Submissions by Paton, John Glenn ( 381 items: 206 texts and 175 translations )
[Guest Editor]
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- Drei Zigeunerromanzen: Three Gypsy romances
- Fünf antike Oden nach Gedichten von Sappho: 5 Antique Odes on poems by Sappho
- Fünf Fragmente von Friedrich Hölderlin: Five Fragments from Friedrich Hölderlin
Texts and Translations
- Oh friends, not these tones!; title: "Ode to Joy" [translation of: An die Freude | O Freunde, nicht diese Töne!]
- Past three o'clock; title: "The Bell-Man"
- Tu aimais les raisins de Corinthe, les mangues
- You loved currants, mangos [translation of: Exotique | Tu aimais les raisins de Corinthe, les mangues]
- Mond, sende deine Strahlen hin; title: "Mondnacht"
- The morning wind is wooing me; title: "The morning wind"
- The roads wind over the plain, my lass; title: "The open road"
- It was the charming month of May
- My song is of the sturdy North; title: " My song is of the sturdy North"
- Remember Adam’s fall, O thou man; title: " Remember Adam's Fall"
- Was this fair face the cause, quoth she
- I so liked Spring last year because you were here; title: "I so liked spring"
- Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?; title: "Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? (Sonnet 18)"
- Heart, have you heard the news?; title: "Heart, have you heard the news?"
- O Love, the beauty of the moon is thine!; title: "O Love, the beauty of the moon is thine"
- Wind of the East; title: "Wind of the East"
- Love, if for nothing else, grant me this grace; title: "Love, if for nothing else"
- The woods and fields are still; title: "Night-fall"
- Once I loved a maiden fair; title: " Once I loved a maiden fair"
- The hour is late, and the moon; title: "Serenade"
- I waited till the twilight; title: "Uncertainty"
- You smiled, you spoke and I believed; title: "Deceive me once again"
- The white moon is rising; title: "The moon is rising"
- Moments are not held and told like pearls on a chain; title: "Moments"
- Now, when leafy trees mark the path of the sky; title: "That silent land"
- Seeing you quickly, I am overcome; title: "The rain falls"
- As if in a dream, I feared you’d vanish; title: "Snow falling"
- Will my tiny spark of being wholly vanish in your deeps and heights?; title: "God and the Universe"
- Doubt no longer that the Highest is the wisest and the best; title: "Faith"
- John Reed was an honest man, knew right from wrong; title: "John Reed"
- Down in old Kentucky; title: "The Lincoln penny"
- Nothing on earth [translation of: Zierlichkeit des Schäferlebens | Nichts kann auf Erden]
- My prairie home is beautiful, but oh; title: "The hills of home"
- Il naissait un poulain sous les feuilles de bronze
- Ein Füllen ward geboren unter dem bronzenen Laub; title: "Ein Füllen ward geboren"
- A colt was foaled under the bronze leaf; title: "A colt was foaled" [translation of: Ein Füllen ward geboren | Ein Füllen ward geboren unter dem bronzenen Laub]
- Now you are resting gently in my arm; title: "Evening peace" [translation of: Abendfrieden | Nun ruhst du sanft in meinem Arm]
- Quietly she came on tiptoe; title: " On the quietest feet" [translation of: Auf leisesten Sohlen | Leise kam sie, auf den Zehn]
- I’d like to know what they are singing [translation of: Die Nachtigallen | Möcht wissen, was sie schlagen]
- Night, as beautiful as your smile, came; title: "Dreams" [translation of: Träume | Schön wie Dein Lächeln kam die Nacht]
- Beautiful night [translation of: Schöne Nacht | Schöne Nacht]
- Murmuring breeze, blossom-wind [translation of: Murmelndes Lüftchen | Murmelndes Lüftchen, Blütenwind]
- Neige, Nacht, dich leise nieder; title: "Nachtgesang "
- Night, come down softly; title: "Night song" [translation of: Nachtgesang | Neige, Nacht, dich leise nieder]
- I have a popliteal behind my knee; title: "I have a popliteal"
- We're off, with the roar of a small typhoon; title: "Night flight"
- Far across the desert sands
- Through the old city’s silence
- Belovèd, in your absence I have told
- How many a lonely caravan sets out
- If in the great bazaars
- Ah! when the dark on many a heart descends; title: "Allah be with us"
- Wind in the tree tops, where do you go?; title: "Wind in the tree tops"
- All that I am, all I ever can be; title: "All that I am"
- Do you see the star in the most distant blue [translation of: Siehst du den Stern | Siehst du den Stern im fernsten Blau]
