Grabowski -- Helene von Götzendorff-Grabowski (1860 - 1908) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- von Götzendorf-Maderny -- Helene von Götzendorf-Maderny (see von Götzendorff-Grabowski -- Helene von Götzendorff-Grabowski (1860 - 1908))
- Götzinger -- Max Wilhelm Götzinger (1799 - 1856) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Goubaux -- Prosper Goubaux (1795 - 1859) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goubert -- Eugène Goubert (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Goudeau -- Émile Goudeau (1849 - 1906) (5 texts; 6 settings)
- Goudez -- Jean Édouard Goudez (1866 - 1934) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Goudezki -- Jean Goudezki (see Goudez -- Jean Édouard Goudez (1866 - 1934))
- Goulart de Andrade -- José Maria Goulart de Andrade (see de Andrade -- José Maria Goulart de Andrade (1881 - 1936))
- Goulart de Andrade -- Luís Filipe Goulart de Andrade (b. 1934) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gould -- Gerald Gould (1885 - 1936) (4 texts; 9 settings)
- Gould -- Glenn Gould (1932 - 1982) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Gould -- Mona Gould (1908 - 1999) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gould -- Robert Gould (d. 1709) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Gounet -- Thomas Gounet (1801 - 1869) (9 texts; 9 settings)
- Gounin-Ghidone -- Alfred Élisée Gounin-Ghidone (1836 - 1917) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gounod -- Charles Gounod (1818 - 1893) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Gourdin -- Aimé Gourdin (d. 1859) (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Gourdon -- Georges Gourdon (1852 - 1915) (16 texts; 16 settings)
- de Gourghenbekoff -- A. de Gourghenbekoff (9 texts; 9 settings)
- Gourmont -- Rémy de Gourmont (1858 - 1915) (17 texts; 16 settings)
- Gouvrion -- G. Gouvrion (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Gouzien -- Armand Gouzien (1839 - 1892) (9 texts; 10 settings)
- Govindadasa -- Govindadasa (1535 - 1613) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Govoni -- Corrado Govoni (1884 - 1965) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gower -- Georgiana Leveson-Gower (see Fullerton -- Georgiana Charlotte Fullerton, Lady (1812 - 1885))
- Gozlan -- Léon Gozlan (1806 - 1866) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Gozzi -- Carlo Gozzi (1720 - 1806) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Grabbe -- Christian Dietrich Grabbe (1801 - 1836) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grabe -- A. G. Grabe (1 text; 1 setting)
- Graben-Hoffmann -- Gustav Heinrich Graben-Hoffmann (1820 - 1900) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gräbner -- ? Gräbner (1 text; 1 setting)
- Грабовський -- Павло Арсенович Грабовський (see Hrabovsky -- Pavlo Arsenovych Hrabovsky (1864 - 1902))
- Grabovsky -- Pavlo Arsenovych Grabovsky (see Hrabovsky -- Pavlo Arsenovych Hrabovsky (1864 - 1902))
- Grabow -- Hans Grabow (1 text; 4 settings)
- Grabow -- Hugo Grabow (2 texts; 8 settings)
- Grabowska -- E. Grabowska (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grabowski -- Antoni Grabowski (1857 - 1921) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grabowski -- Michał Grabowski (1804 - 1863) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grabowsky -- Adolf Grabowsky (1880 - 1969) (1 text; 1 setting)
- da Graça Aranha -- José Pereira da Graça Aranha (1868 - 1931) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Grade -- H. Grade (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gradnik -- Alojz Gradnik (1882 - 1967) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gradov -- Pyotr Mikhailovich Gradov (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Graener -- Paul Hermann Franz Graener (1872 - 1944) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Graf -- A. Graf (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Graf -- Karl Heinrich Graf (1815 - 1869) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Graf -- Robert Graf (1878 - 1952) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Graf-Bartholemew -- Mary Graf-Bartholemew (b. 1832) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Grafé -- Paul Grafé (1 text; 1 setting)
- Graff von Schlieben -- Graff von Schlieben (flourished 1766) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Gräffer -- Franz Arnold Gräffer (1785 - 1852) (2 texts; 1 setting)
- Grafström -- Anders Abraham Grafström (1790 - 1870) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Graham -- Harry Graham (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Graham -- James Graham, Marquis of Montrose (1612 - 1650) (2 texts; 4 settings)
- Graham -- Joyce Maxtone Graham (1901 - 1953) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Graham -- Robert Graham (1735 - 1797) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Graham -- Will Graham (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grahame -- James Grahame, Reverend (1765 - 1811) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Grahame -- Kenneth Grahame (1859 - 1932) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grahn -- Ulf A. Grahn (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Grain -- Madeleine Grain (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Grainger -- Ella Viola Grainger, née Strom (1889 - 1979) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Grainger -- Percy Aldridge Grainger (1882 - 1961) (5 texts; 4 settings)
- Grainger -- Rose Grainger, née Rosa Annie Aldridge (1861 - 1922) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grajnert -- Józef Grajnert (1831 - 1910) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gramann -- Johann Gramann (1487 - 1541) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Gramberg -- Gerhard Anton Hermann Gramberg (1772 - 1816) (7 texts; 8 settings)