- Today my steps led to the forgotten valley of my youth; title: "Only the sun is forever young" [translation of: Ewig jung ist nur die Sonne | Heute fanden meine Schritte mein vergeßnes Jugendtal]
- Once upon a time lived a fair princess; title: "The green-eyed dragon"
- Herr, du erforschest und kennest mich; title: "Am 20. August"
- I would sing with my lips to the lips of a sea-shell; title: "The singer"
- Mir tat die Helligkeit der Lampe weh; title: "Sie gedenkt des fernen Gatten"
- The brightness of the lamp hurt my eyes; title: "She thinks about her far away husband" [translation of: Sie gedenkt des fernen Gatten | Mir tat die Helligkeit der Lampe weh]
- The river flowed, the wind poured away; title: "Self-forgetfulness" [translation of: Selbstvergessenheit | Der Strom floss, der Mond vergoss]
- Wenn ich an ihren Brüsten hingesunken; title: "In den Wind gesungen"
- When I, lowered to her breasts; title: "Sung into the wind" [translation of: In den Wind gesungen | Wenn ich an ihren Brüsten hingesunken]
- Die Libelle schwebt zitternd und schillernd über dem Teich; title: "Improvisation"
- The dragonfly hovers trembling and opalescent over the pond; title: "Improvisation" [translation of: Improvisation | Die Libelle schwebt zitternd und schillernd über dem Teich]
- Grün wie ich dich liebe. Grün; title: "Somnambule Romanze"
- Green how I love you green; title: "Sleepwalking ballad" [translation of: Somnambule Romanze | Grün wie ich dich liebe. Grün]
- Luna kam herab zur Schmiede; title: "Romanze vom Monde, vom Monde"
- The moon came to the forge; title: "Ballad of the moon, moon" [translation of: Romanze vom Monde, vom Monde | Luna kam herab zur Schmiede]
- Silence of whitewash and myrtle; title: "The gypsy nun" [translation of: Die Zigeunernonne | Schweigsamkeit von Kalk und Myrte]
- Like a marriage suitor Spring advanced [translation of: Ein Hochzeitbitter | Ein Hochzeitbitter zog der Lenz]
- To you is born today a savior; title: "Christmas cantilena" [translation of: Weihnachtskantilene | Euch ist heute der Heiland geboren]
- Und Trost ist nicht da, da du mein Trost gewesen; title: "Dein Schweigen – meine Stimme"
- And there is no comfort, because you were my comfort; title: "Your silence - my voice" [translation of: Dein Schweigen – meine Stimme | Und Trost ist nicht da, da du mein Trost gewesen]
- Wie wundersam erwacht; title: "Der Mond"
- How wondrously awakens; title: "The moon" [translation of: Der Mond | Wie wundersam erwacht]
- Durch die Tore: niemand; title: "Ostia antica"
- Through the door: no one; title: "Ostia antica" [translation of: Ostia antica | Durch die Tore: niemand]
- Der Winterstrand ist leer; title: "Torre San Lorenzo"
- The winter beach is empty; title: "Torre San Lorenzo" [translation of: Torre San Lorenzo | Der Winterstrand ist leer]
- Eros mit Fackel, rosenrote Scherbe; title: "Eros"
- Eros with torch – rose-red potsherd; title: "Eros" [translation of: Eros | Eros mit Fackel, rosenrote Scherbe]
- Wie hernieder vom Berge Sturmwind stürzt; title: "Wie hernieder vom Berge Sturmwind stürzt"
- Hinunter ist schon der Mond; title: "Hinunter ist schon der Mond"
- The moon has already gone down [translation of: Hinunter ist schon der Mond | Hinunter ist schon der Mond]
- As down from the mountains the storm wind rushes [translation of: Wie hernieder vom Berge Sturmwind stürzt | Wie hernieder vom Berge Sturmwind stürzt]
- Singet, ihr Mädchen, das Lied; title: "Singet, ihr Mädchen, das Lied"
- Sing, you girls, the song [translation of: Singet, ihr Mädchen, das Lied | Singet, ihr Mädchen, das Lied]
- Seelenlos liegt dereinst da; title: "Seelenlos liegt dereinst da"
- Soon he will lie there, soulless [translation of: Seelenlos liegt dereinst da | Seelenlos liegt dereinst da]
- Aphrodite! Listreiche Tochter des Zeus!; title: "Aphrodite! Listreiche Tochter des Zeus!"
- Aphrodite! Cunning daughter of Zeus! [translation of: Aphrodite! Listreiche Tochter des Zeus! | Aphrodite! Listreiche Tochter des Zeus!]
- Amor, giustizia, amor!; title: "Amor, giustizia, amor!"
- Cupid, justice, Cupid!; title: "Cupid, justice, Cupid!" [translation of: Amor, giustizia, amor! | Amor, giustizia, amor!]
- Gehet nun, gehet nun fort!; title: "Des Mönches Abschied von den Geleite Gebenden"
- Go now, go on your way; title: "The monk's farewell from those who accompany him" [translation of: Des Mönches Abschied von den Geleite Gebenden | Gehet nun, gehet nun fort!]
- O holder Himmelswind, führ in die Welt; title: "Beter am Meer"
- O gentle wind of heaven, lead out into the world; title: "Worshipers by the sea" [translation of: Beter am Meer | O holder Himmelswind, führ in die Welt]
- O Bruder sag, warum bist Du gekommen; title: "Die Beiden"
- O brother, say, why have you come?; title: "The two" [translation of: Die Beiden | O Bruder sag, warum bist Du gekommen]
- Ich denk an Dich und gehe aus mir; title: "Nachtlied"
- I think of you and go out of myself; title: "Night song" [translation of: Nachtlied | Ich denk an Dich und gehe aus mir]
- Am Markte lag ein tot gestürztes Kind; title: "Anima"
- In the marketplace lay the child, fallen to its death; title: "Anima" [translation of: Anima | Am Markte lag ein tot gestürztes Kind]
- Ich möchte einmal so betauet sein; title: "Wonnen"
- I would like just once to be so bedewed; title: "Joys" [translation of: Wonnen | Ich möchte einmal so betauet sein]
- Augen ihr, durch allen Schein gegangen; title: "An meine Augen"
- You eyes that have passed through all illusion; title: "To my eyes" [translation of: An meine Augen | Augen ihr, durch allen Schein gegangen]
- Where did you gather up all your beauty [translation of: Wo hast du all die Schönheit hergenommen | Wo hast du all die Schönheit hergenommen]
- A melody/ that you sang, my heart is singing [translation of: Eine Melodie singt mein Herz | Eine Melodie]
- Was für ein Märchen-Bild; title: "Was für ein Märchen-Bild"
- Nehmt euch in Acht; title: "Nehmt euch in Acht"
- What a fairytale picture [translation of: Was für ein Märchen-Bild | Was für ein Märchen-Bild]
- Look out,/ cherry blossoms over the wall! [translation of: Nehmt euch in Acht | Nehmt euch in Acht]
- So dicht aneinander geschmiegt; title: "So dicht aneinander geschmiegt"
- Pressed as close to each other [translation of: So dicht aneinander geschmiegt | So dicht aneinander geschmiegt]
- Laß das Schluchzen, Zikaden!; title: "Laß das Schluchzen, Zikaden!"
- Stop your sobbing, cicadas! [translation of: Laß das Schluchzen, Zikaden! | Laß das Schluchzen, Zikaden!]
- Ein Blitz flammt durch die Nacht; title: "Ein Blitz flammt durch die Nacht"
- A flash of lightning flames through the night [translation of: Ein Blitz flammt durch die Nacht | Ein Blitz flammt durch die Nacht]
- Die sommerliche Hitze war's; title: "Die sommerliche Hitze war's"
- It was the summer heat [translation of: Die sommerliche Hitze war's | Die sommerliche Hitze war's]
- Lautlos ist der Herbst erschienen; title: "Lautlos ist der Herbst erschienen"
- Silently autumn has shown up [translation of: Lautlos ist der Herbst erschienen | Lautlos ist der Herbst erschienen]
- Dieser Herbststurm!; title: "Dieser Herbststurm"
- This autumn storm! [translation of: Dieser Herbststurm | Dieser Herbststurm!]
- Mein Gartenhäuschen verbrannte!; title: "Mein Gartenhäuschen verbrannte"
- My little garden house burned up! [translation of: Mein Gartenhäuschen verbrannte | Mein Gartenhäuschen verbrannte!]
- Dreh dich nur weiter, Mühlrad!; title: "Dreh dich nur weiter, Mühlrad!"
- Keep on turning, millwheel! [translation of: Dreh dich nur weiter, Mühlrad! | Dreh dich nur weiter, Mühlrad!]
- Viel kälter als Schnee; title: "Viel kälter als Schnee"
- Far colder than now [translation of: Viel kälter als Schnee | Viel kälter als Schnee]
- Gar langsam und behutsam; title: "Gar langsam und behutsam"
- Very slowly and carefully [translation of: Gar langsam und behutsam | Gar langsam und behutsam]
- Wieviel Wege bin ich schon gegangen?; title: "Frage"
- How many roads have I already traveled?; title: "Question" [translation of: Frage | Wieviel Wege bin ich schon gegangen?]
- Den kurzen Tag umgab die lange Nacht; title: "Wintersonnwend"
- The short day was embraced by the long night; title: "Winter solstice" [translation of: Wintersonnwend | Den kurzen Tag umgab die lange Nacht]
- Ist der Gang der Uhr nicht ein ganz andrer; title: "Die alte Uhr"
- Isn’t the clock’s pace quite a different one; title: "The old clock" [translation of: Die alte Uhr | Ist der Gang der Uhr nicht ein ganz andrer]
- Row, row, the wind has died; title: "The boatman" [translation of: Il barcaiuolo | Voga, voga, il vento tace]
- Look how in the area around; title: "Dawn" [translation of: L'aurora | Vedi come in sul confine]
- O delicate perfume; title: "Bice’s breath" [translation of: L'alito di Bice | O profumo delicato]
- Yes, I love you, I could never; title: "Love, the voice of heaven" [translation of: Amor, voce del cielo | Si, t'amo, a te nascondere]
- A glance from a dark eye; title: "A glance and a voice" [translation of: Un guardo ed una voce | Uno sguardo di nera pupilla]
- Pour, pour! and may the wind carry away; title: "The drinkers" [translation of: I bevitori | Mesci, mesci e sperda il vento]
- With plumes on his helmet; title: "The crusader" [translation of: Il crociato | Colle piume sul cimiero]
- Look there, on the hill; title: "The tower of Biasano" [translation of: La torre di Biasone | Vedi là, sulla collina]
- Dawn begins to come, and your door is closed! [translation of: Autre chanson | Aubade | L'aube naît, et ta porte est close !]