- Gramm -- Josef Gramm (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Gramont -- Ferdinand de Gramont (1815 - 1897) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Gramont -- Louis de Gramont (1854 - 1912) (22 texts; 22 settings)
- Granado -- Francisco Lárez Granado (see Lárez Granado -- Francisco Lárez Granado)
- Granados -- Fernández Granados (1 text; 1 setting)
- Granberg -- Georg Granberg (1899 - 1968) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Granberg -- Gustav Granberg (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grande -- Félix Grande (b. 1937) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grandjean -- Moritz Anton Grandjean (1821 - 1885) (1 text; 2 settings)
- de Grandmont -- Éloi de Grandmont (1921 - 1970) (12 texts; 12 settings)
- Grandmougin -- Charles Jean Grandmougin (1850 - 1930) (28 texts; 30 settings)
- de Grandval -- Clémence de Grandval, Vicomtesse (see de Reiset -- Marie Félicie Clémence de Reiset (1828 - 1907))
- Granér -- Cyrus Teodor Granér (1870 - 1937) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Granet -- Marcel Granet (1884 - 1940) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Grange -- John Grange (1 text; 1 setting)
- Granier -- Paul Granier (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Granier de Cassagnac -- Bernard-Adolphe Granier de Cassagnac (1806 - 1880) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Granlund -- Sten Granlund (1871 - 1917) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Granoff -- Katia Granoff (1895 - 1989) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Granotier -- Paul Granotier (1883 - 1962) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Granqvist -- Ida Granqvist (1872 - 1949) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Grant -- Anne Grant (1755 - 1838) (21 texts; 23 settings)
- Grant -- Elizabeth Grant (later Murray) (1745? - 1814?) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grant -- Gwen Grant (flourished c1927) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Grant -- J. Grant (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Grant -- Joan Grant (1907 - 1989) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grant -- Oscar Grant III (d. 2009) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grantwood -- Bill Grantwood (1 text; 1 setting)
- Granvallet -- Charles Granvallet (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Granville, Lord Lansdowne -- George Granville, Lord Lansdowne (1666 - 1735) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Grape -- Anders Wilhelm Grape (1880 - 1959) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Grasberger -- Johannes (Hans) Grasberger (1836 - 1898) (5 texts; 10 settings)
- Grashi -- Ashot Grashi (Ashot Baghdasar Grigoryan) (1910 - 1983) (3 texts; 0 settings)
- Gräslund -- Helge Gräslund (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Grass -- Günter Grass (1927 - 2015) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grassberger -- Mathilde Grassberger, née Rabl (1870 - 1938) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grassi -- Eugène Cesare (Cinda) Grassi (1881 - 1941) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grassini -- Piero Grassini (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Grassmann -- Hermann Grassmann (1809 - 1877) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grast -- François Gabriel Grast (1803 - 1871) (0 texts; 0 settings)
- Gräter -- Friedrich David Gräter (1768 - 1830) (1 text; 3 settings)
- Gratianus -- P. Gratianus, Karmeliet (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grauert -- Karl Alfred Grauert (1830 - 1887) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Graul -- C. Graul (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grauthoff -- Erna (Luise) Grauthoff, née Heinemann (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Grävell -- N Grävell (1 text; 1 setting)
- Graves -- Alfred Perceval Graves (1846 - 1931) (138 texts; 141 settings)
- Graves -- Charles Larcom Graves (1856 - 1944) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Graves -- John Woodcock Graves (1795 - 1886) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Graves -- Robert Graves (1895 - 1985) (74 texts; 96 settings)
- Gravier -- ? Gravier, Abbé (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gravollet -- E. J. Gravollet (1 text; 0 settings)
- Gravollet -- Paul Gravollet (see Jeulin -- Paul Barthélemy Jeulin (1863 - 1936))
- Gray -- Aimee Gray (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gray -- Alexander Gray (1882 - 1968) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gray -- Alice Wirth Gray (1934 - 2008) (10 texts; 11 settings)
- Gray -- Maxime Gray (see de Germiny -- Marcel de Germiny, Comte)
- Gray -- Russell Gray (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gray -- Stanhope Gray (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gray -- Thomas Gray (1716 - 1771) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Grazie -- Marie Eugenie delle Grazie (1864 - 1931) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Gréban -- Arnoul Gréban (flourished 15th century) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gréban -- Simon Gréban (flourished 15th century) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grébauval -- Armand Grébauval (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grebensky -- K. Grebensky (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grebinka -- Evgen Pavlovich Grebinka (see Hrebinka -- Jevhen Pavlovich Hrebinka (1812 - 1848))
- Гребёнка -- Евгений Павлович Гребёнка (see Grebyonka -- Evgeny Pavlovich Grebyonka (1812 - 1848))
- Гребнев -- Наум Исаевич Гребнев (see Grebnev -- Naum Isayevich Grebnev (1921 - 1988))
- Grebnev -- Naum Isayevich Grebnev (1921 - 1988) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Гребінка -- Євген Павлович Гребінка (see Hrebinka -- Jevhen Pavlovich Hrebinka (1812 - 1848))