- As long as the sun shines; title: "The oath" [translation of: Il giuramento | Tuo, finche il sol rischiara]
- You weep, o my Phyllis; title: "You weep, o my Phyllis" [translation of: Tu piangi, o Filli mia | Tu piangi, o Filli mia]
- If you desire my death; title: "If you desire my death" [translation of: Se la mia morte brami | Se la mia morte brami]
- Ripe, dipped in fire, cooked; title: "Ripe, dipped in fire" [translation of: Mnemosyne | Reif sind, in Feuer getaucht | Reif sind, in Feuer getaucht, gekochet]
- Meanwhile let me walk about; title: "Meanwhile let me walk about" [translation of: Indessen laß mich wandeln | Indessen laß mich wandeln]
- Would I like to be a comet?; title: "Would I like to be a comet?" [translation of: Möchte ich ein Komet sein? | Möchte ich ein Komet sein?]
- As migratory birds slowly fly over; title: "As migratory birds slowly fly over" [translation of: Wie Vögel langsam ziehn | Wie Vögel langsam ziehn]
- From the abyss actually; title: "From the abyss actually" [translation of: Vom Abgrund nämlich | Vom Abgrund nämlich]
- The beaker rings; my heart is the beaker! [translation of: Der Becher klingt | Der Becher klingt; mein Herz ist der Becher!]
- A blood-red ring hung round the moon
- You lay so still in the sunshine; title: "You lay so still in the sunshine"
- Thou hast bewitched me, belovèd; title: "Thou hast bewitched me, belovèd"
- The sunshine met the stormwind; title: "The rainbow-child"
- Thou art risen, my beloved; title: "Thou art risen, my beloved"
- This is the island of gardens; title: "This is the island of gardens"
- Moon, the shepherd, leads his flock; title: "The quiet suitor" [translation of: Der stille Freier | Mond, der Hirt, lenkt seine Herde]
- He that love's a Rosie Cheek
- Loin de la jeune Héro, le fidèle Léandre; title: "Léandre et Héro"
- Separated from young Hero, faithful Leander; title: "Leandre and Hero" [translation of: Léandre et Héro | Loin de la jeune Héro, le fidèle Léandre]
- L’amante de Jason aux rives de Colchos; title: "Médée"
- Jason’s lover, on the banks of Colchos; title: "Medea" [translation of: Médée | L’amante de Jason aux rives de Colchos]
- Farewell, my white dove; title: "Farewell, my white dove" [translation of: Lebe wohl, du meine weiße Taube | Lebe wohl, du meine weiße Taube]
- Vado di notte e vado a passeggiare; title: "Serenata fiorentina"
- I go out at night, I go for a walk; title: "Florentine serenade" [translation of: Serenata fiorentina | Vado di notte e vado a passeggiare]
- J'erre sans trève à l'heure oú tout repose;; title: "Sérénade florentine"
- Pleasant shades [translation of: Ombre amene, amiche piante | Ombre amene]
- Sweet, let me go! Sweet, let me go!
- To look for thee, cry for thee, sigh for thee; title: "Life and death"
- And the angel spoke and took trouble; title: "Joseph's suspicion" [translation of: Argwohn Josephs | Und der Engel sprach und gab sich Müh]
- He listened at the porch that day; title: "A year's spinning"
- If I could earn; title: "If I could earn" [translation of: Se meritar potessi | Se meritar potessi]
- The lovely shepherdess; title: "The lovely shepherdess" [translation of: La vezzosa pastorella | La vezzosa pastorella]
- In a far distant clime I have left a sweet rose; title: "In a far distant clime I have left a sweet rose"
- In vain the tears of anguish flow; title: "In vain the tears of anguish flow"
- I've been roaming, I've been roaming; title: "I've been roaming"
- Kathleen Mavourneen! the grey dawn is breaking; title: "Kathleen Mavourneen"
- My gen'rous heart disdains the Slave of love to be; title: "Rondo"
- I have a silent sorrow here; title: "I have a silent sorrow here"
- Near a shady myrtle bower; title: "Jockey and Jenny"
- La vezzosa pastorella; title: "La vezzosa pastorella"
- I could not love anyone but you [translation of: Je ne saurois aymer autre que vous | Je ne saurois aimer autre que vous]
- Nichts kann auf Erden
- Se pari è la tua fé; title: "Se pari è la tua fé"
- If your faithfulness is equal; title: "If your faithfulness is equal" [translation of: Se pari è la tua fé | Se pari è la tua fé]
- Mon cœur est tout endormy
- Adieu, ce bel œil tant humain
- Farewell, that pretty eye so human; title: "Lament" [translation of: A Madame de la Barme, pres de Necy en Genevois | Adieu, ce bel œil tant humain]
- Ah, you bright blue sky; title: "Where to go with my joy" [translation of: Wohin mit der Freud'? | Ach du klar blauer Himmel]
- Where are you going, stuck-up?; title: "Where are you going, stuck-up?" [translation of: Wo gehst du hin, du Stolze? | Wo gehst du hin, du Stolze?]