- Grebyonka -- Evgeny Pavlovich Grebyonka (1812 - 1848) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Grech -- Ferdinand Grech (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Grécourt -- Jean-Baptiste Joseph Willart de Grécourt (1684 - 1743) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Green -- Frank W. Green (1 text; 1 setting)
- Green -- Fred Pratt Green (1903 - 2000) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Green -- Julien Green (b. 1900) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Green -- Saretta Green (1 text; 1 setting)
- Greenaway -- Catherine "Kate" Greenaway (1846 - 1901) (22 texts; 1 setting)
- Greene -- Clay Meredith Greene (1850 - 1933) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Greene -- Henry Copley Greene (1905 - 1973) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Greene -- Robert Greene (1558 - 1592) (4 texts; 5 settings)
- Greenwell -- Dora Greenwell (1821 - 1882) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Greenwood -- A. D. O. Greenwood (1 text; 1 setting)
- Greer -- John Greer (b. 1954) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Greeves -- Éliacin Greeves (see de Garal -- Pierre de Garal (1818 - 1874))
- Greflinger -- Georg Greflinger (c1620 - 1677) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Greger -- Luise Greger (1862 - 1944) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gregersen -- Andreas Peter Vilhelm Gregersen (1848 - 1929) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Gregh -- Fernand Gregh (1873 - 1960) (31 texts; 44 settings)
- Gregor -- Elly Gregor (see Möser -- Anna Möser, née E. Anna Schönberger (1848 - 1899))
- Gregorčič -- Simon Gregorčič (1844 - 1906) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gregori -- Henrique Gregori (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Gregorio -- Armando de Gregorio (1899 - 1973) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gregorovius -- Ferdinand Gregorovius (1821 - 1891) (38 texts; 170 settings)
- Gregorowicz -- Jan Kanty Gregorowicz (1818 - 1890) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gregory -- Isabella Augusta, Lady Gregory, née Isabella Augusta Persse (1852 - 1932) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gregory -- Padraic Gregory (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gregory I -- Pope St. Gregory I (c540 - 604) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gregory the Great -- Gregory the Great, Pope (see Gregory I -- Pope St. Gregory I (c540 - 604))
- Gregory of Narek -- Gregory of Narek (see Narekatsi -- Grigor Narekatsi (flourished 950-1003/1011))
- Grei -- S. Grei (see Rozovsky -- Aleksandr Konstantinovich Rozovsky (1888 - 1962))
- Greif -- Martin Greif (see Frey -- Friedrich Hermann Frey (1839 - 1911))
- de Greiff -- León de Greiff (see de Greiff Haeusler -- Francisco de Asís León Bogislao de Greiff Haeusler (1895 - 1976))
- de Greiff Haeusler -- Francisco de Asís León Bogislao de Greiff Haeusler (1895 - 1976) (8 texts; 8 settings)
- de Greiff Hausler -- Otto de Greiff Hausler (1903 - 1995) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Greiffenhagen -- Manfred Greiffenhagen (1896 - 1945) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Grein -- A. Grein (1 text; 1 setting)
- Greiner -- Leo Greiner (1876 - 1928) (4 texts; 3 settings)
- Грей -- С. Грей (see Rozovsky -- Aleksandr Konstantinovich Rozovsky (1888 - 1962))
- Grekov -- Nikolai Porfiryevich Grekov (1810 - 1866) (36 texts; 51 settings)
- Греков -- Николай Порфирьевич Греков (see Grekov -- Nikolai Porfiryevich Grekov (1810 - 1866))
- Grémillot-Cadet -- Marion Grémillot-Cadet (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grémilly -- Arnould Louis Grémilly (see Arnould-Grémilly -- Louis Arnould-Grémilly (d. 1963))
- Grenager -- Lene Grenager (b. 1969) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grène -- N. Grène (1 text; 0 settings)
- Grenet -- Ernest Louis Antoine Grenet (1859 - 1913) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Grenet-Dancourt -- Ernest Grenet-Dancourt (see Grenet -- Ernest Louis Antoine Grenet (1859 - 1913))
- Grenfell -- Joyce Grenfell (1910 - 1979) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grenier -- Édouard Grenier (1819 - 1901) (11 texts; 12 settings)
- Grenier -- Robert Grenier (b. 1941) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grenside -- Dorothy Grenside (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grenville -- R. H. Grenville (flourished 1941-58) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Greshner -- Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Greshner (1861 - 1921) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Грешнер -- Александр Александрович Грешнер (see Greshner -- Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Greshner (1861 - 1921))
- Greshoff -- Jan Greshoff (1888 - 1971) (11 texts; 11 settings)
- Gressmann -- Uwe Gressmann (1933 - 1969) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gretner -- A. Gretner (1 text; 1 setting)
- Greuel -- G. Greuel (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grever -- Maria Grever (1885 - 1951) (10 texts; 10 settings)
- Gréville -- Henry Gréville (see Durand -- Alice Marie Céleste Durand, née Fleury (1842 - 1902))
- Grévin -- Jacques Grévin (flourished c1560) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- von Greyerz -- Otto Aimé Alphons von Greyerz (1863 - 1940) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Грибачев -- Николай Матвеевич Грибачев (see Gribachyov -- Nikolay Matveyevich Gribachyov (1910 - 1992))
- Gribachyov -- Nikolay Matveyevich Gribachyov (1910 - 1992) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Griboyedov -- Aleksandr Sergeyevich Griboyedov (1790?5? - 1829) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Grieben -- Hermann Grieben (1822 - 1890) (5 texts; 6 settings)