- You my only light; title: "You my only light" [translation of: Du mein einzig Licht | Du mein einzig Licht]
- The winter sky, so sweet, so sad, so slumbrous; title: "Sentimental landscape" [translation of: Paysage sentimental | Le ciel d'hiver, si doux, si triste, si dormant]
- Behold, how Spring, the nimble son of April [translation of: Romance | Voici que le printemps | Voici que le printemps, ce fils léger d'Avril]
- Become loud, bright voice, so that the restless will hear you; title: "Become loud, bright voice" [translation of: Werde laut, helle Stimme | Werde laut, helle Stimme, daß dich die Unruhigen hören]
- Under the linden tree; title: "Under the linden tree" [translation of: Unter der Linde auf der Heide | Unter der Linde]
- Oh, alas, shall I never again see; title: "Oh, alas, shall I never again see" [translation of: O weh, soll denn wohl nimmermehr leuchten durch die Nacht | O weh, soll denn wohl nimmermehr]
- To the great power of love; title: "To the great power of love" [translation of: Der übergroßen Liebe Kraft | Der übergroßen Liebe Kraft]
- If I shine, you must beam; title: "If I shine, you must beam" [translation of: Wenn ich scheine, so muß du leuchten | Wenn ich scheine, so mußt du leuchten]
- Werde laut, helle Stimme, daß dich die Unruhigen hören; title: "Werde laut, helle Stimme"
- Unter der Linde
- O weh, soll denn wohl nimmermehr; title: "O weh, soll denn wohl nimmermehr leuchten durch die Nacht"
- Der übergroßen Liebe Kraft; title: "Der übergroßen Liebe Kraft"
- Wenn ich scheine, so mußt du leuchten; title: "Wenn ich scheine, so muß du leuchten"
- Los arqueros oscuros; title: "Arqueros"
- Die dunklen Bogenschützen; title: "Bogenschützen"
- The dark archers; title: "Archers" [translation of: Bogenschützen | Die dunklen Bogenschützen]
- Happiness is a light thing; title: "Happiness is a light thing" [translation of: Le bonheur est chose légère | Le bonheur est chose légère]
- So steigt der Berg; title: "So steigt der Berg"
- So the mountain climbs; title: "So the mountain climbs" [translation of: So steigt der Berg | So steigt der Berg]
- Erde, Planetengreis, du saugst an meinem Fuß; title: "Erde, Planetengreis"
- Earth, Old Man of the Planets, you suck at my foot; title: "Earth, Old Man of the Planets" [translation of: Erde, Planetengreis | Erde, Planetengreis, du saugst an meinem Fuß]
- What a beautiful afterlife; title: "Butterfly" [translation of: Schmetterling | Welch schönes Jenseits]
- Nacht weht/ mit todentrißnen Fahnen; title: "Chassidim tanzen"
- Night blows; title: "Hassids are dancing" [translation of: Chassidim tanzen | Nacht weht/ mit todentrißnen Fahnen]
- In order to be with you; title: "Longing" [translation of: Sehnsucht | Um bei dir zu sein]
- Deine Harfe schwieg zu lange; title: "Der alte Sänger"
- Your harp has been still for too long; title: "The old singer" [translation of: Der alte Sänger | Deine Harfe schwieg zu lange]
- Des Jägers Pfeil im schlanken Halse, sprengt; title: "Des Jägers Pfeil im schlanken Halse"
- With a hunter's arrow in its slim neck; title: "With a hunter's arrow in its slim neck" [translation of: Des Jägers Pfeil im schlanken Halse | Des Jägers Pfeil im schlanken Halse, sprengt]
- Dunkelt der Abschied des Lebens; title: "Ritter Schaumburg (Grabstein von Riemenschneider)"
- Does the farewell from life; title: "Knight Schaumburg (Tombstone by Riemenschneider)" [translation of: Ritter Schaumburg (Grabstein von Riemenschneider) | Dunkelt der Abschied des Lebens]
- Rosen und Georginen; title: "Rosen und Georginen"
- Roses and dahlias; title: "Roses and dahlias" [translation of: Rosen und Georginen | Rosen und Georginen]
- Sieh, Desdemonens Haus und die umflorten Brücken; title: "Venedig"
- Look, Desdemona's house and the bridges, crape-covered; title: "Venice" [translation of: Venedig | Sieh, Desdemonens Haus und die umflorten Brücken]
- Holunder und Linden -- süße Düfte -- Jasmin; title: "Holunder und Linden"
- Elders and lindens -- sweet scents --, jasmines; title: "Elders and lindens" [translation of: Holunder und Linden | Holunder und Linden -- süße Düfte -- Jasmin]
- Zehn/ Schimmernd umrundet das Kind die Sphäre des Paradieses; title: "Die Lebensalter"
- Ten/ Shimmering, the sphere of paradise surrounds the child; title: "The ages of life" [translation of: Die Lebensalter | Zehn/ Schimmernd umrundet das Kind die Sphäre des Paradieses]