- Grieco -- Agrippino Grieco (1888 - 1973) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grieg -- Nordahl Grieg (1902 - 1943) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Griepenkerl -- Wolfgang Robert Griepenkerl (1810 - 1868) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gries -- Johann Diederich Gries (1775 - 1842) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Gries -- Johann Adolph Peter Gries (1722 - 1790) (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Griesbach -- E. von Griesbach (1 text; 1 setting)
- Griese -- Friedrich Griese (1890 - 1975) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Griesebach -- Eduard Griesebach (see Grisebach -- Eduard Rudolf Grisebach (1845 - 1906))
- von Griesinger -- Georg August von Griesinger (1769 - 1845) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grieumard -- Édouard Grieumard (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grieve -- Christopher Murray Grieve (1892 - 1978) (27 texts; 27 settings)
- Griffes -- Charles Tomlinson Griffes (1884 - 1920) (2 texts; 0 settings)
- Griffin -- Bartholomew Griffin (c1579 - 1602) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Griffin -- Gerald Griffin (1803 - 1840) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Griffin -- Susan Griffin (b. 1943) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Griffith -- Ralph Thomas Hotchkin Griffith (1826 - 1906) (2 texts; 1 setting)
- Griffiths -- Paul Anthony Griffiths, OBE (b. 1947) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Григорьев -- Аполлон Александрович Григорьев (see Grigoriev -- Apollon Aleksandrovich Grigoriev (1822 - 1864))
- Grigoriev -- Apollon Aleksandrovich Grigoriev (1822 - 1864) (11 texts; 13 settings)
- Grigoryan -- Ashot Baghdasar Grigoryan (aka Ashot Grashi) (see Grashi -- Ashot Grashi (Ashot Baghdasar Grigoryan) (1910 - 1983))
- Grigson -- Geoffrey Edward Harvey Grigson (1905 - 1985) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Grillo -- Angelo Grillo (1557 - 1629) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Grillparzer -- Franz (Seraphicus) Grillparzer (1791 - 1872) (20 texts; 28 settings)
- Grimani -- Vincenzo Grimani (1655? - 1710) (42 texts; 43 settings)
- Grimault -- Albert Grimault (15 texts; 15 settings)
- Grimké -- Angelina Weld Grimké (1880 - 1958) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Grimm -- Friedrich Karl Grimm (b. 1902) (5 texts; 0 settings)
- Grimm -- Hermann Friedrich Grimm (1828 - 1901) (4 texts; 1 setting)
- Grimm -- Jacob Ludwig Karl Grimm (1785 - 1863) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Grimm -- Joh. Grimm (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grimme -- Friedrich Wilhelm Grimme (1827 - 1887) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- von Grimmelshausen -- Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen (1621 - 1676) (3 texts; 9 settings)
- Grimminger -- Adolf Grimminger (1827 - 1903) (15 texts; 21 settings)
- Grímsson -- Magnús Grímsson (see Magnús Grímsson -- Magnús Grímsson (1825 - 1860))
- Grímsson -- Stefán Hörður Grímsson (see Stefán Hörður Grímsson -- Stefán Hörður Grímsson (1919 - 2002))
- Грінченко -- Борис Дмитрович Грінченко (see Hrinchenko -- Borys Dmytrovych Hrinchenko (1863 - 1910))
- Grinchenko -- Borys Dmytrovych Grinchenko (see Hrinchenko -- Borys Dmytrovych Hrinchenko (1863 - 1910))
- Grindel -- Eugène Émile Paul Grindel (1895 - 1952) (183 texts; 209 settings)
- Grinevich -- G. Grinevich (1900 - ?) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Гриневич -- Г. Гриневич (see Grinevich -- G. Grinevich (1900 - ?))
- Гриневская -- Изабелла Аркадьевна Гриневская (see Grinyevskaya -- Izabella Arkadyevna Grinyevskaya (1864 - 1942))
- Grinyevskaya -- Izabella Arkadyevna Grinyevskaya (1864 - 1942) (16 texts; 19 settings)
- Gripari -- Pierre Gripari (1925 - 1990) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Griparis -- Ioannis Griparis (see Gryparis -- Ioannis Gryparis (1870 - 1942))
- Gripenberg -- Bertel Gripenberg (1878 - 1947) (31 texts; 43 settings)
- Gris -- Jayme Gris (see Griz -- Jayme Griz (1900 - 1981))
- Grisebach -- Eduard Rudolf Grisebach (1845 - 1906) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Гришашвили -- Иосиф Григорьевич Гришашвили (see Grishashvili -- Iosif Grigoryevich Grishashvili (1889 - 1965))
- Grishashvili -- Iosif Grigoryevich Grishashvili (1889 - 1965) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- გრიშაშვილი -- იოსებ გრიგოლის ძე გრიშაშვილი (see Grishashvili -- Iosif Grigoryevich Grishashvili (1889 - 1965))
- Grisolia de Domingues García -- Aida Grisolia de Domingues García (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grist -- W. Grist (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Griswold -- Eliza Griswold (b. 1973) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grivet-Richard -- M. Grivet-Richard (1 text; 1 setting)
- Griz -- Jayme Griz (1900 - 1981) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Грязнов -- Олександр Андрійович Грязнов (see Gryaznov -- Oleksandr Andriyovych Gryaznov (1940 - 2021))
- Grobecker -- Anna Grobecker, née Mejo (1829 - 1908) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- von der Gröben -- Luise Ernestine Charlotte von Eschwege von der Gröben (1847 - 1941) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grocio -- Hugo Grocio (see Grotius -- Hugo Grotius (1583 - 1645))
- von der Groeben -- Louisa von der Groeben (see von der Gröben -- Luise Ernestine Charlotte von Eschwege von der Gröben (1847 - 1941))
- van Groenendael -- W. R. van Groenendael (see Essers -- Issaäc Essers (1845 - 1920))
- Groener -- Gaston Groener (b. 1896) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Groes -- Hanne Groes (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grogan -- Walter E. Grogan (flourished 1909-1923) (7 texts; 7 settings)
- Grogger -- Paula Grogger (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grognet -- Emilio Ortiz Grognet (see Ortiz Grognet -- Emilio Ortiz Grognet)