- Oft, wenn es dunkelte, hob aus dem Teich sich die reizende Nixe; title: "Einsame Nixe"
- Often, when it got dark, from the pond the charming water-nymph lifted; title: "Solitary water-nymph" [translation of: Einsame Nixe | Oft, wenn es dunkelte, hob aus dem Teich sich die reizende Nixe]
- Many threads float; title: "Threads" [translation of: Fäden | Viele Fäden gleiten]
- Gedenke an deinen Schöpfer in deiner Jugend; title: "Prediger Salomo 12, 1-9"
- Remember your Creator in your youth [translation of: Prediger Salomo 12, 1-9 | Gedenke an deinen Schöpfer in deiner Jugend]
- In meine Stille kamst du leise wandelnd; title: "Monolog I"
- Euch ruf ich über das Gefild herein; title: "Monolog II"
- Ha! Jupiter, Befreier! näher tritt; title: "Monolog III"
- Ha! Jupiter! Liberator! Nearer; title: "Monologue III" [translation of: Monolog III | Ha! Jupiter, Befreier! näher tritt]
- You I call in across the fields; title: "Monologue II" [translation of: Monolog II | Euch ruf ich über das Gefild herein]
- Into my silence you've come quietly roving; title: "Monologue I" [translation of: Monolog I | In meine Stille kamst du leise wandelnd]
- Schneebleich lag eine Leiche und es trank; title: "Winterabend"
- Reif sind, in Feuer getaucht, gekochet
- Indessen laß mich wandeln; title: "Indessen laß mich wandeln"
- Möchte ich ein Komet sein?; title: "Möchte ich ein Komet sein?"
- Wie Vögel langsam ziehn; title: "Wie Vögel langsam ziehn"
- Vom Abgrund nämlich; title: "Vom Abgrund nämlich"
- Arise, sweet messenger of morn; title: "Arise, sweet messenger of morn"
- O spread thy green mantle, sweet May, o'er the ground; title: "O spread thy green mantle"
- The rover reclaimed has oft with pride; title: "The rover reclaimed"
- To fair Fidele's grassy tomb; title: "To fair Fidele's grassy tomb"
- O Peace, thou fairest child of heav'n; title: "O Peace, thou fairest child of heav'n"
- And must a faithful am'rous swain; title: "The complaint"
- Blow, ye bleak winds, around my head; title: "The generous distressed"
- Nymphs and shepherds, come away; title: "Nymphs and shepherds, come away"
- Behold me on my bended knee; title: "Behold me"
- My bliss too long my bride denies; title: "The serenade"
- Dead, and yesterday still, here gazed about; title: "She is dead" [translation of: È morta | Morta e ieri ancor, qui vagheggiai]
- Unhappy woman, weary of love; title: "The sigh" [translation of: Il sospiro | Donna infelice, stanca d'amore]
- When night turns dark; title: "At midnight" [translation of: A mezzanotte | Quando notte sarà oscura]
- Sweet breeze of secret words; title: "Sweet breeze of secret words" [translation of: Aura soave | Aura soave di segreti accenti]
- O you gentlemen, you worthy ones; title: "O you gentlemen" [translation of: O ihr Herren | O ihr Herren, o ihr werten]
- Beloved, what can divide us?; title: "Beloved, what can divide us?" [translation of: Liebster, was kann uns denn scheiden | Liebste, was kann denn uns scheiden?]
- Beautiful is the feast of spring; title: "Beautiful is the feast of spring" [translation of: Schön ist das Fest des Lenzes | Schön ist das Fest des Lenzes]
- O sun, o sea, o rose!; title: "O sun, o sea, o rose!" [translation of: O Sonn', O Meer', O Rose! | O Sonn', o Meer, o Rose!]
- Flooding Ebro River [translation of: Fluthenreicher Ebro, blühendes Thal | Flutenreicher Ebro]
- Aura soave di segreti accenti; title: "Aura soave"
- Schmeichelnd hold und lieblich klingen
- Flatteringly sweet and lovely ring out; title: "Fantasy" [translation of: Fantasie | Schmeichelnd hold und lieblich klingen]
- Thou Ship of Earth, with Death, and Birth, and Life, and Sex aboard; title: "The ship of earth"
- So one in heart and thought, I trow; title: "Thou and I"
- Death, thou'rt a cordial old and rare; title: "The stirrup-cup"
- Sail fast, sail fast; title: "A song of the future"
- You really keep the garden; title: "You really keep the garden" [translation of: Das Gärtlein dicht verschlossen | Das Gärtlein dicht verschlossen]
- Der sonnige Duft, Septemberluft; title: "Die kleine Passion"
- The sunny fragrance, September breeze; title: "The Little Passion Story" [translation of: Die kleine Passion | Der sonnige Duft, Septemberluft]
- Beautiful eyes, have pity!; title: "Beautiful eyes, have pity!" [translation of: Begli occhi mercè! | Begli occhi mercè!]