- Grohe -- Melchior Grohe (1829 - 1906) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gröhe -- Theresa Gröhe, née Pauli (1853 - 1929) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Grohmann -- Herbert Grohmann (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grolier -- Pierre Grolier (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Grolleau -- Charles Grolleau (1867 - 1940) (5 texts; 0 settings)
- Grollier -- Pierre Grollier (1 text; 0 settings)
- Gron -- Louis Gron (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grønbech -- Vilhelm Peter Grønbech (1873 - 1948) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grondona -- Constantino Grondona (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Grønvold -- Didrik Hegermann Grønvold (1855 - 1928) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Groot -- Hugo de Groot (see Grotius -- Hugo Grotius (1583 - 1645))
- de Groot -- Huig de Groot (see Grotius -- Hugo Grotius (1583 - 1645))
- de Groot -- Jan Hendrik de Groot (1901 - 1990) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gros -- Gabriel Joseph Gros (1890 - 1980) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Grosdidier de Matons -- Marcel Victor Felix Grosdidier de Matons (1885 - 1945) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grosewsky -- Robert Grosewsky (1823 - 1866) (1 text; 3 settings)
- Gross -- E. Gross (1 text; 2 settings)
- Gross -- Ferdinand Gross (1849 - 1900) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Gross -- Valentine Gross (see Hugo -- Valentine Hugo (1887 - 1968))
- Große -- Carl August Große (1768 - 1847) (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Grosse -- J. Grosse (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grosse -- Julius Waldemar Grosse (1828 - 1902) (7 texts; 28 settings)
- Grosse -- Walter Grosse (1 text; 2 settings)
- Grossi -- Tomasso Grossi (1791 - 1853) (2 texts; 3 settings)
- von Grossmann -- Julie Menzel von Grossmann (1790 - 1860) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grossmann -- Paul Grossmann (1865 - 1939) (8 texts; 8 settings)
- Großmann -- Reinhard Friedrich Großmann (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grosso -- Juan Bautista Grosso (20 texts; 20 settings)
- Grote -- Karl Wilhelm Grote (1796 - 1818) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Groth -- Klaus Groth (1819 - 1899) (159 texts; 222 settings)
- Grotius -- Hugo Grotius (1583 - 1645) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Groto -- Luigi Groto (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grotowsky -- Paul Grotowsky (1 text; 2 settings)
- Grout -- A. Grout (1 text; 1 setting)
- Groza -- Aleksander Groza (1807 - 1875) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gruaz -- Julien Gruaz (1868 - 1952) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Grube -- Elise Grube (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grübel -- Johann Konrad Grübel (1736 - 1809) (1 text; 3 settings)
- Gruden -- Ivo Gruden (1893 - 1948) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grüel -- Carl Julius Grüel (b. 1809) (7 texts; 8 settings)
- Gruget -- Claude Gruget (d. c1560) (7 texts; 0 settings)
- Grumbach -- Karl Heinrich Grumbach (1790 - 1851) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Grumbach -- Marthe Léa Grumbach (1871 - 1932) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grün -- Albert Grün (1822 - 1904) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grün -- Anastasius Grün (see von Auersperg -- Anton Alexander, Graf von Auersperg (1806 - 1876))
- Grun -- James Grun (1868 - 1928) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Grünau -- Johann Grünau (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grünbaum -- C. G. Grünbaum (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grünbaum -- Fritz Grünbaum (1880 - 1941) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grünbaum -- Johann Christoph Grünbaum (1785 - 1870) (11 texts; 11 settings)
- Gründler -- Adele Gründler, née Adele Sachsse (see Sachsse -- Adele Sachsse (1854 - 1909))
- Grundmann -- Emil Grundmann (6 texts; 8 settings)
- Grundmann -- M. Grundmann (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grundström -- Helmer Grundström (1904 - 1986) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grundtvig -- Nikolaj Frederik Severin Grundtvig (1783 - 1872) (93 texts; 102 settings)
- Grüneisen -- Carl Grüneisen (1802 - 1878) (5 texts; 7 settings)
- Grünewald -- Grünewald (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grunewald -- José Lino Grunewald (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grünfeld -- Leopold Grünfeld (1 text; 2 settings)
- Grünhagen -- Grünhagen (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grunholzer -- Heinrich Grunholzer (1819 - 1873) (5 texts; 10 settings)
- Grünig -- Heinrich Grünig (1781 - 1846) (4 texts; 5 settings)
- Grunow -- Heinz Grunow (b. 1898) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grünstein -- Leo Grünstein (1876 - 1943) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Grünwald -- Alfred Grünwald (1884 - 1951) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grünwald -- Georg Grünwald (d. 1530) (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Grünwald -- Joseph Theodor Wander, Ritter von Grünwald (1817 - 1845) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Grünwald Juul -- Jürgen Grünwald Juul (see Juul -- Jørgen Christian Grønvald Juul (1813 - 1854))
- Grünwaldt -- E. Grünwaldt (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grünwald-Zerkovitz -- Sidonie Grünwald-Zerkovitz (1852 - 1907) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grünzweig -- Marie Schneider-Grünzweig (see Schneider-Grünzweig -- Marie Schneider-Grünzweig (1892 - 1938))
- Γρυπάρης -- Ιωάννης Γρυπάρης (see Gryparis -- Ioannis Gryparis (1870 - 1942))
- Gruppe -- Otto Friedrich Gruppe (1804 - 1876) (22 texts; 60 settings)