- On ne devrait faire aux enfants; title: "Les enfants"
- Le noble Arthus fut aimé d'Arabelle; title: "Romance d'Arabelle"
- On m'a dit: "Garde-toi d'aimer; title: "La jalousie"
- Le doux sommeil, qui toute chose appaise; title: "Le doux sommeil"
- Vois-tu la nuit qui se retire; title: "L'ombre et le jour"
- L'odeur de vous flottait dans l'air silencieux; title: "Le miroir"
- Your fragrance floated in the silent air; title: "The mirror" [translation of: Le miroir | L'odeur de vous flottait dans l'air silencieux]
- Oh, my lover is a fisherman; title: "My lover is a fisherman"
- Stars / in the distant heavens!; title: "To the stars" [translation of: An die Sterne | Sterne,/ In des Himmels Ferne!]
- I've never sailed the Amazon
- Nous avons passé, ce me semble
- Cara e dolce dolce; title: "Cara e dolce dolce"
- Dear and very sweet; title: "Dear and very sweet" [translation of: Cara e dolce dolce | Cara e dolce dolce]
- Il neige, il neige; title: "Il neige"
- It is snowing, it is snowing; title: "It is snowing" [translation of: Il neige | Il neige, il neige]
- As soon as the blue sea; title: "The happy mariner" [translation of: L'allegro marinaro | Allor che azzurro il mar]
- At least, if I am not able; title: "At least, if I am not able" [translation of: Almen se non poss'io | Almen se non poss'io]
- Augellin vago e canoro; title: "Augellin vago e canoro"
- Dear bird, lovely and melodious; title: "Dear bird, lovely and melodious" [translation of: Augellin vago e canoro | Augellin vago e canoro]
- Mein Schatz, der ist auf die Wanderschaft hin
- My darling has gone wandering [translation of: Heimlicher Liebe Pein | Mein Schatz, der ist auf die Wanderschaft hin]
- On brown velvet shoes walks; title: "On brown velvet shoes" [translation of: Der Abend | Auf braunen Sammetschuhen geht]
- My love is like to ice, and I to fire
- Fain would I love, but that I fear
- A face that should content me wondrous well
- Go down, lovely sun, they paid; title: "Go down, lovely sun" [translation of: Geh unter, schöne Sonne... | Geh unter, schöne Sonne | Geh unter, schöne Sonne, sie achteten]
- Resta in pace, idolo mio; title: "Resta in pace, idolo mio"
- Stay in peace, my beloved; title: "Stay in peace" [translation of: Resta in pace, idolo mio | Resta in pace, idolo mio]
- You walk up there in the light; title: "Hyperion's Song of Fate" [translation of: Hyperions Schicksalslied | Ihr wandelt droben im Licht]
- Holy being! I have disturbed your golden [translation of: Abbitte | Heilig Wesen! gestört hab' ich die goldene]
- Cara, cara e dolce libertà; title: "Cara, cara e dolce"
- Dear, dear and sweet freedom; title: "Dear, dear and sweet freedom" [translation of: Cara, cara e dolce | Cara, cara e dolce libertà]
- Joy, beautiful spark of the gods; title: "Ode to Joy" [translation of: An die Freude | Freude, schöner Götterfunken]
- This is the day of the Lord!; title: "A shepherd's Sunday song" [translation of: Schäfers Sonntagslied | Das ist der Tag des Herrn!]
- Nur weil mein Mund; title: "Bänkelsänger"
- Wisse, Herz; title: "Trommel"
- Alle gingen, Herz, zur Ruh
- Si dormís, doncella; title: "Si dormís, doncella"
- Von dir, mein Lieb, ich scheiden muß
- Arise, it is dawn; title: "Two roses" [translation of: Les deux roses | Lève-toi, voici l'aurore]
- Dimenticar, ben mio, come hai potuto
- Schweigsamkeit von Kalk und Myrte; title: "Die Zigeunernonne"
- Dopo tante e tante pene; title: "Dopo tante e tante pene"
- Soon the hour will be here. Behind the hill; title: "Beloved Night" [translation of: Chère nuit | Voici l'heure bientôt. Derrière la colline]
- Alfin m'ucciderete, o miei pensieri!; title: "Alfin m'ucciderete"
- Anime voi, che sete; title: "Anime voi"
- My dear beloved; title: "My dear beloved" [translation of: Caro mio ben | Caro mio ben]
- Dite ch'ogni momento; title: "Dite ch'ogni momento"
- Fugga, fugg'Amor, chi desia; title: "Fugga, fugg'Amor"
- Poiché gli anni son ridenti; title: "Poiché gli anni son ridenti"
- Still wie die Nacht; title: "Still wie die Nacht"
- As quiet as the night; title: "As quiet as the night" [translation of: Still wie die Nacht | Still wie die Nacht]
- Chi m'ascolta il canto usato; title: "Il Trovatore"
- Venticel, che l'ali d'oro; title: "Il Zeffiro"
- Your song rang out: I heard it; title: "When your song rang out to me" [translation of: Als mir dein Lied erklang | Dein Lied erklang, ich habe es gehört]
- Holy night! Holy night! [translation of: An die Nacht | Heilige Nacht! Heilige Nacht!]