- Grushko -- P. Grushko (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gruska -- L. Gruska (1 text; 1 setting)
- Grüson -- Pauline Grüson (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Grüss -- Christ. Grüss (1 text; 3 settings)
- Grützner -- E. Grützner (3 texts; 4 settings)
- Грузинов -- Иван Васильевич Грузинов (see Gruzinov -- Ivan Vasilyevich Gruzinov (1893 - 1942))
- Gruzinov -- Ivan Vasilyevich Gruzinov (1893 - 1942) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Gryaznov -- Oleksandr Andriyovych Gryaznov (1940 - 2021) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gryparis -- Ioannis Gryparis (1870 - 1942) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gryphius -- Andreas Gryphius, né Greif (1616 - 1664) (12 texts; 9 settings)
- Grzymałowski -- Walery Grzymałowski (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gsteiger -- Manfred Gsteiger (b. 1930) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gu Kuang -- Gu Kuang (c725 - c814) (1 text; 0 settings)
- 顧況 -- 顧況 (see Gu Kuang -- Gu Kuang (c725 - c814))
- Guacci -- Giuseppina Guacci (1807 - 1848) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guadamuz de la O. -- Isidro Guadamuz de la O. (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Guadamuz de la O. -- Teodoro Guadamuz de la O. (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Guaita -- Carlo Guaita (10 texts; 10 settings)
- Guarini -- Alessandro Guarini (2 texts; 3 settings)
- Guarini -- Giovanni Battista Guarini (1538 - 1612) (90 texts; 138 settings)
- Guarner i Pérez -- Lluís Guarner i Pérez (1902 - 1986) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Guarnieri -- Alice Camargo Guarnieri (8 texts; 9 settings)
- Guarnieri -- Mozart Camargo Guarnieri (1907 - 1993) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Guarnieri -- Rossine Camargo Guarnieri (b. 1914) (16 texts; 16 settings)
- Guasch i Miró -- Joan Maria Guasch i Miró (1878 - 1961) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Guastavino -- Carlos Guastavino (1912 - 2000) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Guays -- Louis Guays (1 text; 1 setting)
- Губаренко -- Ірина Віталіївна Губаренко (see Hubarenko -- Iryna Vitaliyvna Hubarenko (1959 - 2004))
- Guber -- Eduard Ivanovich Guber (1814 - 1847) (10 texts; 19 settings)
- Губер -- Эдуард Иванович Губер (see Guber -- Eduard Ivanovich Guber (1814 - 1847))
- de Gubernatis -- Angelo de Gubernatis (1840 - 1913) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gubitz -- Friedrich Wilhelm Gubitz (1786 - 1870) (14 texts; 15 settings)
- Gubkina -- M. N. Gubkina (2 texts; 2 settings)
- 谷川 俊太郎 -- 谷川 俊太郎 (see Tanikawa -- Shuntarō Tanikawa (b. 1931))
- Gudenus, Baronin -- Lie Gudenus, Baronin (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gudlaugson -- Jonas Gudlaugson (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guédron -- Pierre Guédron (c1565 - c1621) (3 texts; 5 settings)
- Guénégan -- Jean-Albert Guénégan (b. 1954) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guenne -- Jacques Guenne (1896 - 1945) (1 text; 1 setting)
- von Guenther -- Johannes von Guenther (1886 - 1973) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Guerbel -- Nicolas Guerbel (see Gerbel -- Nikolay Vasilyevich Gerbel (1827 - 1883))
- Guérin -- Charles Guérin (1873 - 1907) (34 texts; 39 settings)
- de Guérin -- Eugénie de Guérin (1805 - 1848) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Guérin -- Gaston A. Guérin (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Guérin -- Georges Guérin (1891 - 1972) (1 text; 2 settings)
- Guérin -- Léon Guérin (1807 - 1885) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- de Guérin -- Maurice de Guérin (1810 - 1839) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guérin-Catelain -- Émile Guérin-Catelain (1856 - 1913) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Guérin de Litteau -- Hippolyte-Louis Guérin de Litteau (1797 - 1861) (13 texts; 13 settings)
- Guérineau de Saint-Péravi -- Jean-Nicolas-Marcellin Guérineau de Saint-Péravi (1735 - 1789) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Guérinel -- Lucien Guérinel (b. 1930) (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Guerle -- Charles Héguin de Guerle (see Héguin de Guerle -- Charles Héguin de Guerle)
- Guerlin -- Henri Guerlin (1867 - 1922) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guerne -- Armel Guerne (1911 - 1980) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Guernsey -- Wellington Guernsey (1817 - 1885) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gueroult -- Constant Gueroult (1814 - 1882) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guéroult -- Guillaume Guéroult (1507? - 1569?) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guerra Junqueiro -- Abílio Manuel Guerra Junqueiro (1850 - 1923) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Guerra-Duval -- Adalberto Guerra-Duval (1872 - 1947) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guerra-Peixe -- Emília Guerra-Peixe (1904 - 1924) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guerreiro -- Francisco Xavier Cândido Guerreiro (see Cândido Guerreiro -- Francisco Xavier Cândido Guerreiro (1871 - 1953))
- Guerrini -- Olindo Guerrini (1845 - 1916) (27 texts; 33 settings)
- des Guerrots -- Désiré François Le Filleul des Guerrots (see Le Filleul des Guerrots -- Désiré François Le Filleul des Guerrots (1778 - 1857))
- Guest -- Edgar Guest (1881 - 1959) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guevara -- Adán Guevara (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guez -- Jean-Louis Guez, seigneur de Balzac (1595 - 1654) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guggenberger -- Louisa Sarah Guggenberger, née Bevington (see Bevington -- Louisa Sarah Bevington (1845 - 1895))
- Guggenmos -- Josef Guggenmos (1922 - 2003) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Guiboiseau -- Camille Guiboiseau (5 texts; 5 settings)
- Guichon -- Alfred Guichon (1807 - 1900) (11 texts; 11 settings)
- Guidetti -- Augusta Guidetti (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Guidiccioni -- Giovanni Guidiccioni (1480 - 1541) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Guiette -- Robert Guiette (1895 - 1976) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guilbert -- Emma-Laure-Esther Guilbert (1865 - 1944) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Guilbert -- Yvette Guilbert (see Guilbert -- Emma-Laure-Esther Guilbert (1865 - 1944))
- Guillard -- Nicolas François Guillard (1752 - 1814) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guillaume -- Fanny Guillaume (19 texts; 19 settings)
- Guillaume -- Jules Guillaume (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guillaume IX -- Guillaume IX d'Aquitaine, Comte de Poitiers (1071 - 1127) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guillaumin -- Émile Guillaumin (1873 - 1951) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guillemand -- Charles Guillemand (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guillemaud -- Jacques Guillemaud (d. 1890) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Guillén -- Horacio Guillén (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Guillén -- Jorge Guillén (1893 - 1984) (10 texts; 10 settings)
- Guillén -- Nicolas Guillén (1902 - 1989) (32 texts; 28 settings)
- de Guilleragues -- Gabriel Joseph Lavergne, Comte de Guilleragues (see Lavergne -- Gabriel Joseph Lavergne (1628 - 1685))
- Guillerm -- A. Guillerm (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guillermaz -- Patricia Guillermaz (4 texts; 4 settings)
- du Guillet -- Pernette du Guillet (1520 - 1545) (3 texts; 4 settings)
- Guillevic -- Eugène Guillevic (1907 - 1997) (12 texts; 12 settings)
- Guillon -- Claude Guillon (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Guillon-Verne -- Claude Guillon-Verne (see Guillon -- Claude Guillon)
- Guillot -- Gaston Guillot (1889 - 1960) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guillot de Saix -- Léon Guillot de Saix (1895 - 1964) (18 texts; 18 settings)
- Guillot Blancheville -- ? Guillot Blancheville (2 texts; 2 settings)
- de Guimaraens -- Alphonsus de Guimaraens (see Guimarães -- Afonso Henrique da Costa Guimarães (1870 - 1921))
- Guimarães -- Afonso Henrique da Costa Guimarães (1870 - 1921) (4 texts; 5 settings)
- Guimarães -- Aida Guimarães (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Guimarães -- Alfonsus de Guimarães Filho (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guimarães -- Bernardo Joaquim da Silva Guimarães (1825 - 1884) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guimarães -- Delfim Guimarães (1872 - 1933) (9 texts; 0 settings)
- Guimarães -- Ernesto da Silva Guimarães (1897 - 1960) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guimarães -- João Guimarães (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guimarães -- L. C. Ferreira de Guimarães, Junior (see Ferreira de Guimarães -- L. C. Ferreira de Guimarães, Junior)
- Guimarães -- Luís Guimarães Filho (1878 - 1940) (19 texts; 19 settings)
- Guimarães -- Ricardo Alves Guimarães (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guimarães Passos -- Sebastião Cícero dos Guimarães Passos (1867 - 1909) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Guimarães Rosa -- João Guimarães Rosa (1908 - 1967) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Guimerà -- Àngel Guimerà (1849 - 1924) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guimet -- Émile Guimet (1836 - 1918) (14 texts; 14 settings)
- Guimont -- Madeleine Guimont (b. 1932) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Guin -- Ursula K. Le Guin (see Le Guin -- Ursula K. Le Guin (1929 - 2018))
- Guinand -- Cécile Guinand (1839 - 1918) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Guinand -- Édouard Guinand (1838 - 1909) (82 texts; 85 settings)
- Guiney -- Louise Imogen Guiney (1861 - 1920) (5 texts; 8 settings)
- Guinizzelli -- Guido Guinizzelli (c1230 - 1276) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Guiterman -- Arthur Guiterman (1871 - 1943) (6 texts; 7 settings)
- Guitry -- Sacha Guitry (1885 - 1957) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Guizot -- François Pierre Guillaume Guizot (1787 - 1874) (42 texts; 1 setting)
- Gül-Hanandé -- Assim-Agha Gül-Hanandé (23 texts; 0 settings)
- Гулак-Артемовський -- Семен Степанович Гулак-Артемовський (see Hulak-Artemovsky -- Semen Stepanovych Hulak-Artemovsky (1813 - 1873))
- Gulbransson -- Grete Gulbransson (1882 - 1934) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Guldberg -- Frederik Høegh Guldberg (see Høegh-Guldberg -- Frederik Høegh-Guldberg (1771 - 1852))
- Güll -- Friedrich Güll (1812 - 1879) (53 texts; 75 settings)
- Gullar -- Ferreira Gullar (b. 1930) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Gullberg -- Hjalmar Robert Gullberg (1898 - 1961) (25 texts; 30 settings)
- Gullstrand -- Astrid Gullstrand (1874 - 1952) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Gumbert -- Ferdinand Gumbert (1818 - 1896) (23 texts; 14 settings)
- Gumilev -- Nikolay Stepanovich Gumilev (see Gumilyov -- Nikolay Stepanovich Gumilyov (1886 - 1921))
- Гумилёв -- Лев Николаевич Гумилёв (see Gumilyov -- Lev Nikolayevich Gumilyov (1912 - 1992))
- Gumilyov -- Lev Nikolayevich Gumilyov (1912 - 1992) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gumilyov -- Nikolay Stepanovich Gumilyov (1886 - 1921) (7 texts; 4 settings)
- Гумилёв -- Николай Степанович Гумилёв (see Gumilyov -- Nikolay Stepanovich Gumilyov (1886 - 1921))
- von Gumppenberg -- Hanns von Gumppenberg (1866 - 1928) (12 texts; 12 settings)
- Günderrode -- Caroline von Günderrode (1780 - 1806) (7 texts; 8 settings)