- By the fire sat the child; title: "Cupid" [translation of: Amor | An dem Feuer saß das Kind]
- Today I want to be happy, happy; title: "Today I want to be happy, happy" [translation of: Der Frühling. Am ersten Maymorgen | Der Frühling | Heute will ich frölich, frölich seyn]
- Ah, it is so dark in Death's chamber; title: "Ah, it is so dark in Death's chamber" [translation of: Der Tod | Ach, es ist so dunkel in des Todes Kammer]
- An emotion of joy; title: "An emotion of joy" [translation of: Un moto di gioia | Un moto di gioia]
- My heart, my heart, don't you see; title: "My heart, my heart" [translation of: Cuor mio, cuor mio | Cuor mio, cuor mio non vedi]
- Es spielen leise die Blüten; title: "Frühlingsnacht"
- The blossoms are softly playing; title: "Spring night" [translation of: Frühlingsnacht | Es spielen leise die Blüten]
- I followed you like a rainbow of peace; title: "Ideal" [translation of: Ideale | Io ti seguii come iride di pace]
- Beaux jours que le coeur envie, vous ne pouvez revenir!; title: "L'abandonée"
- Che vuoi di più? Non splende; title: "Che vuoi di piú?"
- Oh springtime, youth of the year; title: "O springtime" [translation of: O primavera | O primavera, gioventù dell'anno]
- When on fields new delight sprouts forth; title: "Spring" [translation of: Der Frühling | Wenn auf Gefilden neues Entzücken keimt]
- The legends that are departing from earth; title: "Autumn" [translation of: Der Herbst | Die Sagen, die der Erde sich entfernen]
- All around the city rests; the illuminated street becomes quiet; title: "The night" [translation of: Brot und Wein | Die Nacht | Ringsum ruhet die Stadt; still wird die erleuchtete Gasse]
- Noch ist die Zeit des Jahrs zu sehn, und die Gefilde; title: "Der Sommer"
- The time of year can still be seen, and the fields; title: "Summer" [translation of: Der Sommer | Noch ist die Zeit des Jahrs zu sehn, und die Gefilde]
- When unseen, and indeed past, are the images; title: "Winter" [translation of: Der Winter | Wenn ungesehn und nun vorüber sind die Bilder]
- Forse in fondo al tuo core; title: "Lasciati amar"
- Non giova il sospirar, no; title: "Non giova il sospirar"
- Ch'io mai vi possa
- Non senti tu ne l'aria; title: "Aprile"
- Do you not smell in the air; title: "April" [translation of: Aprile | Non senti tu ne l'aria]
- Una povera rosa è rinserrata; title: "Rosa"
- A poor rose is shut up; title: "Rosa" [translation of: Rosa | Una povera rosa è rinserrata]
- Il sole allegramente; title: "Sole e amore"
- Liebster Schatz, i bitt di schön; title: "Bitte"
- Dearest treasure, I ask you politely; title: "Plea" [translation of: Bitte | Liebster Schatz, i bitt di schön]
- Donna, vorrei morir, ma confortato
- Un organetto suona per la via
- In love's arms one can rest well; title: "Little Song About Rest" [translation of: Das Liedchen von der Ruhe | Im Arm der Liebe ruht sich's wohl]
- Turn, turn, good horses of wood; title: "Turn, turn, good horses of wood" [translation of: Tournez, tournez chevaux de bois | Tournez, tournez, bons chevaux de bois]
- It is neither dew nor rain; title: "Song of Zion" [translation of: Chant de Sion | Ce n'est la rosée ni la pluie]
- My hope is not yet lost; title: "Song of a Worker" [translation of: Chant du laboureur | Mon espérance n'est pas encore perdue]
- In the fields of Bethlehem a stone; title: "Song of Pity" [translation of: Chant de la pitié | Dans les champs de Bethléem, une pierre]
- At the same time as all of the buds; title: "Song of love" [translation of: Chant d'amour | En même temps que tous les bourgeons]
- In heaven seven cherubim; title: "Lamentation" [translation of: Lamentation | Au ciel sept chérubins]
- Cuando salí de la Habana; title: "La paloma "
- Flutenreicher Ebro
- O Sonn', o Meer, o Rose!
- Je ne saurois aimer autre que vous