- Gundersen -- Gunnar B. Gundersen (b. 1929) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gundolf -- Friedrich Gundolf (1880 - 1931) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Gundomar -- ? Gundomar (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gunn -- Thom Gunn (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gunnarsson -- Gunnar Gunnarsson (1889 - 1975) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gunsbourg -- Raoul Gunsbourg (1860 - 1955) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Güntelberg -- C. F. Güntelberg (1 text; 2 settings)
- Günther -- Gertrud Günther (1881 - 1944) (13 texts; 13 settings)
- Günther -- H. Günther (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Günther -- Johann Christian Günther (1695 - 1723) (13 texts; 19 settings)
- Günther -- Paul Günther (see Peitl -- Paul Peitl (1853 - 1902))
- Guo Moruo -- Guo Moruo (1892 - 1978) (1 text; 0 settings)
- 郭沫若 -- 郭沫若 (see Guo Moruo -- Guo Moruo (1892 - 1978))
- von Gurahoucz -- (Maria) Anna Remekhazy von Gurahoucz, née Stubenberg (see Stubenberg-Tinti -- Mathilde, Gräfin Stubenberg-Tinti (1863 - 1927))
- Гурьев -- Аркадий Гурьев (see Guryev -- Arkady Guryev)
- Gurney -- Dorothy Frances Gurney (1858 - 1932) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gurney -- Ivor (Bertie) Gurney (1890 - 1937) (27 texts; 28 settings)
- Guro -- Elena Genrikhovna Guro (1877 - 1913) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Гуро -- Елена Генриховна Гуро (see Guro -- Elena Genrikhovna Guro (1877 - 1913))
- Gurr -- Beatrice Gurr (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gurschner -- Alice Gurschner, née Pollak (1869 - 1944) (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Gurski -- Gustav Gurski (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Guryev -- Arkady Guryev (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gus -- Max J. L. Gus (1 text; 2 settings)
- Gusev -- Viktor Mikhailovich Gusev (1909 - 1944) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Гусев -- Виктор Михайлович Гусев (see Gusev -- Viktor Mikhailovich Gusev (1909 - 1944))
- Guskov -- M. Guskov (1 text; 1 setting)
- de Gusmão -- Clóvis de Gusmão (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gustafsson -- Fridolf Vladimir Gustafsson (1853 - 1924) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gustafsson -- Richard Alfred Gustafsson (1840 - 1918) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gustav II Adolf of Sweden -- Gustav II Adolf of Sweden (1594 - 1632) (1 text; 3 settings)
- Gustavsson -- J. Gustavsson (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden -- Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden (see Gustav II Adolf of Sweden -- Gustav II Adolf of Sweden (1594 - 1632))
- Guterres Casses -- Átila Guterres Casses (see Casses -- Átila Guterres Casses)
- Guth -- Karl Guth (3 texts; 3 settings)
- Guðbrandsson -- Magnús Guðbrandsson (see Magnús Guðbrandsson -- Magnús Guðbrandsson)
- Guðmundsdóttir -- Rósa Guðmundsdóttir (see Rósa Guðmundsdóttir -- Rósa Guðmundsdóttir (1795 - 1855))
- Guðmundsson -- Guðmundur Guðmundsson (see Guðmundur Guðmundsson -- Guðmundur Guðmundsson (1874 - 1919))
- Guðmundsson -- Tómas Guðmundsson (see Tómas Guðmundsson -- Tómas Guðmundsson (1901 - 1983))
- Guðmundur Björnsson -- Guðmundur Björnsson (1864 - 1937) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guðmundur Guðmundsson -- Guðmundur Guðmundsson (1874 - 1919) (5 texts; 6 settings)
- Guðmundur Magnússon -- Guðmundur Magnússon (1 text; 2 settings)
- Gutiérrez -- Fermín Estrella Gutiérrez (see Estrella Gutiérrez -- Fermín Estrella Gutiérrez (1900 - 1990))
- Gutiérrez -- Isabel Cascallares Gutiérrez (see Cascallares Gutiérrez -- Isabel Cascallares Gutiérrez (b. 1889))
- Gutiérrez -- Ricardo Gutiérrez (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gutiérrez de Alba -- José María Gutiérrez de Alba (1822 - 1897) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gutiérrez Illanes -- Emilio Gutiérrez Illanes (b. 1925) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gutknecht -- Margrit Gutknecht (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gutteling -- Henricus Zacharias Alexander (Alex) Gutteling (1884 - 1910) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Guttenbrunner -- Michael Guttenbrunner (b. 1919) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Guttermann -- Morris J. Guttermann (1 text; 1 setting)
- Guttinguer -- Ulrich Guttinguer (1785 - 1866) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Guttman -- Melanie Guttman (2 texts; 2 settings)
- von Guttmann -- Trude von Guttmann (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gutzkow -- Karl Gutzkow (1811 - 1878) (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Guyau -- Jean Marie Guyau (1854 - 1888) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Guy-Lohys -- Guy-Lohys (see Lohys -- Guy Lohys (d. 1950))
- Guyot -- Édouard Guyot (1884 - 1948) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gviniashvili -- V. Gviniashvili (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gwerder -- Alexander Xaver Gwerder (1923 - 1952) (4 texts; 4 settings)
- Gwilym -- Dafydd ap Gwilym (c1340 - c1400) (3 texts; 1 setting)
- Gwynn -- Stephen Lucius Gwynn (1864 - 1950) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gyles -- Althea Gyles (1868 - 1949) (6 texts; 6 settings)
- Gyllander -- Hugo Gyllander (1868 - 1955) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gyllensvan -- Anna Gyllensvan (see Bergström -- Anna Bergström, née Gyllensvan (1866 - 1929))
- Gyodai -- Kato Gyodai (1732 - 1793) (1 text; 0 settings)
- Gyofu Soma -- Gyofu Somu (1883 - 1950) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gyöngyösi -- István Gyöngyösi (1620 - 1704) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gypsy -- J. Gypsy (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gyr -- Agnes Emerita Gyr (b. 1787) (1 text; 1 setting)
- Gyssels -- Willem Gyssels (2 texts; 2 settings)
- Gyulai -- Pál Gyulai (1826 - 1909) (3 texts; 2 settings)
- Gyurkovics -- Tibor Gyurkovics (1931 - 2008) (5 texts; 8 settings)
Last update: 2025-02-15 04:39:18